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Thermodynamic Analysis of the Effect of Green Hydrogen Addition to a Fuel Mixture on the Steam Methane Reforming Process
Oct 2021
Steam methane (CH4–H2O) reforming in the presence of a catalyst usually nickel is the most common technology for generating synthesis gas as a feedstock in chemical synthesis and a source of pure H2 and CO. What is essential from the perspective of further gas use is the parameter describing a ratio of equilibrium concentration of hydrogen to carbon monoxide (/ = 2/). The parameter is determined by operating temperature and the initial ratio of steam concentration to methane = 2 0 /4 0 . In this paper the author presents a thermodynamic analysis of the effect of green hydrogen addition to a fuel mixture on the steam methane reforming process of gaseous phase (CH4/H2)–H2O. The thermodynamic analysis of conversion of hydrogen-enriched methane (CH4/H2)–H2O has been performed using parametric equation formalism allowing for determining the equilibrium composition of the process in progress. A thermodynamic condition of carbon precipitation in methane reforming (CH4/H2) with the gaseous phase of H2O has been interpreted. The ranges of substrate concentrations creating carbon deposition for temperature T = 1000 K have been determined based on the technologies used. The results obtained can serve as a model basis for describing the properties of steam reforming of methane and hydrogen mixture (CH4/H2)– H2O.
Sorption-enhanced Steam Methane Reforming for Combined CO2 Capture and Hydrogen Production: A State-of-the-Art Review
Oct 2021
The European Commission have just stated that hydrogen would play a major role in the economic recovery of post-COVID-19 EU countries. Hydrogen is recognised as one of the key players in a fossil fuel-free world in decades to come. However commercially practiced pathways to hydrogen production todays are associated with a considerable amount of carbon emissions. The Paris Climate Change Agreement has set out plans for an international commitment to reduce carbon emissions within the forthcoming decades. A sustainable hydrogen future would only be achievable if hydrogen production is “designed” to capture such emissions. Today nearly 98% of global hydrogen production relies on the utilisation of fossil fuels. Among these steam methane reforming (SMR) boasts the biggest share of nearly 3 50% of the global generation. SMR processes correspond to a significant amount of carbon emissions at various points throughout the process. Despite the dark side of the SMR processes they are projected to play a major role in hydrogen production by the first half of this century. This that a sustainable yet clean short/medium-term hydrogen production is only possible by devising a plan to efficiently capture this co-produced carbon as stated in the latest International Energy Agency (IEA) reports. Here we have carried out an in-depth technical review of the processes employed in sorption-enhanced steam methane reforming (SE-SMR) an emerging technology in low-carbon SMR for combined carbon capture and hydrogen production. This paper aims to provide an in-depth review on two key challenging elements of SE-SMR i.e. the advancements in catalysts/adsorbents preparation and current approaches in process synthesis and optimisation including the employment of artificial intelligence in SE-SMR processes. To the best of the authors‟ knowledge there is a clear gap in the literature where the above areas have been scrutinised in a systematic and coherent fashion. The gap is even more pronounced in the application of AI in SE-SMR technologies. As a result this work aims to fill this gap within the scientific literature.
Three-dimensional Structures of N2-Diluted Stoichiometric H2-O2 Flames in Narrow Channels
Sep 2021
Flame propagation and acceleration in unobstructed channels/tubes is usually assumed as symmetric. A fully optically accessible narrow channel that allows to perform simultaneous high-speed schlieren visualization from two mutually perpendicular directions was built to asses the validity of the aforementioned assumption. Here we provide experimental evidence of the interesting three-dimensional structures and asymmetries that develop during the acceleration phase and show how these may control detonation onset in N2-diluted stoichiometric H2-O2 mixtures.
Assessment of an Innovative Way to Store Hydrogen in Vehicles
May 2019
The use of hydrogen as an alternative to fossil fuels for vehicle propulsion is already a reality. However due to its physical characteristics storage is still a challenge. There is an innovative way presented in this study to store hydrogen in conventional vehicles propelled by spark-ignition reciprocating engines and fuel cells using hydrogen as fuel; the storage of hydrogen will be at high pressure within small spheres randomly packed in a tank like the conventional tank of fuel used nowadays in current vehicles. Therefore the main purpose of the present study is to assess the performance of this storage system and compare it to others already applied by car manufacturers in their cars. In order to evaluate the performance of this storage system some parameters were taken into account: The energy stored by volume and stored by weight hydrogen leakage and compliance with current standards. This system is safer than conventional storage systems since hydrogen is stored inside small spheres containing small amounts of hydrogen. Besides its gravimetric energy density (GED) is threefold and the volumetric energy density (VED) is about half when compared with homologous values for conventional systems and both exceed the targets set by the U.S. Department of Energy. Regarding the leakage of hydrogen it complies with the European Standards provided a suitable choice of materials and dimensions is made.
