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Volumetric Analysis Technique for Analyzing the Transport Properties of Hydrogen Gas in Cylindrical-shaped Rubbery Polymers
Mar 2021
We report volumetric analysis techniques to analyze the transport properties of hydrogen dissolved in cylindrical-shaped polymers. The techniques utilize the volume measurement of the released hydrogen from rubber by gas collection in a graduated cylinder after charging sample with high-pressure hydrogen and subsequent decompression. We further improve the graduated cylinder with some modifications such as reading the electrical capacitance of the water level using electrodes and changing the sample loading position. From the measurement results the uptake (C∞) diffusion coefficient (D) and solubility (S) of hydrogen are quantified with an upgraded diffusion analysis program. These methods are applied to three cylindrical rubbers. Dual adsorption behaviors with increasing pressure are observed for all the samples. C∞ follows Henry’s law up to ~15 MPa whereas Langmuir model applies up to 90 MPa. D shows Knudsen and bulk diffusion behavior below and above pressure respectively. A COMSOL simulation is compared with experimental observations.
Replacing Fossil Fuels with Bioenergy in District Heating – Comparison of Technology Options
May 2021
We combine previously separate models of Northern European power markets local district heating and cooling (DHC2) systems and biomass supply in a single modelling framework to study local and system level impacts of bioenergy technologies in phasing out fossil fuels from a DHC system of the Finnish capital. We model multiple future scenarios and assess the impacts on energy security flexibility provision economic performance and emissions. In the case of Helsinki heat only boiler is a robust solution from economic and climate perspective but reduces local electricity self-sufficiency. Combined heat and power solution is more valuable investment for the system than for the city indicating a conflict of interest and biased results in system level models. Bringing a biorefinery near the city to utilize excess heat would reduce emissions and increase investment's profitability but biomass availability might be a bigger limiting factor. Our results show that the availability of domestic biomass resources constrains bio-based technologies in Southern Finland and further highlights the importance of considering both local and system level impacts. Novel option to boost biorefinery's production with hydrogen from excess electricity is beneficial with increasing shares of wind power.
Analysis of the Existing Barriers for the Market Development of Power to Hydrogen (P2H) in Italy
Sep 2020
New technological solutions are required to control the impact of the increasing presence of renewable energy sources connected to the electric grid that are characterized by unpredictable production (i.e. wind and solar energy). Energy storage is becoming essential to stabilize the grid when a mismatch between production and demand occurs. Among the available solutions Power to Hydrogen (P2H) is one of the most attractive options. However despite the potential many barriers currently hinder P2H market development. The literature reports general barriers and strategies to overcome them but a specific analysis is fundamental to identifying how these barriers concretely arise in national and regional frameworks since tailored solutions are needed to foster the development of P2H local market. The paper aims to identify and to analyze the existing barriers for P2H market uptake in Italy. The paper shows how several technical regulatory and economic issues are still unsolved resulting in a source of uncertainty for P2H investment. The paper also suggests possible approaches and solutions to address the Italian barriers and to support politics and decision-makers in the definition and implementation of the national hydrogen strategy.
The Potential of Gas Switching Partial Oxidation Using Advanced Oxygen Carriers for Efficient H2 Production with Inherent CO2 Capture
May 2021
The hydrogen economy has received resurging interest in recent years as more countries commit to net-zero CO2 emissions around the mid-century. “Blue” hydrogen from natural gas with CO2 capture and storage (CCS) is one promising sustainable hydrogen supply option. Although conventional CO2 capture imposes a large energy penalty advanced process concepts using the chemical looping principle can produce blue hydrogen at efficiencies even exceeding the conventional steam methane reforming (SMR) process without CCS. One such configuration is gas switching reforming (GSR) which uses a Ni-based oxygen carrier material to catalyze the SMR reaction and efficiently supply the required process heat by combusting an off-gas fuel with integrated CO2 capture. The present study investigates the potential of advanced La-Fe-based oxygen carrier materials to further increase this advantage using a gas switching partial oxidation (GSPOX) process. These materials can overcome the equilibrium limitations facing conventional catalytic SMR and achieve direct hydrogen production using a water-splitting reaction. Results showed that the GSPOX process can achieve mild efficiency improvements relative to GSR in the range of 0.6–4.1%-points with the upper bound only achievable by large power and H2 co-production plants employing a highly efficient power cycle. These performance gains and the avoidance of toxicity challenges posed by Ni-based oxygen carriers create a solid case for the further development of these advanced materials. If successful results from this work indicate that GSPOX blue hydrogen plants can outperform an SMR benchmark with conventional CO2 capture by more than 10%-points both in terms of efficiency and CO2 avoidance.
