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Self-acceleration of a Spherically Expanding Hydrogen-air Flame at Elevated Pressure
Sep 2019
Self-acceleration of a spherically expanding hydrogen-air flame was experimentally investigated in a closed dual-chamber apparatus with the quartz windows enabled to a flame diameter with up to 240 mm. The flame radius and flame speed in lean hydrogen-air mixtures at elevated pressure were evaluated using a high speed Schlieren photography. The experimental results from hydrogen-air explosion at elevated pressure validated the prediction model for self-similar propagation. The flame radius and its speed calculated by the prediction models agree well with the experimental results of hydrogen-air explosions at elevated pressure. Furthermore the acceleration exponent α is evaluated by plotting the flame radius with time. The results show the α value increase with the dimensionless flame radius r/rcl. It is indicated that the self-acceleration and the transition regime to self-similar propagation exist in the spherically expanding hydrogen-air flame.
Hydrogen Strategy - Enabling a Low-Carbon Economy
Jul 2020
This document summarizes current hydrogen technologies and communicates the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Fossil Energy's (FE's) strategic plan to accelerate research development and deploymnet of hydrogen technologies in the United States. It also describes ongoing FE hydrogen-related research and development (R&D). Hydrogen from fossil fuels is a versatile energy carrier and can play an important role in the transition to a low-carbon economy.
A Turbulent Combustion Model for Ignition of Rapidly Expanding Hydrogen Jets
Mar 2013
A turbulent combustion model based on the Linear Eddy Model for Large Eddy Simulation (LEM- LES) is currently proposed to study self-ignition events of rapidly expanding hydrogen jets. The model is a one-dimensional treatment of a diffusion-reaction system within each multi-dimensional LES cell. This reduces the expense of solving a complete multi-dimensional problem while preserving micro-scale hotspots and their effects on ignition. The current approach features a Lagrangian description of fluid particles on the sub-grid for increased accuracy. Also Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) is implemented for increased computational efficiency. In this paper the model is validated for various inviscid laminar 1-D mixing and ignition problems shock tube problems flames and detonations.
A Portfolio of Power-Trains for Europe- A Fact Based Analysis
Nov 2010
This report is prepared by thirty of the largest global car manufacturers oil and gas companies utilities equipment manufacturers NGOs governmental and clean energy organisations with the collaboration of the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking.<br/>The analysis compares the economics sustainability and performance of the vehicles and infrastructures needed to reach the 80% decarbonisation goal set by the<br/>European Union and is an unprecedented effort from industry and other stakeholders to analyse the role of the various new car-types in meeting this objective on the basis of proprietary industrial data.
Advanced Hydrogen and CO2 Capture Technology for Sour Syngas
Apr 2011
A key challenge for future clean power or hydrogen projects via gasification is the need to reduce the overall cost while achieving significant levels of CO2 capture. The current state of the art technology for capturing CO2 from sour syngas uses a physical solvent absorption process (acid gas removal–AGR) such as Selexol™ or Rectisol® to selectively separate H2S and CO2 from the H2. These two processes are expensive and require significant utility consumption during operation which only escalates with increasing levels of CO2 capture. Importantly Air Products has developed an alternative option that can achieve a higher level of CO2 capture than the conventional technologies at significantly lower capital and operating costs. Overall the system is expected to reduce the cost of CO2 capture by over 25%.<br/>Air Products developed this novel technology by leveraging years of experience in the design and operation of H2 pressure swing adsorption (PSA) systems in its numerous steam methane reformers. Commercial PSAs typically operate on clean syngas and thus need an upstream AGR unit to operate in a gasification process. Air Products recognized that a H2 PSA technology adapted to handle sour feedgas (Sour PSA) would enable a new and enhanced improvement to a gasification system. The complete Air Products CO2 Capture technology (CCT) for sour syngas consists of a Sour PSA unit followed by a low-BTU sour oxycombustion unit and finally a CO2 purification / compression system.