Ammonia as Effective Hydrogen Storage: A Review on Production, Storage and Utilization
Jun 2020
Ammonia is considered to be a potential medium for hydrogen storage facilitating CO2-free energy systems in the future. Its high volumetric hydrogen density low storage pressure and stability for long-term storage are among the beneficial characteristics of ammonia for hydrogen storage. Furthermore ammonia is also considered safe due to its high auto ignition temperature low condensation pressure and lower gas density than air. Ammonia can be produced from many different types of primary energy sources including renewables fossil fuels and surplus energy (especially surplus electricity from the grid). In the utilization site the energy from ammonia can be harvested directly as fuel or initially decomposed to hydrogen for many options of hydrogen utilization. This review describes several potential technologies in current conditions and in the future for ammonia production storage and utilization. Ammonia production includes the currently adopted Haber–Bosch electrochemical and thermochemical cycle processes. Furthermore in this study the utilization of ammonia is focused mainly on the possible direct utilization of ammonia due to its higher total energy efficiency covering the internal combustion engine combustion for gas turbines and the direct ammonia fuel cell. Ammonia decomposition is also described in order to give a glance at its progress and problems. Finally challenges and recommendations are also given toward the further development of the utilization of ammonia for hydrogen storage.
Standalone Renewable Energy and Hydrogen in an Agricultural Context: A Demonstrative Case
Feb 2019
Standalone renewable energy is widely used to power irrigation systems. However in agricultural facilities electricity from the grid and diesel are also consumed. The design and sizing of renewable generation involves difficulties derived from the different seasonal profiles of production and demand. If the generation is 100% renewable a considerable energy surplus is usually included. This paper is focused on a renewable energy system which has been installed in a vineyard located in the northeast of Spain. With energy from the photovoltaic fields the wastewater treatment plant of the winery a drip irrigation system and other ancillary consumptions are fed. The favourable effect of combining consumptions with different seasonal profiles is shown. The existence of some deferrable loads and the energy management strategy result in an aggregate consumption curve that is well suited to production. Besides the required energy storage is relatively small. The surplus energy is used for the on-site production of hydrogen by the electrolysis of water. The hydrogen refuels a hybrid fuel cell electric vehicle used for the mobility of workers in the vineyard. In summary electricity and hydrogen are produced on-site (to meet the energy needs) from 100% renewable sources and without operating emissions.
Life Cycle Assessment of Hydrogen from Proton Exchange Membrane Water Electrolysis in Future Energy Systems
Jan 2019
This study discusses the potential of H2 production by proton exchange membrane water electrolysis as an effective option to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the hydrogen sector. To address this topic a life cycle assessment is conducted to compare proton exchange membrane water electrolysis versus the reference process - steam methane reforming. As a relevant result we show that hydrogen production via proton exchange membrane water electrolysis is a promising technology to reduce CO2 emissions of the hydrogen sector by up to 75% if the electrolysis system runs exclusively on electricity generated from renewable energy sources. In a future (2050) base-load operation mode emissions are comparable to the reference system.
The results for the global warming potential show a strong reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. The thoroughly and in-depth modelled components of the electrolyser have negligible influence on impact categories; thus emissions are mainly determined by the electricity mix. With 2017 electricity mix of Germany the global warming potential corresponds to 29.5 kg CO2 eq. for each kg of produced hydrogen. Referring to the electricity mix we received from an energy model emissions can be reduced to 11.5 kg CO2 eq. in base-load operation by the year 2050. Using only the 3000 h of excess power from renewables in a year will allow for the reduction of the global warming potential to 3.3 kg CO2 eq. From this result we see that an environmentally friendly electricity mix is crucial for reducing the global warming impact of electrolytic hydrogen.
