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Study on Hydrogen from Renewable Resources in the EU
Feb 2016
Hydrogen can be produced from a broad range of renewable energy sources acting as a unique energy hub providing low or zero emission energy to all energy consuming sectors. Technically and efficiently producing hydrogen from renewable sources is a key enabler for these developments.<br/>Traditionally hydrogen has been produced from fossil sources by steam methane reforming of natural gas. At present the technology of choice to produce renewable ‘green’ hydrogen is water electrolysis using renewable electricity. The FCH JU has been supporting research and development of electrolyser technology and application projects aiming to increase the energy efficiency of electrolytic hydrogen production from renewable sources and to reduce costs.<br/>This study complements these activities by focusing on renewable hydrogen generation other than electrolysis. In this report these alternative hydrogen generation technologies are described characterized by their technical capabilities maturity and economic performance and assessed for their future potential.<br/>A methodology has been devised to first identify and structure a set of relevant green hydrogen pathways (eleven pathways depicted in the figure below) analyse them at a level of detail allowing a selection of those technologies which fit into and promise early commercialization in the framework of FCH 2 JU’s funding program.<br/>These originally proposed eleven pathways use solar thermal energy sunlight or biomass as major energy input.
Hydrogen-diesel Fuel Co-combustion Strategies in Light Duty and Heavy Duty CI Engines
Apr 2018
The co-combustion of diesel fuel with H2 presents a promising route to reduce the adverse effects of diesel engine exhaust pollutants on the environment and human health. This paper presents the results of H2-diesel co-combustion experiments carried out on two different research facilities a light duty and a heavy duty diesel engine. For both engines H2 was supplied to the engine intake manifold and aspirated with the intake air. H2 concentrations of up to 20% vol/vol and 8% vol/vol were tested in the light duty and heavy duty engines respectively. Exhaust gas circulation (EGR) was also utilised for some of the tests to control exhaust NOx emissions.<br/>The results showed NOx emissions increase with increasing H2 in the case of the light duty engine however in contrast for the heavy duty engine NOx emissions were stable/reduced slightly with H2 attributable to lower in-cylinder gas temperatures during diffusion-controlled combustion. CO and particulate emissions were observed to reduce as the intake H2 was increased. For the light duty H2 was observed to auto-ignite intermittently before diesel fuel injection had started when the intake H2 concentration was 20% vol/vol. A similar effect was observed in the heavy duty engine at just over 8% H2 concentration.
Efficient Hydrogen Production with CO2 Capture Using Gas Switching Reforming
Jul 2019
Hydrogen is a promising carbon-neutral energy carrier for a future decarbonized energy sector. This work presents process simulation studies of the gas switching reforming (GSR) process for hydrogen production with integrated CO2 capture (GSR-H2 process) at a minimal energy penalty. Like the conventional steam methane reforming (SMR) process GSR combusts the off-gas fuel from the pressure swing adsorption unit to supply heat to the endothermic reforming reactions. However GSR completes this combustion using the chemical looping combustion mechanism to achieve fuel combustion with CO2 separation. For this reason the GSR-H2 plant incurred an energy penalty of only 3.8 %-points relative to the conventional SMR process with 96% CO2 capture. Further studies showed that the efficiency penalty is reduced to 0.3 %-points by including additional thermal mass in the reactor to maintain a higher reforming temperature thereby facilitating a lower steam to carbon ratio. GSR reactors are standalone bubbling fluidized beds that will be relatively easy to scale up and operate under pressurized conditions and the rest of the process layout uses commercially available technologies. The ability to produce clean hydrogen with no energy penalty combined with this inherent scalability makes the GSR-H2 plant a promising candidate for further research.
