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Our governance

The principle rules by which we’re governed are set out in IGEM's royal charter and by-laws. Our by-laws were created back in 1863 at the time of our inception and were consolidated by our royal charter granted in 1929 by His Majesty King George V. 

IGEM's Council, led by the elected President, is responsible for the overall governance and control of IGEM. It creates and facilitates policy and strategy initiatives through its boards, committees and working groups. Each committee consists of at least one member of Council with the Chair or Vice Chair being a Trustee. IGEM staff report to the Council and have specific operational tasks, manpower and financial controls allocated to them via an annual business plan. The Chief Executive Officer is responsible for the daily operational management of IGEM and reports its progress at each council meeting.

The Hydrogen Knowledge Centre falls under the governance of IGEM's Technical Coordinating Committee (TCC). The TCC is responsible for overseeing the Hydrogen Knowledge Centre's policies and processes, which have been referenced within the TCC's governance manual and falls within our Quality Management System audit processes. 

IGEM's Hydrogen Committee also has a pivotal role in supporting the Hydrogen Knowledge Centre; providing subject matter expertise on key technical developments in the hydrogen space and providing an independent critique of the Hydrogen Knowledge Centre's Collection Development Policy and our approach to quality assurance when considering new content.

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