The results for the global warming potential show a strong reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. The thoroughly and in-depth modelled components of the electrolyser have negligible influence on impact categories; thus emissions are mainly determined by the electricity mix. With 2017 electricity mix of Germany the global warming potential corresponds to 29.5 kg CO2 eq. for each kg of produced hydrogen. Referring to the electricity mix we received from an energy model emissions can be reduced to 11.5 kg CO2 eq. in base-load operation by the year 2050. Using only the 3000 h of excess power from renewables in a year will allow for the reduction of the global warming potential to 3.3 kg CO2 eq. From this result we see that an environmentally friendly electricity mix is crucial for reducing the global warming impact of electrolytic hydrogen.
Current Status of Automotive Fuel Cells for Sustainable Transport
May 2019
Automotive proton-exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) have finally reached a state of technological readiness where several major automotive companies are commercially leasing and selling fuel cell electric vehicles including Toyota Honda and Hyundai. These now claim vehicle speed and acceleration refueling time driving range and durability that rival conventional internal combustion engines and in most cases outperform battery electric vehicles. The residual challenges and areas of improvement which remain for PEMFCs are performance at high current density durability and cost. These are expected to be resolved over the coming decade while hydrogen infrastructure needs to become widely available. Here we briefly discuss the status of automotive PEMFCs misconceptions about the barriers that platinum usage creates and the remaining hurdles for the technology to become broadly accepted and implemented.
Global Status of CCS 2021: CCS Accelerating to Net Zero
Oct 2021
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) continues to make significant progress around the world against a backdrop of greater climate action from countries and private companies. The Global Status of CCS 2021 demonstrates the critical role of CCS as nations and industry accelerate to net-zero.<br/>The report provides detailed analyses of the global project pipeline international policy finance and emerging trends. In addition four regional overviews highlight the rapid development of CCS across North America Asia Pacific Europe and nearby regions and the Gulf Cooperation Council states.
Which way to Net Zero? A Comparative Analysis of Seven UK 2050 Decarbonisation Pathways
Dec 2021
Since the UK’s Net Zero greenhouse gas emissions target was set in 2019 organisations across the energy systems community have released pathways on how we might get there – which end-use technologies are deployed across each sector of demand how our fossil fuel-based energy supply would be transferred to low carbon vectors and to what extent society must change the way it demands energy services. This paper presents a comparative analysis between seven published Net Zero pathways for the UK energy system collected from Energy Systems Catapult National Grid ESO Centre for Alternative Technology and the Climate Change Committee. The key findings reported are that (i) pathways that rely on less stringent behavioural changes require more ambitious technology development (and vice versa); (ii) electricity generation will increase by 51-160% to facilitate large-scale fuel-switching in heating and transport the vast majority of which is likely to be generated from variable renewable sources; (iii) hydrogen is an important energy vector in meeting Net Zero for all pathways providing 100-591 TWh annually by 2050 though the growth in demand is heavily dependent on the extent to which it is used in supplying heating and transport demand. This paper also presents a re-visited analysis of the potential renewable electricity generation resource in the UK. It was found that the resource for renewable electricity generation outstrips the UK’s projected 2050 electricity demand by a factor 12-20 depending on the pathway. As made clear in all seven pathways large-scale deployment of flexibility and storage is required to match this abundant resource to our energy demand.
In-Situ Hollow Sample Setup Design for Mechanical Characterisation of Gaseous Hydrogen Embrittlement of Pipeline Steels and Welds
Aug 2021
This work discusses the design and demonstration of an in-situ test setup for testing pipeline steels in a high pressure gaseous hydrogen (H2 ) environment. A miniature hollow pipe-like tensile specimen was designed that acts as the gas containment volume during the test. Specific areas of the specimen can be forced to fracture by selective notching as performed on the weldment. The volume of H2 used was minimised so the test can be performed safely without the need of specialised equipment. The setup is shown to be capable of characterising Hydrogen Embrittlement (HE) in steels through testing an X60 pipeline steel and its weldment. The percentage elongation (%El) of the base metal was found to be reduced by 40% when tested in 100 barg H2 . Reduction of cross-sectional area (%RA) was found to decrease by 28% and 11% in the base metal and weld metal respectively when tested in 100 barg H2 . Benchmark test were performed at 100 barg N2 pressure. SEM fractography further indicated a shift from normal ductile fracture mechanisms to a brittle transgranular (TG) quasi-cleavage (QC) type fracture that is characteristic of HE.
