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Fuel Cells and Hydrogen: Joint Undertaking Programme Review 2013 Final Report


The 2013 Programme Review is the third annual review of the FCH JU portfolio of projects. This edition covers over 100 projects, funded through annual calls for proposals from 2008 to 2012.
The Programme Review serves to evaluate the achievements of the portfolio of FCH JU-funded projects against FCH JU strategic objectives in terms of advancing technological progress, addressing horizontal activities, and promoting cooperation with other projects both within the FCH JU portfolio as well as externally.
The 2013 Review confirms that the portfolio of projects supported within energy and transport pillars, and within its cross-cutting activities, is a solid one, aligned with the FCH JU strategic objectives. Industry and research collaboration is strong, with SMEs making up 30% of total participants. The continued expansion of demonstration activities in both pillars answers to a greater emphasis on addressing the commercialisation challenge, which is bolstered by activities in basic and breakthrough research.

Funding source: European Union
Related subjects: Projects & Initiatives
Countries: Belgium

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