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Kinetics of Brittle Fracture in Metals Under the Influence of Hydrogen
Jan 2020
Some aspects of damage accumulation modelling and brittle fracture processes mechanisms under the combined effect of mechanical loading and hydrogen has been discussed in the article. New mechanism of brittle fracture for metallic materials based on dislocation and phonon structure fingerprints and lattice hydrogen content under the static and dynamic loading at low temperature condition has been proposed. The mechanism based on theoretical research and experimental and numerical studies. The experiments include the energy spectrum of internal friction determination and impact toughness testing for low-temperature brittle-ductile transition revealing. The numerical study based on damage accumulation modeling under the influence of up-hill diffusion in the elastic-plastic problem of solid state by finite element method. A new simple activation model of low temperature and hydrogen influence on damage accumulation process has been proposed. The model shows the rate of damage strong dependence of stress level and hydrogen content and test temperature. The combination of low temperature and high hydrogen content is most dangerous so the weld structures in extreme environment such as the Arctic and Subarctic regions have a high risk of breakage. So it is possible to estimate the energy and phonon spectrum of crystal lattice and predict the properties of microcrystalline and nanostructured materials with the high cold-short threshold on the base of such the approach. There are the recommendations propose to improve the cold resistance of steels and alloys by controlling the characteristics of the dislocation structure of new materials with polycrystalline and ultrafine-grained structure.
Transport Energy Air Pollution Model
May 2019
The transport sector remains at the centre of any debates around energy conservation exaggerated by the stubborn and overwhelming reliance on fossil fuels by its motorised forms whether passenger and freight road rail sea and air.<br/>The very slow transition to alternative fuel sources to date has resulted in this sector being increasingly and convincingly held responsible for the likely failure of individual countries including the UK to meet their obligations under consecutive international climate change agreements.<br/>Electrification of transport is largely expected to take us down the path to a ‘zero carbon future’ (CCC 2019; DfT 2018). But there are serious concerns about future technology performance availability costs and uptake by consumers and businesses. There are also concerns about the increasing gap between lab and ‘real world’ performance of energy use carbon and air pollution emissions. Recently the role of consumer ‘lifestyles’ has increased in prominence (e.g. IPCC 2018) but as yet has not been taken seriously by the DfT BEIS or even the CCC (2019).
Effect of TiO2 on Electrocatalytic Behavior of Ni-Mo Alloy Coating for Hydrogen Energy
Jun 2018
Ni-Mo-TiO2 composite coating has been developed through electrodeposition method by depositing titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticles parallel to the process of Ni-Mo alloy coating. The experimental results explaining the increased electrocatalytic activity of Ni-Mo alloy coating on incorporation of TiO2 nanoparticles into its alloy matrix is reported here. The effect of addition of TiO2 on composition morphology and phase structure of TiO2 – composite coating is studied with special emphasis on its electrocatalytic activity for hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) in 1.0 M KOH solution. The electrocatalytic activity of alloy coatings were validated using cyclic voltammetry (CV) and chronopotentiometry (CP) techniques. Under optimal condition TiO2 – composite alloy coating represented as (Ni-Mo-TiO2)2.0 A dm 2 is found to exhibit the highest electrocatalytic activity for HER compared to its binary alloy counterpart. The increased electrocatalytic activity of (Ni-Mo-TiO2)2.0 A dm 2 composite coating was attributed to the increased Mo content porosity and roughness of coating affected due to addition of TiO2 nanoparticles supported by SEM EDX XRD and AFM study. The increased electrocatalytic activity of (Ni-Mo-TiO2)2.0 A dm 2 coating was found due to decreased Rct and increased Cdl values demonstrated by EIS study. Better electrocatalytic activity of (Ni-Mo-TiO2)2.0 A dm 2 coating compared to (Ni-Mo)2.0 A dm 2 coating has been explained through mechanism. Experimental study revealed that (Ni-Mo-TiO2)2.0 A dm 2 composite coating follows Volmer-Heyrovsky mechanism compared to Tafel mechanism in case of (Ni-Mo-TiO2)2.0 A dm 2 coating assessed on the basis of Tafel slopes.
How the UK’s Hydrogen Sector Can Help Support the UK’s Economic Recovery
Jul 2020
The APPG on Hydrogen’s latest report urges the Government to move quickly on hydrogen and set ambitious policies to unlock investment create employment opportunities and support the UK’s net-zero targets.