Evaluation of the Performance Degradation of a Metal Hydride Tank in a Real Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle
May 2022
In a fuel cell electric vehicle (FCEV) powered by a metal hydride tank the performance of the tank is an indicator of the overall health status which is used to predict its behaviour and make appropriate energy management decisions. The aim of this paper is to investigate how to evaluate the effects of charge/discharge cycles on the performance of a commercial automotive metal hydride hydrogen storage system applied to a real FCEV. For this purpose a mathematical model is proposed based on uncertain physical parameters that are identified using the stochastic particle swarm optimisation (PSO) algorithm combined with experimental measurements. The variation of these parameters allows an assessment of the degradation level of the tank’s performance on both the quantitative and qualitative aspects. Simulated results derived from the proposed model and experimental measurements were in good agreement with a maximum relative error of less than 2%. The validated model was used to establish the correlations between the observed degradations in a hydride tank recovered from a real FCEV. The results obtained show that it is possible to predict tank degradations by developing laws of variation of these parameters as a function of the real conditions of the use of the FCEV (number of charging/discharging cycles pressures mass flow rates temperatures).
Green Hydrogen in Europe – A Regional Assessment: Substituting Existing Production with Electrolysis Powered by Renewables
Nov 2020
The increasing ambition of climate targets creates a major role for hydrogen especially in achieving carbon-neutrality in sectors presently difficult to decarbonise. This work examines to what extent the currently carbon-intensive hydrogen production in Europe could be replaced by water electrolysis using electricity from renewable energy resources (RES) such as solar photovoltaic onshore/offshore wind and hydropower (green hydrogen). The study assesses the technical potential of RES at regional and national levels considering environmental constraints land use limitations and various techno-economic parameters. It estimates localised clean hydrogen production and examines the capacity to replace carbon-intensive hydrogen hubs with ones that use RES-based water electrolysis. Findings reveal that -at national level- the available RES electricity potential exceeds the total electricity demand and the part for hydrogen production from electrolysis in all analysed countries. At regional level from the 109 regions associated with hydrogen production (EU27 and UK) 88 regions (81%) show an excess of potential RES generation after covering the annual electricity demand across all sectors and hydrogen production. Notably 84 regions have over 50% excess RES electricity potential after covering the total electricity demand and that for water electrolysis. The study provides evidence on the option to decarbonize hydrogen production at regional level. It shows that such transformation is possible and compatible with the ongoing transition towards carbon–neutral power systems in the EU. Overall this work aims to serve as a tool for designing hydrogen strategies in harmony with renewable energy policies.
