Projects & Initiatives
HyDeploy: The UK’s First Hydrogen Blending Deployment Project
Mar 2019
The HyDeploy project is the UK’s first practical project to demonstrate that hydrogen can be safely blended into the natural-gas distribution system without requiring changes to appliances and the associated disruption. The project is funded under Ofgem’s Network Innovation Competition and is a collaboration between Cadent Gas Northern Gas Networks Progressive Energy Ltd Keele University (Keele) Health & Safety Laboratory and ITM Power. Cadent and Northern Gas Networks are the Gas Distribution Network sponsors of the project. Keele University is the host site providing the gas-distribution network which will receive the hydrogen blend. Keele University is the largest campus university in the UK. Health & Safety Laboratory provides the scientific laboratories and experimental expertise. ITM Power provides the electrolyser that produces the hydrogen. Progressive Energy Ltd is the project developer and project manager. HyDeploy is structured into three distinct phases. The first is an extensive technical programme to establish the necessary detailed evidence base in support of an application to the Health & Safety Executive for Exemption to Schedule 3 of the Gas Safety (Management) Regulations (GS(M)R) to permit the injection of hydrogen at 20 mol%. This is required to allow hydrogen to be blended into a natural-gas supply above the current British limit of 0.1 mol%.
The second phase comprises the construction of the electrolyser and grid entry unit along with the necessary piping and valves to allow hydrogen to be mixed and injected into the Keele University gas-distribution network and to ensure all necessary training of operatives is conducted before injection. The third phase is the trial itself which is due to start in the summer of 2019 and last around 10 months. The trial phase also provides an opportunity to undertake further experimental activities related to the operational network to support the pathway to full deployment of blended gas. The outcome of HyDeploy is principally developing the initial evidence base that hydrogen can be blended into a UK operational natural-gas network without disruption to customers and without prejudicing the safety of end users. If deployed at scale hydrogen blending at 20 mol% would unlock 29 TWh pa of decarbonized heat and provide a route map for deeper savings. The equivalent carbon savings of a national roll-out of a 20-mol% hydrogen blend would be to remove 2.5 million cars from the road.
HyDeploy is a seminal UK project for the decarbonization of the gas grid via hydrogen deployment and will provide the first stepping stone for setting technical operational and regulatory precedents of the hydrogen vector.
The second phase comprises the construction of the electrolyser and grid entry unit along with the necessary piping and valves to allow hydrogen to be mixed and injected into the Keele University gas-distribution network and to ensure all necessary training of operatives is conducted before injection. The third phase is the trial itself which is due to start in the summer of 2019 and last around 10 months. The trial phase also provides an opportunity to undertake further experimental activities related to the operational network to support the pathway to full deployment of blended gas. The outcome of HyDeploy is principally developing the initial evidence base that hydrogen can be blended into a UK operational natural-gas network without disruption to customers and without prejudicing the safety of end users. If deployed at scale hydrogen blending at 20 mol% would unlock 29 TWh pa of decarbonized heat and provide a route map for deeper savings. The equivalent carbon savings of a national roll-out of a 20-mol% hydrogen blend would be to remove 2.5 million cars from the road.
HyDeploy is a seminal UK project for the decarbonization of the gas grid via hydrogen deployment and will provide the first stepping stone for setting technical operational and regulatory precedents of the hydrogen vector.
Progressing the Gas Goes Green Roadmap to Net Zero Webinar
Dec 2021
The Gas Goes Green Programme developed by the gas networks and the Energy Networks Association (ENA) describes a viable pathway to the injection of hydrogen and biomethane as a practical step towards the decarbonisation of the UK gas sector and will play a key role in the UK’s Net Zero energy strategy. It therefore follows that technical and management teams in the supply chain and related industries will need a sound understanding of the issues surrounding this deployment. This video shares the industry’s progress towards implementing the Gas Goes Green programme. Presenters including Oliver Lancaster CEO IGEM Dr Thomas Koller Programme Lead Gas Goes Green at the Energy Network Association (ENA) and Ian McCluskey CEng FIMechE FIGEM Head of Technical and Policy IGEM share their views on what has already been achieved and explain what they feel still needs to be done to develop the decarbonised gas network of tomorrow.
Hydrogen – Analysis
Jun 2020
Hydrogen technologies maintained strong momentum in 2019 awakening keen interest among policy makers. It was a record year for electrolysis capacity becoming operational and several significant announcements were made for upcoming years. The fuel cell electric vehicle market almost doubled owing to outstanding expansion in China Japan and Korea. However low-carbon production capacity remained relatively constant and is still off track with the SDS. More efforts are needed to: scale up to reduce costs; replace high-carbon with low-carbon hydrogen in current applications; and expand hydrogen use to new applications.
Link to Document on IEA Website
Link to Document on IEA Website
Heat Networks 2020
Dec 2020
This publication by the Department for Business Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) brings together heat networks investment opportunities in England and Wales. The opportunities present a wide range of projects supported through the development stages by the Heat Networks Delivery Unit (HNDU) and projects seeking capital support from the Heat Networks Investment Project (HNIP).
The publication includes a list of one-page summaries for each of the heat network projects supported by BEIS which set out details of HNDU and HNIP projects where projects have provided enough detail in time for publication.
For HNIP this represents projects which have submitted at least a pre-application to the Delivery Partner Triple Point Heat Networks Investment Management since the scheme opened in February 2019. As a number of the projects are at different stages of development some of the costs aren’t currently available or will be subject to project consent and change as they progress through the project lifecycle.
Related Document: Heat Network Detailed Project Development Resource: Guidance on Strategic and Commercial Case
The publication includes a list of one-page summaries for each of the heat network projects supported by BEIS which set out details of HNDU and HNIP projects where projects have provided enough detail in time for publication.
For HNIP this represents projects which have submitted at least a pre-application to the Delivery Partner Triple Point Heat Networks Investment Management since the scheme opened in February 2019. As a number of the projects are at different stages of development some of the costs aren’t currently available or will be subject to project consent and change as they progress through the project lifecycle.
Related Document: Heat Network Detailed Project Development Resource: Guidance on Strategic and Commercial Case
SGN Aberdeen Vision Project: Final Report
May 2020
The Aberdeen Vision Project could deliver CO2 savings of 1.5MtCO2/y compared with natural gas. A dedicated pipeline from St Fergus to Aberdeen would enable the phased transfer of the Aberdeen regional gas distribution system to 20% then 100% hydrogen.
The study has demonstrated that 2% hydrogen can be injected into the National Transmission System (NTS) at St Fergus and its distribution through the system into the gas distribution network. Due to unique regional attributes the Aberdeen region could lead the UK in the conversion to largescale clean hydrogen. A 200MW hydrogen generation plant is planned to suit 2% blend into the NTS followed by a build out to supply the Aberdeen gas networks and to enable low cost hydrogen transport applications.
This report and any attachment is freely available on the ENA Smarter Networks Portal here. IGEM Members can download the report and any attachment directly by clicking on the pdf icon above.
The study has demonstrated that 2% hydrogen can be injected into the National Transmission System (NTS) at St Fergus and its distribution through the system into the gas distribution network. Due to unique regional attributes the Aberdeen region could lead the UK in the conversion to largescale clean hydrogen. A 200MW hydrogen generation plant is planned to suit 2% blend into the NTS followed by a build out to supply the Aberdeen gas networks and to enable low cost hydrogen transport applications.
This report and any attachment is freely available on the ENA Smarter Networks Portal here. IGEM Members can download the report and any attachment directly by clicking on the pdf icon above.
H21- Science and Research Centre - HSE Buxton Launch Video
Aug 2019
The site at the Health and Safety Executive’s Science and Research Centre in Buxton will carry out controlled tests to establish the critical safety evidence proving that a 100% hydrogen gas network is equally as safe as the natural gas grid heating our homes and businesses today. The results will be critical in determining if it is safe to convert millions of homes across the country from natural gas to hydrogen. H21 which is led by Northern Gas Networks (NGN) the gas distributor for the North of England in partnership with Cadent SGN and Wales & West Utilities HSE Science and Research Centre and DNV-GL is part of a number of gas industry projects designed to support conversion of the UK gas networks to carry 100% hydrogen. Currently about 30% of UK carbon emissions are from the heating of homes businesses and industry. H21 states that a large-scale conversion of the gas grid from natural gas to hydrogen is vital to meeting the Government’s Net Zero targets.
Achievements of The EC Network of Excellence Hysafe
Sep 2009
In many areas European research has been largely fragmented. To support the required integration and to focus and coordinate related research efforts the European Commission created a new instrument the Networks of Excellences (NoEs). The goal of the NoE HySafe has been to provide the basis to facilitate the safe introduction of hydrogen as an energy carrier by removing the safety related obstacles. The prioritisation of the HySafe internal project activities was based on a phenomena identification and ranking exercise (PIRT) and expert interviews. The identified research headlines were “Releases in (partially) confined areas” “Mitigation” and “Quantitative Risk Assessment”. Along these headlines existing or planned research work was re-orientated and slightly modified to build up three large internal research projects “InsHyde” “HyTunnel” and “HyQRA”. In InsHyde realistic indoor hydrogen leaks and associated hazards have been investigated to provide recommendations for the safe use of indoor hydrogen systems including mitigation and detection means. The appropriateness of available regulations codes and standards (RCS) has been assessed. Experimental and numerical work was conducted to benchmark simulation tools and to evaluate the related recommendations. HyTunnel contributed to the understanding of the nature of the hazards posed by hydrogen vehicles inside tunnels and its relative severity compared to other fuels. In HyQRA quantitative risk assessment strategies were applied to relevant scenarios in a hydrogen refuelling station and the performance was compared to derive also recommendations. The integration provided by the network is manifested by a series of workshops and benchmarks related to experimental and numerical work. Besides the network generated the following products: the International Conference on Hydrogen Safety the first academic education related to hydrogen safety and the Safety Handbook. Finally the network initiated the founding of the International Association for Hydrogen Safety which will open up the future networking to all interested parties on an international level. The indicated results of this five years integration activity will be described in short.
H21- Hydrogen Boilers Installed in Demonstration Houses
Nov 2020
Hydrogen boilers have been developed by Worcester Bosch and Baxi and are being trialled in demonstration houses. They look and feel just like the boilers we use today. Hydrogen produces no carbon when used and a hydrogen gas network could provide the least disruptive route to a net zero carbon future.
Fuel Cells and Hydrogen: Joint Undertaking Programme Review 2017 Final Report
Dec 2018
The Programme Review Report ensures that the FCH JU programme is aligned with its strategy and objectives. This year the programme review was performed following a new procedure: it was carried out by the European Commission’s in-house science service the Joint Research Committee (JRC). The 2017 review pays particular attention to the added value effectiveness and efficiency of FCH JU activities. The review is structured around six panels under three pillars: transport energy and cross-cutting projects summarising the FCH JU Project Portfolio
Decarbonising the UK’s Gas Network - Realising the Green Power-to-hydrogen Opportunity in the East Network
Aug 2020
Although the UK has done a great job of decarbonising electricity generation to get to net zero we need to tackle harder-to-decarbonise sectors like heat transport and industry. Decarbonised gas – biogases hydrogen and the deployment of carbon capture usage and storage (CCUS) – can make our manufacturing more sustainable minimise disruption to families and deliver negative emissions.
Developing the capability to produce hydrogen at scale is one of the key challenges in the race to meet the UK’s ambitious net zero targets. Using the East Neuk of Fife - with its abundant on- and offshore renewables resource and well-developed electricity and gas networks – as a test bed we investigated the use of surplus electricity generated by renewables to produce green hydrogen which could then be used to heat homes and businesses carbon-free.
The study focused on answering a number of important questions around bringing power-to-hydrogen to Fife including:
How much low-cost low-carbon electricity would be available to a power-to-hydrogen operator in Fife and how much hydrogen could be produced today and in 2040? How much hydrogen storage would be required to meet demand under three end-use cases: injection into the natural gas grid; use in a dedicated hydrogen grid for heating; and use as transport fuel for a small fleet of vehicles? What if any network upgrades could be avoided by implementing power-to-hydrogen? Which hydrogen end-use markets would be most attractive for a power-to-hydrogen operator? What are the regulatory legislative or market barriers to be overcome to realise large-scale deployment of power-to-hydrogen?
The study
Our expert researchers used a high-level model of the European electricity system and established wholesale prices generation volumes by generation type and constrained generation in Fife. Considering both the present day and a 2040 picture based on National Grid’s Two Degrees Future Energy Scenarios our team explored a number of configurations of power generation and hydrogen end-use to assess the value associated with producing hydrogen.
Alongside this modelling our team conducted a comprehensive review of power-to-hydrogen legislation and regulation and reports and academic papers to identify the current characteristics and direction of the sector observe where most progress had been made and identify lessons learned.
This report and any attachment is freely available on the ENA Smarter Networks Portal here. IGEM Members can download the report and any attachment directly by clicking on the pdf icon above.
Developing the capability to produce hydrogen at scale is one of the key challenges in the race to meet the UK’s ambitious net zero targets. Using the East Neuk of Fife - with its abundant on- and offshore renewables resource and well-developed electricity and gas networks – as a test bed we investigated the use of surplus electricity generated by renewables to produce green hydrogen which could then be used to heat homes and businesses carbon-free.
The study focused on answering a number of important questions around bringing power-to-hydrogen to Fife including:
How much low-cost low-carbon electricity would be available to a power-to-hydrogen operator in Fife and how much hydrogen could be produced today and in 2040? How much hydrogen storage would be required to meet demand under three end-use cases: injection into the natural gas grid; use in a dedicated hydrogen grid for heating; and use as transport fuel for a small fleet of vehicles? What if any network upgrades could be avoided by implementing power-to-hydrogen? Which hydrogen end-use markets would be most attractive for a power-to-hydrogen operator? What are the regulatory legislative or market barriers to be overcome to realise large-scale deployment of power-to-hydrogen?
The study
Our expert researchers used a high-level model of the European electricity system and established wholesale prices generation volumes by generation type and constrained generation in Fife. Considering both the present day and a 2040 picture based on National Grid’s Two Degrees Future Energy Scenarios our team explored a number of configurations of power generation and hydrogen end-use to assess the value associated with producing hydrogen.
Alongside this modelling our team conducted a comprehensive review of power-to-hydrogen legislation and regulation and reports and academic papers to identify the current characteristics and direction of the sector observe where most progress had been made and identify lessons learned.
This report and any attachment is freely available on the ENA Smarter Networks Portal here. IGEM Members can download the report and any attachment directly by clicking on the pdf icon above.
Hydrogen Odorant and Leak Detection: Part 1, Hydrogen Odorant - Project Closure Report
Nov 2020
This work programme was focused on identifying a suitable odorant for use in a 100% hydrogen gas grid (domestic use such as boilers and cookers). The research involved a review of existing odorants (used primarily for natural gas) and the selection of five suitable odorants based on available literature. One odorant was selected based on possible suitability with a Polymer Electrolyte Membrane (PEM) based fuel cell vehicle which could in future be a possible end-user of grid hydrogen. NPL prepared Primary Reference Materials containing the five odorants in hydrogen at the relevant amount fraction levels (as would be found in the grid) including ones provided by Robinson Brothers (the supplier of odorants for natural gas in the UK). These mixtures were used by NPL to perform tests to understand the effects of the mixtures on pipeline (metal and plastic) appliances (a hydrogen boiler provided by Worcester Bosch) and PEM fuel cells. HSE investigated the health and environmental impact of these odorants in hydrogen. Olfactory testing was performed by Air Spectrum to characterise the ‘smell’ of each odorant. Finally an economic analysis was performed by E4tech. The results confirm that Odorant NB would be a suitable odorant for use in a 100% hydrogen gas grid for combustion applications but further research would be required if the intention is to supply grid hydrogen to stationery fuel cells or fuel cell vehicles. In this case further testing would need to be performed to measure the extent of fuel cell degradation caused by the non-sulphur odorant obtained as part of this work programme and also other UK projects such as the Hydrogen Grid to Vehicle (HG2V) project would provide important information about whether a purification step would be required regardless of the odorant before the hydrogen purity would be suitable for a PEM fuel cell vehicle. If purification was required it would be fine to use Odorant NB as this would be removed during the purification step.
This report and any attachment is freely available on the ENA Smarter Networks Portal here. IGEM Members can download the report and any attachment directly by clicking on the pdf icon above.
This report and any attachment is freely available on the ENA Smarter Networks Portal here. IGEM Members can download the report and any attachment directly by clicking on the pdf icon above.
SGN Project Report - Flame Visibility Risk Assessment
Feb 2021
This report contains information on the relative risks of natural gas and hydrogen fires particularly regarding their visibility. The fires considered are those that could occur on the H100 Fife trial network. The H100 Fife project will connect a number of residential houses to 100% hydrogen gas supply. The project includes hydrogen production storage and a new distribution network. From a review of large and small-scale tests and incidents it is concluded that hydrogen flames are likely to be clearly visible for releases above 2 bar particularly for larger release rates. At lower pressures hydrogen flame visibility will be affected by ambient lighting background colour and release orientation although this is also the case for natural gas. Potential safety implications from lack of flame visibility are that SGN workers other utility workers or members of the public could inadvertently come into contact with an ignited release. However some releases would be detected through noise thrown soil or interaction with objects. From a workshop and review of risk reduction measures and analysis of historical interference damage incidents it is concluded that flames with the potential for reduced visibility are adequately controlled. This is due to the likelihood of such scenarios occurring being low and that the consequences of coming into contact with such a flame are unlikely to be severe. These conclusions are supported by cost-benefit analysis that shows that no additional risk mitigation measures are justified for the H100 project. It is recommended that the cost-benefit analysis is revisited before applying the approach to a network wider than the H100 project. It was observed that the addition of odorant at relevant concentrations did not have an effect on the visibility of hydrogen flames.