The APPG on Hydrogen’s report developed as part of its inquiry into ‘How the UK’s hydrogen sector can help support the UK’s economic recovery’ sets out 15 recommendations to support and accelerate the growth of the UK’s hydrogen sector.
These include:
The APPG on Hydrogen’s report developed as part of its inquiry into ‘How the UK’s hydrogen sector can help support the UK’s economic recovery’ sets out 15 recommendations to support and accelerate the growth of the UK’s hydrogen sector.
These include:
- Developing a cross-departmental hydrogen strategy between Government and industry
- Using regulatory levers to unlock private sector investment required including amending the GSMR and expanding the remit of the Bus Service Operator Grant
- Setting interim targets for low-carbon hydrogen production by 2030 alongside the introduction of a Low Carbon Obligation to enable investment in low carbon forms of heating such as hydrogen
- Mandating hydrogen-ready boilers by 2025
- Creating greater incentives in hydrogen alternatives to support organisations and customers who produce purchase or use hydrogen HGVs buses and trains
- Working with local and regional authorities exploring hydrogen’s potential to support the uptake and commercialisation of existing projects
- Setting more ambitious policies and financial targets on hydrogen to meet net-zero by 2050 ahead of other international competitors
- Ensuring the UK hydrogen industry plays a major role at COP26 allowing the UK to inspire other nations and sell its products and services
- Delivering funding models to create investment and economic jobs directly to the UK
- Implementing measures similar to Offshore Wind such as Contracts for Difference to incentivise industry and scale-up a hydrogen economy.
Vacuum vs Argon Technology for Hydrogen Measurement
Dec 2018
Within the framework of this paper we review the development of the problem of hydrogen diagnostic for metals. Metal sample enrichment techniques based on hydrogen vacuum extraction method used for a long time. Development of the industrial control technologies has led to the almost complete replacement of vacuum techniques with “atmospheric” ones. As a result systematic errors have occurred. These errors lead to multiple differences between certified and measured hydrogen concentration values for standard samples.<br/>In this paper we analyze reasons of systematic errors genesis observed for hydrogen measurements while applying the thermal conductivity cell technique. As a result we demonstrated that measurements resulting from samples heating and melting in the inert gas flow depend on its heat capacity and surface temperature of the melting pot. Due to this reason one can obtain multiple errors and even negative values for measurements of a low hydrogen concentration."
Some Fundamental Combustion Properties of "Cryogenic" Premixed Hydrogen Air Flames
Sep 2021
Because of the emergence of the U.E. “green deal” and because of the significant implication of national and regional authorities throughout Europe the “hydrogen” economy is emerging. And with it numerous questions and experimentations. One of them perhaps a key point is the storage and transport of hydrogen. Liquid hydrogen in cryogenic conditions is a possibility already used in the space industry but under a lot of constrains. What may be acceptable in a well-controlled and restrained domain may not be realistic in a wider application closer to the public. Safety should be ensured and there is a need for a better knowledge of the flammable and ignition properties of the “cold” hydrogen mixtures following a cryogenic spillage for instance to select adequate ATEX equipment. The purpose of PRESLHY project [4] is to investigate the ignition fire and explosion characteristics of cryogenic hydrogen spillages and to propose safety engineering methods. The present work is part of it and addresses the measurement of the laminar burning velocity (Sl) flammability limits (FL) minimum ignition energy (MIE)… of hydrogen air mixtures at atmospheric pressure but down to -150°C. To do this a special burner was designed with details given inside this paper together with the experimental results. It is found that the FL domain is reduced when the temperature drops that MIE increases slightly and Sl decreases.
Methodology for Efficient Parametrisation of Electrochemical PEMFC Model for Virtual Observers: Model Based Optimal Design of Experiments Supported by Parameter Sensitivity Analysis
Nov 2020
Determination of the optimal design of experiments that enables efficient parametrisation of fuel cell (FC) model with a minimum parametrisation data-set is one of the key prerequisites for minimizing costs and effort of the parametrisation procedure. To efficiently tackle this challenge the paper present an innovative methodology based on the electrochemical FC model parameter sensitivity analysis and application of D-optimal design plan. Relying on this consistent methodological basis the paper answers fundamental questions: a) on a minimum required data-set to optimally parametrise the FC model and b) on the impact of reduced space of operational points on identifiability of individual calibration parameters. Results reveal that application of D-optimal DoE enables enhancement of calibration parameters information resulting in up to order of magnitude lower relative standard errors on smaller data-sets. In addition it was shown that increased information and thus identifiability inherently leads to improved robustness of the FC electrochemical model.