Results of the HySafe CFD Validation Benchmark SBEPV5
Sep 2007
The different CFD tools used by the NoE HySafe partners are applied to a series of integral complex Standard Benchmark Exercise Problems (SBEPs). All benchmarks cover complementarily physical phenomena addressing application relevant scenarios and refer to associated experiments with an explicit usage of hydrogen. After the blind benchmark SBEPV1 and SBEPV3 with subsonic vertical release in a large vessel and in a garage like facility SBEPV4 with a horizontal under-expanded jet release through a small nozzle SBEPV5 covers the scenario of a subsonic horizontal jet release in a multi-compartment room.<br/>As the associated dispersion experiments conducted by GEXCON Norsk Hydro and STATOIL were disclosed to the participants the whole benchmark was conducted openly. For the purpose of validation only the low momentum test D27 had to be simulated.<br/>The experimental rig consists of a 1.20 m x 0.20 m x 0.90 m (Z vertical) vessel divided into 12 compartments partially even physically by four baffle plates. In each compartment a hydrogen concentration sensor is mounted. There is one vent opening at the wall opposite the release location centrally located about 1 cm above floor with dimensions 0.10 m (Y) times 0.20 m (Z). The first upper baffle plate close to the release point is on a sensitive location as it lies nearly perfectly in the centre of the buoyant jet and thus separates the flow into the two compartments. The actual release was a nominally constant flow of 1.15 norm liters for 60 seconds. With a 12mm nozzle diameter this corresponds to an average exit velocity of 10.17 m/s.<br/>6 CFD packages have been applied by 7 HySafe partners to simulate this experiment: ADREAHF by NCSRD FLACS by GexCon and DNV KFX by DNV FLUENT by UPM and UU CFX by HSE/HSL and GASFLOW by FZK. The results of the different participants are compared against the experimental data. Sensitivity studies were conducted by FZK using GASFLOW and by DNV applying KFX.<br/>Conclusions based on the comparisons and the sensitivity studies related to the performance of the applied turbulence models and discretisation schemes in the release and diffusion phase are proposed. These are compared to the findings of the previous benchmark exercises.
Project Cavendish - National Grid Gas Transmission
Sep 2020
The Isle of Grain (IoG) presents a technically feasible commercially viable strategic location to build and operate a hydrogen production facility which would be a key enabler to the UK meeting the Net Zero 2050 target.
As highlighted in the ‘Net Zero – The UK’s contribution to stopping global warming’ report published by The Committee on Climate Change in May 2019 hydrogen is set to have a major part to play in reducing UK carbon dioxide emissions. Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is also seen as essential to support those supplies.
The report further recognises that this will involve increased investments and that CCS and hydrogen will require both capital funding and revenue support.
For hydrogen to have a part to play in the decarbonisation of London and the south east of England a large-scale hydrogen production facility will be required which will provide a multi vector solution through the decarbonisation of the gas grid.
This report and any attachment is freely available on the ENA Smarter Networks Portal here. IGEM Members can download the report and any attachment directly by clicking on the pdf icon above.
As highlighted in the ‘Net Zero – The UK’s contribution to stopping global warming’ report published by The Committee on Climate Change in May 2019 hydrogen is set to have a major part to play in reducing UK carbon dioxide emissions. Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is also seen as essential to support those supplies.
The report further recognises that this will involve increased investments and that CCS and hydrogen will require both capital funding and revenue support.
For hydrogen to have a part to play in the decarbonisation of London and the south east of England a large-scale hydrogen production facility will be required which will provide a multi vector solution through the decarbonisation of the gas grid.
This report and any attachment is freely available on the ENA Smarter Networks Portal here. IGEM Members can download the report and any attachment directly by clicking on the pdf icon above.
Fast Turbulent Deflagration and DDT of Hydrogen-Air Mixtures in Small Obstructed Channel
Sep 2007
An experimental study of flame propagation acceleration and transition to detonation in hydrogen-air mixture in 2 m long rectangular cross section channel filled with obstacles located at the bottom wall was performed. The initial conditions of the hydrogen-air mixture were 0.1 MPa and 293 K. Three different cases of obstacle height (blockage ratio 0.25 0.5 and 0.75) and four cases of obstacle density were studied with the channel height equal to 0.08 m. The channel width was 0.11 m in all experiments. The propagation of flame and pressure waves was monitored by four pressure transducers and four in house ion probes. The pairs of transducers and probes were placed at various locations along the channel in order to get information about the progress of the phenomena along the channel. To examine the influence of mixture composition on flame propagation and DDT the experiments were performed for the compositions of 20% 25% and 29.6% of H2 in air by volume. As a result of the experiments the deflagration and detonation regimes and velocities of flame propagation in the obstructed channel were determined.