This report and any attachment is freely available on the ENA Smarter Networks Portal here. IGEM Members can download the report and any attachment directly by clicking on the pdf icon above.
This report and any attachment is freely available on the ENA Smarter Networks Portal here. IGEM Members can download the report and any attachment directly by clicking on the pdf icon above.
HyNet North West- from Vision to Reality
Jan 2018
HyNet North West (NW) is an innovative integrated low carbon hydrogen production distribution and carbon capture utilisation and storage (CCUS) project. It provides hydrogen distribution and CCUS infrastructure across Liverpool Manchester and parts of Cheshire in support of the Government’s Clean Growth Strategy (CGS) and achievement of the UK’s emissions reduction targets.<br/>Hydrogen will be produced from natural gas and sent via a new pipeline to a range of industrial sites for injection as a blend into the existing natural gas network and for use as a transport fuel. Resulting carbon dioxide (CO2) will be captured and together with CO2 from local industry which is already available sent by pipeline for storage offshore in the nearby Liverpool Bay gas fields. Key data for the Project are presented in Table ES1.
Energy From Waste and the Circular Economy
Jul 2020
The Energy Research Accelerator (ERA) and the Birmingham Energy Institute have launched a policy commission to examine the state of play barriers challenges and opportunities for Energy from Waste (EfW) to form part of the regional energy circular economy in the Midlands. This policy commission explores the case for regional investment whilst helping shape the regional local government and industry thinking surrounding critical issues such as fuel poverty and poor air quality.
The Challenge
Tackling climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time. To follow the path for limiting global warming below 2ᵒC set out in the 2015 Paris agreement requires significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. The UK has committed to bring all greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050 requiring action at a local regional and national level to transition to a zero carbon economy.
To decarbonise and decentralise the UK’s energy system we must implement technologies that provide energy supply solutions across the UK.
In the Midlands many industrial sites are unable to access supply of affordable clean and reliable energy to meet their demands.
Energy from Waste (EfW) could offer a solution to the Midlands based industrial sites. EfW sites provide affordable secure energy supply solutions that form part of a developing circular economy. EfW reduces our reliance on landfills and obtains the maximum value from our waste streams. There are a number of merging technologies that could potentially play an important role which treats waste as a resource properly integrated into an energy and transport system and fully respects the potential of linking in the circular economy.
Investment into EfW infrastructure in the region could lead to job creation and economic growth and could help provide inward investment needed to redevelop old industrial sites and retiring power stations. However for EfW to be part of a net-zero energy system (either in transition or long-term) technologies and processes are needed that reduce the current carbon emissions burden.
EfW could play a significant role in the net zero carbon transition in the Midlands supplying heat power and green fuels and solve other problems - the region has some of the highest levels of energy/fuel poverty and poor air quality in the UK. The policy commission will help shape the regional local government and industry thinking surrounding this important topic.
Report Recommendations
Recovery Resource Cluster
The EfW policy commission proposes three major areas where it believes that government investment would be highly beneficial
The National Centre for the Circular Economy would analyse material flows throughout the economy down to regional and local levels and develop deep expertise in recycling and EfW technologies. The CCE would also provide expert guidance and support for local authorities as they develop local or regional strategies and planning frameworks.
The R&D Grand Challenge aims to make big advances in small-scale carbon capture technologies in order to turn 100% of CO2 produced through the process of converting waste to energy into useful products. This is very important for areas such as the Midlands which are remoted from depleted oil and gas reservoirs.
The Challenge
Tackling climate change is one of the most pressing issues of our time. To follow the path for limiting global warming below 2ᵒC set out in the 2015 Paris agreement requires significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. The UK has committed to bring all greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050 requiring action at a local regional and national level to transition to a zero carbon economy.
To decarbonise and decentralise the UK’s energy system we must implement technologies that provide energy supply solutions across the UK.
In the Midlands many industrial sites are unable to access supply of affordable clean and reliable energy to meet their demands.
Energy from Waste (EfW) could offer a solution to the Midlands based industrial sites. EfW sites provide affordable secure energy supply solutions that form part of a developing circular economy. EfW reduces our reliance on landfills and obtains the maximum value from our waste streams. There are a number of merging technologies that could potentially play an important role which treats waste as a resource properly integrated into an energy and transport system and fully respects the potential of linking in the circular economy.
Investment into EfW infrastructure in the region could lead to job creation and economic growth and could help provide inward investment needed to redevelop old industrial sites and retiring power stations. However for EfW to be part of a net-zero energy system (either in transition or long-term) technologies and processes are needed that reduce the current carbon emissions burden.
EfW could play a significant role in the net zero carbon transition in the Midlands supplying heat power and green fuels and solve other problems - the region has some of the highest levels of energy/fuel poverty and poor air quality in the UK. The policy commission will help shape the regional local government and industry thinking surrounding this important topic.
Report Recommendations
Recovery Resource Cluster
The EfW policy commission proposes three major areas where it believes that government investment would be highly beneficial
- Building a network of local and regional Resource Recovery Clusters
- Creating a National Centre for the Circular Economy
- Launching an R&D Grand Challenge to develop small-scale circular carbon capture technologies.
The National Centre for the Circular Economy would analyse material flows throughout the economy down to regional and local levels and develop deep expertise in recycling and EfW technologies. The CCE would also provide expert guidance and support for local authorities as they develop local or regional strategies and planning frameworks.
The R&D Grand Challenge aims to make big advances in small-scale carbon capture technologies in order to turn 100% of CO2 produced through the process of converting waste to energy into useful products. This is very important for areas such as the Midlands which are remoted from depleted oil and gas reservoirs.
Hydrogen Europe's Position Paper on the Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy
Dec 2020
The document highlights the role of hydrogen in the decarbonisation of the transport sector. It also provides a series of policy recommendations covering all modes of transport hydrogen distribution and infrastructure and hydrogen as a fuel.
Testing Programme for Hydrogen Tolerance Tests of Domestic and Commercial Natural Gas Appliances
Jan 2021
The THyGA project (‘Testing Hydrogen admixture for Gas Applications’) focusses on technical aspects and the regulatory framework concerning the potential operation of domestic and commercial end-user appliances with hydrogen / natural gas blends.<br/>The core of the project is a broad experimental campaign with the aim to conduct up to 100 hydrogen tolerance tests. In addition the technical status quo and present knowledge about hydrogen impact on domestic and commercial appliances are assessed and potential future developments of rules and standards are discussed. Also mitigation strategies for coping with high levels of hydrogen admixture will be developed. By this broad approach the project aims at investigating which levels of hydrogen blending impact the various appliance technologies and to which extent in order to identify the regime in which a safe efficient and low-polluting operation is possible.<br/>The series of public reports by the THyGA project starts with several publications from work package 2 which sets the basis for the upcoming results and discussion of the experimental campaign as well as mitigation and standardisation topics.<br/>This report D2.5 completes the series of public reports from work package 2. It explains the steps of development of the test programme for gas-fired appliance tests with hydrogen admixture and especially describes the exchange between the THyGA partners and the external stakeholders.<br/>The report also explains the process of acquisition of appliances to test and method of selecting appliances.
Validation of GreenH2armony® as a Tool for the Computation of Harmonised Life-Cycle Indicators of Hydrogen
Apr 2020
The Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology is often used to check the environmental suitability of hydrogen energy systems usually involving comparative studies. However these comparative studies are typically affected by inconsistent methodological choices between the case studies under comparison. In this regard protocols for the harmonisation of methodological choices in LCA of hydrogen are available. The step-by-step application of these protocols to a large number of case studies has already resulted in libraries of harmonised carbon energy and acidification footprints of hydrogen. In order to foster the applicability of these harmonisation protocols a web-based software for the calculation of harmonised life-cycle indicators of hydrogen has recently been developed. This work addresses—for the first time—the validation of such a tool by checking the deviation between the available libraries of harmonised carbon energy and acidification footprints of hydrogen and the corresponding tool-based harmonised results. A high correlation (R2 > 0.999) was found between the library- and tool-based harmonised life-cycle indicators of hydrogen thereby successfully validating the software. Hence this tool has the potential to effectively promote the use of harmonised life-cycle indicators for robust comparative LCA studies of hydrogen energy systems significantly mitigating misinterpretation.
HyDeploy Report: Material Effects of Introducing Hydrogen into the UK Gas Supply
Jun 2018
Introduction of hydrogen into the UK gas main has been reviewed in terms of how materials within the Keele G3 gas distribution network (G3 GDN) on the Keele University network may be affected by contact with natural gas (NG):hydrogen blends up to a limit of 20 % mol/mol hydrogen.<br/>This work has formed part of the supporting evidence for a 1 year hydrogen blending trial on the Keele G3 GDN coordinated by the HyDeploy consortium (formed of representatives of Cadent Northern Gas Networks ITM Power Progressive Energy HSL and Keele University).<br/>A wide range of materials were identified and assessed via a combination of literature review and practical test programmes. No significant changes to material properties in terms of accelerated material degradation or predicted efficiency of gas confinement were identified which would cause concern for the year-long trial at Keele.<br/>It can be concluded that materials on the Keele G3 GDN should be acceptable to provide a safe operating network the HyDeploy demonstrator project up to a level of 20 % mol/mol hydrogen.<br/>Check the supplements tab for the other documents in this report
HyDeploy Report: Summary of Gas Appliance and Installation Testing
Jun 2018
The HyDeploy project has undertaken a programme of work to assess the effect of hydrogen addition on the safety and performance of gas appliances and installations. A representative set of eight appliances have been assessed in laboratory experiments with a range of test gases that explored high and low Wobbe Index and hydrogen concentrations up to 28.4 % mol/mol. These tests have demonstrated that the addition of hydrogen does not affect the key hazard areas of CO production light back flame out or the operation of flame failure devices. It was identified that for some designs of gas fire appliances the operation of the oxygen depletion sensors may be affected by the addition of hydrogen. Testing of the gas fires that are present at Keele University that use oxygen depletion sensors have been shown to operate satisfactorily.<br/>A comprehensive onsite survey programme at Keele University has assessed 95% of the installations (126 of 133) that will receive the hydrogen blended gas during the HyDeploy trial. Where access to properties was not possible then the information obtained revealed that the appliances were annually checked either through British Gas service contracts or as a result of being rental properties. The onsite testing programme assessed installations for gas tightness and appliance combustion safety and operation with normal line gas G20 reference gas and two hydrogen blended gases. The checks identified a small number instances were remedial work was required to correct poor condition or operation. Only one case was found to be immediately dangerous which was capped off until repair work was undertaken. CO and smoke alarms were fitted in approximately half of properties and alarms were provided as required to the occupants. Gas tightness tests identified leaks in three installations. Where installations are gas tight then analysis has shown that no additional leaks would occur with hydrogen blended gas. There were no issues identified with the combustion performance of those appliances that were operating correctly and results were in line with those obtained in the laboratory testing programme.<br/>The findings of the Appliance and Installation testing program have been used to define the input values into the HyDeploy quantified risk assessment (QRA) where Keele University specific operation is different to GB as a whole or where the findings show the addition of hydrogen will change the risk profile.<br/>Click on supplements to see the other documents from this report
Economic Analysis of a High-pressure Urban Pipeline Concept (HyLine) for Delivering Hydrogen to Retail Fueling Stations
Nov 2019
Reducing the cost of delivering hydrogen to fuelling stations and dispensing it into fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) is one critical element of efforts to increase the cost-competitiveness of FCEVs. Today hydrogen is primarily delivered to stations by trucks. Pipeline delivery is much rarer: one urban U.S. station has been supplied with 800-psi hydrogen from an industrial hydrogen pipeline since 2011 and a German station on the edge of an industrial park has been supplied with 13000-psi hydrogen from a pipeline since 2006. This article compares the economics of existing U.S. hydrogen delivery methods with the economics of a high-pressure scalable intra-city pipeline system referred to here as the “HyLine” system. In the HyLine system hydrogen would be produced at urban industrial or commercial sites compressed to 15000 psi stored at centralized facilities delivered via high-pressure pipeline to retail stations and dispensed directly into FCEVs. Our analysis of retail fuelling station economics in Los Angeles suggests that as FCEV demand for hydrogen in an area becomes sufficiently dense pipeline hydrogen delivery gains an economic advantage over truck delivery. The HyLine approach would also enable cheaper dispensed hydrogen compared with lower-pressure pipeline delivery owing to economies of scale associated with integrated compression and storage. In the largest-scale fuelling scenario analyzed (a network of 24 stations with capacities of 1500 kg/d each and hydrogen produced via steam methane reforming) HyLine could potentially achieve a profited hydrogen cost of $5.3/kg which is approximately equivalent to a gasoline cost of $2.7/gal (assuming FCEVs offer twice the fuel economy of internal combustion engine vehicles and vehicle cost is competitive). It is important to note that significant effort would be required to develop technical knowledge codes and standards that would enable a HyLine system to be viable. However our preliminary analysis suggests that the HyLine approach merits further consideration based on its potential economic advantages. These advantages could also include the value of minimizing retail space used by hydrogen compression and storage sited at fuelling stations which is not reflected in our analysis.
HyDeploy Report: Summary of Procedural Changes During Trial
Aug 2018
The assessment of appropriate operational procedures to govern the injection of a hydrogen/natural gas blend into the Keele University G3 gas distribution network was a requirement as part of the HyDeploy project. To perform this assessment a group of gas industry experts (from Cadent Northern Gas Networks and Keele University Estates Team) along with scientists and engineers from the Health & Safety Laboratory came together to form an Operational Procedures Forum. This forum came together periodically in various workshops to explore and assess the impact of hydrogen blended gas on all the relevant and current operational procedures that govern the safe transportation and utilisation of natural gas within the Keele University G3 gas distribution network.
The operational procedures assessment has led to a determination as to whether a change is or is not required for relevant operational procedures where a basis of concern existed with respect to the injection of hydrogen blended gas. The report essentially summarises the key points of the basis of concern for different operational procedures by highlighting the key points of the existing procedure and whether this procedure requires modification for the hydrogen blended gas injection trial. Any requirements to modify an existing procedure have been given in this report referencing the source as to where the detailed analysis for the change/no change recommendation has been given.
The forum took into account the associated experimental and research carried out as part of the HyDeploy project such as the assessment of gas characteristics materials impact asset survey of assets on the Keele G3 GDN and impact of hydrogen blended gas on gas detection equipment references to these studies have been given accordingly to associated impacted operational procedures.
The conclusion of the assessment is that there are some operational procedures that are unchanged some that require an increase in the frequency as to how often they are performed and some procedures which require a fundamental modification. Therefore it is necessary that an appropriate training package is built off the back of the results presented in this report and disseminated accordingly to all relevant Operatives that will be responsible for the safety operation and maintenance of the Keele G3 GDN during the hydrogen blend injection period.
Click on Supplements to see the other documents from this report
The operational procedures assessment has led to a determination as to whether a change is or is not required for relevant operational procedures where a basis of concern existed with respect to the injection of hydrogen blended gas. The report essentially summarises the key points of the basis of concern for different operational procedures by highlighting the key points of the existing procedure and whether this procedure requires modification for the hydrogen blended gas injection trial. Any requirements to modify an existing procedure have been given in this report referencing the source as to where the detailed analysis for the change/no change recommendation has been given.
The forum took into account the associated experimental and research carried out as part of the HyDeploy project such as the assessment of gas characteristics materials impact asset survey of assets on the Keele G3 GDN and impact of hydrogen blended gas on gas detection equipment references to these studies have been given accordingly to associated impacted operational procedures.
The conclusion of the assessment is that there are some operational procedures that are unchanged some that require an increase in the frequency as to how often they are performed and some procedures which require a fundamental modification. Therefore it is necessary that an appropriate training package is built off the back of the results presented in this report and disseminated accordingly to all relevant Operatives that will be responsible for the safety operation and maintenance of the Keele G3 GDN during the hydrogen blend injection period.
Click on Supplements to see the other documents from this report
HyDeploy Report: Trial Management
Aug 2018
The trial management philosophy of HyDeploy has been developed to enable the overall objectives of the project to be achieved; the safe demonstration of operating a Gas Distribution Network (GDN) on a blend of natural gas and hydrogen. This document provides an overview of the management and governance processes associated with the trial itself. The operational and safety related undertakings before during and after the trial are summarised within this report as well as the intrial experimental programme. The detailed operational procedures are covered in HyD-Rep09.<br/>The programme structure of HyDeploy consists of three phases: Phase 1: Enabling work for preparation of GS(M)R Exemption Phase 2: Construction and installation of process equipment and Phase 3: Safe injection of hydrogen – the trial.<br/>This report focuses on Phase 3 which has two parts; the Proving Trial and; the Trial. As Statutory Duty Holder Keele is accountable for operation of the network it owns over the course of the trial. Operation and maintenance of the network will be undertaken according to the provisions of the Exemption on the basis of agreed revised procedures (HyD-Rep09) by Keele and Cadent. A governance process is in place to manage the blending of hydrogen into the network. This isdescribed in Sections 2 and 3.<br/>Safety related undertakings will be actioned before during and after the trial to mitigate risks identified through the house-to-house testing (HyD-Rep06) procedural review (HyD-Rep09) and quantitative risk assessment (HyD-Rep02). This scope of the undertakings includes actions associated with the end appliances the network itself and the process equipment to be installed.<br/>The detail of these undertakings is given in Section 4.<br/>As part of the trial an experimental programme has been designed to provide further evidence relating to the interactions of a hydrogen blend on network materials and end appliances. The experimental programme is detailed in Section 5.<br/>Click the supplements tab to see the other documents from this report
Heat Network Detailed Project Development Resource: Guidance on Strategic and Commercial Case
Jul 2016
This document provides guidance on the commercial and strategic elements of a heat network project to support completion of a project business case.