A Review at the Role of Storage in Energy Systems with a Focus on Power to Gas and Long-term Storage
Aug 2017
A review of more than 60 studies (plus m4ore than 65 studies on P2G) on power and energy models based on simulation and optimization was done. Based on these for power systems with up to 95% renewables the electricity storage size is found to be below 1.5% of the annual demand (in energy terms). While for 100% renewables energy systems (power heat mobility) it can remain below 6% of the annual energy demand. Combination of sectors and diverting the electricity to another sector can play a large role in reducing the storage size. From the potential alternatives to satisfy this demand pumped hydro storage (PHS) global potential is not enough and new technologies with a higher energy density are needed. Hydrogen with more than 250 times the energy density of PHS is a potential option to satisfy the storage need. However changes needed in infrastructure to deal with high hydrogen content and the suitability of salt caverns for its storage can pose limitations for this technology. Power to Gas (P2G) arises as possible alternative overcoming both the facilities and the energy density issues. The global storage requirement would represent only 2% of the global annual natural gas production or 10% of the gas storage facilities (in energy equivalent). The more options considered to deal with intermittent sources the lower the storage requirement will be. Therefore future studies aiming to quantify storage needs should focus on the entire energy system including technology vectors (e.g. Power to Heat Liquid Gas Chemicals) to avoid overestimating the amount of storage needed.
Integration of Water Electrolysis for Fossil-free Steel Production
Sep 2020
This study investigates the integration of water electrolysis technologies in fossil-free steelmaking via the direct reduction of iron ore followed by processing in an electric arc furnace (EAF). Hydrogen (H2) production via low or high temperature electrolysis (LTE and HTE) is considered for the production of carbon-free direct reduced iron (DRI). The introduction of carbon into the DRI reduces the electricity demand of the EAF. Such carburization can be achieved by introducing carbon monoxide (CO) into the direct reduction process. Therefore the production of mixtures of H2 and CO using either a combination of LTE coupled with a reverse water-gas shift reactor (rWGS-LTE) or high-temperature co-electrolysis (HTCE) was also investigated. The results show that HTE has the potential to reduce the specific electricity consumption (SEC) of liquid steel (LS) production by 21% compared to the LTE case. Nevertheless due to the high investment cost of HTE units both routes reach similar LS production costs of approximately 400 €/tonne LS. However if future investment cost targets for HTE units are reached a production cost of 301 €/tonne LS is attainable under the conditions given in this study. For the production of DRI containing carbon a higher SEC is calculated for the LTE-rWGS system compared to HTCE (4.80 vs. 3.07 MWh/tonne LS). Although the use of HTCE or LTE-rWGS leads to similar LS production costs future cost reduction of HTCE could result in a 10% reduction in LS production cost (418 vs. 375 €/tonne LS). We show that the use of HTE either for the production of pure H2 or H2 and CO mixtures may be advantageous compared to the use of LTE in H2 -based steelmaking although results are sensitive to electrolyzer investment costs efficiencies and electricity prices.
Measuring Accuracy and Computational Capacity Trade-offs in an Hourly Integrated Energy System Model
Feb 2021
Improving energy system modelling capabilities can directly affect the quality of applied studies. However some modelling trade-offs are necessary as the computational capacity and data availability are constrained. In this paper we demonstrate modelling trade-offs resulting from the modification in the resolution of four modelling capabilities namely transitional scope European electricity interconnection hourly demand-side flexibility description and infrastructure representation. We measure the cost of increasing resolution in each capability in terms of computational time and several energy system modelling indicators notably system costs emission prices and electricity import and export levels. The analyses are performed in a national-level integrated energy system model with a linear programming approach that includes the hourly electricity dispatch with European nodes. We determined that reducing the transitional scope from seven to two periods can reduce the computational time by 75% while underestimating the objective function by only 4.6%. Modelers can assume a single European Union node that dispatches electricity at an aggregated level which underestimates the objective function by 1% while halving the computational time. Furthermore the absence of shedding and storage flexibility options can increase the curtailed electricity by 25% and 8% respectively. Although neglecting flexibility options can drastically decrease the computational time it can increase the sub-optimality by 31%. We conclude that an increased resolution in modelling flexibility options can significantly improve the results. While reducing the computational time by half the lack of electricity and gas infrastructure representation can underestimate the objective function by 4% and 6% respectively.