Hy4Heat Hydrogen Odorant - Work Package 2
Nov 2020
This work programme was focused on identifying a suitable odorant for use in a 100% hydrogen gas grid (domestic use such as boilers and cookers). The research involved a review of existing odorants (used primarily for natural gas) and the selection of five suitable odorants based on available literature. One odorant was selected based on possible suitability with a Polymer Electrolyte Membrane (PEM) based fuel cell vehicle which could in future be a possible end-user of grid hydrogen. NPL prepared Primary Reference Materials containing the five odorants in hydrogen at the relevant amount fraction levels (as would be found in the grid) including ones provided by Robinson Brothers (the supplier of odorants for natural gas in the UK). These mixtures were used by NPL to perform tests to understand the effects of the mixtures on pipeline (metal and plastic) appliances (a hydrogen boiler provided by Worcester Bosch) and PEM fuel cells. HSE investigated the health and environmental impact of these odorants in hydrogen. Olfactory testing was performed by Air Spectrum to characterise the ‘smell’ of each odorant. Finally an economic analysis was performed by E4tech. The results confirm that Odorant NB would be a suitable odorant for use in a 100% hydrogen gas grid for combustion applications but further research would be required if the intention is to supply grid hydrogen to stationery fuel cells or fuel cell vehicles. In this case further testing would need to be performed to measure the extent of fuel cell degradation caused by the non-sulphur odorant obtained as part of this work programme and also other UK projects such as the Hydrogen Grid to Vehicle (HG2V) project[1] would provide important information about whether a purification step would be required regardless of the odorant before the hydrogen purity would be suitable for a PEM fuel cell vehicle. If purification was required it would be fine to use Odorant NB as this would be removed during the purification step.
This report and any attachment is freely available on the Hy4Heat website here. The report can also be downloaded directly by clicking on the pdf icon above
This report and any attachment is freely available on the Hy4Heat website here. The report can also be downloaded directly by clicking on the pdf icon above
Review of Methods For Estimating the Overpressure and Impulse Resulting From a Hydrogen Explosion in a Confined/Obstructed Volume
Sep 2009
This study deals with the TNO Multi-Energy and Baker-Strehlow-Tang (BST) methods for estimating the positive overpressures and positive impulses resulting from hydrogen-air explosions. With these two methods positive overpressure and positive impulse results depend greatly on the choice of the class number for the TNO Multi-Energy method or the Mach number for the BST methods. These two factors permit the user to read the reduced parameters of the blast wave from the appropriate monographs for each of these methods i.e. positive overpressure and positive duration phase for the TNO Multi-Energy method and positive overpressure and positive impulse for the BST methods. However for the TNO Multi-Energy method the determination of the class number is not objective because it is the user who makes the final decision in choosing the class number whereas with the BST methods the user is strongly guided in their choice of an appropriate Mach number. These differences in the choice of these factors can lead to very different results in terms of positive overpressure and positive impulse. Therefore the objective of this work was to compare the positive overpressures and positive impulses predicted with the TNO Multi-Energy and BST methods with data available from large-scale experiments.
Experimental Study of Hydrogen-Air Deflagrations in Flat Layer
Sep 2007
In the present paper the results of experiments on study of high-speed deflagrations in flat layer of hydrogen-air mixtures unconfined from below are presented. The experiments were performed in two different rectangular channels: small-scale with mixture volume up to 0.4 m3 and large-scale with volume up to 5.5 m3. The main goal of the experiments was to examine the possibility of the layer geometries to maintain high-speed deflagration and detonation. With the aim to study a range of combustion regimes the experiments were performed varying degree of channel obstruction hydrogen concentration and thickness of the layer. Depending on the experimental conditions all major combustion regimes were observed: slow flame fast – ‘choked’ flame and steady-state detonation. It was found that minimum layer layer thickness in the range of 8 to 15 detonation cell widths is required for sustainable detonations.