The guidance is intended for local authorities and heat network developers to support their investigations and enable progression from feasibility stage through to business case delivery. The guidance has been drafted with reference to policy legislation and regulation in England and Wales; however much of the guidance is likely also to be relevant to projects in Scotland and Northern Ireland.
The guidance specifically supports the HMT Green Book Five Cases Business Model (the Five Cases Model) and the derived DBEIS Business Case Template (DBEIS BCT) that follows this structure but will also be applicable in other instances. The Five Cases Model (and similarly the DBEIS BCT) considers the viability of the project from five perspectives:
Although all five elements are relevant this guide particularly focuses on the Strategic and Commercial cases.
Related Document Heat Networks 2020
The guidance is intended for local authorities and heat network developers to support their investigations and enable progression from feasibility stage through to business case delivery. The guidance has been drafted with reference to policy legislation and regulation in England and Wales; however much of the guidance is likely also to be relevant to projects in Scotland and Northern Ireland.
The guidance specifically supports the HMT Green Book Five Cases Business Model (the Five Cases Model) and the derived DBEIS Business Case Template (DBEIS BCT) that follows this structure but will also be applicable in other instances. The Five Cases Model (and similarly the DBEIS BCT) considers the viability of the project from five perspectives:
- Strategic
- Economic
- Commercial
- Financial
- Management
Although all five elements are relevant this guide particularly focuses on the Strategic and Commercial cases.
Related Document Heat Networks 2020
Fuel Cells and Hydrogen: Joint Undertaking Programme Review 2016 Final Report
Jun 2017
The Fuel Cell and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking (FCH 2 JU) organised the sixth edition of its Programme Review Days (PRD). 100 projects allocated in 6 panels covering cross-cutting energy and transport in research and demonstration activities have been the basis of the FCH JU's annual review of its research and innovation programme.
HyDeploy Overview
May 2020
An overview of the HyDeploy project at Keele University where hydrogen is being blended with natural gas to demonstrate the feasibility of using hydrogen to heat our homes.
HyDeploy Webinar - Unlocking the Deployment of Hydrogen in the Grid
May 2020
A project overview of HyDeploy project led by Cadent Gas and supported by Northern Gas Networks Progressive Energy Ltd Keele University HSE – Science Division and ITM Power.
First Phase:
HyDeploy at Keele is the first stage of this three stage programme. In November 2019 the UK Health & Safety Executive gave permission to run a live test of blended hydrogen and natural gas on part of the private gas network at Keele University campus in Staffordshire. HyDeploy is the first project in the UK to inject hydrogen into a natural gas network.
Second and Third Phases;
Once the Keele stage has been completed HyDeploy will move to a larger demonstration on a public network in the North East. After that HyDeploy will have another large demonstration in the North West. These are designed to test the blend across a range of networks and customers so that the evidence is representative of the UK as a whole. With HSE approval and success at Keele these phases will go ahead in the early 2020s.
The longer term goal:
Once the evidence has been submitted to Government policy makers we very much expect hydrogen to take its place alongside other forms of zero carbon energy in meeting the needs of the UK population.
First Phase:
HyDeploy at Keele is the first stage of this three stage programme. In November 2019 the UK Health & Safety Executive gave permission to run a live test of blended hydrogen and natural gas on part of the private gas network at Keele University campus in Staffordshire. HyDeploy is the first project in the UK to inject hydrogen into a natural gas network.
Second and Third Phases;
Once the Keele stage has been completed HyDeploy will move to a larger demonstration on a public network in the North East. After that HyDeploy will have another large demonstration in the North West. These are designed to test the blend across a range of networks and customers so that the evidence is representative of the UK as a whole. With HSE approval and success at Keele these phases will go ahead in the early 2020s.
The longer term goal:
Once the evidence has been submitted to Government policy makers we very much expect hydrogen to take its place alongside other forms of zero carbon energy in meeting the needs of the UK population.
H2FC SUPERGEN: An Overview of the Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Research Across the UK
Mar 2015
The United Kingdom has a vast scientific base across the entire Hydrogen and Fuel Cell research landscape with a world class academic community coupled with significant industrial activity from both UK-based Hydrogen and Fuel Cell companies and global companies with a strong presence within the country. The Hydrogen and Fuel Cell (H2FC) SUPERGEN Hub funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) was established in 2012 as a five-year programme to bring the UK's H2FC research community together. Here we present the UK's current Hydrogen and Fuel Cell activities along with the role of the H2FC SUPERGEN Hub.
HyDeploy Webinar - Public Perceptions
May 2020
HyDeploy is a pioneering hydrogen energy project designed to help reduce UK CO2 emissions and reach the Government’s net zero target for 2050.
As the first ever live demonstration of hydrogen in homes HyDeploy aims to prove that blending up to 20% volume of hydrogen with natural gas is a safe and greener alternative to the gas we use now. It is providing evidence on how customers don’t have to change their cooking or heating appliances to take the blend which means less disruption and cost for them. It is also confirming initial findings that customers don’t notice any difference when using the hydrogen blend.
As the first ever live demonstration of hydrogen in homes HyDeploy aims to prove that blending up to 20% volume of hydrogen with natural gas is a safe and greener alternative to the gas we use now. It is providing evidence on how customers don’t have to change their cooking or heating appliances to take the blend which means less disruption and cost for them. It is also confirming initial findings that customers don’t notice any difference when using the hydrogen blend.
HyDeploy Project - Second Project Progress Report
Dec 2018
The HyDeploy project seeks to address a key issue for UK customers: how to reduce the carbon they emit in heating their homes. The UK has a world class gas grid delivering heat conveniently and safely to over 83% of homes. Emissions can be reduced by lowering the carbon content of gas through blending with hydrogen. This delivers carbon savings without customers requiring disruptive and expensive changes in their homes. It also provides the platform for deeper carbon savings by enabling wider adoption of hydrogen across the energy system.
This Network Innovation Competition (NIC) funded project seeks to establish the level of hydrogen that can be safely blended with natural gas for transport and use in a UK network. Under its smart energy network innovation demonstration programme Keele University is establishing its electricity and gas networks as facilities to drive forward innovation in the energy sector. The objective of HyDeploy is to trial natural gas blended with 20%mol of hydrogen in a part of the Keele gas network. Before any hydrogen can be blended with natural gas in the network the percentage of hydrogen to be delivered must be approved by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). It must be satisfied that the approved blended gas will be as safe to use as normal gas. Such approval is provided as an Exemption to the Gas Safety (Management) Regulations. These regulations ensure the safe use and management of gas through the gas network in the UK. Following such approval hydrogen production and grid injection units are to be installed and an extensive trial programme undertaken. Blending hydrogen at 20%mol with natural gas across the UK would save around 6 million tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions every year the equivalent of removing 2.5 million cars from the road.
This report and any attachment is freely available on the ENA Smarter Networks Portal here. IGEM Members can download the report and any attachment directly by clicking on the pdf icon above.
This Network Innovation Competition (NIC) funded project seeks to establish the level of hydrogen that can be safely blended with natural gas for transport and use in a UK network. Under its smart energy network innovation demonstration programme Keele University is establishing its electricity and gas networks as facilities to drive forward innovation in the energy sector. The objective of HyDeploy is to trial natural gas blended with 20%mol of hydrogen in a part of the Keele gas network. Before any hydrogen can be blended with natural gas in the network the percentage of hydrogen to be delivered must be approved by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). It must be satisfied that the approved blended gas will be as safe to use as normal gas. Such approval is provided as an Exemption to the Gas Safety (Management) Regulations. These regulations ensure the safe use and management of gas through the gas network in the UK. Following such approval hydrogen production and grid injection units are to be installed and an extensive trial programme undertaken. Blending hydrogen at 20%mol with natural gas across the UK would save around 6 million tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions every year the equivalent of removing 2.5 million cars from the road.
This report and any attachment is freely available on the ENA Smarter Networks Portal here. IGEM Members can download the report and any attachment directly by clicking on the pdf icon above.
HyDeploy Project - First Project Progress Report
Dec 2017
The HyDeploy Project seeks to address a key issue for UK customers: how to reduce the carbon they emit in heating their homes. The UK has a world class gas grid delivering heat conveniently and safely to over 83% of homes. Emissions could be reduced by lowering the carbon content of gas through blending with hydrogen. Compared with solutions such as heat pumps this means that customers would not need disruptive and expensive changes in their homes. This Network Innovation Competition (NIC) funded project seeks to establish the level of hydrogen that can be safely blended with natural gas for transport and use in a UK network.
Under its Smart Energy Network Demonstration innovation programme Keele University is establishing its electricity and gas networks as facilities to drive forward innovation in the energy sector. The objective of HyDeploy is to trial natural gas blended with potentially up to 20% volume of hydrogen in a part of the Keele gas network. Before any hydrogen can be blended with natural gas in the network the percentage of hydrogen to be delivered must be approved by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). It must be satisfied that the approved blended gas will be as safe to use as normal gas. Any approval will be given as an exemption to the Gas Safety (Management) Regulations. These regulations ensure the safe use and management of gas through the gas network in the UK. The evidence presented to the HSE comprises critically appraised literature combined with the results from a specifically commissioned experimental and testing programme. Based on engagement with all local customers this includes detailed safety checks on the network appliances and installations at Keele. Subject to approval by the HSE the hydrogen production and grid injection units will be installed and an extensive trial programme of blending will be undertaken. If hydrogen were blended at 20% volume with natural gas across the UK it would save around 6 million tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions every year the equivalent of taking 2.5 million cars off the road.
This report and any attachment is freely available on the ENA Smarter Networks Portal here. IGEM Members can download the report and any attachment directly by clicking on the pdf icon above.
Under its Smart Energy Network Demonstration innovation programme Keele University is establishing its electricity and gas networks as facilities to drive forward innovation in the energy sector. The objective of HyDeploy is to trial natural gas blended with potentially up to 20% volume of hydrogen in a part of the Keele gas network. Before any hydrogen can be blended with natural gas in the network the percentage of hydrogen to be delivered must be approved by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). It must be satisfied that the approved blended gas will be as safe to use as normal gas. Any approval will be given as an exemption to the Gas Safety (Management) Regulations. These regulations ensure the safe use and management of gas through the gas network in the UK. The evidence presented to the HSE comprises critically appraised literature combined with the results from a specifically commissioned experimental and testing programme. Based on engagement with all local customers this includes detailed safety checks on the network appliances and installations at Keele. Subject to approval by the HSE the hydrogen production and grid injection units will be installed and an extensive trial programme of blending will be undertaken. If hydrogen were blended at 20% volume with natural gas across the UK it would save around 6 million tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions every year the equivalent of taking 2.5 million cars off the road.
This report and any attachment is freely available on the ENA Smarter Networks Portal here. IGEM Members can download the report and any attachment directly by clicking on the pdf icon above.
H21- Public Perceptions of Converting the Gas Network to Hydrogen - Social Sciences Sudy
Jun 2020
The next decade will see fundamental changes in how people heat their homes. The global energy system is changing in response to the need to transition away from fossil-based generation towards more environmentally sustainable alternatives.
Hydrogen offers one such alternative but currently there is limited understanding of public perceptions of hydrogen the information that people need in order to make an informed choice about using hydrogen in their homes and how misunderstandings could present barriers to the uptake of hydrogen technology. This is crucial to ensure the success of future policy and investment. The H21 concept is to convert the UK gas distribution network to 100% hydrogen over time thereby decarbonising heat and supporting decarbonisation of electric large industrials and transport. This would be achieved using the existing UK gas grid network and technology available across the world today whilst maintaining the benefits of gas and the gas networks in the energy mix for the long-term future. Additionally this would maintain choice of energy for customers i.e. they would be able to use both gas and electricity. The H21 project is being delivered by the UK gas distribution networks Northern Gas Networks Cadent Wales & West Utilities and SGN. As part of the H21 project Leeds Beckett University has been working with Northern Gas Networks to gain insight into public perceptions of hydrogen as a domestic fuel. Using innovative social science methods the research team has explored for the first time public perceptions of moving the UK domestic fuel supply to 100% hydrogen. We identify what people think and feel about a potential conversion the concerns and questions that they have and how to address them clearly. The findings presented in this report will ensure that issues around the current perception of hydrogen are identified and addressed prior to any large-scale technology rollout.
The first stage of the project comprised a series of discovery interviews which explored how to talk to people about hydrogen and the H21 project. We interviewed 12 participants selected to ensure we included people with a range of experiences and domestic settings for example people who live in urban and rural areas those who live alone those who live with children or a partner those who live in their own home and those who rent. Most participants had given very little thought about where their gas and electric comes from and other than switching supplier to get a better tariff had very little interest in it. They had not previously considered their domestic heating as a source of carbon emissions and were surprised that there may be a need in the future to change their gas supply. From the discovery interviews we identified several key areas to explore in the next stage of the work:
This report and any attachment is freely available on the ENA Smarter Networks Portal here. IGEM Members can download the report and any attachment directly by clicking on the pdf icon above.
Hydrogen offers one such alternative but currently there is limited understanding of public perceptions of hydrogen the information that people need in order to make an informed choice about using hydrogen in their homes and how misunderstandings could present barriers to the uptake of hydrogen technology. This is crucial to ensure the success of future policy and investment. The H21 concept is to convert the UK gas distribution network to 100% hydrogen over time thereby decarbonising heat and supporting decarbonisation of electric large industrials and transport. This would be achieved using the existing UK gas grid network and technology available across the world today whilst maintaining the benefits of gas and the gas networks in the energy mix for the long-term future. Additionally this would maintain choice of energy for customers i.e. they would be able to use both gas and electricity. The H21 project is being delivered by the UK gas distribution networks Northern Gas Networks Cadent Wales & West Utilities and SGN. As part of the H21 project Leeds Beckett University has been working with Northern Gas Networks to gain insight into public perceptions of hydrogen as a domestic fuel. Using innovative social science methods the research team has explored for the first time public perceptions of moving the UK domestic fuel supply to 100% hydrogen. We identify what people think and feel about a potential conversion the concerns and questions that they have and how to address them clearly. The findings presented in this report will ensure that issues around the current perception of hydrogen are identified and addressed prior to any large-scale technology rollout.
The first stage of the project comprised a series of discovery interviews which explored how to talk to people about hydrogen and the H21 project. We interviewed 12 participants selected to ensure we included people with a range of experiences and domestic settings for example people who live in urban and rural areas those who live alone those who live with children or a partner those who live in their own home and those who rent. Most participants had given very little thought about where their gas and electric comes from and other than switching supplier to get a better tariff had very little interest in it. They had not previously considered their domestic heating as a source of carbon emissions and were surprised that there may be a need in the future to change their gas supply. From the discovery interviews we identified several key areas to explore in the next stage of the work:
- Beliefs about the environment
- Beliefs about inconvenience and cost
- Beliefs about safety
- Beliefs about the economic impact
This report and any attachment is freely available on the ENA Smarter Networks Portal here. IGEM Members can download the report and any attachment directly by clicking on the pdf icon above.
H21- Strategic Modelling Major Urban Centres
Aug 2019
This report summarises the results of an independent audit carried out by DNV GL on the model conversions from natural gas to hydrogen for the models being used as a benchmark for the wider UK proposed hydrogen conversion of the natural gas network. The detailed model conversion process was derived from the H21 modelling meetings and the detailed notes were put together by NGN as a basic guide which has been included in Appendix A and is summarised as follows:
- Current 5 year planning model is updated and then used to generate a Replacement Expenditure (REPEX) natural gas model which would remove metallic pipes from the networks by insertion where possible
- Merging models together to form larger networks where required
- Preparation for conversion to hydrogen which would include the District Governor (DG) capacity increases to run the additional model flows
- Conversion of the models to hydrogen by changing demands to thermal and the gas characteristics to those of hydrogen
- Applying reinforcement to remove pressure failures.
Fuel Cells and Hydrogen: Joint Undertaking Programme Review 2012 Final Report
Mar 2013
Initiated in 2011 the 2012 programme review edition covered 71‘live’ projects from the 2008 2009 and 2010 calls for proposals together with some projects from the 2011 call. Total funding for these projects stands at close to € 450 million 50% of which comes from FCH JU financial contributions and 50% of which comes from industry and research in-kind contributions.
Hy4Heat Understanding Commercial Appliances - Work Package 5
Nov 2020
The 'Hydrogen for Heat' (Hy4Heat) programme aims to support the UK Government in its ambitions to decarbonise the UK energy sector in line with the targets of the Climate Change Act 2008 by attempting to evaluate and de-risk the natural gas to hydrogen network conversion option. The impact on the commercial sector is an important factor in understanding the feasibility of utilising hydrogen to decarbonise heat in the UK. The overall objective of the market research study Work Package 5 (WP5) was to determine if it is theoretically possible to successfully convert the commercial sector to hydrogen. This work will contribute to the understanding of the scale type and capacity of gas heating appliances within the sector providing a characterisation of the market and determining the requirements and feasibility for successfully transitioning them to hydrogen in the future.