Expectations as a Key to Understanding Actor Strategies in the Field of Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Vehicles
Feb 2012
Due to its environmental impact the mobility system is increasingly under pressure. The challenges to cope with climate change air quality depleting fossil resources imply the need for a transition of the current mobility system towards a more sustainable one. Expectations and visions have been identified as crucial in the guidance of such transitions and more specifically of actor strategies. Still it remained unclear why the actors involved in transition activities appear to change their strategies frequently and suddenly. The empirical analysis of the expectations and strategies of three actors in the field of hydrogen and fuel cell technology indicates that changing actor strategies can be explained by rather volatile expectations related to different levels. Our case studies of the strategies of two large car manufacturers and the German government demonstrate that the car manufacturers refer strongly to expectations about the future regime while expectations related to the socio-technical landscape level appear to be crucial for the strategy of the German government.
Layered Transition Metal Selenophosphites for Visible Light Photoelectrochemical Production of Hydrogen
Jun 2021
The growing consumption of global energy has posed serious challenges to environmental protection and energy supplies. A promising solution is via introducing clean and sustainable energy sources including photoelectrochemical hydrogen fuel production. 2D materials such as transition metal trichalcogenphosphites (MPCh3) are gaining more and more interest for their potential as photocatalysts. Crystals of transition metal selenophosphites namely MnPSe3 FePSe3 and ZnPSe3 were tested as photocatalysts for the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER). ZnPSe3 is the one that exhibited the lowest overpotential and the higher response to the light during photocurrent experiments in acidic media. For this reason among the crystals in this work it is the most promising for the photocatalyzed production of hydrogen.
Potential Liquid-Organic Hydrogen Carrier (LOHC) Systems: A Review on Recent Progress
Nov 2020
The depletion of fossil fuels and rising global warming challenges encourage to find safe and viable energy storage and delivery technologies. Hydrogen is a clean efficient energy carrier in various mobile fuel-cell applications and owned no adverse effects on the environment and human health. However hydrogen storage is considered a bottleneck problem for the progress of the hydrogen economy. Liquid-organic hydrogen carriers (LOHCs) are organic substances in liquid or semi-solid states that store hydrogen by catalytic hydrogenation and dehydrogenation processes over multiple cycles and may support a future hydrogen economy. Remarkably hydrogen storage in LOHC systems has attracted dramatically more attention than conventional storage systems such as high-pressure compression liquefaction and absorption/adsorption techniques. Potential LOHC media must provide fully reversible hydrogen storage via catalytic processes thermal stability low melting points favorable hydrogenation thermodynamics and kinetics large-scale availability and compatibility with current fuel energy infrastructure to practically employ these molecules in various applications. In this review we present various considerable aspects for the development of ideal LOHC systems. We highlight the recent progress of LOHC candidates and their catalytic approach as well as briefly discuss the theoretical insights for understanding the reaction mechanism.
A Review of the MSCA ITN ECOSTORE—Novel Complex Metal Hydrides for Efficient and Compact Storage of Renewable Energy as Hydrogen and Electricity
Mar 2020
Hydrogen as an energy carrier is very versatile in energy storage applications. Developments in novel sustainable technologies towards a CO2-free society are needed and the exploration of all-solid-state batteries (ASSBs) as well as solid-state hydrogen storage applications based on metal hydrides can provide solutions for such technologies. However there are still many technical challenges for both hydrogen storage material and ASSBs related to designing low-cost materials with low-environmental impact. The current materials considered for all-solid-state batteries should have high conductivities for Na+ Mg2+ and Ca2+ while Al3+-based compounds are often marginalised due to the lack of suitable electrode and electrolyte materials. In hydrogen storage materials the sluggish kinetic behaviour of solid-state hydride materials is one of the key constraints that limit their practical uses. Therefore it is necessary to overcome the kinetic issues of hydride materials before discussing and considering them on the system level. This review summarizes the achievements of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) innovative training network (ITN) ECOSTORE the aim of which was the investigation of different aspects of (complex) metal hydride materials. Advances in battery and hydrogen storage materials for the efficient and compact storage of renewable energy production are discussed.