Numerical Investigation of the Initial Charging Process of the Liquid Hydrogen Tank for Vehicles
Dec 2022
Liquid hydrogen has been studied for use in vehicles. However during the charging process liquid hydrogen is lost as gas. Therefore it is necessary to estimate and reduce this loss and simulate the charging process. In this study the initial charging process of a vehicle liquid hydrogen tank under room temperature and atmospheric pressure conditions was numerically investigated. A transient thermal-fluid simulation with a phase-change model was performed to analyze variations in the volume pressure mass flow rate and temperature. The results showed that the process could be divided into three stages. In the first stage liquid hydrogen was actively vaporized at the inner wall surface of the storage tank. The pressure increased rapidly and liquid droplets were discharged into the vent pipe during the second stage. In the third stage the mass flow rates of liquid and hydrogen gas at the outlet showed significant fluctuations owing to complex momentum generated by the evaporation and charging flow. The temperatures of the inner and outer walls and insulation layer decreased significantly slower than that of the gas region because of its high heat capacity and insulation effect. The optimal structure should be further studied because the vortex stagnation and non-uniform cooling of the wall occurred near the inlet and outlet pipes.
Bioanode and Biocathode Performance in a Microbial Electrolysis Cell
Jan 2017
The bioanode is important for a microbial electrolysis cell (MEC) and its robustness to maintain its catalytic activity affects the performance of the whole system. Bioanodes enriched at a potential of +0.2 V (vs. standard hydrogen electrode) were able to sustain their oxidation activity when the anode potential was varied from 0.3 up to +1.0 V. Chronoamperometric test revealed that the bioanode produced peak current density of 0.36 A/m2 and 0.37 A/m2 at applied potential 0 and +0.6 V respectively. Meanwhile hydrogen production at the biocathode was proportional to the applied potential in the range from 0.5 to 1.0 V. The highest production rate was 7.4 L H2/(m2 cathode area)/day at 1.0 V cathode potential. A limited current output at the bioanode could halt the biocathode capability to generate hydrogen. Therefore maximum applied potential that can be applied to the biocathode was calculated as 0.84 V without overloading the bioanode
Inhomogeneous Hydrogen Deflagrations in the Presence of Obstacles in 25 m3 Enclosure. Experimental Results
Sep 2019
Explosion venting is a frequently used measure to mitigate the consequence of gas deflagrations in closed environments. Despite the effort to predict the vent area needed to achieved the protection through engineering formulas and CFD tools work has still to be done to reliably predict the outcome of a vented gas explosion. Blind-prediction exercises recently published show a large spread in the prediction of both engineering formula than CFD tools. University of Pisa performed experimental tests in a 25 m3 facility in inhomogeneous conditions and with the presence of simple obstacles constituted by plates bolted to HEB beams. The present paper is aimed to share the results of hydrogen dispersion and deflagration tests and discuss the comparison of maximum peak overpressure generated with different blockage ratio and repeated obstacles sets. Description of the experimental set-up includes all the details deemed necessary to reproduce the phenomenon with a CFD tool.
Numerical Simulation of Homogenous/Inhomogeneous Hydrogen-air Explosion in a Rectangular Channel
Sep 2019
Hydrogen is one of the promising energy sources in the future because it has the advantages of clean combustion products high efficiency and renewable energy. However hydrogen has the characteristics of low ignition energy wide flammable range (4% -75%) and fast burning flame speed which can cause explosion hazards. Typically the accidental release of hydrogen into confined or semi confined enclosures can often lead to a flammable hydrogen-air mixture with concentration gradients and possible flame acceleration and deflagration-to-detonation transition (DDT). The present study aims to test the capability of our in-house density-based solver ExplosionEngFoam for flame acceleration (FA) and deflagration-to-detonation transition (DDT) in homogenous/inhomogeneous hydrogen-air mixtures. The solver is based on the open source computational fluid dynamics (CFD) platform OpenFOAM and uses the modified Weller et al.’s combustion model taking into account LD and RT instabilities turbulence and non-unity Lewis number etc. Numerical simulations were conducted for both homogeneous and inhomogeneous mixtures in a long enclosed channel with 5.4 m in length and 0.06 m in height. The predictions demonstrate good quantitative agreement with the experimental measurements in flame tip position speed and pressure profiles by Boeck et al. The flow characteristics such as flame fine structure wave evolution etc. were also discussed.