This report and any attachment is freely available on the Hy4Heat website here. The report can also be downloaded directly by clicking on the pdf icon above
This report and any attachment is freely available on the Hy4Heat website here. The report can also be downloaded directly by clicking on the pdf icon above
Impact of Hydrogen Admixture on Combustion Processes – Part I: Theory
Jun 2020
Climate change is one of today’s most pressing global challenges. Since the emission of greenhouse gases is often closely related to the use and supply of energy the goal to avoid emissions requires a fundamental restructuring of the energy system including all parts of the technology chains from production to end-use. Natural gas is today one of the most important primary energy sources in Europe with utilization ranging from power generation and industry to appliances in the residential and commercial sector as well as mobility. As natural gas is a fossil fuel gas utilization is thus responsible for significant emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2 ) a greenhouse gas. However the transformation of the gas sector with its broad variety of technologies and end-use applications is a challenge as a fuel switch is related to changing physical properties. Today the residential and commercial sector is the biggest end user sector for natural gas in the EU both in terms of consumption and in the number of installed appliances. Natural gas is used to provide space heating as well as hot water and is used in cooking and catering appliances with in total about 200 million gas-fired residential and commercial end user appliances installed. More than 40 % of the EU gas consumption is accounted for by the residential and commercial sector. The most promising substitutes for natural gas are biogases and hydrogen. The carbon-free fuel gas hydrogen may be produced e.g. from water and renewable electricity; therefore it can be produced with a greatly lowered carbon footprint and on a very large scale. As a gaseous fuel it can be transported stored and utilised in all end-use sectors that are served by natural gas today: Power plants industry commercial appliances households and mobility. Technologies and materials however need to be suitable for the new fuel. The injection of hydrogen into existing gas distribution for example will impact all gas-using equipment in the grids since these devices are designed and optimized to operate safely efficiently and with low pollutant emissions with natural gas as fuel. The THyGA project1 focusses on all technical aspects and the regulatory framework concerning the potential operation of domestic and commercial end user appliances with hydrogen / natural gas blends. The THyGA deliverables start with theoretical background from material science (D2.4) and combustion theory (this report) and extend to the project’s experimental campaign on hydrogen tolerance tests as well as reports on the status quo and potential future developments on rules and standards as well as mitigation strategies for coping with high levels of hydrogen admixture. By this approach the project aims at investigating which levels of hydrogen blending impact the various appliance technologies to which extent and to identify the regime in which a safe efficient and low-polluting operation is possible. As this is in many ways a question of combustion this report focuses on theoretical considerations about the impact of hydrogen admixture on combustion processes. The effects of hydrogen admixture on main gas quality properties as well as combustion temperatures laminar combustion velocities pollutant formation (CO NOx) safety-related aspects and the impact of combustion control are discussed. This overview provides a basis for subsequent steps of the project e.g. for establishing the testing program. A profound understanding of the impact on hydrogen on natural gas combustion is also essential for the development of mitigation strategies to reduce potential negative consequences of hydrogen admixture on appliances.
This is part one. Part two of this project can be found at this link
This is part one. Part two of this project can be found at this link
Flow Loop Test for Hydrogen
Jul 2020
National Grid (NG) needs to understand the implications that a hydrogen rich gas mix may have on the existing pipeline network. The primary network consists extensively of X52 steel pipe sections welded together using girth welds. Different welding specifications that have been used in the past 40 years and girth welds with different specifications may behave differently when coming into contact with hydrogen gas.
The aim of the flow loop test programme is to begin to evaluate the durability of pipeline materials in the context of future proofing of gas grid service where the gas mix may include a significant proportion of hydrogen. One specific objective is to investigate the resistance to hydrogen embrittlement of a conventional steel (X52) with commonly used girth welds. The primary concern is that the phenomenon of hydrogen embrittlement may cause unexpected or early failure mechanisms especially in older pipe sections with less stringent girth weld specifications.
This report and any attachment is freely available on the ENA Smarter Networks Portal here. IGEM Members can download the report and any attachment directly by clicking on the pdf icon above.
The aim of the flow loop test programme is to begin to evaluate the durability of pipeline materials in the context of future proofing of gas grid service where the gas mix may include a significant proportion of hydrogen. One specific objective is to investigate the resistance to hydrogen embrittlement of a conventional steel (X52) with commonly used girth welds. The primary concern is that the phenomenon of hydrogen embrittlement may cause unexpected or early failure mechanisms especially in older pipe sections with less stringent girth weld specifications.
This report and any attachment is freely available on the ENA Smarter Networks Portal here. IGEM Members can download the report and any attachment directly by clicking on the pdf icon above.
Non-combustion Related Impact of Hydrogen Admixture - Material Compatibility
Jun 2020
The present document is part of a larger literature survey of this WP aiming to establish the current status of gas utilisation technologies in order to determine the impact of hydrogen (H2) admixture on natural gas (NG) appliances. This part focuses on the non-combustion related aspects of injecting hydrogen in the gas distribution networks within buildings including hydrogen embrittlement of metallic materials chemical compatibility and leakage issues. In the particular conditions of adding natural gas and hydrogen (NG / H2) mixture into a gas distribution network hydrogen is likely to reduce the mechanical properties of metallic components. This is known as hydrogen embrittlement (HE) (Birnbaum 1979). This type of damage takes place once a critical level of stress / strain and hydrogen content coexist in a susceptible microstructure. Currently four mechanisms were identified and will be discussed in detail. The way those mechanisms act independently or together is strongly dependent on the material the hydrogen charging procedure and the mechanical loading type. The main metallic materials used in gas appliances and gas distribution networks are: carbon steels stainless steels copper brass and aluminium alloys (Thibaut 2020). The presented results showed that low alloy steels are the most susceptible materials to hydrogen embrittlement followed by stainless steels aluminium copper and brass alloys. However the relative pressures of the operating conditions of gas distribution network in buildings are low i.e. between 30 to 50 mbar. At those low hydrogen partial pressures it is assumed that a gas mixture composed of NG and up to 50% H2 should not be problematic in terms of HE for any of the metallic materials used in gas distribution network unless high mechanical stress / strain and high stress concentrations are applied. The chemical compatibility of hydrogen with other materials and specifically polyethylene (PE) which is a reference material for the gas industry is also discussed. PE was found to have no corrosion issues and no deterioration or ageing was observed after long term testing in hydrogen gas. The last non-combustion concern related to the introduction of hydrogen in natural gas distribution network is the propensity of hydrogen toward leakage. Indeed the physical properties of hydrogen are different from other gases such as methane or propane and it was observed that hydrogen leaks 2.5 times quicker than methane. This bibliographical report on material deterioration chemical compatibility and leakage concerns coming with the introduction of NG / H2 mixture in the gas distribution network sets the basis for the upcoming experimental work where the tightness of gas distribution network components will be investigated (Task 3.2.3 WP3). In addition tightness of typical components that connect end-user appliances to the local distribution line shall be evaluated as well.
FutureGrid: Project Progress Report
Dec 2021
The facility will be built from a range of decommissioned transmission assets to create a representative whole-network which will be used to trial hydrogen and will allow for accurate results to be analysed. Blends of hydrogen up to 100% will then be tested at transmission pressures to assess how the assets perform.<br/>The hydrogen research facility will remain separate from the main National Transmission System allowing for testing to be undertaken in a controlled environment with no risk to the safety and reliability of the existing gas transmission network.<br/>Ofgem’s Network Innovation Competition will provide £9.07m of funding with the remaining amount coming from the project partners.<br/>The aim is to start construction in 2021 with testing beginning in 2022.
HyDeploy Report: Gas Characteristics (Leakage, Dispersion and Flammability)
Sep 2018
The Health and Safety Laboratory (HSL) has carried out an investigation into the gas characteristics that may influence the leakage dispersion and flammability hazards associated with blended natural gas-hydrogen mixtures containing up to 20 % mol/mol hydrogen. The work was carried out under contract to Cadent & Northern Gas Networks as part of the HyDeploy project which was commissioned to investigate the feasibility of using blended hydrogen-natural gas mixtures in UK mains gas distribution networks.
Under the HyDeploy project a demonstration scheme is being carried out at Keele University in which it is planned to inject up to 20 % mol/mol hydrogen. Keele is Britain’s largest campus university and an ideal test site for a demonstration scheme as its gas distribution network is largely independent of the national gas network but still subject to UK gas industry procedural controls. It is anticipated that a successful demonstration scheme will facilitate the use of blended natural gas-hydrogen mixtures throughout the UK leading to significant reductions in carbon dioxide emissions. The project is being led by Cadent & Northern Gas Networks and also involves ITM Power Progressive Energy Keele University and HSL in consortium.
Click the supplements tab to view the other documents in this report
Under the HyDeploy project a demonstration scheme is being carried out at Keele University in which it is planned to inject up to 20 % mol/mol hydrogen. Keele is Britain’s largest campus university and an ideal test site for a demonstration scheme as its gas distribution network is largely independent of the national gas network but still subject to UK gas industry procedural controls. It is anticipated that a successful demonstration scheme will facilitate the use of blended natural gas-hydrogen mixtures throughout the UK leading to significant reductions in carbon dioxide emissions. The project is being led by Cadent & Northern Gas Networks and also involves ITM Power Progressive Energy Keele University and HSL in consortium.
Click the supplements tab to view the other documents in this report
HyDeploy Report: Quantitative Risk Assessment of the Field Trial of Hydrogen Injection into the Keele University Gas Distribution System
Oct 2018
A consortium comprising Cadent Northern Gas Networks Keele University Health and Safety Laboratory ITM Power and Progressive Energy is undertaking the research project HyDeploy. The project funded under the UK Network Innovation Competition scheme aims to demonstrate that natural gas containing levels of hydrogen beyond the upper limit set out in Schedule 3 of in the Gas Safety (Management) Regulations (GSMR) can be distributed and utilised safely and efficiently in a section of the UK distribution network. It will conclude with a field trial in which hydrogen will be injected into part of a private gas distribution system owned and operated by Keele University. Dave Lander Consulting Limited and Kiwa Ltd are providing technical support to the HyDeploy project and this report presents the results of Quantified Risk Assessment (QRA) for the proposed field trial. The QRA is intended to support an application by Keele University for exemption from the legal requirement to only convey gas that is compliant with the requirements of Schedule 3 of the GSMR. The QRA is aimed at demonstrating that the field trial will not result in a material increase in risk to persons within Keele University affected by the proposed field trial.<br/>Check the supplements tab for the other documents from this report
H21- Consumer and Gas Network Metering Phase 1: A Review of the Worldwide Hydrogen Meter Technologies and Applications
Feb 2018
There is no inherent property of hydrogen that makes it unsuitable for metering at distribution or transmission pressures. Towns gas containing large percentages of hydrogen was used for many years in the UK and continues to be in use in Hong Kong and Singapore. Many manufacturers sell their ordinary mechanical gas meters as suitable for hydrogen in a laboratory or industrial situation; unfortunately lack of demand has meant that none of these meters seem to have certified under appropriate metering regulations for gaseous hydrogen (e.g. the Measuring Instruments Directive)<br/>Some of the more sophisticated modern inferential meters (e.g. thermal or ultrasonic) currently designed specifically for natural gas (or LPG if suitably calibrated) are likely to unsuitable for repurposing directly to hydrogen but none of the problems appear fundamental or insuperable. The largest potential hurdle probably surrounds the physical size of current meters. A hydrogen appliance will consume about 3.3 more hydrogen than natural gas (on a volumetric basis) and using traditional designs this would have been measured through a meter probably too large to fit within an existing meter box. Unless unsolved such an increase in size would add materially to any hydrogen re-purposing programme.<br/>The meter trade thus need to be challenged to come up with a hydrogen meter that is the same physical size as a natural gas meter on a power rating basis (i.e. in kW). Ultrasonic and thermal mass meters should be included in the necessary Research and Development programme.<br/>A meter test programme is suggested that will provide evidence to meter manufacturers that the metering of hydrogen is not inherently difficult and thus convince them to make the necessary investments and/or approach the GDNO’s for assistance with such a programme.
HyDeploy Report: Keele Information
Jun 2018
Keele University was chosen as the site for the HyDeploy project as it was seen as the site offered a high degree of control regarding safety functions high availability of operational data and minimal supply chain interfaces given that Keele University is the supplier transporter and distributer of natural gas at the site. The site was offered to the project as a living laboratory in line with the university's ambition to be at the forefront of energy innovation through the Smart Energy Network Demonstrator (SEND). Evidenced within this report is the supporting data that confirms the rationale for selecting Keele University and the necessary data to profile the section of the gas network which hydrogen will be injected into. The gas network at Keele University is segregated via the governor stations which regulate pressure within the network. The section of network which has been chosen for the HyDeploy project is the G3 network which is regulated by the G3 governor.
HyDeploy2: Materials Summary and Interpretation
May 2021
During the exemption application process the original report was evaluated as part of a regulatory review and responses to questions submitted for further consideration. These have been addressed in this revised version (revision 1) in the form of an addendum. The addendum includes the question raised its number and the response to it. The area of the main body of the report to which each question and response refers is indicated by square brackets and the addendum number e.g. [A1].<br/>Through analysis of the literature and results of the practical testing the susceptibility of materials present in the Winlaton trial site to hydrogen degradation has been assessed with consideration of the Winlaton operating conditions (up to 20% H2 at total blend pressures of 20 mbar – 2 bar). The aim of this report has been to determine whether there are any components which have been identified at the Winlaton trial site which could have a significantly increased risk of failure due to their exposure to hydrogen during the one year trial. Where possible direct supporting data has been used to make assessments on the likelihood of failure; in other cases the assessment was aided by collaborative expert opinion in the fields of mechanical engineering materials science and the domestic gas industry.<br/>Click on the supplements tab to view the other documents from this report
HyDeploy2: Summary of Procedures for the Trial Network
Jun 2021
The assessment of appropriate operational procedures to govern the injection of a hydrogen/natural gas blend into Northern Gas Networks’ (NGN) Winlaton gas distribution network was a key requirement of the HyDeploy2 project. To perform this assessment the review was broken down into two areas procedures upstream of the emergency control valve (owned by NGN) and procedures downstream of the Emergency Control Valve (procedures which would be performed by Gas Safe registered individuals). Assessment of the upstream procedures was led by NGN (own and carry out all upstream procedures on NGN’s gas network) and assessment of the downstream procedures was led by Blue Flame Associates (an industry expert on downstream gas procedures).<br/>Methodologies were adopted to be able to highlight procedures that could potentially be used on the Winlaton trial network during the hydrogen blended gas injection period and if they were impacted by the changing of the gas within the network from natural gas to hydrogen blended gas. This method determined that for downstream gas procedures a total of 56 gas procedures required expert review resulting in 80 technical questions to be assessed and for the upstream gas procedures a total of 80 gas procedures required expert review resulting in 266 technical questions to be assessed.<br/>The operational procedures assessment has led to a determination as to whether a change is or is not required for relevant operational procedures where a basis of concern existed with respect to the injection of hydrogen blended gas. Any requirements to modify an existing procedure has been given in this report referencing the source as to where the detailed analysis for the change/no change recommendation has been given.<br/>The assessment took into account the associated experimental and research carried out as part of the HyDeploy and HyDeploy2 projects such as the assessment of gas characteristics materials impact appliance survey of assets on the Winlaton network and impact of hydrogen blended gas on gas detection equipment references to these studies have been given accordingly to associated impacted operational procedures.<br/>The conclusion of the assessment is that for upstream gas procedures there are some operational procedures that are unchanged some that require an increase in the frequency as to how often they are performed and some procedures which require a technical modification. For downstream domestic gas procedures all procedures applicable to a domestic gas installation were deemed to not be detrimentally affected by the introduction of a 20 mol% hydrogen blend.<br/>For upstream gas procedures an appropriate training package will be built off the back of the results presented in this report and disseminated accordingly to all relevant Operatives that will be responsible for the safety operation and maintenance of the Winlaton network during the hydrogen blend injection period. For downstream gas procedures the Gas Safe community have been fully engaged and informed about the trial.<br/>Click on the supplements tab to view the other documents from this report
Hydrogen Projects Database – Analysis
Jun 2020
The IEA produced this dataset as part of efforts to track advances in low-carbon hydrogen technology. It covers all projects commissioned worldwide since 2000 to produce hydrogen for energy or climate-change-mitigation purposes. It includes projects which their objective is either to reduce emissions associated with producing hydrogen for existing applications or to use hydrogen as an energy carrier or industrial feedstock in new applications that have the potential to be a low-carbon technology. Projects in planning or construction are also covered.
Link to Download Database from IEA Website
Link to Download Database from IEA Website
HyDeploy2 : Trial Management
May 2021
The trial management philosophy of the Winlaton trial within HyDeploy2 has been developed to enable the overall objectives of the project to be achieved; the safe demonstration of operating a Gas Distribution Network (GDN) on a blend of natural gas and hydrogen. The approach taken to develop the management philosophy of the Winlaton trial has been to continue the trial management strategies deployed for the Keele trial under HyDeploy albeit with site specific modifications where necessary. This document provides an overview of the management and governance processes associated with the trial itself.<br/>Click on the supplement tab to view the other documents from this report
North East Network & Industrial Cluster Development – Summary Report A Consolidated Summary Report by SGN & Wood
Nov 2021
In response to the global climate emergency governments across the world are aiming to lower greenhouse gas emissions to slow the damaging effects of climate change.<br/>The Scottish Government has set a target of net zero emissions by 2045. Already a global leader in renewable energy and low-carbon technology deployment Scotland’s energy landscape is set to undergo more change as it moves toward becoming carbon-neutral. Key to that change will be the transition from natural gas to zero-carbon gases like hydrogen and biomethane.<br/>Scotland’s north-east and central belt are home to some of its largest industrial carbon emitters. The sector’s reliance on natural gas means that it emits 11.9Mt of CO2 emissions per year says NECCUS: the equivalent of 2.6 million cars or roughly all the cars in Scotland. Most homes and businesses across Scotland also use natural gas for heating.<br/>Our North-East Network and Industrial Cluster project is laying the foundations for the rapid decarbonisation of this high-emitting sector. We’ve published a report outlining the practical steps needed to rapidly decarbonise a significant part of Scotland’s homes and industry. It demonstrates how hydrogen can play a leading role in delivering the Scottish Government’s target of one million homes with low carbon heat by 2030.<br/>The research published with global consulting and engineering advisor Wood sets out a transformational and accelerated pathway to 100% hydrogen for Scotland’s gas networks which you can see on the map below. It also details the feasibility of a CO2 collection network to securely capture transport and store carbon dioxide emissions deep underground.
