Making the most of the library
Most effective ways to search
The Hydrogen Knowledge Centre is a vast resource that efficiently aggregates and curates the latest research, reports and articles into one easily searchable place. As the platform continues to expand, we are confident that whatever industry you work in, you will be able to find relevant and meaningful information when you need it.
You can use the search bar function to identify useful articles and reports using various search terms, such as keywords. You can also filter your search results using data such as publication source, author, hydrogen subject area, keyword, document type, publication date and country. These will help you narrow your search until you find exactly what you need.
To make the most out of your Hydrogen Knowledge Centre browsing experience and its search functionality please watch our brief user guide video below.
Connecting with others
Sharing the content you have found on the Hydrogen Knowledge Centre is a great way to connect with others. We’re committed to making access to hydrogen-related information as easy and efficient as possible, and we encourage users to connect with each other through social media channels on what they have discovered. On each page there is 'share' icons which enable you to print or email the page, as well as share the page through your social media channels and various other tools.
How to interact with the content
If you’re interested in submitting your own hydrogen-related publication to be hosted in the Hydrogen Knowledge Centre, please refer to our Recommend a publication page where you can find details on what content is in scope for the Hydrogen Knowledge Centre. All contribution enquiries should be emailed to [email protected]