Magnesium-Based Materials for Hydrogen Storage—A Scope Review
Sep 2020
Magnesium hydride and selected magnesium-based ternary hydride (Mg2FeH6 Mg2NiH4 and Mg2CoH5) syntheses and modification methods as well as the properties of the obtained materials which are modified mostly by mechanical synthesis or milling are reviewed in this work. The roles of selected additives (oxides halides and intermetallics) nanostructurization polymorphic transformations and cyclic stability are described. Despite the many years of investigations related to these hydrides and the significant number of different additives used there are still many unknown factors that affect their hydrogen storage properties reaction yield and stability. The described compounds seem to be extremely interesting from a theoretical point of view. However their practical application still remains debatable.
Modeling of Fixed Bed Reactor for Coal Tar Hydrogenation via the Kinetic Lumping Approach
Nov 2018
Hydrogenation technology is an indispensable chemical upgrading process for converting the heavy feedstock into favorable lighter products. In this work a new kinetic model containing four hydrocarbon lumps (feedstock diesel gasoline cracking gas) was developed to describe the coal tar hydrogenation process the Levenberg–Marquardt’s optimization algorithm was used to determine the kinetic parameters by minimizing the sum of square errors between experimental and calculated data the predictions from model validation showed a good agreement with experimental values. Subsequently an adiabatic reactor model based on proposed lumped kinetic model was constructed to further investigate the performance of hydrogenation fixed-bed units the mass balance and energy balance within the phases in the reactor were taken into accounts in the form of ordinary differential equation. An application of the reactor model was performed for simulating the actual bench-scale plant of coal tar hydrogenation the simulated results on the products yields and temperatures distribution along with the reactor are shown to be good consistent with the experimental data.
Flexible Electricity Use for Heating in Markets with Renewable Energy
Mar 2020
Using electricity for heating can contribute to decarbonization and provide flexibility to integrate variable renewable energy. We analyze the case of electric storage heaters in German 2030 scenarios with an open-source electricity sector model. We find that flexible electric heaters generally increase the use of generation technologies with low variable costs which are not necessarily renewables. Yet making customary night-time storage heaters temporally more flexible offers only moderate benefits because renewable availability during daytime is limited in the heating season. Respective investment costs accordingly have to be very low in order to realize total system cost benefits. As storage heaters feature only short-term heat storage they also cannot reconcile the seasonal mismatch of heat demand in winter and high renewable availability in summer. Future research should evaluate the benefits of longer-term heat storage.
Healthy Power: Reimagining Hospitals as Sustainable Energy Hubs
Oct 2020
Human health is a key pillar of modern conceptions of sustainability. Humanity pays a considerable price for its dependence on fossil-fueled energy systems which must be addressed for sustainable urban development. Public hospitals are focal points for communities and have an opportunity to lead the transition to renewable energy. We have reimagined the healthcare energy ecosystem with sustainable technologies to transform hospitals into networked clean energy hubs. In this concept design hydrogen is used to couple energy with other on-site medical resource demands and vanadium flow battery technology is used to engage the public with energy systems. This multi-generation system would reduce harmful emissions while providing reliable services tackling the linked issues of human and environmental health.
Modelling and Analyzing the Impact of Hydrogen Enriched Natural Gas on Domestic Gas Boilers in a Decarbonization Perspective
Aug 2020
Decarbonization of energy economy is nowadays a topical theme and several pathways are under discussion. Gaseous fuels have a fundamental role for this transition and the production of low carbon-impact fuels is necessary to deal with this challenge. The generation of renewable hydrogen is a trusted solution since this energy vector can be promptly produced from electricity and injected into the existing natural gas infrastructure granting storage capacity and easy transportation. This scenario will lead in the near future to hydrogen enrichment of natural gas whose impact on the infrastructures is being actively studied. The effect on end-user devices such as domestic gas boilers instead is still little analyzed and tested but is fundamental to be assessed. The aim of this research is to generate knowledge on the effect of hydrogen enrichment on the widely used premixed boilers: the investigations include pollutant emissions efficiency flashback and explosion hazard control system and materials selection. A model for calculating several parameters related to combustion of hydrogen enriched natural gas is presented. Guidelines for the design of new components are provided and an insight is given on the maximum hydrogen blending bearable by the current boilers.
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