Hydrogen Roadmap Europe: A Sustainable Pathway for the European Energy Transition
Feb 2019
Hydrogen is an essential element in the energy transition and can account for 24% of final energy demand and 5.4m jobs by 2050 says the new study by the FCH JU “Hydrogen Roadmap Europe: A sustainable pathway for the European Energy Transition“. Developed with input from 17 leading European industrial actors the study lays out a pathway for the large-scale deployment of hydrogen and fuel cells until 2050 and quantifies the associated socio-economic impacts.<br/>The report makes the case that hydrogen is required to address the challenges ahead. At scale decarbonisation of key segments such as the gas grid transport (particularly as relates to heavy duty vehicles) industrial processes that use high-grade heat and hydrogen as chemical feedstock require the use of hydrogen in large quantities.<br/>In addition the electrification of the economy and the large scale integration of intermittent renewable energy sources require large scale energy storage enabling seasonal storage and the efficient transport of clean energy across regions at low cost. Hydrogen is the only at scale technology capable of addressing all of these challenges.<br/>Importantly there will be important socio-economic and environmental benefits associated with this deployment such as an EUR 820B per year market and a total of 560Mt CO2 abated. The report lays out a roadmap for the ramp-up of market deployment across applications setting specific milestones between now and 2050. It also calls for a coordinated approach from policy makers industry and investors in order to achieve the 2-degree scenario.
Experiments on the Combustion Behaviour of Hydrogen-Carbon Monoxide-Air Mixtures
Sep 2019
As a part of a German nuclear safety project on the combustion behaviour of hydrogen-carbon monoxide-air mixtures small scale experiments were performed to determine the lower flammability limit and the laminar burning velocity of such mixtures. The experiments were performed in a spherical explosion bomb with a free volume of 8.2 litre. The experimental set-up is equipped with a central spark ignition and quartz glass windows for optical access. Further instrumentation included pressure and temperature sensors as well as high-speed shadow-videography. A wide concentration range for both fuel gases was investigated in numerous experiments from the lower flammability limits up to the stoichiometric composition of hydrogen carbon monoxide and air (H2-CO-air) mixtures. The laminar burning velocities were determined from the initial pressure increase after the ignition and by using high-speed videos taken during the experiments.
Accumulation of Hydrogen Released into a Vented Enclosure - Experimental Results
Sep 2013
This paper reports experimental results from a series of experiments in which gaseous hydrogen was released into a 31 m3 enclosure and the hydrogen concentrations at a number of points within the enclosure were monitored to assess whether hydrogen accumulation occurred and whether a homogeneous or stratified mixture was formed. The enclosure was located in the open air and therefore subject to realistic and therefore variable wind conditions. The hydrogen release rate and the passive vent arrangements were varied. The experiments were carried out as part of the EU Hyindoor Project.
Hydrogen Monitoring Requirements in the Global Technical Regulation on Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Vehicles
Oct 2015
The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Global Technical Regulation (GTR) Number 13 (Global Technical Regulation on Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Vehicles) is the defining document regulating safety requirements in hydrogen vehicles and in particular fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs). GTR Number 13 has been formally adopted and will serve as the basis for the national regulatory standards for FCEV safety in North America (led by the United States) Japan Korea and the European Union. The GTR defines safety requirements for these vehicles including specifications on the allowable hydrogen levels in vehicle enclosures during in-use and post-crash conditions and on the allowable hydrogen emissions levels in vehicle exhaust during certain modes of normal operation. However in order to be incorporated into national regulations that is to be legally binding methods to verify compliance with the specific requirements must exist. In a collaborative program the Sensor Laboratories at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in the United States and the Joint Research Centre Institute for Energy and Transport in the Netherlands have been evaluating and developing analytical methods that can be used to verify compliance with the hydrogen release requirements as specified in the GTR.