HyDeploy2: Network Information and Maps
Jun 2021
Winlaton site was chosen as the site for the HyDeploy 2 North East trial as it was seen as the site that offered a high degree of variability with regards materials on the network size of network and statistical representation of housing. The Winlaton trial network is an estate of the wider Winlaton gas network situated in Blaydon near Gateshead. The Winlaton trial network has been isolated from the wider Winlaton gas network where it was previously supplied from and will be supplied with the blended gas from NGN’s Low Thornley gas depot with the installation of a brand-new pressure regulating district governor.<br/>The data contained within this report outlines the expected seasonal gas demand on the Winlaton trial network and the associated leakage and repair history for the network. No unusual repairs or leakage behaviour has been observed on this network. A DSEAR assessment has been conducted on the governor station ensuring ATEX compliance. The network isolation and reinforcement requirements are also given in this report highlighting the necessary actions to isolate the trial network from the wider Winlaton gas network. The NGN Safety Case outlines the risks associated with the operation of a gas grid and the ALARP mitigations developed to minimise them and what response is necessary in case such risks are realised. The existing safety case will be amended to account for the infrastructural operational and commercial changes associated with the HyDeploy 2 project. The report also contains a detailed register of all the assets on the Winlaton trial network this data set was used to inform the scientific research programme and specifically to allow an assessment to be carried out with regards to the operability of the existing and newly installed assets on the Winlaton trial network with respect to the blended gas.<br/>Click on supplement tab to view the other documents from this report
Hy4Heat Progress Report
Jan 2021
Hy4Heat’s mission is to establish if it is technically possible safe and convenient to replace natural gas (methane) with hydrogen in residential and commercial buildings and gas appliances. This will enable the government to determine whether to proceed to a community trial.
There is growing international consensus that hydrogen will be essential to successfully tackling climate change. So BEIS is working to develop hydrogen as a strategic decarbonised energy carrier for the UK which will be an essential element of the UK’s efforts to transform and decarbonise our energy system in line with our legally binding 2050 net zero commitment. Hydrogen can be used across multiple end-use sectors including industry transport heat and power. BEIS is looking to support and develop low carbon hydrogen production methods which will position hydrogen as a highly effective decarbonisation option particularly in hard-to electrify sectors and processes.
At the end of 2017 BEIS appointed Arup to be the programme manager for the Hy4Heat programme. Arup partnered with technical and industry specialists: Kiwa Gastec Progressive Energy Embers and Yo Energy and together the team oversees the programme and technical management of all the work packages. For the past three years Hy4Heat has been exploring whether replacing natural gas (methane) with hydrogen for domestic heating and cooking is feasible and could be part of a plausible potential pathway to help meet heat decarbonisation targets. To do this the programme has been seeking to provide the technical performance usability and safety evidence to demonstrate whether hydrogen can be used for heat in buildings.
This report and any attachment is freely available on the Hy4Heat website here. The report can also be downloaded directly by clicking on the pdf icon above.
There is growing international consensus that hydrogen will be essential to successfully tackling climate change. So BEIS is working to develop hydrogen as a strategic decarbonised energy carrier for the UK which will be an essential element of the UK’s efforts to transform and decarbonise our energy system in line with our legally binding 2050 net zero commitment. Hydrogen can be used across multiple end-use sectors including industry transport heat and power. BEIS is looking to support and develop low carbon hydrogen production methods which will position hydrogen as a highly effective decarbonisation option particularly in hard-to electrify sectors and processes.
At the end of 2017 BEIS appointed Arup to be the programme manager for the Hy4Heat programme. Arup partnered with technical and industry specialists: Kiwa Gastec Progressive Energy Embers and Yo Energy and together the team oversees the programme and technical management of all the work packages. For the past three years Hy4Heat has been exploring whether replacing natural gas (methane) with hydrogen for domestic heating and cooking is feasible and could be part of a plausible potential pathway to help meet heat decarbonisation targets. To do this the programme has been seeking to provide the technical performance usability and safety evidence to demonstrate whether hydrogen can be used for heat in buildings.
This report and any attachment is freely available on the Hy4Heat website here. The report can also be downloaded directly by clicking on the pdf icon above.
Fuel Cells and Hydrogen: Joint Undertaking Programme Review 2011 Final Report
Apr 2012
The Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU) has the ambitious objective to place Europe at the forefront of the development commercialization and deployment of fuel cells and hydrogen technologies as of 2015. About €470 million over a six year period have been granted by the European Union to achieve this and private funds are being attracted to support the same ambition as part of the global European effort embedded in the multi-annual implementation plan MAIP (2008-2013).
Fuel Cells and Hydrogen: Joint Undertaking Programme Review 2013 Final Report
Mar 2014
The 2013 Programme Review is the third annual review of the FCH JU portfolio of projects. This edition covers over 100 projects funded through annual calls for proposals from 2008 to 2012.<br/>The Programme Review serves to evaluate the achievements of the portfolio of FCH JU-funded projects against FCH JU strategic objectives in terms of advancing technological progress addressing horizontal activities and promoting cooperation with other projects both within the FCH JU portfolio as well as externally.<br/>The 2013 Review confirms that the portfolio of projects supported within energy and transport pillars and within its cross-cutting activities is a solid one aligned with the FCH JU strategic objectives. Industry and research collaboration is strong with SMEs making up 30% of total participants. The continued expansion of demonstration activities in both pillars answers to a greater emphasis on addressing the commercialisation challenge which is bolstered by activities in basic and breakthrough research.
Fuel Cells and Hydrogen: Joint Undertaking Programme Review 2014 Final Report
Apr 2015
The 2014 Review is the fourth review of the FCH JU project portfolio. The reviews began in 2011 following a recommendation arising from the interim evaluation of the FCH JU which identified the need to ensure that the FCH JU project portfolio as a whole fulfilled the objectives of the Multi-Annual Implementation or Work Plan.
Hydrogen Valleys. Insights Into the Emerging Hydrogen Economies Around the World
Jun 2021
Clean hydrogen is universally considered an important energy vector in the global efforts to limit greenhouse gas emissions to the "well below 2 °C scenario" as agreed by more than 190 states in the 2015 Paris Agreement. Hydrogen Valleys – regional ecosystems that link hydrogen production transportation and various end uses such as mobility or industrial feedstock – are important steps towards enabling the development of a new hydrogen economy.<br/><br/>This report has been issued during the setup of the "Mission Innovation Hydrogen Valley Platform" which was commissioned by the European Union and developed by the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking. The global information sharing platform to date already features 30+ global Hydrogen Valleys with a cumulative investment volume of more than EUR 30 billion. The projects provide a first-of-its kind look into the global Hydrogen Valley project landscape its success factors and remaining barriers. This report summarizes the findings and presents identified best practices for successful project development as well as recommendations for policymakers on how to provide a favourable policy environment that paves the way to reach the Hydrogen Valleys' full potential as enablers of the global hydrogen economy.
Advancing Hydrogen: Learning from 19 Plans to Advance Hydrogen from Across the Globe
Jul 2019
Hydrogen as the International Energy Agency (IEA 2019) notes has experienced a number of ‘false dawns’ - in the 1970s 1990s and early 2000s - which subsequently faded. However this time there is reason to think that hydrogen will play a substantial role in the global energy system. The most important factor driving this renewed focus is the ability of hydrogen to support deep carbon abatement by assisting in those sectors where abatement with non-carbon electricity has so far proven difficult. Hydrogen can also address poor urban air quality energy security and provides a good means of shifting energy supply between regions and between seasons.
In response to these changed conditions many countries states and even cities have developed hydrogen strategies while various interest groups have developed industry roadmaps which fulfil a similar role.
This report summarises 19 hydrogen strategies and aims to help readers understand how nations regions and industries are thinking about opportunities to become involved in this emerging industry. Its prime purpose is to act as a resource to assist those involved in long-term energy policy planning in Australia including those involved in the development of Australia’s hydrogen strategy
The full report can be read on the Energy Network website at this link here
In response to these changed conditions many countries states and even cities have developed hydrogen strategies while various interest groups have developed industry roadmaps which fulfil a similar role.
This report summarises 19 hydrogen strategies and aims to help readers understand how nations regions and industries are thinking about opportunities to become involved in this emerging industry. Its prime purpose is to act as a resource to assist those involved in long-term energy policy planning in Australia including those involved in the development of Australia’s hydrogen strategy
The full report can be read on the Energy Network website at this link here
Hydrogen Deblending in the GB Network - Feasibility Study Report
Nov 2020
The UK government has committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050. All future energy modelling identifies a key role for hydrogen (linked to CCUS) in providing decarbonised energy for heat transport industry and power generation. Blending hydrogen into the existing natural gas pipeline network has already been proposed as a means of transporting low carbon energy. However the expectation is that a gas blend with maximum hydrogen content of 20 mol% can be used without impacting consumers’ end use applications. Therefore a transitional solution is needed to achieve a 100% hydrogen future network.
Deblending (i.e. separation of the blended gas stream) is a potential solution to allow the existing gas transmission and distribution network infrastructure to transport energy as a blended gas stream. Deblending can provide either hydrogen natural gas or blended gas for space heating transport industry and power generation applications. If proven technically and economically feasible utilising the existing gas transmission and distribution networks in this manner could avoid the need for investment in separate gas and hydrogen pipeline networks during the transition to a future fully decarbonised gas network.
The Energy Network Association (ENA) “Gas Goes Green” programme identifies deblending could play a critical role in the transition to a decarbonised gas network. Gas separation technologies are well-established and mature and have been used and proven in natural gas processing for decades. However these technologies have not been used for bulk gas transportation in a transmission and distribution network setting. Some emerging hydrogen separation technologies are currently under development. The main hydrogen recovery and purification technologies currently deployed globally are:
This report and any attachment is freely available on the ENA Smarter Networks Portal here. IGEM Members can download the report and any attachment directly by clicking on the pdf icon above.
Deblending (i.e. separation of the blended gas stream) is a potential solution to allow the existing gas transmission and distribution network infrastructure to transport energy as a blended gas stream. Deblending can provide either hydrogen natural gas or blended gas for space heating transport industry and power generation applications. If proven technically and economically feasible utilising the existing gas transmission and distribution networks in this manner could avoid the need for investment in separate gas and hydrogen pipeline networks during the transition to a future fully decarbonised gas network.
The Energy Network Association (ENA) “Gas Goes Green” programme identifies deblending could play a critical role in the transition to a decarbonised gas network. Gas separation technologies are well-established and mature and have been used and proven in natural gas processing for decades. However these technologies have not been used for bulk gas transportation in a transmission and distribution network setting. Some emerging hydrogen separation technologies are currently under development. The main hydrogen recovery and purification technologies currently deployed globally are:
- Cryogenic separation
- Membrane separation
- Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA)
This report and any attachment is freely available on the ENA Smarter Networks Portal here. IGEM Members can download the report and any attachment directly by clicking on the pdf icon above.
Roadmap to Hydrogen in the NTS - National Grid Gas Transmission
Jan 2020
DNV GL believes that the National Transmission System (NTS) will be central to the future of decarbonised energy in the UK. The future NTS could transmit natural gas hydrogen blends of the two and carbon dioxide. New pipelines will be built however a large cost-saving is available if the existing NTS assets can also be re-purposed. To move towards this future National Grid Gas Transmission wants to develop a project to trial injection hydrogen into the NTS. This is an opportunity to show that National Grid is part of the solution to achieving Net Zero. The trial will demonstrate to the Government and public that re-purposing the NTS is cost-effective safe and involves minimal disruption.
This report sets out a roadmap of projects to provide the knowledge needed for the trial. The roadmap was developed by assessing the knowledge required and how much of it already existed. The knowledge already available is summarised in this report with references to where further details can be found. Gaps in the knowledge are then described. The roadmap consists of projects to conduct work to close the knowledge gaps. The results are summarised in the figures below and in the box to the right.
This report and any attachment is freely available on the ENA Smarter Networks Portal here. IGEM Members can download the report and any attachment directly by clicking on the pdf icon above.
This report sets out a roadmap of projects to provide the knowledge needed for the trial. The roadmap was developed by assessing the knowledge required and how much of it already existed. The knowledge already available is summarised in this report with references to where further details can be found. Gaps in the knowledge are then described. The roadmap consists of projects to conduct work to close the knowledge gaps. The results are summarised in the figures below and in the box to the right.
This report and any attachment is freely available on the ENA Smarter Networks Portal here. IGEM Members can download the report and any attachment directly by clicking on the pdf icon above.
HyDeploy Gas Safe Webinar
Nov 2020
HyDeploy is a pioneering hydrogen energy project designed to help reduce UK CO2 emissions and reach the Government’s net zero target for 2050.
As the first ever live demonstration of hydrogen in homes HyDeploy aims to prove that blending up to 20% volume of hydrogen with natural gas is a safe and greener alternative to the gas we use now. It is providing evidence on how customers don’t have to change their cooking or heating appliances to take the blend which means less disruption and cost for them.
As the first ever live demonstration of hydrogen in homes HyDeploy aims to prove that blending up to 20% volume of hydrogen with natural gas is a safe and greener alternative to the gas we use now. It is providing evidence on how customers don’t have to change their cooking or heating appliances to take the blend which means less disruption and cost for them.
Hydrogen Taskforce: The Role of Hydrogen in Delivering Net Zero
Feb 2020
Hydrogen is essential to the UK meeting its net zero emissions target. We must act now to scale hydrogen solutions and achieve cost effective deep decarbonisation. With the support of Government UK industry is ready to deliver.
The potential to deploy hydrogen at scale as an energy vector has risen rapidly in the political and industrial consciousness in recent years as the benefits and opportunities have become better understood. Early stage projects across the globe have demonstrated the potential of hydrogen to deliver deep decarbonisation reduce the cost of renewable power and balance energy supply and demand. Governments and major industrial and commercial organisations across the world have set out their ambition to deploy hydrogen technologies at scale. This has created a growing confidence that hydrogen will present both a viable decarbonisation pathway and a global market opportunity. Hydrogen will have an important role to play in meeting the global climate goals set out in the Paris Climate Agreement and due to be discussed later this year at COP26.
The UK’s commitment to a net zero greenhouse gas emissions target has sharpened the conversation around hydrogen. Most experts agree that net zero by 2050 cannot be achieved through electrification alone and as such there is a need for a clean molecule to complement the electron. Hydrogen has properties which lend themselves to the decarbonisation of parts of the energy system which are less well suited to electrification such as industrial processes heating and heavy and highly utilised vehicles. Hydrogen solutions can be scaled meaning that the contribution of hydrogen to meeting net zero could be substantial.
A steady start has been made to exploring the hydrogen opportunity. Partnerships between policymakers and industry exist on several projects which are spread out right across the country from London to many industrial areas in the north east and north west. Existing projects include the early stage roll out of transport infrastructure and vehicles feasibility studies focused on large scale hydrogen production technologies projects exploring the decarbonisation of the gas grid and the development of hydrogen appliances.
The Government recently announced new funding for hydrogen through the Hydrogen Supply Programme and Industrial Fuel Switching Competition. These programmes are excellent examples of collaboration between Government and industry in driving UK leadership in hydrogen and developing solutions that will be critical for meeting net zero.
If the UK is going to meet net zero and capitalise on the economic growth opportunities presented by domestic and global markets for hydrogen solutions and expertise it is critical that the 2020s deliver a step change in hydrogen activity building on the unique strengths and expertise developed during early stage technology development.
The Hydrogen Taskforce brings together leading companies pushing hydrogen into the mainstream in the UK to offer a shared view of the opportunity and a collective position on the next steps that must be taken to ensure that the UK capitalises on this opportunity. There are questions to be answered and challenges that must be overcome as hydrogen technologies develop yet by focusing on what can be done today the benefits of hydrogen can be immediately realised whilst industry expertise and knowledge is built.
You can download the whole document from the Hydrogen Taskforce website here
The potential to deploy hydrogen at scale as an energy vector has risen rapidly in the political and industrial consciousness in recent years as the benefits and opportunities have become better understood. Early stage projects across the globe have demonstrated the potential of hydrogen to deliver deep decarbonisation reduce the cost of renewable power and balance energy supply and demand. Governments and major industrial and commercial organisations across the world have set out their ambition to deploy hydrogen technologies at scale. This has created a growing confidence that hydrogen will present both a viable decarbonisation pathway and a global market opportunity. Hydrogen will have an important role to play in meeting the global climate goals set out in the Paris Climate Agreement and due to be discussed later this year at COP26.