Significantly Enhanced Electrocatalytic Activity of Copper for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction Through Femtosecond Laser Blackening
Jan 2021
In this work we report on the creation of a black copper via femtosecond laser processing and its application as a novel electrode material. We show that the black copper exhibits an excellent electrocatalytic activity for hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) in alkaline solution. The laser processing results in a unique microstructure: microparticles covered by finer nanoparticles on top. Electrochemical measurements demonstrate that the kinetics of the HER is significantly accelerated after bare copper is treated and turned black. At −0.325 V (v.s. RHE) in 1 M KOH aqueous solution the calculated area-specific charge transfer resistance of the electrode decreases sharply from 159 Ω cm2 for the untreated copper to 1 Ω cm2 for the black copper. The electrochemical surface area of the black copper is measured to be only 2.4 times that of the untreated copper and therefore the significantly enhanced electrocatalytic activity of the black copper for HER is mostly a result of its unique microstructure that favors the formation and enrichment of protons on the surface of copper. This work provides a new strategy for developing high-efficient electrodes for hydrogen generation.
Strategies for Joint Procurement of Fuel Cell Buses: A Study for the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking
Jun 2018
The Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU) has supported a range of initiatives in recent years designed to develop hydrogen fuel cell buses to a point where they can fulfil their promise as a mainstream zero emission vehicle for public transport.<br/>Within this study 90 different European cities and regions have been supported in understanding the business case of fuel cell bus deployment and across these locations. The study analyses the funding and financing for fuel cell bus deployment to make them become a mainstream zero emission choice for public transport providers in cities and regions across Europe. It also outlines possible solutions for further deployment of FC buses beyond the subsidised phase.<br/>In the light of the experience of the joint tender process in the UK and in Germany the study highlights best practices for ordering fuel cell buses. Other innovative instruments explored in other countries for the orders of large quantities of fuel cells buses are presented: Special Purpose Vehicles and centralised purchase office. Finally the study deeply analyses the funding and financing for fuel cell bus deployment to make them become a mainstream zero emission choice for public transport providers in cities and regions across Europe.
Recent Progress in Ammonia Fuel Cells and their Potential Applications
Nov 2020
Conventional technologies are largely powered by fossil fuel exploitation and have ultimately led to extensive environmental concerns. Hydrogen is an excellent carbon-free energy carrier but its storage and long-distance transportation remain big challenges. Ammonia however is a promising indirect hydrogen storage medium that has well-established storage and transportation links to make it an accessible fuel source. Moreover the notion of ‘green ammonia’ synthesised from renewable energy sources is an emerging topic that may open significant markets and provide a pathway to decarbonise a variety of applications reliant on fossil fuels. Herein a comparative study based on the chosen design working principles advantages and disadvantages of direct ammonia fuel cells is summarised. This work aims to review the most recent advances in ammonia fuel cells and demonstrates how close this technology type is to integration with future applications. At present several challenges such as material selection NOx formation CO2 tolerance limited power densities and long term stability must still be overcome and are also addressed within the contents of this review.
A Study on Electrofuels in Aviation
Feb 2018
With the growth of aviation traffic and the demand for emission reduction alternative fuels like the so-called electrofuels could comprise a sustainable solution. Electrofuels are understood as those that use renewable energy for fuel synthesis and that are carbon-neutral with respect to greenhouse gas emission. In this study five potential electrofuels are discussed with respect to the potential application as aviation fuels being n-octane methanol methane hydrogen and ammonia and compared to conventional Jet A-1 fuel. Three important aspects are illuminated. Firstly the synthesis process of the electrofuel is described with its technological paths its energy efficiency and the maturity or research need of the production. Secondly the physico-chemical properties are compared with respect to specific energy energy density as well as those properties relevant to the combustion of the fuels i.e. autoignition delay time adiabatic flame temperature laminar flame speed and extinction strain rate. Results show that the physical and combustion properties significantly differ from jet fuel except for n-octane. The results describe how the different electrofuels perform with respect to important aspects such as fuel and air mass flow rates. In addition the results help determine mixture properties of the exhaust gas for each electrofuel. Thirdly a turbine configuration is investigated at a constant operating point to further analyze the drop-in potential of electrofuels in aircraft engines. It is found that electrofuels can generally substitute conventional kerosene-based fuels but have some downsides in the form of higher structural loads and potentially lower efficiencies. Finally a preliminary comparative evaluation matrix is developed. It contains specifically those fields for the different proposed electrofuels where special challenges and problematic points are seen that need more research for potential application. Synthetically-produced n-octane is seen as a potential candidate for a future electrofuel where even a drop-in capability is given. For the other fuels more issues need further research to allow the application as electrofuels in aviation. Specifically interesting could be the combination of hydrogen with ammonia in the far future; however the research is just at the beginning stage.