Development of Standards for Evaluating Materials Compatibility with High-pressure Gaseous Hydrogen
Sep 2013
The Hydrogen Safety Codes and Standards program element of the US Department of Energy's Fuel Cell Technologies Office provides coordination and technical data for the development of domestic and international codes and standards related to hydrogen technologies. The materials compatibility program task at Sandia National Laboratories (Livermore CA) is focused on developing the technical basis for qualifying materials for hydrogen service i.e. accommodating hydrogen embrittlement. This presentation summarizes code development activities for qualifying materials for hydrogen service with emphasis on the scientific basis for the testing methodologies including fracture mechanics based measurements (fracture threshold and fatigue crack growth) total fatigue life measurements and full- scale pressure vessel testing.
Safety and Regulatory Challenges of Using Hydrogen/Natural Gas Blends in the UK
Sep 2019
The addition of hydrogen to natural gas for heating and cooking is being considered as a route to reducing carbon emissions in the United Kingdom (UK). The HyDeploy programme (hereafter referred to as HyDeploy) aims to demonstrate that hydrogen can be added to the natural gas supply without compromising public safety or appliance performance. This paper relates to the preparatory work for hydrogen injection on a live site at Keele University closed network comprising domestic premises multi-occupancy buildings and light commercial premises. The project is based around the injection of up to 20 %mol/mol hydrogen into mains natural gas at pressures below 2 barg. Work streams addressed during the pre-trial preparation included; assessment of material interaction with hydrogen blends for all distribution system components and appliances; understanding of gas appliance behaviour; review of: gas detection systems fire and explosion considerations routine and emergency procedural considerations; and the design of a new hydrogen injection grid entry unit. This paper describes the safety and regulatory challenges that were encountered during preparation of the project including obtaining the necessary regulatory permissions to blend hydrogen gas.
Hydrogen Wide Area Monitoring of LH2 Releases
Sep 2019
The characterization of liquid hydrogen (LH2) releases has been identified as an international research priority to expand the safe use of hydrogen as an energy carrier. The elucidation of LH2 release behavior will require the development of dispersion and other models guided and validated by empirical field measurements such as those afforded by Hydrogen Wide Area Monitoring (HyWAM). HyWAM can be defined as the quantitative spatial and temporal three-dimensional monitoring of planned or unintentional hydrogen releases. With support provided through the FCH JU Prenormative Research for the Safe Use of Liquid Hydrogen (PRESLHY) program HSE performed a series of LH2 releases to characterize the dispersion and pooling behavior of cold hydrogen releases. The NREL Sensor Laboratory developed a HyWAM system based upon a distributed array of point sensors that is amenable for profiling cold hydrogen plumes. The NREL Sensor Laboratory and HSE formally committed to collaborate on profiling the LH2 releases. This collaboration included the integration of the NREL HyWAM into the HSE LH2 release hardware. This was achieved through a deployment plan jointly developed by the NREL and HSE personnel. Under this plan the NREL Sensor Laboratory provided multiple HyWAM modules that accommodated 32 sampling points for near-field hydrogen profiling during the HSE PRESLHY LH2 releases. The NREL HyWAM would be utilized throughout the LH2 release study performed under PRESLHY by HSE including Work Package 3 (WP3—Release and Mixing--Rainout) and subsequent work packages (WP4—Ignition and WP5—Combustion). Under the auspices of the PRESLHY WP6 (Implementation) data and findings from the HSE LH2 Releases are to be made available to stakeholders in the hydrogen community. Comprehensive data analysis and dissemination is ongoing but the integration of the NREL HyWAM into the HSE LH2 Release Apparatus and its performance as well as some key outcomes of the LH2 releases in WP3 are presented.
Political, Economic and Environmental Concerns: Discussion
Jun 2017
This session concerned the political economic and environmental impact on the hydrogen economy due to hydrogen embrittlement.
This article is a transcription of the recorded discussion of ‘Political economic and environmental concerns’ at the Royal Society Scientific Discussion Meeting Challenges of Hydrogen and Metals 16–18 January 2017. The text is approved by the contributors. G.C.G.S. transcribed the session and F.F.D. assisted in the preparation of the manuscript.
Link to document download on Royal Society Website
This article is a transcription of the recorded discussion of ‘Political economic and environmental concerns’ at the Royal Society Scientific Discussion Meeting Challenges of Hydrogen and Metals 16–18 January 2017. The text is approved by the contributors. G.C.G.S. transcribed the session and F.F.D. assisted in the preparation of the manuscript.