The UK’s commitment to a net zero greenhouse gas emissions target has sharpened the conversation around hydrogen. Most experts agree that net zero by 2050 cannot be achieved through electrification alone and as such there is a need for a clean molecule to complement the electron. Hydrogen has properties which lend themselves to the decarbonisation of parts of the energy system which are less well suited to electrification such as industrial processes heating and heavy and highly utilised vehicles. Hydrogen solutions can be scaled meaning that the contribution of hydrogen to meeting net zero could be substantial.
A steady start has been made to exploring the hydrogen opportunity. Partnerships between policymakers and industry exist on several projects which are spread out right across the country from London to many industrial areas in the north east and north west. Existing projects include the early stage roll out of transport infrastructure and vehicles feasibility studies focused on large scale hydrogen production technologies projects exploring the decarbonisation of the gas grid and the development of hydrogen appliances.
The Government recently announced new funding for hydrogen through the Hydrogen Supply Programme and Industrial Fuel Switching Competition. These programmes are excellent examples of collaboration between Government and industry in driving UK leadership in hydrogen and developing solutions that will be critical for meeting net zero.
If the UK is going to meet net zero and capitalise on the economic growth opportunities presented by domestic and global markets for hydrogen solutions and expertise it is critical that the 2020s deliver a step change in hydrogen activity building on the unique strengths and expertise developed during early stage technology development.
The Hydrogen Taskforce brings together leading companies pushing hydrogen into the mainstream in the UK to offer a shared view of the opportunity and a collective position on the next steps that must be taken to ensure that the UK capitalises on this opportunity. There are questions to be answered and challenges that must be overcome as hydrogen technologies develop yet by focusing on what can be done today the benefits of hydrogen can be immediately realised whilst industry expertise and knowledge is built.
You can download the whole document from the Hydrogen Taskforce website here
Sustainable Hydrogen Production: A Role for Fusion
Apr 2007
This Meeting Report summarises the findings of a two-day workshop in April 2007 at the Culham Science Centre and Worcester College Oxford which explored the potential for large-scale Hydrogen production through methods other than electrolysis.<br/>Operating at the cusp of research and policy-making the UK Energy Research Centre's mission is to be the UK's pre-eminent centre of research and source of authoritative information and leadership on sustainable energy systems. The Centre takes a whole systems approach to energy research incorporating economics engineering and the physical environmental and social sciences while developing and maintaining the means to enable cohesive research in energy. A key supporting function of UKERC is the Meeting Place based in Oxford which aims to bring together members of the UK energy community and overseas experts from different disciplines to learn identify problems develop solutions and further the energy debate.
Liverpool-Manchester Hydrogen Cluster: A Low Cost, Deliverable Project
Aug 2017
Emissions from natural gas combustion and use are the largest source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the UK. The use of hydrogen in place of natural gas in principle offers a potential route to long term widespread decarbonisation of gas distribution networks as shown by the Leeds City Gate (‘H21’) study.1 The purpose of considering conversion to hydrogen is to deliver widespread carbon abatement across the UK at lower cost than alternative decarbonisation strategies.<br/>The Government is to finalise and publish the long-awaited ‘Clean Growth Plan’ along with an Industrial Strategy White Paper in Autumn 2017. Conversion from natural gas to hydrogen potentially on an incremental basis would likely represent a major opportunity for new industrial growth. This might be through the longer term stability or potential expansion of existing (newly decarbonised) energy intensive industry or through business opportunities and growth created from new technologies developed to facilitate the transition to hydrogen as the UK becomes a global leader and major exporter of equipment and skills. Job creation and the resulting gross value added (GVA) to the economy could therefore be significant in delivery of the goals of the Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund (ISCF).<br/>The core requirement is to supply low carbon hydrogen in bulk matching production to distribution network demand at an affordable cost. The H21 study concluded that to do so reliably hydrogen is best produced by reducing natural gas in steam methane reformers (SMRs) fitted with Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS). The study proposed that the considerable inter-seasonal and daily fluctuations in network demand can be managed by storing hydrogen in underground salt formations. It concluded that the SMRs with associated carbon dioxide (CO2) capture should be located near to where CO2 transport and storage infrastructure was likely to be created and noted that candidate locations for this are Teesside Humberside Grangemouth and the Liverpool-Manchester (L-M) area. Two of these Humberside and the L-M area are within the Cadent Gas Ltd (‘Cadent’) network and are also industrial ‘clusters’ with significant populations.<br/>The work reported here builds upon the approach proposed in the H21 project by focussing on defining ‘low carbon’ hydrogen supply and distribution systems in Humberside and the L-M area at a system scale sufficient to supply a large city.2 Both the Humber and L-M clusters are close to salt deposits which are suitable for both daily and inter-seasonal storage of hydrogen (for initial or expanded projects). Furthermore new large-scale gas Combined Cycle Gas Turbine (CCGT) plants widely assumed as likely anchor projects for CCS infrastructure have been consented in both cluster areas confirming that they are both strong candidates as locations for the first CCS clusters and hence as locations for a hydrogen supply system.
Transitioning to Hydrogen - Assessing the Engineering Risks and Uncertainties
Jun 2016
Transitioning to Hydrogen a joint report from five engineering organisations focuses on the engineering challenges of replacing natural gas in the gas distribution network with hydrogen in order to reduce emissions. The production of this report is timely following the commitment from Government this week to legislate for net zero emissions by 2050. It is expected that hydrogen will play a big part in the reduction of emissions from the heating transport and industrial sectors.<br/><br/>The report concludes that there is no reason why repurposing the gas network to hydrogen cannot be achieved but there are some engineering risks and uncertainties that need to be addressed. In the development of the report many questions were posed and members of IMechE IChemE IET and IGEM were surveyed to better understand the challenges faced by the hydrogen production and gas industries planning to undertake this ambitious transition. Further information was obtained from the Health and Safety Laboratories.<br/><br/>The report also highlights 20 ongoing projects in the UK that are looking at various aspects of hydrogen production distribution and use.
HyMotion- Network Supplied Hydrogen Unlocks Low Carbon Opportunities
Jun 2019
The Government’s recently published ‘Road to Zero’ strategy sets out objectives to electrify cars and reduce emissions from heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) through policies such as ending the sale of diesel and petrol cars and subsidising electric charging infrastructure. The CCC response to the strategy however stated that the proposed measures do not go far enough. New Government policies combined with action from industry will be required for mobility related carbon reduction targets to be met.<br/>Hydrogen has been identified by the Government and CCC as one potential solution. The CCC report on a possible future hydrogen economy recognises that in particular hydrogen may have an important role to play for long distance journeys and heavy goods transport. This view was echoed further in the recent CCC ‘Net Zero’ report.<br/>Cadent’s HyNet project will produce low carbon hydrogen through reformation of natural gas combined with carbon capture utilisation and storage (CCUS). HyNet has primarily been designed to supply low carbon heat to industry and a blend of hydrogen to Cadent’s existing natural gas network but also provides the opportunity to supply low cost hydrogen for mobility. The HyMotion project has considered the relative merits of such an approach modelled potential demand scenarios and sought to determine technical and commercial solutions to enable deployment.<br/>Hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) share powertrain technologies with battery electric vehicles (BEVs) but the roll-out of BEVs is currently ahead of FCEVs. This is largely due to a lack of low cost low carbon bulk hydrogen production and refuelling infrastructure both of which HyNet seeks to address.
Potential Economic Impacts of the HyNet North West Project
Jan 2018
The objective of the analysis is to provide a robust assessment of the economic impact of HyNet NW over the period to 2050 across both the North West of England and the UK as a whole. Impact is assessed through modelling of direct indirect and induced effect frameworks:
Consideration is also given to the potential impacts of inward investment attracted to the North West/UK in the wake of the Project.
- Direct effects – activities that directly accrue due to the construction and operation of the facilities;
- Indirect effects – the purchase of goods and services to facilitate construction/operation; and
- Induced effects – spending of wages and salaries generated directly and indirectly through construction and operation.
Consideration is also given to the potential impacts of inward investment attracted to the North West/UK in the wake of the Project.
Fuel Cells and Hydrogen: Joint Undertaking Programme Review 2019 Final Report
Nov 2020
The 2019 Programme Review Report presents the findings of a review into activities supported by the FCH 2 JU under the EU’s Seventh Framework Programme and Horizon 2020 by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC ). It pays particular attention to the added value effectiveness and techno-economic efficiency of FCH 2 JU projects assigned to six review panels under two main pillars:<br/>Transport and Energy (TRANSPORT: a.trials and deployment of fuel cell applications and b.the next generation of products) (ENERGY: a.trials and deployment of fuel cell applications generation of products and c.hydrogen for sectoral integration)<br/>Support for market uptake (cross-cutting activities such as standards and consumer awareness)<br/>This report covers all 81 projects that were ongoing for any time between April and October 2018 and assesses the strengths and accomplishments of each panel and areas that would benefit from further attention.
Project Cavendish - National Grid Gas Transmission
Sep 2020
The Isle of Grain (IoG) presents a technically feasible commercially viable strategic location to build and operate a hydrogen production facility which would be a key enabler to the UK meeting the Net Zero 2050 target.
As highlighted in the ‘Net Zero – The UK’s contribution to stopping global warming’ report published by The Committee on Climate Change in May 2019 hydrogen is set to have a major part to play in reducing UK carbon dioxide emissions. Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is also seen as essential to support those supplies.
The report further recognises that this will involve increased investments and that CCS and hydrogen will require both capital funding and revenue support.
For hydrogen to have a part to play in the decarbonisation of London and the south east of England a large-scale hydrogen production facility will be required which will provide a multi vector solution through the decarbonisation of the gas grid.
This report and any attachment is freely available on the ENA Smarter Networks Portal here. IGEM Members can download the report and any attachment directly by clicking on the pdf icon above.
As highlighted in the ‘Net Zero – The UK’s contribution to stopping global warming’ report published by The Committee on Climate Change in May 2019 hydrogen is set to have a major part to play in reducing UK carbon dioxide emissions. Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is also seen as essential to support those supplies.
The report further recognises that this will involve increased investments and that CCS and hydrogen will require both capital funding and revenue support.
For hydrogen to have a part to play in the decarbonisation of London and the south east of England a large-scale hydrogen production facility will be required which will provide a multi vector solution through the decarbonisation of the gas grid.
This report and any attachment is freely available on the ENA Smarter Networks Portal here. IGEM Members can download the report and any attachment directly by clicking on the pdf icon above.
Hy4Heat Hydrogen Odorant - Work Package 2
Nov 2020
This work programme was focused on identifying a suitable odorant for use in a 100% hydrogen gas grid (domestic use such as boilers and cookers). The research involved a review of existing odorants (used primarily for natural gas) and the selection of five suitable odorants based on available literature. One odorant was selected based on possible suitability with a Polymer Electrolyte Membrane (PEM) based fuel cell vehicle which could in future be a possible end-user of grid hydrogen. NPL prepared Primary Reference Materials containing the five odorants in hydrogen at the relevant amount fraction levels (as would be found in the grid) including ones provided by Robinson Brothers (the supplier of odorants for natural gas in the UK). These mixtures were used by NPL to perform tests to understand the effects of the mixtures on pipeline (metal and plastic) appliances (a hydrogen boiler provided by Worcester Bosch) and PEM fuel cells. HSE investigated the health and environmental impact of these odorants in hydrogen. Olfactory testing was performed by Air Spectrum to characterise the ‘smell’ of each odorant. Finally an economic analysis was performed by E4tech. The results confirm that Odorant NB would be a suitable odorant for use in a 100% hydrogen gas grid for combustion applications but further research would be required if the intention is to supply grid hydrogen to stationery fuel cells or fuel cell vehicles. In this case further testing would need to be performed to measure the extent of fuel cell degradation caused by the non-sulphur odorant obtained as part of this work programme and also other UK projects such as the Hydrogen Grid to Vehicle (HG2V) project[1] would provide important information about whether a purification step would be required regardless of the odorant before the hydrogen purity would be suitable for a PEM fuel cell vehicle. If purification was required it would be fine to use Odorant NB as this would be removed during the purification step.
This report and any attachment is freely available on the Hy4Heat website here. The report can also be downloaded directly by clicking on the pdf icon above
This report and any attachment is freely available on the Hy4Heat website here. The report can also be downloaded directly by clicking on the pdf icon above
Hy4Heat Conversion of Industrial Heating Equipment to Hydrogen - Work Package 6
Jan 2020
The study focuses on converting current industrial natural gas heating technologies to use 100% hydrogen considering the evidence which must be available before a decision on the UK’s decarbonisation pathway for heating could be made. The aim of the study is to assess the technical requirements and challenges associated with industrial hydrogen conversion and estimate the associated costs and timeframes.
This report and any attachment is freely available on the Hy4Heat website here. IGEM Members can download the report and any attachment directly by clicking on the pdf icon above.
This report and any attachment is freely available on the Hy4Heat website here. IGEM Members can download the report and any attachment directly by clicking on the pdf icon above.
Hy4Heat Hydrogen Purity - Work Package 2
Feb 2020
The report makes a recommendation for a minimum hydrogen purity standard to be used by manufacturers developing prototype hydrogen appliances and during their subsequent demonstration as part of the Hy4Heat programme. It makes a recommendation for a hydrogen purity level with the aim that it is reasonable and practicable and considers implications related to hydrogen production the gas network and cost.
This report and any attachment is freely available on the Hy4Heat website here. The report can also be downloaded directly by clicking on the pdf icon above
This report and any attachment is freely available on the Hy4Heat website here. The report can also be downloaded directly by clicking on the pdf icon above
Great Expectations: Asia, Australia and Europe Leading Emerging Green Hydrogen Economy, but Project Delays Likely
Aug 2020
In July 2020 the European Union unveiled its new Hydrogen Strategy a visionary plan to accelerate the adoption of green hydrogen to meet the EU’s net-zero emissions goal by 2050. Combined with smaller-scale plans in South Korea and Japan IEEFA believes this could form the beginnings of a global green hydrogen economy.
Green hydrogen produced exclusively with renewable energy has been acclaimed for decades but ever lower solar electricity costs mean this time really is different.
We expect the EU’s initiative to find strong support as the proposed investment of €430bn by 2030 places it in pole position to develop a world-class green energy manufacturing industry and provides a vital bridge for energy transition by repurposing existing ‘natural’ gas pipelines and fossil-fuel dependent ports.
In the past year numerous green hydrogen projects have been proposed primarily in Asia Europe Australia.
We estimate there are 50 viable projects globally announced in the past year with a total hydrogen production capacity of 4 million tons per annum and renewable power capacity of 50 gigawatts (GW) requiring capex of US$75bn.
The paper can be download on the IEEFA website
Green hydrogen produced exclusively with renewable energy has been acclaimed for decades but ever lower solar electricity costs mean this time really is different.
We expect the EU’s initiative to find strong support as the proposed investment of €430bn by 2030 places it in pole position to develop a world-class green energy manufacturing industry and provides a vital bridge for energy transition by repurposing existing ‘natural’ gas pipelines and fossil-fuel dependent ports.
In the past year numerous green hydrogen projects have been proposed primarily in Asia Europe Australia.
We estimate there are 50 viable projects globally announced in the past year with a total hydrogen production capacity of 4 million tons per annum and renewable power capacity of 50 gigawatts (GW) requiring capex of US$75bn.
The paper can be download on the IEEFA website
Impact of Hydrogen Admixture on Combustion Processes – Part II: Practice
Dec 2020
The Fuel Cells & Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU) project ""Testing Hydrogen admixture for Gas Appliances"" aka THyGA is proud to release the second deliverable about the impact of hydrogen admixture on combustion processes. This time the report explores the expected impact of H2NG on a range of appliance designs installed in the EU.
After the deliverable D2.2 dedicated to the theorical estimation of the impact of H2 admixture THyGA reviews results from the litterature to evaluate available knowledge on CO and NOx formation overheating flame temperature flashback H2 leakage operational implications and efficiency of appliances supplied with H2NG blends. Learn more and read deliverable D2.3.
Climate change is one of today’s most pressing global challenges. Since the emission of greenhouse gases is often closely related to the use and supply of energy the goal to avoid emissions requires a fundamental restructuring of the energy system including all parts of the technology chains from production to end-use. Natural gas is today one of the most important primary energy sources in Europe with utilization ranging from power generation and industry to appliances in the residential and commercial sector as well as mobility. As natural gas is a fossil fuel gas utilization is thus responsible for significant emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) a greenhouse gas.
This is part two. Part one of this project can be found at this link
After the deliverable D2.2 dedicated to the theorical estimation of the impact of H2 admixture THyGA reviews results from the litterature to evaluate available knowledge on CO and NOx formation overheating flame temperature flashback H2 leakage operational implications and efficiency of appliances supplied with H2NG blends. Learn more and read deliverable D2.3.
Climate change is one of today’s most pressing global challenges. Since the emission of greenhouse gases is often closely related to the use and supply of energy the goal to avoid emissions requires a fundamental restructuring of the energy system including all parts of the technology chains from production to end-use. Natural gas is today one of the most important primary energy sources in Europe with utilization ranging from power generation and industry to appliances in the residential and commercial sector as well as mobility. As natural gas is a fossil fuel gas utilization is thus responsible for significant emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) a greenhouse gas.
This is part two. Part one of this project can be found at this link
Heat Pump Manufacturing Supply Chain Research Project Report
Dec 2020
The Department for Business Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) commissioned a study to research the capacity of the manufacturing supply chain to meet expected future demand for heat pumps. This report contains analysis of the existing supply chain including component parts and also assesses the risks to and opportunities for growth in domestic heat pump manufacture and export.<br/><br/>Alongside a literature review the findings in this report were supported by interviews with organisations involved in the manufacture of heat pumps and an online workshop held with a range of businesses throughout the supply chain.