Impact of Hydrogen Fuel for CO2 Emission Reduction in Power Generation Sector in Japan
Jun 2017
Japan’s energy consumption derives mostly from fossil fuels which are un-secure and release a much greenhouse gas emissions. To meet goals of reducing GHG hydrogen gas can be utilized in power generation in hydrogen fired and firing / co-combustion power plants. This paper analyses the impact of hydrogen in the power generation sector using the MARKAL-TIMES Japan optimization model framework. Two models are used: a base scenario without hydrogen and hydrogen scenario in which hydrogen is supplied from 2020 onwards. In the hydrogen scenario other processes which are normally supplied by natural gas are reduced because the gas is instead used to generate power. Adding hydrogen to the energy supply leads to a decrease in projected use of fossil fuels. The hydrogen scenario produces fewer emissions than the base scenario; by 2050 the hydrogen scenario’s estimated 388 metric tons of CO2 emissions is over 250 tons less than the base scenario’s emissions of 588 metric tons.
A New Design Concept for Prevention of Hydrogen-induced Mechanical Degradation: Viewpoints of Metastability and High Entropy
Dec 2018
‟How crack growth is prevented” is key to improve both fatigue and monotonic fracture resistances under an influence of hydrogen. Specifically the key points for the crack growth resistance are hydrogen diffusivity and local ductility. For instance type 304 austenitic steels show high hydrogen embrittlement susceptibility because of the high hydrogen diffusivity of bcc (α´) martensite. In contrast metastability in specific austenitic steels enables fcc (γ) to hcp (ε) martensitic transformation which decreases hydrogen diffusivity and increases strength simultaneously. As a result even if hydrogen-assisted cracking occurs during monotonic tensile deformation the ε-martensite acts to arrest micro-damage evolution when the amount of ε-martensite is limited. Thus the formation of ε-martensite can decrease hydrogen embrittlement susceptibility in austenitic steels. However a considerable amount of ε-martensite is required when we attempt to have drastic improvements of work hardening capability and strength level with respect to transformation-induced plasticity effect. Since the hcp structure contains a less number of slip systems than fcc and bcc the less stress accommodation capacity often causes brittle-like failure when the ε-martensite fraction is large. Therefore ductility of ε-martensite is another key when we maximize the positive effect of ε-martensitic transformation. In fact ε-martensite in a high entropy alloy was recently found to be extraordinary ductile. Consequently the metastable high entropy alloys showed low fatigue crack growth rates in a hydrogen atmosphere compared with conventional metastable austenitic steels with α´-martensitic transformation. We here present effects of metastability to ε-phase and configurational entropy on hydrogen-induced mechanical degradation including monotonic tension properties and fatigue crack growth resistance.
Trace Level Analysis of Reactive ISO 14687 Impurities in Hydrogen Fuel Using Laser-based Spectroscopic Detection Methods
Oct 2020
Hydrogen fuelled vehicles can play a key role in the decarbonisation of transport and reducing emissions. To ensure the durability of fuel cells a specification has been developed (ISO 14687) setting upper limits to the amount fraction of a series of impurities. Demonstrating conformity with this standard requires demonstrating by measurement that the actual levels of the impurities are below the thresholds. Currently the industry is unable to do so for measurement standards and sensitive dedicated analytical methods are lacking. In this work we report on the development of such measurement standards and methods for four reactive components: formaldehyde formic acid hydrogen chloride and hydrogen fluoride. The primary measurement standard is based on permeation and the analytical methods on highly sensitive and selective laser-based spectroscopic techniques. Relative expanded uncertainties at the ISO 14687 threshold level in hydrogen of 4% (formaldehyde) 8% (formic acid) 5% (hydrogen chloride) and 8% (hydrogen fluoride) have been achieved.