Application of DFT Simulation to the Investigation of Hydrogen Embrittlement Mechanism and Design of High Strength Low Alloy Steel
Dec 2022
In this work first-principles methods were performed to simulate interactions between hydrogen and common alloying elements of high strength low alloy (HSLA) steel. The world has been convinced that hydrogen could be one of the future clean energy sources. HSLA steel with a balance of strength toughness and hydrogen embrittlement susceptibility is expected for application in large-scale hydrogen storage and transportation. To evaluate the property deterioration under a hydrogen atmosphere hydrogen embrittlement (HE) of HSLA steel attracts attention. However due to the small size of hydrogen atoms the mechanism of HE is challenging to observe directly by current experimental methods. To understand the HE mechanism at an atomic level DFT methods were applied to simulate the effects of alloying elements doping in bcc-Fe bulk structure and grain boundary structure. Furthermore the potential application of DFT to provide theoretical advice for HSLA steel design is discussed.
Simulation of Detonation after an Accidental Hydrogen Release in Enclosed Environments
Sep 2007
An accidental hydrogen release in equipment enclosures may result in the presence of a detonable mixture in a confined environment. Numerical simulation is potentially a useful tool for damage assessment in these situations. To assess the value of CFD techniques numerical simulation of detonation was performed for two realistic scenarios. The first scenario starts with a pipe failure in an electrolyzer resulting in a leak of 42 g of hydrogen. The second scenario deals with a failure in a reformer where 84 g of hydrogen is released. In both cases dispersion patterns were first obtained from separate numerical simulation and were then used as initial condition in a detonation simulation based upon the reactive Euler's equations. Energy was artificially added in a narrow region to simulate detonative ignition. In the electrolyzer ignition was assumed to occur 500 ms after beginning of the release. Results show a detonation failing on the top and bottom side but propagating left and right before eventually failing also. Average impulse was 500 Ns/m². For the reformer three cases were simulated with ignition 1.0 1.4 and 2.0 seconds after the beginning of the release. In two cases the detonation wave failed everywhere except in the direction of the release in which it continued propagating until reaching the side wall. In the third the detonation failed everywhere at first but later a deflagration to detonation transition occurred resulting in a strong wave that propagated rapidly toward the side wall. In all three cases the consequences are more serious than in the electrolyzer.
Comparative Study of Embrittlement of Quenched and Tempered Steels in Hydrogen Environments
Mar 2022
The study of steels which guarantee safety and reliability throughout their service life in hydrogen-rich environments has increased considerably in recent years. Their mechanical behavior in terms of hydrogen embrittlement is of utmost importance. This work aims to assess the effects of hydrogen on the tensile properties of quenched and tempered 42CrMo4 steels. Tensile tests were performed on smooth and notched specimens under different conditions: pre-charged in high pressure hydrogen gas electrochemically pre-charged and in-situ hydrogen charged in an acid aqueous medium. The influence of the charging methodology on the corresponding embrittlement indexes was assessed. The role of other test variables such as the applied current density the electrolyte composition and the displacement rate was also studied. An important reduction of the strength was detected when notched specimens were subjected to in-situ charging. When the same tests were performed on smooth tensile specimens the deformation results were reduced. This behavior is related to significant changes in the operative failure micromechanisms from ductile (microvoids coalescence) in absence of hydrogen or under low hydrogen contents to brittle (decohesion of martensite lath interfaces) under the most stringent conditions.
Assessing the Durability and Integrity of Natural Gas Infrastructures for Transporting and Distributing Mixtures of Hydrogen and Natural Gas
Sep 2005
Extensive infrastructure exists for the transport of natural gas and it is an obvious step to assess its use for the movement of hydrogen. The Naturalhy project’s objective is to prepare the European natural gas industry for the introduction of hydrogen by assessing the capability of the natural gas infrastructure to accept mixtures of hydrogen and natural gas. This paper presents the ongoing work within both Durability and Integrity Work Packages of the Naturalhy project. This work covers a gap in knowledge on risk assessment required for delivering H2+natural gas blends by means of the existing natural gas grids in safe operation.<br/>Experiments involving several parts of the existing infrastructure will be described that are being carried out to re-examine the major risks previously studied for natural gas including: effect of H2 on failure behaviour and corrosion of transmission pipes and their burst resistance (link to the Work Package Safety) on permeability and ageing of distribution pipes on reliability and ageing of domestic gas meters tightness to H2 of domestic appliances and their connexions. The information will be integrated into existing Durability assessment methodologies originally developed for natural gas.<br/>An Integrity Management Tool will be developed taking account of the effect of hydrogen on the materials properties. The tool should enable a cost effective selection of appropriate measures to control the structural integrity and maintaining equipment. The main measures considered are monitoring non destructive examination (pigging and non pigging) and repair strategies. The tool will cover a number of parameters e.g.: percentage of hydrogen in the gas mixture material of construction operating conditions and condition of cathodic protection. Thus the Integrity Management Tool will yield an inspection and maintenance plan based on the specific circumstances.
