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Strategies for Joint Procurement of Fuel Cell Buses: A Study for the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking


The Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU) has supported a range of initiatives in recent years designed to develop hydrogen fuel cell buses to a point where they can fulfil their promise as a mainstream zero emission vehicle for public transport.
Within this study, 90 different European cities and regions have been supported in understanding the business case of fuel cell bus deployment and across these locations. The study analyses the funding and financing for fuel cell bus deployment, to make them become a mainstream zero emission choice for public transport providers in cities and regions across Europe. It also outlines possible solutions for further deployment of FC buses beyond the subsidised phase.
In the light of the experience of the joint tender process in the UK and in Germany, the study highlights best practices for ordering fuel cell buses. Other innovative instruments explored in other countries, for the orders of large quantities of fuel cells buses are presented: Special Purpose Vehicles and centralised purchase office. Finally, the study deeply analyses the funding and financing for fuel cell bus deployment, to make them become a mainstream zero emission choice for public transport providers in cities and regions across Europe.

Funding source: Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking
Related subjects: Applications & Pathways
Countries: Luxembourg

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