Investigation of an Intensified Thermo-Chemical Experimental Set-Up for Hydrogen Production from Biomass: Gasification Process Performance—Part I
Jun 2021
Biomass gasification for energy purposes has several advantages such as the mitigation of global warming and national energy independency. In the present work the data from an innovative and intensified steam/oxygen biomass gasification process integrating a gas filtration step directly inside the reactor are presented. The produced gas at the outlet of the 1 MWth gasification pilot plant was analysed in terms of its main gaseous products (hydrogen carbon monoxide carbon dioxide and methane) and contaminants. Experimental test sets were carried out at 0.25–0.28 Equivalence Ratio (ER) 0.4–0.5 Steam/Biomass (S/B) and 780–850 °C gasification temperature. Almond shells were selected as biomass feedstock and supplied to the reactor at approximately 120 and 150 kgdry/h. Based on the collected data the in-vessel filtration system showed a dust removal efficiency higher than 99%-wt. A gas yield of 1.2 Nm3dry/kgdaf and a producer gas with a dry composition of 27–33%v H2 23–29%v CO 31–36%v CO2 9–11%v CH4 and light hydrocarbons lower than 1%v were also observed. Correspondingly a Low Heating Value (LHV) of 10.3–10.9 MJ/Nm3dry and a cold gas efficiency (CGE) up to 75% were estimated. Overall the collected data allowed for the assessment of the preliminary performances of the intensified gasification process and provided the data to validate a simulative model developed through Aspen Plus software.
Review on the Influence of Temperature upon Hydrogen Effects in Structural Alloys
Mar 2021
It is well-documented experimentally that the influence of hydrogen on the mechanical properties of structural alloys like austenitic stainless steels nickel superalloys and carbon steels strongly depends on temperature. A typical curve plotting any hydrogen-affected mechanical property as a function of temperature gives a temperature THEmax where the degradation of this mechanical property reaches a maximum. Above and below this temperature the degradation is less. Unfortunately the underlying physico-mechanical mechanisms are not currently understood to the level of detail required to explain such temperature effects. Though this temperature effect is important to understand in the context of engineering applications studies to explain or even predict the effect of temperature upon the mechanical properties of structural alloys could not be identified. The available experimental data are scattered significantly and clear trends as a function of chemistry or microstructure are difficult to see. Reported values for THEmax are in the range of about 200–340 K which covers the typical temperature range for the design of structural components of about 230–310 K (from −40 to +40 °C). That is the value of THEmax itself as well as the slope of the gradient might affect the materials selection for a dedicated application. Given the current lack of scientific understanding a statistical approach appears to be a suitable way to account for the temperature effect in engineering applications. This study reviews the effect of temperature upon hydrogen effects in structural alloys and proposes recommendations for test temperatures for gaseous hydrogen applications
Zero-In on NI-Heat Exploring Pathways Towards Heat Decarbonisation in Northern Ireland
Jul 2020
Northern Ireland has achieved its 2020 targets in the electricity sector ahead of time with 46.8% of its electricity demand supplied by renewable generators. When it comes to heat the progress is less impressive – 68% of domestic heating is provided by oil and only around 2500 customers use low carbon heat generators in their homes. In addition 22% of consumers live in fuel poverty. Fuel poverty support programmes still propose the replacement of old oil boilers with new models or with gas boilers where a connection to the grid is possible.<br/>Failure of the commercial RHI scheme and the knock-on effect of the closure of the domestic RHI scheme caused significant damage to the industry and to the reputation of low carbon heat technologies leaving NI consumers without any explicit supporting mechanisms for low carbon heat supply. Decreases in carbon emissions from the heat sector are mainly achieved through switching from oil to gas heating. Gas infrastructure is under development in NI and promises to reach 60% of customers by 2022.
Hydrogen-Assisted Cracking in GMA Welding of High-Strength Structural Steel—A New Look into This Issue at Narrow Groove
Jun 2021
Modern arc processes such as the modified spray arc (Mod. SA) have been developed for gas metal arc welding of high-strength structural steels with which even narrow weld seams can be welded. High-strength joints are subjected to increasingly stringent requirements in terms of welding processing and the resulting component performance. In the present work this challenge is to be met by clarifying the influences on hydrogen-assisted cracking (HAC) in a high-strength structural steel S960QL. Adapted samples analogous to the self-restraint TEKKEN test are used and analyzed with respect to crack formation microstructure diffusible hydrogen concentration and residual stresses. The variation of the seam opening angle of the test seams is between 30° and 60°. To prevent HAC the effectiveness of a dehydrogenation heat treatment (DHT) from the welding heat is investigated. As a result the weld metals produced at reduced weld opening angle show slightly higher hydrogen concentrations on average. In addition increased micro- as well as macro-crack formation can be observed on these weld metal samples. On all samples without DHT cracks in the root notch occur due to HAC which can be prevented by DHT immediately after welding.