Molecular Transport Effects of Hydrocarbon Addition on Turbulent Hydrogen Flame Propagation
Sep 2007
We analytically investigated the influence of light hydrocarbons on turbulent premixed H2/air atmospheric flames under lean conditions in view of safe handling of H2 systems applications in H2 powered IC engines and gas turbines and also with an orientation towards modelling of H2 combustion. For this purpose an algebraic flame surface wrinkling model included with pressure and fuel type effects is used. The model predictions of turbulent premixed flames are compared with the set of corresponding experimental data of Kido et al. (Kido Nakahara et al. 2002). These expanding spherical flame data include H2–air mixtures doped with CH4 and C3H8 while the overall equivalence ratio of all the fuel/air mixtures is fixed at 0.8 for constant unstretched laminar flame speed of 25 cm/s by varying N2 composition. The model predictions show that there is little variation in turbulent flame speed ST for C3H8 additions up to 20-vol%. However for 50 vol% doping flame speed decreases by as much as 30 % from 250 cm/s that of pure H2–air mixtures for turbulence intensity of 200 cm/s. With respect to CH4 for 50 vol% doping ST reduces by only 6 % cf. pure H2/air mixture. In the first instance the substantial decrease of ST with C3H8 addition may be attributed to the increase in the Lewis number of the dual-fuel mixture and proportional restriction of molecular mobility of H2. That is this decrease in flame speed can be explained using the concept of leading edges of the turbulent flame brush (Lipatnikov and Chomiak 2005). As these leading edges have mostly positive curvature (convex to the unburned side) preferential-diffusive-thermal instabilities cause recognizable impact on flame speed at higher levels of turbulence with the effect being very strong for lean H2 mixtures. The lighter hydrocarbon substitutions tend to suppress the leading flame edges and possibly transition to detonation in confined structures and promote flame front stability of lean turbulent premixed flames. Thus there is a necessity to develop a predictive reaction model to quantitatively show the strong influence of molecular transport coefficients on ST.
Hy4Heat Conversion of Industrial Heating Equipment to Hydrogen - Work Package 6
Jan 2020
The study focuses on converting current industrial natural gas heating technologies to use 100% hydrogen considering the evidence which must be available before a decision on the UK’s decarbonisation pathway for heating could be made. The aim of the study is to assess the technical requirements and challenges associated with industrial hydrogen conversion and estimate the associated costs and timeframes.
This report and any attachment is freely available on the Hy4Heat website here. IGEM Members can download the report and any attachment directly by clicking on the pdf icon above.
This report and any attachment is freely available on the Hy4Heat website here. IGEM Members can download the report and any attachment directly by clicking on the pdf icon above.
Micro-wrinkled Pd Surface for Hydrogen Sensing and Switched Detection of Lower Explosive Limit
Sep 2011
We report the development and testing of a novel hydrogen sensor that shows a very peculiar response to hydrogen exposure due to its micro-structured palladium surface. The fabrication of the wrinkled Pd surface is obtained using an innovative fast and cheap technique based on the deposition of a thin Pd film on to a thermo-retractable polystyrene sheet that shrinks to 40% of its original size when heated. The buckling of the Pd surface induced by shrinking of the substrate produces nano and micro-wrinkles on the sensor surface. The micro-structured sensor surface is very stable even after repeated hydrogen sorption/desorption cycles. The hydrogen sensing mechanism is based on the transitory absorption of hydrogen atoms into the Pd layer leading to the reversible change of its electrical resistance. Interestingly depending on hydrogen concentration the proposed sensor shows the concurrent effect of both the usually described behaviors of increase or decrease of resistance related to different phenomena occurring upon hydrogen exposure and formation of palladium hydride. The study reports and discusses evidences for an activation threshold of hydrogen concentration in air switching the behavior of sensor performances from e.g. poor negative to large positive sensitivity and from slow to fast detection.