Fuel Cells and Hydrogen: Joint Undertaking Programme Review 2015 Final Report
Apr 2016
The 2015 Programme Review Report refers to the fifth review of the FCH JU project portfolio and covers 100 projects funded through annual calls for proposals from 2009 to 2013.<br/>The reviews began in 2011 following a recommendation arising from the interim evaluation of the FCH JU which identified the need to ensure that the overall project portfolio fulfilled the objectives of the FCH JU Multi-Annual Implementation and Work Plans.
H21- Leeds City Gate Project Report
Jul 2016
The H21 Leeds City Gate project is a study with the aim of determining the feasibility from both a technical and economic viewpoint of converting the existing natural gas network in Leeds one of the largest UK cities to 100% hydrogen. The project has been designed to minimise disruption for existing customers and to deliver heat at the same cost as current natural gas to customers. The project has shown that:
The project has provided costs for the scheme and has modelled these costs in a regulatory finance model. In addition the availability of low-cost bulk hydrogen in a gas network could revolutionise the potential for hydrogen vehicles and via fuel cells support a decentralised model of combined heat and power and localised power generation.
This report and any attachment is freely available on the ENA Smarter Networks Portal here. IGEM Members can download the report and any attachment directly by clicking on the pdf icon above.
- The gas network has the correct capacity for such a conversion
- It can be converted incrementally with minimal disruption to customers
- Minimal new energy infrastructure will be required compared to alternatives
- The existing heat demand for Leeds can be met via steam methane reforming and salt cavern storage using technology in use around the world today
The project has provided costs for the scheme and has modelled these costs in a regulatory finance model. In addition the availability of low-cost bulk hydrogen in a gas network could revolutionise the potential for hydrogen vehicles and via fuel cells support a decentralised model of combined heat and power and localised power generation.
This report and any attachment is freely available on the ENA Smarter Networks Portal here. IGEM Members can download the report and any attachment directly by clicking on the pdf icon above.
HyNet North West: Delivering Clean Growth
Jan 2018
HyNet North West is a significant clean growth opportunity for the UK. It is a low cost deliverable project which meets the major challenges of reducing carbon emissions from industry domestic heat and transport.<br/>HyNet North West is based on the production of hydrogen from natural gas. It includes the development of a new hydrogen pipeline; and the creation of the UK’s first carbon capture and storage (CCS) infrastructure. CCS is a vital technology to achieve the widespread emissions savings needed to meet the 2050 carbon reduction targets.<br/>Accelerating the development and deployment of hydrogen technologies and CCS through HyNet North West positions the UK strongly for skills export in a global low carbon economy.<br/>The North West is ideally placed to lead HyNet. The region has a history of bold innovation and today clean energy initiatives are thriving. On a practical level the concentration of industry existing technical skill base and unique geology means the region offers an unparalleled opportunity for a project of this kind.<br/>The new infrastructure built by HyNet is readily extendable beyond the initial project and provides a replicable model for similar programmes across the UK<br/>Contains Vision statement 2 leaflets a presentation and a summary report which are all stored as supplements.
Success Stories: A Partnership Dedicated to Clean Energy and Transport in Europe
Dec 2018
As 2018 marks the ten-year anniversary of the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU) it is inspiring to look back over the many accomplishments of the past decade. The projects described in these pages illustrate the approach of continuous learning exemplified by the FCH JU’s projects from creating low-carbon and sustainable solutions enabling market entry for new products developing ‘next generation’ products based on previous research to opening new markets for European expertise in fuel cell and hydrogen (FCH) technology.<br/>The FCH JU’s achievements are due in part to its multi-stakeholder structure: a public-private partnership between industry research and the European Commission. Industry-led research has pioneered new developments in FCH technology and brought many of them to the cusp of commercialisation. Market uptake from public authorities major companies and citizens alike has boosted confidence in these clean technologies establishing hydrogen as a cornerstone of Europe’s energy transition.<br/>DEVELOPING SOLUTIONS FOR A GREENER WORLD<br/>Citizens are at the heart of Europe’s Energy Union a strategy aimed at providing clean secure and affordable energy for all. For some years now and as a signatory to the Paris Agreement in 2015 the EU has been actively targeting reductions in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.
H21- Phase 1 Technical Summary Report
May 2021
The UK Government signed legislation on 27th June 2019 committing the UK to a legally binding target of Net Zero emissions by 2050. Climate change is one of the most significant technical economic social and business challenges facing the world today.
The H21 NIC Phase 1 project delivered an optimally designed experimentation and testing programme supported by the HSE Science Division and DNV GL with the aim to collect quantifiable evidence to support that the UK distribution network of 2032 will be comparably as safe operating on 100% hydrogen as it currently is on
natural gas. This innovative project begins to fill critical safety evidence gaps surrounding the conversion of the UK gas network to 100% hydrogen. This will facilitate progression towards H21 Phase 2 Operational Safety Demonstrations and the H21 Phase 3 Live Trials to promote customer acceptability and ultimately aid progress towards a government policy decision on heat.
DNV GL and HSE Science Division were engaged to undertake the experimentation testing and QRA update programme of work. DNV GL and HSE Science Division also peer reviewed each other’s programme of work at various stages throughout the project undertaking a challenge and review of the experimental data and results to provide confidence in the conclusions.
A strategic set of tests was designed to cover the range of assets represented across the Great Britain gas distribution networks. The assets used in the testing were mostly recovered from the distribution network as part of the ongoing Iron Mains Risk Reduction Replacement Programme. Controlled testing against a well-defined master testing plan with both natural gas and 100% hydrogen was then undertaken to provide the quantitative evidence to forecast any change to background leakage levels in a 100% hydrogen network.
Key Findings from Phase 1a:
The H21 NIC Phase 1 project delivered an optimally designed experimentation and testing programme supported by the HSE Science Division and DNV GL with the aim to collect quantifiable evidence to support that the UK distribution network of 2032 will be comparably as safe operating on 100% hydrogen as it currently is on
natural gas. This innovative project begins to fill critical safety evidence gaps surrounding the conversion of the UK gas network to 100% hydrogen. This will facilitate progression towards H21 Phase 2 Operational Safety Demonstrations and the H21 Phase 3 Live Trials to promote customer acceptability and ultimately aid progress towards a government policy decision on heat.
DNV GL and HSE Science Division were engaged to undertake the experimentation testing and QRA update programme of work. DNV GL and HSE Science Division also peer reviewed each other’s programme of work at various stages throughout the project undertaking a challenge and review of the experimental data and results to provide confidence in the conclusions.
A strategic set of tests was designed to cover the range of assets represented across the Great Britain gas distribution networks. The assets used in the testing were mostly recovered from the distribution network as part of the ongoing Iron Mains Risk Reduction Replacement Programme. Controlled testing against a well-defined master testing plan with both natural gas and 100% hydrogen was then undertaken to provide the quantitative evidence to forecast any change to background leakage levels in a 100% hydrogen network.
Key Findings from Phase 1a:
- Of the 215 assets tested 41 of them were found to leak 19 of them provided sufficient data to be able to compare hydrogen and methane leak rates.
- The tests showed that assets that were gas tight on methane were also gas tight on hydrogen. Assets that leaked on hydrogen also leaked
- on methane including repaired assets.
- The ratio of the hydrogen to methane volumetric leak rates varied between 1.1 and 2.2 which is largely consistent with the bounding values expected for laminar and turbulent (or inertial) flow which gave ratios of 1.2 and 2.8 respectively.
- None of the PE assets leaked; cast ductile and spun iron leaked to a similar degree (around 26-29% of all iron assets leaked) and the proportion of leaking steel assets was slightly less (14%).
- Four types of joint were responsible for most of the leaks on joints: screwed lead yarn bolted gland and hook bolts.
- All of the repairs that sealed methane leaks also were effective when tested with hydrogen.
Hy4Heat Final Progress Report
Apr 2022
A final report covering covering activity in 2021 and early 2022 including: standards and certification safety assessment and appliance and meter development. It has a foreword from Mark Taylor BEIS Deputy Director for Energy Innovation and an introduction letter from Arup Hy4Heat Director Mark Neller.
Blended Hydrogen: The UK Public’s Perspective
Nov 2019
Hydrogen is increasingly being positioned as an important component of the UK’s Net Zero ambitions and commitments. In particular hydrogen could be an appropriate way to decarbonise the heat produced for domestic and industrial buildings. It is possible that hydrogen could replace natural gas in the UK gas network achieving key carbon emissions reduction targets while enabling homes to be heated to a similar level and standard as they currently are.<br/>In the interim small amounts of hydrogen will soon be blended into current natural gas supplies. The premise of this idea is to blend hydrogen into the existing gas network in small enough quantities to not require any adjustments to domestic cookers boilers and other gas-fired appliances but in large enough quantities to generate significant immediate reductions in carbon emissions. Three trials will take place between 2019 and 2022 as part of the HyDeploy project with the aim of demonstrating that hydrogen blending can occur at scale with no safety implications and no disruption to users.<br/>Public perceptions and acceptance of hydrogen will be pivotal in this scenario. At present there is very little indication of how acceptable hydrogen will be for heating homes and questions around safety cost and performance are only beginning to be understood and addressed.<br/>This report investigates public perceptions of blended hydrogen as a fuel for UK homes. In March 2019 we administered a survey to a sample (n=742) representative of the UK adult population in terms of age sex ethnicity and personal income. Our survey covered initial perceptions values and knowledge of hydrogen; the possibilities and pitfalls of hydrogen blending; public trust; and participants’ overall support for hydrogen. Key Findings and Conclusions and Recommendations for Policy and Practice follow immediately with the full report beginning on p.6.
HyDeploy Report: Exemption
Oct 2018
Exemption is requested from the obligation set out in Regulation 8(1) of the Gas Safety (Management) Regulations 1996 (GSMR) to convey only natural gas that is compliant with the Interchangeability requirements of Part I of Schedule 3 of the GSMR within the G3 element of the Keele University gas distribution network (KU-GDN). The KU-GDN is owned and operated by Keele University. The proposed conveyance of non-compliant gas (hereafter called the “HyDeploy Field Trial”) will last for one year of injection and is part of a Network Innovation Competition Project “HyDeploy”. The project aims to demonstrate that natural gas containing hydrogen at a level above that normally permitted by Schedule 3 of the GSMR can be safely and efficiently conveyed and inform decisions on the feasibility and strategy for wider deployment of natural gas containing hydrogen in Great Britain’s (GB’s) gas transmission and gas distribution systems.<br/>Click the supplements tab for the other documents from this report.
HyDeploy2: Quantitative Risk Assessment
Jul 2021
A consortiumcomprising Cadent Gas Health and Safety Executive – Science Division ITMPower Keele University Northern Gas Networks and Progressive Energy is undertaking the second phase of the research project HyDeploy. The project the first two phase ofwhich are funded under the UK Network Innovation Competition scheme aims to demonstrate that natural gas containing levels of hydrogen beyond the upper limit set out in Schedule 3 of in the Gas Safety (Management) Regulations (GSMR) can be distributed and utilised safely and efficiently in the UK gas distribution networks.<br/>The first phase of the HyDeploy project concludes with a 10-month field trial in which hydrogen will be injected into part of a private gas distribution system owned and operated by Keele University.<br/>The second phase of the HyDeploy project (HyDeploy2) continues on from the work of the first phase and is scheduled to conclude with two 12-month field trials in which hydrogen will be injected into public gas networks owned and operated by Northern Gas Networks and Cadent Gas.<br/>Dave Lander Consulting Limited is providing technical support to the HyDeploy project and this report presents the results of Quantified Risk Assessment (QRA) for the proposed field trial of hydrogen injection into part of a gas distribution system owned and operated by Northern Gas Networks (NGN) near the town of Winlaton in Gateshead Tyne and Wear. The QRA is intended to support an application by NGN for exemption from the legal requirement to only convey gas that is compliant with the requirements of Schedule 3 of the GSMR. The QRA estimates the risk to persons within the trial area affected by the proposed injection. A similar QRA1 was developed for the original HyDeploy field trial at Keele University.<br/>Click on the supplement tab to see the other documents from this report
Hy4Heat Safety Assessment: Conclusions Report (Incorporating Quantitative Risk Assessment) - Work Package 7
May 2021
The Hy4Heat Safety Assessment has focused on assessing the safe use of hydrogen gas in certain types of domestic properties and buildings. The summary reports (the Precis and the Safety Assessment Conclusions Report) bring together all the findings of the work and should be looked to for context by all readers. The technical reports should be read in conjunction with the summary reports. While the summary reports are made as accessible as possible for general readers the technical reports may be most accessible for readers with a degree of technical subject matter understanding. All of the safety assessment reports have now been reviewed by the HSE.<br/><br/>A comparative risk assessment of natural gas versus hydrogen gas including a quantitative risk assessment; and identification of control measures to reduce risk and manage hydrogen gas safety for a community demonstration.
THyGA - Overview of Relevant Existing Certification Experience and On-going Standardization Activities in the EU and Elsewhere Related to Gas Appliances Using H2NG
Oct 2021
This 2nd deliverable from WP4 gives an overview of relevant existing certification experience on-going standardization activities and field trials in the European Union and other countries regarding gas appliances using H2NG. It gives a picture of the today’s situation as many of the identified initiatives are ongoing and progressing continuously.
HyDeploy Report: Summary of European Hydrogen Blending Projects
Jun 2018
Across Europe permitted blend levels of hydrogen blending into the gas grid are appreciably higher than that currently permitted in the UK up to 12% mol/mol compared with 0.1% mol/mol. Whilst there is some routine blending undertaking – typically power to gas applications three major projects have been undertaken to demonstrate operation of a gas distribution network at higher blend levels of hydrogen.<br/>A Dutch project was completed in 2011 which demonstrated successful operation into a network with new appliances at 20% mol/mol. A German project was completed in 2015 which demonstrated successful operation into an existing gas network with existing appliances at their permitted level of 10% mol/mol. In France an extensive programme is underway to inject hydrogen into a network at 20% mol/mol due to commence injection in 2018.<br/>Each of these projects undertook extensive pre-trial activities and operational data was collected during the Dutch and German trials. The programme of pre-trial work for the French project was particularly extensive and mirrored the work done by HyDeploy. This led to a permit being granted for the French project at 20% mol/mol with injection into the network imminent.<br/>The HyDeploy team has engaged with each of the project teams who have been very co-operative; this has enabled scientific sharing of best practice. In all cases the projects were successful. The participants in the Dutch project were particularly keen to have been able to undertake a similar trial to HyDeploy; a larger trial into existing appliances. However political changes in Holland have precluded that at this time such progress was not limited by technical findings from the work.<br/>A high level overview of the projects and the data provided is summarised in this report. More detailed information is referenced and covered in more detail where required in the appropriate individual topic reports supporting the Exemption.<br/>Click on supplements tab to view the other documents from this report
Everything About Hydrogen Podcast: Back to a Hydrogen Future?
Mar 2020
On this weeks episode the team are talking all things hydrogen with Mark Neller Director at Arup. On the show we discuss the UK’s Hydrogen4Heat program where Arup has been leading the UK government’s work on the safety and practical considerations that are necessary to examine whether hydrogen could be a serious solutions for decarbonising UK residential commercial and industry heat. We also discuss the Nikola Badger the need for system wide planning when considering decarbonisation pathways for heat. All this and more on the show!
The podcast can be found on their website
The podcast can be found on their website
HyDeploy2: Appliance Testing Summary and Interpretation
Apr 2021
In order to inform the Quantified Risk Assessment (QRA) and procedures for the Winlaton trial the HyDeploy 2 project has undertaken a second programme of work focused on assessing the safe operation of gas appliances with hydrogen blended gas. This work extends the initial programme of work undertaken in HyDeploy 1 in 2018. Collectively these two projects provide an evidence base to support the project objective to demonstrate that there are no overarching safety concerns for the addition of up to 20 % mol/mol hydrogen to the GB natural gas distribution network.<br/>Click on the supplements tab to view the other documents from this report
Hy4Heat Annex To Site Specific Safety Case for Hydrogen Community Demonstration - Work Package 7
May 2021
The Hy4Heat Safety Assessment has focused on assessing the safe use of hydrogen gas in certain types of domestic properties and buildings. The summary reports (the Precis and the Safety Assessment Conclusions Report) bring together all the findings of the work and should be looked to for context by all readers. The technical reports should be read in conjunction with the summary reports. While the summary reports are made as accessible as possible for general readers the technical reports may be most accessible for readers with a degree of technical subject matter understanding. All of the safety assessment reports have now been reviewed by the HSE<br/>Annex prepared to support Site Specific Safety Cases for hydrogen gas community demonstrations based on work undertaken by the Hy4Heat programme. It covers a collection of recommended risk reduction measures for application downstream of the Emergency Control Valve (ECV)
HyDeploy2 Report: Exemption
Jun 2021
Exemption is requested by Northern Gas Networks Ltd (NGN) from the obligation set out in Regulation 8(1) of the Gas Safety (Management) Regulations 1996 (GSMR) to convey only natural gas that is compliant with the Interchangeability requirements of Part I of Schedule 3 of the GSMR within a section of the NGN gas distribution network near Winlaton (the “field trial area”). The field trial area is owned and operated by Northern Gas Networks Ltd. The proposed conveyance of non-compliant gas (hereafter called the “Winlaton Field Trial”) will last for one year and is part of the Network Innovation Competition Project “HyDeploy2”.<br/>The project the first two phases of which are funded under the UK Network Innovation Competition scheme aims to demonstrate that natural gas containing levels of hydrogen beyond the upper limit set out in Schedule 3 of in the Gas Safety (Management) Regulations (GSMR) can be distributed and utilised safely and efficiently in the UK gas distribution networks. The first phase of the HyDeploy project is currently underway and includes a 10-month field trial that of hydrogen injection into part of a private gas distribution system owned and operated by Keele University. The second phase of the HyDeploy project (HyDeploy2) continues on from the work of the first phase and is scheduled to conclude with two 12-month field trials in which hydrogen will be injected into public gas networks owned and operated by NGN and Cadent Gas.<br/>Click on the supplements tab to view the other documents from this report
Milford Haven: Energy Kingdom - System Architecture Report: A Prospering from the Energy Revolution Project
Nov 2021
Milford Haven: Energy Kingdom is a two-year project exploring what a decarbonised smart local energy system could look like for Milford Haven Pembroke and Pembroke Dock.
