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H21- Science and Research Centre - HSE Buxton Launch Video


The site, at the Health and Safety Executive’s Science and Research Centre in Buxton, will carry out controlled tests to establish the critical safety evidence proving that a 100% hydrogen gas network is equally as safe as the natural gas grid heating our homes and businesses today. The results will be critical in determining if it is safe to convert millions of homes across the country from natural gas to hydrogen. H21, which is led by Northern Gas Networks (NGN), the gas distributor for the North of England, in partnership with Cadent, SGN and Wales & West Utilities, HSE Science and Research Centre and DNV-GL, is part of a number of gas industry projects designed to support conversion of the UK gas networks to carry 100% hydrogen. Currently, about 30% of UK carbon emissions are from the heating of homes, businesses and industry. H21 states that a large-scale conversion of the gas grid from natural gas to hydrogen is vital to meeting the Government’s Net Zero targets.

Funding source: Network Innovation Allowance (NIA)
Related subjects: Projects & Initiatives
Countries: United Kingdom

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