Link to document download on Royal Society Website
Department of Energy Hydrogen Program Plan
Nov 2020
The Department of Energy (DOE) Hydrogen Program Plan (the Program Plan or Plan) outlines the strategic high-level focus areas of DOE’s Hydrogen Program (the Program). The term Hydrogen Program refers not to any single office within DOE but rather to the cohesive and coordinated effort of multiple offices that conduct research development and demonstration (RD&D) activities on hydrogen technologies. This terminology and the coordinated efforts on hydrogen among relevant DOE offices have been in place since 2004 and provide an inclusive and strategic view of how the Department coordinates activities on hydrogen across applications and sectors. This version of the Plan updates and expands upon previous versions including the Hydrogen Posture Plan and the DOE Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Program Plan and provides a coordinated high-level summary of hydrogen related activities across DOE.
The 2006 Hydrogen Posture Plan fulfilled the requirement in the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPACT 2005) that the Energy Secretary transmit to Congress a coordinated plan for DOE’s hydrogen and fuel cell activities. For historical context the original Posture Plan issued in 2004 outlined a coordinated plan for DOE and the U.S. Department of Transportation to meet the goals of the Hydrogen Fuel Initiative (HFI) and implement the 2002 National Hydrogen Energy Technology Roadmap. The HFI was launched in 2004 to accelerate research development and demonstration (RD&D) of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies for use in transportation electricity generation and portable power applications. The Roadmap provided a blueprint for the public and private efforts required to fulfill a long-term national vision for hydrogen energy as outlined in A National Vision of America’s Transition to a Hydrogen Economy—to 2030 and Beyond. Both the Roadmap and the Vision were developed out of meetings involving DOE industry academia non-profit organizations and other stakeholders. The Roadmap the Vision the Posture Plans the 2011 Program Plan and the results of key stakeholder workshops continue to form the underlying basis for this current edition of the Program Plan.
This edition of the Program Plan reflects the Department’s focus on conducting coordinated RD&D activities to enable the adoption of hydrogen technologies across multiple applications and sectors. It includes content from the various plans and documents developed by individual offices within DOE working on hydrogen-related activities including: the Office of Fossil Energy's Hydrogen Strategy: Enabling a Low Carbon Economy the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy’s Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office Multi-year RD&D Plan the Office of Nuclear Energy’s Integrated Energy Systems 2020 Roadmap and the Office of Science’s Basic Research Needs for the Hydrogen Economy. Many of these documents are also in the process of updates and revisions and will be posted online.
Through this overarching document the reader will gain information on the key RD&D needs to enable the largescale use of hydrogen and related technologies—such as fuel cells and turbines—in the economy and how the Department’s various offices are addressing those needs. The Program will continue to periodically revise the Plan along with all program office RD&D plans to reflect technological progress programmatic changes policy decisions and updates based on stakeholder input and reviews.
The 2006 Hydrogen Posture Plan fulfilled the requirement in the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPACT 2005) that the Energy Secretary transmit to Congress a coordinated plan for DOE’s hydrogen and fuel cell activities. For historical context the original Posture Plan issued in 2004 outlined a coordinated plan for DOE and the U.S. Department of Transportation to meet the goals of the Hydrogen Fuel Initiative (HFI) and implement the 2002 National Hydrogen Energy Technology Roadmap. The HFI was launched in 2004 to accelerate research development and demonstration (RD&D) of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies for use in transportation electricity generation and portable power applications. The Roadmap provided a blueprint for the public and private efforts required to fulfill a long-term national vision for hydrogen energy as outlined in A National Vision of America’s Transition to a Hydrogen Economy—to 2030 and Beyond. Both the Roadmap and the Vision were developed out of meetings involving DOE industry academia non-profit organizations and other stakeholders. The Roadmap the Vision the Posture Plans the 2011 Program Plan and the results of key stakeholder workshops continue to form the underlying basis for this current edition of the Program Plan.