Dissecting the Exergy Balance of a Hydrogen Liquefier: Analysis of a Scaled-up Claude Hydrogen Liquefier with Mixed Refrigerant Pre-cooling
Oct 2020
For liquid hydrogen (LH2) to become an energy carrier in energy commodity markets at scales comparable to for instance LNG liquefier capacities must be scaled up several orders of magnitude. While state-of-the-art liquefiers can provide specific power requirements down to 10 kWh/kg a long-term target for scaled-up liquefier trains is 6 kWh/kg. High capacity will shift the cost weighting more towards operational expenditures which motivates for measures to improve the efficiency. Detailed exergy analysis is the best means for gaining a clear understanding of all losses occurring in the liquefaction process. This work analyses in detail a hydrogen liquefier that is likely to be realisable without intermediate demonstration phases and all irreversibilities are decomposed to the component level. The overall aim is to identify the most promising routes for improving the process. The overall power requirement is found to be 7.09 kWh/kg with stand-alone exergy efficiencies of the mixed-refrigerant pre-cooling cycle and the cryogenic hydrogen Claude cycle of 42.5% and 38.4% respectively. About 90% of the irreversibilities are attributed to the Claude cycle while the remainder is caused by pre-cooling to 114 K. For a component group subdivision the main contributions to irreversibilities are hydrogen compression and intercooling (39%) cryogenic heat exchangers (21%) hydrogen turbine brakes (15%) and hydrogen turbines (13%). Efficiency improvement measures become increasingly attractive with scale in general and several options exist. An effective modification is to recover shaft power from the cryogenic turbines. 80% shaft-to-shaft power recovery will reduce the power requirement to 6.57 kWh/kg. Another potent modification is to replace the single mixed refrigerant pre-cooling cycle with a more advanced mixed-refrigerant cascade cycle. For substantial scaling-up in the long term promising solutions can be cryogenic refrigeration cycles with refrigerant mixtures of helium/neon/hydrogen enabling the use of efficient and well scalable centrifugal compressors.
A Novel Exergy-based Assessment on a Multi-production Plant of Power, Heat and Hydrogen: Integration of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell, Solid Oxide Electrolyzer Cell and Rankine Steam Cycle
Feb 2021
Multi-production plant is an idea highlighting cost- and energy-saving purposes. However just integrating different sub-systems is not desired and the output and performance based on evaluation criteria must be assessed. In this study an integrated energy conversion system composed of solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) solid oxide electrolyzer cell (SOEC) and Rankine steam cycle is proposed to develop a multi-production system of power heat and hydrogen to alleviate energy dissipation and to preserve the environment by utilizing and extracting the most possible products from the available energy source. With this regard natural gas and water are used to drive the SOEC and the Rankine steam cycle respectively. The required heat and power demand of the electrolyzer are designed to be provided by the fuel cell and the Rankine cycle. The feasibility of the designed integrated system is evaluated through comprehensive exergy-based analysis. The technical performance of the system is evaluated through exergy assessment and it is obtained that the SOFC and the SOEC can achieve to the high exergy efficiency of 84.8% and 63.7% respectively. The designed system provides 1.79 kg/h of hydrogen at 125 kPa. In addition the effective designed variables on the performance of the designed integrated system are monitored to optimize the system’s performance in terms of technical efficiency cost-effectivity and environmental considerations. This assessment shows that 59.4 kW of the available exergy is destructed in the combustion chamber. Besides the techno-economic analysis and exergoenvironmental assessment demonstrate the selected compressors should be re-designed to improve the cost-effectivity and decline the negative environmental impact of the designed integrated energy conversion system. In addition it is calculated that the SOEC has the highest total cost and also the highest negative impact on the environment compared to other designed units in the proposed integrated energy conversion system.
Design of Experiment to Predict the Time Between Hydrogen Purges for an Air-breathing PEM Fuel Cell in Dead-end Mode in a Closed Environment
Feb 2021
Fuel cells are promising technologies for zero-emission energy conversion. They are used in several applications such as power plants cars and even submarines. Hydrogen supply is crucial for such systems and using Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell in dead-end mode is a solution to save hydrogen. Since water and impurities accumulate inside the stack purging is necessary. However the importance of operating parameters is not well known for fuel cells working in closed environments. A Design of Experiment approach studying time between two purges and cell performance was conducted on an air-breathing stack in a closed environment. The most influential parameters on the time between two purges are the relative humidity and the current load. Convection in the closed environment can decrease the stability of the fuel cell. A linear model with interactions between these last three parameters was found to accurately describe the studied responses.
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