Sustainable Power Supply Solutions for Off-Grid Base Stations
Sep 2015
The telecommunication sector plays a significant role in shaping the global economy and the way people share information and knowledge. At present the telecommunication sector is liable for its energy consumption and the amount of emissions it emits in the environment. In the context of off-grid telecommunication applications off-grid base stations (BSs) are commonly used due to their ability to provide radio coverage over a wide geographic area. However in the past the off-grid BSs usually relied on emission-intensive power supply solutions such as diesel generators. In this review paper various types of solutions (including in particular the sustainable solutions) for powering BSs are discussed. The key aspects in designing an ideal power supply solution are reviewed and these mainly include the pre-feasibility study and the thermal management of BSs which comprise heating and cooling of the BS shelter/cabinets and BS electronic equipment and power supply components. The sizing and optimization approaches used to design the BSs’ power supply systems as well as the operational and control strategies adopted to manage the power supply systems are also reviewed in this paper.
Decarbonization of the Iron and Steel Industry with Direct Reduction of Iron Ore with Green Hydrogen
Feb 2020
Production of iron and steel releases seven percent of the global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Incremental changes in present primary steel production technologies would not be sufficient to meet the emission reduction targets. Replacing coke used in the blast furnaces as a reducing agent with hydrogen produced from water electrolysis has the potential to reduce emissions from iron and steel production substantially. Mass and energy flow model based on an open-source software (Python) has been developed in this work to explore the feasibility of using hydrogen direct reduction of iron ore (HDRI) coupled with electric arc furnace (EAF) for carbon-free steel production. Modeling results show that HDRI-EAF technology could reduce specific emissions from steel production in the EU by more than 35% at present grid emission levels (295 kgCO2/MWh). The energy consumption for 1 ton of liquid steel (tls) production through the HDRI-EAF route was found to be 3.72 MWh which is slightly more than the 3.48 MWh required for steel production through the blast furnace (BF) basic oxygen furnace route (BOF). Pellet making and steel finishing processes have not been considered. Sensitivity analysis revealed that electrolyzer efficiency is the most important factor affecting the system energy consumption while the grid emission factor is strongly correlated with the overall system emissions.
Mathematical Description of Energy Transition Scenarios Based on the Latest Technologies and Trends
Dec 2021
This work dedicated to a mathematical description of energy transition scenarios consists of three main parts. The first part describes modern trends and problems of the energy sector. A large number of charts reflecting the latest updates in energy are provided. The COVID-2019 pandemic’s impacts on the energy sector are also included. The second part of the paper is dedicated to the analysis of energy consumption and the structure of the world fuel and energy balance. Furthermore a detailed description of energy-efficient technologies is given. Being important and low-carbon hydrogen is discussed including its advantages and disadvantages. The last part of the work describes the mathematical tool developed by the authors. The high availability of statistical data made it possible to identify parameters used in the algorithm with the least squares method and verify the tool. Performing several not complicated steps of the algorithm the tool allows calculating the deviation of the average global temperature of the surface atmosphere from preindustrial levels in the 21st century under different scenarios. Using the suggested mathematical description the optimal scenario that makes it possible to keep global warming at a level below 1.7 ◦C was found.
Effects of Purity and Pressure on the Hydrogen Embrittlement of Steels and Other Metallic Materials
Sep 2009
A study of open literature was performed to determine the effects of high hydrogen purity and gas pressure (in the range of 700-1000 bar) on the hydrogen embrittlement of several metallic materials. A particular focus was given to carbon low-alloy and stainless steels but information on embrittlement of aluminum and copper was included in the study. Additionally the most common test methods were studied and results from similar tests are presented in a manner so as to simplify comparisons of materials. Finally suggestions are provided for future testing necessary to ensure the safety of hydrogen storage at 700 bar.
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