This edition of the Program Plan reflects the Department’s focus on conducting coordinated RD&D activities to enable the adoption of hydrogen technologies across multiple applications and sectors. It includes content from the various plans and documents developed by individual offices within DOE working on hydrogen-related activities including: the Office of Fossil Energy's Hydrogen Strategy: Enabling a Low Carbon Economy the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy’s Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office Multi-year RD&D Plan the Office of Nuclear Energy’s Integrated Energy Systems 2020 Roadmap and the Office of Science’s Basic Research Needs for the Hydrogen Economy. Many of these documents are also in the process of updates and revisions and will be posted online.
Through this overarching document the reader will gain information on the key RD&D needs to enable the largescale use of hydrogen and related technologies—such as fuel cells and turbines—in the economy and how the Department’s various offices are addressing those needs. The Program will continue to periodically revise the Plan along with all program office RD&D plans to reflect technological progress programmatic changes policy decisions and updates based on stakeholder input and reviews.
HyDeploy Webinar - Unlocking the Deployment of Hydrogen in the Grid
May 2020
A project overview of HyDeploy project led by Cadent Gas and supported by Northern Gas Networks Progressive Energy Ltd Keele University HSE – Science Division and ITM Power.
First Phase:
HyDeploy at Keele is the first stage of this three stage programme. In November 2019 the UK Health & Safety Executive gave permission to run a live test of blended hydrogen and natural gas on part of the private gas network at Keele University campus in Staffordshire. HyDeploy is the first project in the UK to inject hydrogen into a natural gas network.
Second and Third Phases;
Once the Keele stage has been completed HyDeploy will move to a larger demonstration on a public network in the North East. After that HyDeploy will have another large demonstration in the North West. These are designed to test the blend across a range of networks and customers so that the evidence is representative of the UK as a whole. With HSE approval and success at Keele these phases will go ahead in the early 2020s.
The longer term goal:
Once the evidence has been submitted to Government policy makers we very much expect hydrogen to take its place alongside other forms of zero carbon energy in meeting the needs of the UK population.
First Phase:
HyDeploy at Keele is the first stage of this three stage programme. In November 2019 the UK Health & Safety Executive gave permission to run a live test of blended hydrogen and natural gas on part of the private gas network at Keele University campus in Staffordshire. HyDeploy is the first project in the UK to inject hydrogen into a natural gas network.
Second and Third Phases;
Once the Keele stage has been completed HyDeploy will move to a larger demonstration on a public network in the North East. After that HyDeploy will have another large demonstration in the North West. These are designed to test the blend across a range of networks and customers so that the evidence is representative of the UK as a whole. With HSE approval and success at Keele these phases will go ahead in the early 2020s.
The longer term goal:
Once the evidence has been submitted to Government policy makers we very much expect hydrogen to take its place alongside other forms of zero carbon energy in meeting the needs of the UK population.
Inhibition of Confined Hydrogen Explosion by Inert Gases
Sep 2019
"This paper is aimed at revealing the inhibiting effects of He Ar N2 and CO2 on confined hydrogen explosion. The flame characteristics under thermo diffusive instability and hydrodynamic instability are analyzed using Lewis number and ratio of density ratio to flame thickness. The inhibiting effects of inert gas on confined hydrogen explosion are evaluated using maximum explosion pressure and maximum pressure rise rate. The inhibiting mechanism is obtained by revealing thermal diffusivity maximum mole fraction and net reaction rate of active radicals. The results demonstrated that the strongest destabilization effect of hydrodynamic instability and thermodiffusive instability occurs when the inert gas is Ar and CO2 respectively. Taking maximum explosion pressure and maximum rate of pressure rise as an indicator the effects of confined hydrogen explosion inhibition from strong to weak are CO2 N2 Ar and He. Laminar burning velocity thermal diffusivity maximum mole fraction and net reaction rate of active radicals continues to decrease in the order of He Ar N2 and CO2. The elementary reactions of generating and consuming active radicals at the highest net reaction rate are mainly consisted of R1 (H+O2=OH+O) R2 (H2+O=OH+H) R3 (H2+OH=H2O+H) and R10 (HO2+H=2OH).
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