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f HyDeploy Report: Exemption


Exemption is requested from the obligation set out in Regulation 8(1) of the Gas Safety (Management) Regulations 1996 (GSMR) to convey only natural gas that is compliant with the Interchangeability requirements of Part I of Schedule 3 of the GSMR within the G3 element of the Keele University gas distribution network (KU-GDN). The KU-GDN is owned and operated by Keele University. The proposed conveyance of non-compliant gas (hereafter called the “HyDeploy Field Trial”) will last for one year of injection and is part of a Network Innovation Competition Project “HyDeploy”. The project aims to demonstrate that natural gas containing hydrogen at a level above that normally permitted by Schedule 3 of the GSMR can be safely and efficiently conveyed and inform decisions on the feasibility and strategy for wider deployment of natural gas containing hydrogen in Great Britain’s (GB’s) gas transmission and gas distribution systems.
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Related subjects: Projects & Initiatives
Countries: United Kingdom

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