The project explores the potential of hydrogen as part of a multi-vector approach to decarbonisation. Central to the project and to achieving Net Zero is a commitment to engage with the community and local industry providing insight and opportunities for growth.
The ambition is to gather detailed insight into the whole energy system around Milford Haven to identify and design a future smart local energy system based on a truly multi-vector approach and comprehensive energy systems architecture.
The transition to Net Zero requires action across the economy. As the UK’s largest energy port Milford Haven is an industrial cluster that can handle 30% of total UK gas demand is home to Europe’s largest gas power station powering 3.5 million homes and businesses has ambitions to build 90MW of floating offshore wind supports 5000 jobs and injects £324m to the Pembrokeshire economy.
This work describes the outcomes of the effort to define designs of future energy system architectures combining; technology the interconnectivity between them and data; with markets trading platforms and policies; with business models and defined organisational governance. The aim of these designs is to provide:
The project explores the potential of hydrogen as part of a multi-vector approach to decarbonisation. Central to the project and to achieving Net Zero is a commitment to engage with the community and local industry providing insight and opportunities for growth.
The ambition is to gather detailed insight into the whole energy system around Milford Haven to identify and design a future smart local energy system based on a truly multi-vector approach and comprehensive energy systems architecture.
The transition to Net Zero requires action across the economy. As the UK’s largest energy port Milford Haven is an industrial cluster that can handle 30% of total UK gas demand is home to Europe’s largest gas power station powering 3.5 million homes and businesses has ambitions to build 90MW of floating offshore wind supports 5000 jobs and injects £324m to the Pembrokeshire economy.
This work describes the outcomes of the effort to define designs of future energy system architectures combining; technology the interconnectivity between them and data; with markets trading platforms and policies; with business models and defined organisational governance. The aim of these designs is to provide:
- The basis for a roadmap for the next phases of development and implementation
- Confidence to innovators and investors in the future longevity of investments in hydrogen and
- A common basis of understanding for all stakeholders wishing to contribute to the Milford Haven: Energy Kingdom.
HyDeploy2: Gas Characteristics Summary and Interpretation
Jun 2020
In order to inform the Quantified Risk Assessment (QRA) and procedures for the Winlaton trial the gas characteristics relating to the behaviour of the flammable gas have been reviewed for blended natural gas mixtures containing 20% mol/mol hydrogen (hereby referred to as “blend”) for normal operation and 50% mol/mol for fault conditions. This work builds on the findings of the previous HyDeploy gas characteristics report HyD-Rep04-V02-Characteristics.<br/>Click on the supplements tab to view the other documents from this report
THyGA - Review on Other Projects Related to Mitigation and Identification of Useable Sensors in Existing Appliances
Jun 2022
The main goal of THyGA’s WP5 is to investigate ways to adapt residential or commercial appliances that have safety or performance issues to different levels of H2 concentrations in natural gas. This first deliverable presents some possible mitigation measures based on a literature study and some calculations.<br/>Acting on gas quality to avoid that hydrogen addition enhance current gas properties variations was explored several times in the past. Designing new appliances that could operate with variable gas composition including hydrogen. Dealing with existing appliances in order to guaranty safety for users and appliances.
Hy4Heat Safety Assessment: Precis - Work Package 7
May 2021
The Hy4Heat Safety Assessment has focused on assessing the safe use of hydrogen gas in certain types of domestic properties and buildings. The summary reports (the Precis and the Safety Assessment Conclusions Report) bring together all the findings of the work and should be looked to for context by all readers. The technical reports should be read in conjunction with the summary reports. While the summary reports are made as accessible as possible for general readers the technical reports may be most accessible for readers with a degree of technical subject matter understanding. All of the safety assessment reports have now been reviewed by the HSE.<br/><br/>This document is an overview of the Safety Assessment work undertaken as part of the Hy4Heat programme
Historical Analysis of FCH 2 JU Stationary Fuel Cell Projects
May 2021
As a part of its knowledge management activities the Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking 2 (FCH 2 JU) has commissioned the Joint Research Centre (JRC) to perform a series of historical analyses by topic area to assess the impact of funded projects and the progression of its current Multi-Annual Work Plan (MAWP; 2014- 2020) towards its objectives. These historical analyses consider all relevant funded projects since the programme’s inception in 2008. This report considers the performance of projects against the overall FCH 2 JU programme targets for stationary Fuel Cells (FCs) using quantitative values of Key Performance Indicators (KPI) for assessment. The purpose of this exercise is to see whether and how the programme has enhanced the state of the art for stationary fuel cells and to identify potential Research & Innovation (R&I) gaps for the future. Therefore the report includes a review of the current State of the Art (SoA) of fuel cell technologies used in the stationary applications sector. The programme has defined KPIs for three different power output ranges and equivalent applications: (i) micro-scale Combined Heat and Power (mCHP) for single family homes and small buildings (0.3 - 5 kW); (ii) mid-sized installations for commercial and larger buildings (5 - 400 kW); (iii) large scale FC installations converting hydrogen and renewable methane into power in various applications (0.4 - 30 MW). Projects addressing stationary applications in these particular power ranges were identified and values for the achieved KPIs extracted from relevant sources of information such as final reports and the TRUST database (Technology Reporting Using Structured Templates). As much of this data is confidential a broad analysis of performance of the programme against its KPIs has been performed without disclosing confidential information. The results of this analysis are summarised within this report. The information obtained from this study will be used to suggest future modifications to the research programme and associated targets.
Our Green Print: Future Heat for Everyone
Jul 2021
Green Print - Future Heat for Everyone draws together technical consumer and economic considerations to create a pioneering plan to transition 22 million UK homes to low carbon heat by 2050.<br/>Our Green Print underlines the scale of the challenge ahead acknowledging that a mosaic of low carbon heating solutions will be required to meet the needs of individual communities and setting out 12 key steps that can be taken now in order to get us there<br/>The Climate Change Committee (CCC) estimates an investment spend of £250bn to upgrade insulation and heating in homes as well as provide the infrastructure to deliver the energy.<br/>This is a task of unprecedented scale the equivalent of retro-fitting 67000 homes every month from now until 2050. In this Report Cadent takes the industry lead in addressing the challenge.
H21 Phase 2 Technical Summary Report
Jul 2023
The H21 Phase 2 research will provide vital evidence both towards the hydrogen village trial and potential town scale pilots and to the Government which is aiming to make a decision about the use of hydrogen for home heating by 2026.
The key objectives of the H21 Phase 2 NIC project were to further develop the evidence base supporting conversion of the natural gas distribution network to 100% hydrogen. The key principles of H21 NIC Phase 2 were to:
→ Confirm how we can manage and operate the network safely through an appraisal of existing network equipment procedures and network modelling tools.
→ Validate network operations on a purpose-built below 7 barg network as well as an existing unoccupied buried network and provide a platform to publicise and demonstrate a hydrogen network in action.
→ Develop a combined distribution network and downstream Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) for 100% hydrogen by further developing the work undertaken on the H21 Phase 1 QRA and the Hy4Heat ‘downstream of ECV’ QRA.
→ Continue to understand how consumers could be engaged with ahead of a conversion. This programme was split into four phases detailed below:
→ Phase 2a – Appraisal of Network 0-7 bar Operations
→ Phase 2b – Unoccupied Network Trials
→ Phase 2c – Combined QRA
→ Phase 2d – Social Sciences
The project with the support of the HSE’s Science & Research Centre (HSE S&RC) and DNV successfully undertook a programme of work to review the NGN below 7 barg network operating procedures. The project implemented testing and demonstrations on the Phase 2a Microgrid at DNV Spadeadam and Phase 2b Unoccupied Trial site in South Bank on a repurposed NGN network to provide and demonstrate the supporting evidence for the required changes to procedures. Details of the outputs of the HSE S&RC procedure review and the evidence collected by DNV from the testing and demonstration projects is provided in detail in this technical summary report.
Due to the differences in gas characteristics between hydrogen and natural gas changes will be required to some of the operational and maintenance procedures the evidence of which is provided in this report. The Gas Distribution Networks (GDNs) will need to review the findings from this project when implementing the required changes to their operational and maintenance procedures.
The key objectives of the H21 Phase 2 NIC project were to further develop the evidence base supporting conversion of the natural gas distribution network to 100% hydrogen. The key principles of H21 NIC Phase 2 were to:
→ Confirm how we can manage and operate the network safely through an appraisal of existing network equipment procedures and network modelling tools.
→ Validate network operations on a purpose-built below 7 barg network as well as an existing unoccupied buried network and provide a platform to publicise and demonstrate a hydrogen network in action.
→ Develop a combined distribution network and downstream Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) for 100% hydrogen by further developing the work undertaken on the H21 Phase 1 QRA and the Hy4Heat ‘downstream of ECV’ QRA.
→ Continue to understand how consumers could be engaged with ahead of a conversion. This programme was split into four phases detailed below:
→ Phase 2a – Appraisal of Network 0-7 bar Operations
→ Phase 2b – Unoccupied Network Trials
→ Phase 2c – Combined QRA
→ Phase 2d – Social Sciences
The project with the support of the HSE’s Science & Research Centre (HSE S&RC) and DNV successfully undertook a programme of work to review the NGN below 7 barg network operating procedures. The project implemented testing and demonstrations on the Phase 2a Microgrid at DNV Spadeadam and Phase 2b Unoccupied Trial site in South Bank on a repurposed NGN network to provide and demonstrate the supporting evidence for the required changes to procedures. Details of the outputs of the HSE S&RC procedure review and the evidence collected by DNV from the testing and demonstration projects is provided in detail in this technical summary report.
Due to the differences in gas characteristics between hydrogen and natural gas changes will be required to some of the operational and maintenance procedures the evidence of which is provided in this report. The Gas Distribution Networks (GDNs) will need to review the findings from this project when implementing the required changes to their operational and maintenance procedures.
HyDeploy2 Project: Winlaton Trial Report
Sep 2022
The HyDeploy project seeks to address a key issue for UK customers and UK energy policy makers: how to reduce the carbon emitted from heating homes. The UK has a world class gas distribution grid delivering heat conveniently and safely to over 83% of homes. Emissions can be reduced by lowering the carbon content of gas through blending with hydrogen. This delivers carbon savings without customers requiring disruptive and expensive changes in their homes. It also provides the platform for deeper carbon savings by enabling wider adoption of hydrogen across the energy system. HyDeploy has previously delivered a successful trial demonstrations of repurposing existing UK distribution gas networks (Keele University) to operate on a blend of natural gas and hydrogen (up to 20% mol/mol) showing that carbon savings can be made through the gas networks today whilst continuing to meet the needs of gas consumers without introducing any disruptions.<br/>The ultimate objective of the HyDeploy programme is to see the roll-out of hydrogen blends across the GB gas distribution network unlocking 35 TWh pa of low carbon heat - the equivalent of removing 2.5 million fossil-fuelled cars off the roads. To achieve this the next phase of the programme is to address the remaining evidence gaps that had not been covered by the trial demonstration programmes.<br/>The demonstrations have focussed on the low and medium pressure tiers of the gas distribution network (i.e. injecting into a 2 bar gauge pressure network and distributing the blended gas down to the low pressure network and into people’s homes and commercial buildings and businesses) and predominantly serving domestic appliances.<br/>The remainder of the HyDeploy2 programme will generate an evidence base for GB’s gas distribution network which includes demonstrating the suitability of using hydrogen blended gas in the fields of industrial and commercial users and the performance of materials assets and procedures on the higher pressure tiers (i.e. 7 bar gauge operation and above).<br/>This report captures the details of the Winlaton trial and provides a future look to how the UK can transition from successful hydrogen blending trials to roll-out.
Effect of a Ripple Current on the Efficiency of a PEM Electrolyser
Mar 2021
The aim of this study was to determine how the efficiency of a proton exchange membrane (PEM) electrolyser is affected by an electric ripple current and the different characteristics of the ripple current (frequency amplitude and waveform). This paper presents the experimental method and measured results used to analyse the effect of ripple currents at various frequencies ripple factors and waveforms on the hydrogen production power consumption and efficiency of a PEM electrolyser. An active laboratory-size PEM electrolysis system was used to investigate the impact of various ripple currents on the efficiency of the system. The results revealed that the average power consumption increases as the ripple factor increases and decreases as the frequency of the ripple increases while the waveform of the applied current has no effect. Furthermore the average hydrogen flow rate is unaffected by the ripple factor frequency or waveform of the applied ripple current.
HyDeploy2 Technical Services Report: Downstream Gas Standards Review
Jan 2021
The application of appropriate procedures in the downstream gas industry (defined as any works downstream of the emergency control value) is critical in protecting consumers of gas both domestic and commercial. The two primary standard setting bodies for the downstream gas industry are the British Standard Institution (BSI) and the Institution of Gas Engineers and Managers (IGEM). To ensure only competent engineers carry out works on a gas installation all gas businesses or selfemployed persons must become a member of Gas Safe Register as stipulated by the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998 1 and each gas operative shall be included on the register and hold a valid license card that covers the areas of gas work they undertake. Membership of the Gas Safe Register is contingent upon demonstration of competency the recognised competency assessments are based on the relevant BSI and IGEM standards. Therefore the primary source of a gas operative’s competency to work on natural gas installations are the associated BSI and IGEM natural gas downstream standards.<br/>Investigation was undertaken to understand the potential implications of introducing 20 mol% hydrogen (H2) within natural gas supplies on the ability of gas operatives to competently carry out works. This investigation took the form of identifying all BSI and IGEM standards that could be applied on natural gas installations and reviewing them within the context of the known effects of introducing a 20 mol% H2 blend. Following review a series of technical questions were generated and responded to by the Health and Safety Executive Science Division. The responses provided were then reviewed and if considered necessary challenged to provide further information. The procedural review was led by Blue Flame Associates a body deemed sufficiently competent in downstream standards training certification and investigation. The report was subsequently reviewed by industry and feedback received. The industry comments were reviewed by the Project Team and where considered necessary the report was updated.
Use of Hydrogen in Off-Grid Locations, a Techno-Economic Assessment
Nov 2018
Diesel generators are currently used as an off-grid solution for backup power but this causes CO2 and GHG emissions noise emissions and the negative effects of the volatile diesel market influencing operating costs. Green hydrogen production by means of water electrolysis has been proposed as a feasible solution to fill the gaps between demand and production the main handicaps of using exclusively renewable energy in isolated applications. This manuscript presents a business case of an off-grid hydrogen production by electrolysis applied to the electrification of isolated sites. This study is part of the European Ely4off project (n◦ 700359). Under certain techno-economic hypothesis four different system configurations supplied exclusively by photovoltaic are compared to find the optimal Levelized Cost of Electricity (LCoE): photovoltaic-batteries photovoltaic-hydrogen-batteries photovoltaic-diesel generator and diesel generator; the influence of the location and the impact of different consumptions profiles is explored. Several simulations developed through specific modeling software are carried out and discussed. The main finding is that diesel-based systems still allow lower costs than any other solution although hydrogen-based solutions can compete with other technologies under certain conditions.
Development of Hydrogen Area Classification Data for Use in Village Trials
May 2023
The natural gas industry proposes carrying out trials on limited parts of the gas network using hydrogen as an alternative to natural gas as a fuel. Ahead of these trials it is important to establish whether the zones of negligible extent that are typically applied to natural gas systems could still be considered zones of negligible extent for hydrogen. The standard IGEM/UP/16 is commonly used by the natural gas industry to carry out area classification for low pressure gas systems for example as found in boiler houses. However IGEM/UP/16 is not applicable to hydrogen. Therefore IGEM commissioned HSE’s Science Division to develop some data that could be used to feed into an area classification assessment for the village trials.<br/>This report identifies two main elements of IGEM/UP/16 which may not apply to hydrogen and suggests values for hydrogen-specific alternatives. These are the ventilation rate requirements to allow a zone to be deemed of negligible extent and the definition of a confined space.
East Coast Hydrogen Feasibility Report
Nov 2021
The highlights of the report include:
- East Coast Hydrogen has the potential to connect up to 7GW of hydrogen production by 2030 alone exceeding the UK Government’s 5GW by 2030 target in a single project. It represents an unmissable opportunity for government and the private sector to work together in delivering on our ambitious decarbonisation targets.
- East Coast Hydrogen can use the natural assets of the North of England including existing and potential hydrogen storage facilities and build on the hydrogen production in two of the UK’s largest industrial clusters in the North East and North West in turn ensuring significant private sector investment in the UK’s industrial heartlands.
- This would be the first step in the conversion of our national gas grid to hydrogen and will act as a blueprint for subsequent conversions across the UK.
- The project will also demonstrate the innovation engineering capabilities and economic opportunity in the North and create tens of thousands of highly skilled Green jobs in the future hydrogen economy."
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