H21- Consumer and Gas Network Metering Phase 1: A Review of the Worldwide Hydrogen Meter Technologies and Applications
Feb 2018
There is no inherent property of hydrogen that makes it unsuitable for metering at distribution or transmission pressures. Towns gas containing large percentages of hydrogen was used for many years in the UK and continues to be in use in Hong Kong and Singapore. Many manufacturers sell their ordinary mechanical gas meters as suitable for hydrogen in a laboratory or industrial situation; unfortunately lack of demand has meant that none of these meters seem to have certified under appropriate metering regulations for gaseous hydrogen (e.g. the Measuring Instruments Directive)<br/>Some of the more sophisticated modern inferential meters (e.g. thermal or ultrasonic) currently designed specifically for natural gas (or LPG if suitably calibrated) are likely to unsuitable for repurposing directly to hydrogen but none of the problems appear fundamental or insuperable. The largest potential hurdle probably surrounds the physical size of current meters. A hydrogen appliance will consume about 3.3 more hydrogen than natural gas (on a volumetric basis) and using traditional designs this would have been measured through a meter probably too large to fit within an existing meter box. Unless unsolved such an increase in size would add materially to any hydrogen re-purposing programme.<br/>The meter trade thus need to be challenged to come up with a hydrogen meter that is the same physical size as a natural gas meter on a power rating basis (i.e. in kW). Ultrasonic and thermal mass meters should be included in the necessary Research and Development programme.<br/>A meter test programme is suggested that will provide evidence to meter manufacturers that the metering of hydrogen is not inherently difficult and thus convince them to make the necessary investments and/or approach the GDNO’s for assistance with such a programme.
Brittle Fracture Manifestation in Gas Pipeline Steels after Long-term Operation
Dec 2020
Gas pipelines are exposed to operational loads combined with corrosive environment action during their long-term service. Complicated service conditions lead to a worsening of steel properties a reduction of serviceability of the whole object therefore a risk of its premature failure rises. Aware of the importance of the existing problem the aim of this study is the analysis of various mechanical properties of steels after their long-term operation on gas pipelines and detecting and evaluating fractographic signs of this degradation.<br/>Mechanical properties of operated pipe steels characterizing their brittle fracture resistance were significantly decreased. Delamination areas as one of a feature of brittle fracture were identified on the fracture surfaces of specimens after SSRT of the operated steels in corrosive environment. Fracture was initiated from the outer surface of the specimens along the boundaries of ferrite and pearlite grains with significant secondary cracking.<br/>The obvious texture in the steels affects noticeably the results of the impact tests. Higher KCV values for the specimens cut in the longitudinal direction relative to the pipe axis comparing with the specimens of transversal orientation were obtained. This was explained by different length of narrow pearlite strips alternated by wide ferrite bands and interrupted by individual ferrite grains depending on the orientation of the specimen fracture surface relative to the pipe axis. Thus a proper direction of specimen cutting to achieve the maximum sensitivity of KCV parameter to operational degradation of steels is discussed. The effect of specimen orientation on the results of the Charpy testing becomes much more pronounced with steel operation. Defects accumulated in steels during their service are preferentially oriented in the pipe axial direction along the boundaries between ferrite and pearlite strips. Analyzing the fracture surfaces of the Charpy specimens after their impact testing certain signs of embrittlement were found for long term operated steels in the form of delaminations varying in size and shape and some cleavage fragments. Furthermore their percentage of total fracture surface (generally formed by dimples) correlates well with a drop in the impact toughness. The established relationship could be the basis for the introduction of fractographic criteria of the steel serviceability.
Hydrogen is Essential for Sustainability
Nov 2018
Sustainable energy conversion requires zero emissions of greenhouse gases and criteria pollutants using primary energy sources that the earth naturally replenishes quickly like renewable resources. Solar and wind power conversion technologies have become cost effective recently but challenges remain to manage electrical grid dynamics and to meet end-use requirements for energy dense fuels and chemicals. Renewable hydrogen provides the best opportunity for a zero emissions fuel and is the best feedstock for production of zero emission liquid fuels and some chemical and heat end-uses. Renewable hydrogen can be made at very high efficiency using electrolysis systems that are dynamically operated to complement renewable wind and solar power dynamics. Hydrogen can be stored within the existing natural gas system to provide low cost massive storage capacity that (1) could be sufficient to enable a 100% zero emissions grid; (2) has sufficient energy density for end-uses including heavy duty transport; (3) is a building block for zero emissions fertilizer and chemicals; and (4) enables sustainable primary energy in all sectors of the economy.
Failure Analysis of Cooling Duct of Top Engine Cowl Panel of Fighter Aircraft
Jun 2019
Present work describes the failure analysis of cooling duct of a fighter aircraft. The analyzed chemical composition of cooling duct indicates that it is manufactured from Al-based alloy (AA 3003 or its equivalent). Microstructure of cooling duct displays the presence of two phases namely matrix and insoluble particles. The hardness values at different locations within damaged area of cooling duct reflect nearly same and consistent. The fracture surface of the cooling duct exhibits transgranular features and cracks with little branching. The analyzed hydrogen content in cooling duct is significantly higher (∼ 12 ppm) than the specified one (< 1 ppm). However the alloy used to fabricate cooling duct is not susceptible to typical hydrogen embrittlement. This shows hydrogen pick up during operation. The presence of cracks with branching does reflect features of hydrogen embrittlement. In addition striations indicative of fatigue features are also observed. It thus appears that the cooling duct has failed due to pick up of large amount of hydrogen as well as vibrational fatigue.
The Benefit of Collaboration in the North European Electricity System Transition—System and Sector Perspectives
Dec 2019
This work investigates the connection between electrification of the industry transport and heat sector and the integration of wind and solar power in the electricity system. The impact of combining electrification of the steel industry passenger vehicles and residential heat supply with flexibility provision is evaluated from a systems and sector perspective. Deploying a parallel computing approach to the capacity expansion problem the impact of flexibility provision throughout the north European electricity system transition is investigated. It is found that a strategic collaboration between the electricity system an electrified steel industry an electrified transport sector in the form of passenger electric vehicles (EVs) and residential heat supply can reduce total system cost by 8% in the north European electricity system compared to if no collaboration is achieved. The flexibility provision by new electricity consumers enables a faster transition from fossil fuels in the European electricity system and reduces thermal generation. From a sector perspective strategic consumption of electricity for hydrogen production and EV charging and discharging to the grid reduces the number of hours with very high electricity prices resulting in a reduction in annual electricity prices by up to 20%.
Alkaline Fuel cell Technology - A review
Apr 2021
The realm of alkaline-based fuel cells has with the arrival of anionic exchange membrane fuel cells (AEMFCs) taken a great step to replace traditional liquid electrolyte alkaline fuel cells (AFCs). The following review summarises progress bottleneck issues and highlights the most recent research trends within the field. The activity of alkaline catalyst materials has greatly advanced however achieving long-term stability remains a challenge. Great AEMFC performances are reported though these are generally obtained through the employment of platinum group metals (PGMs) thus emphasising the importance of R&D related to non-PGM materials. Thorough design strategies must be utilised for all components to avoid a mismatch of electrochemical properties between electrode components. Lastly AEMFC optimisation challenges on the system-level will also have to be assessed as few application-size AEMFCs have been built and tested.
Non-alloy Mg Anode for Ni-MH Batteries: Multiple Approaches Towards a Stable Cycling Performance
Apr 2021
Mg attracts much research interest as anode material for Ni-MH batteries thanks to its lightweight cost-effectiveness and high theoretical capacity (2200 mA h g−1). However its practical application is tremendously challenged by the poor hydrogen sorption kinetics passivation from aggressive aqueous electrolytes and insulating nature of MgH2. Mg-based alloys exhibit enhanced hydrogen sorption kinetics and electrical conductivity but significant amount of costly transition metal elements are required. In this work we have for the first time utilized non-alloyed but catalyzed Mg as anode for Ni-MH batteries. 5 mol.% TiF3 was added to nanosized Mg for accelerating the hydrogen sorption kinetics. Several strategies for preventing the problematic passivation of Mg have been studied including protective encapsulation of the electrode and utilizing room-temperature/high-temperature ionic liquids and an alkaline polymer membrane as working electrolyte. Promising electrochemical performance has been achieved in this Mg–TiF3 composite anode based Ni-MH batteries with room for further improvements.
HyDeploy Report: Keele Information
Jun 2018
Keele University was chosen as the site for the HyDeploy project as it was seen as the site offered a high degree of control regarding safety functions high availability of operational data and minimal supply chain interfaces given that Keele University is the supplier transporter and distributer of natural gas at the site. The site was offered to the project as a living laboratory in line with the university's ambition to be at the forefront of energy innovation through the Smart Energy Network Demonstrator (SEND). Evidenced within this report is the supporting data that confirms the rationale for selecting Keele University and the necessary data to profile the section of the gas network which hydrogen will be injected into. The gas network at Keele University is segregated via the governor stations which regulate pressure within the network. The section of network which has been chosen for the HyDeploy project is the G3 network which is regulated by the G3 governor.
Durability of Anion Exchange Membrane Water Electrolyzers
Apr 2021
Interest in the low-cost production of clean hydrogen is growing. Anion exchange membrane water electrolyzers (AEMWEs) are considered one of the most promising sustainable hydrogen production technologies because of their ability to split water using platinum group metal-free catalysts less expensive anode flow fields and bipolar plates. Critical to the realization of AEMWEs is understanding the durability-limiting factors that restrict the long-term use of these devices. This article presents both durability-limiting factors and mitigation strategies for AEMWEs under three operation modes i.e. pure water-fed (no liquid electrolyte) concentrated KOH-fed and 1 wt% K2CO3-fed operating at a differential pressure of 100 psi. We examine extended-term behaviors of AEMWEs at the single-cell level and connect their behavior with the electrochemical chemical and mechanical instability of single-cell components. Finally we discuss the pros and cons of AEMWEs under these operation modes and provide direction for long-lasting AEMWEs with highly efficient hydrogen production capabilities.
Hydrogen Gas Quality for Gas Network Injection: State of the Art of Three Hydrogen Production Methods
Jun 2021
The widescale distribution of hydrogen through gas networks is promoted as a viable and cost-efficient option for optimising its application in heat industry and transport. It is a key step towards achieving decarbonisation targets in the UK. A key consideration before the injection of hydrogen into the UK gas networks is an assessment of the difference in hydrogen contaminants presence from different production methods. This information is essential for gas regulation and for further purification requirements. This study investigates the level of ISO 14687 Grade D contaminants in hydrogen from steam methane reforming proton exchange membrane water electrolysis and alkaline electrolysis. Sampling and analysis of hydrogen were carried out by the National Physical Laboratory following ISO 21087 guidance. The results of analysis indicated the presence of nitrogen in hydrogen from electrolysis and water carbon dioxide and particles in all samples analysed. The contaminants were at levels below or at the threshold limits set by ISO 14687 Grade D. This indicates that the investigated production methods are not a source of contaminants for the eventual utilisation of hydrogen in different applications including fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEV’s). The gas network infrastructure will require a similar analysis to determine the likelihood of contamination to hydrogen gas.
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