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Socio-economic Analysis and Quantitative Risk Assessment Methodology for Safety Design of Onboard Storage Systems
Sep 2017
Catastrophic rupture of onboard hydrogen storage in a fire is a safety concern. Different passive e.g. fireproofing materials the thermally activated pressure relief device (TPRD) and active e.g. initiation of TPRD by fire sensors safety systems are being developed to reduce hazards from and associated risks of high-pressure hydrogen storage tank rupture in a fire. The probability of such low-frequency highconsequences event is a function of fire resistance rating (FRR) i.e. the time before tank without TPRD ruptures in a fire the probability of TPRD failure etc. This safety issue is “confirmed” by observed recently cases of CNG tanks rupture due to blocked or failed to operate TPRD etc. The increase of FRR by any means decreases the probability of tank rupture in a fire particularly because of fire extinction by first responders on arrival at an accident scene.<br/>This study of socio-economic effects of safety applies a quantitative risk assessment (QRA) methodology to an example of hydrogen vehicles with passive tank protection system on roads in London.<br/>The risk is defined here through the cost of human loss per fuel cell hydrogen vehicle (FCHV) fire accident and fatality rate per FCHV per year. The first step in the methodology is the consequence analysis based on validated deterministic engineering tools to estimate the main identified hazards: overpressure in the blast wave at different distances and the thermal hazards from a fireball in the case of catastrophic tank rupture in a fire. The population can be exposed to slight injury serious injury and fatality after an accident. These effects are determined based on criteria by Health and Safety Executive (UK) and a cost metrics is applied to the number of exposed people in these three harm categories to estimate the cost per an accident. The second step in the methodology is either the frequency or the probability analysis. Probabilities of a vehicle fire and failure of the thermally activated pressure relief device are taken from published sources. A vulnerability probit function is employed to calculate the probability of emergency operations’ failure to prevent tank rupture as a function of a storage tank FRR and time of fire brigade arrival. These later results are integrated to estimate the tank rupture frequency and fatality rate. The risk is presented as a function of fire resistance rating.<br/>The QRA methodology allows to calculate the cost of human loss associated with an FCHV fire accident and demonstrates how the increase of FRR of onboard storage as a safety engineering measure would improve socio-economics of FCHV deployment and public acceptance of the technology.
Mn-based Borohydride Synthesized by Ball-milling KBH4 and MnCl2 for Hydrogen Storage
Dec 2013
In this work a mixed-cation borohydride (K2Mn(BH4)4) with P21/n structure was successfully synthesized by mechanochemical milling of the 2KBH4–MnCl2 sample under argon. The structural and thermal decomposition properties of the borohydride compounds were investigated using XRD Raman spectroscopy FTIR TGA-MS and DSC. Apart from K2Mn(BH4)4 the KMnCl3 and unreacted KBH4 compounds were present in the milled 2KBH4–MnCl2. The two mass loss regions were observed for the milled sample: one was from 100 to 160 °C with a 1.6 ± 0.1 wt% loss (a release of majority hydrogen and trace diborane) which was associated with the decomposition of K2Mn(BH4)4 to form KBH4 boron and finely dispersed manganese; the other was from 165 to 260 °C with a 1.9 ± 0.1 wt% loss (only hydrogen release) which was due to the reaction of KBH4 with KMnCl3 to give KCl boron finely dispersed manganese. Simultaneously the formed KCl could dissolve in KBH4 to yield a K(BH4)xCl1−x solid solution and also react with KMnCl3 to form a new compound K4MnCl6.
Development of a Generalized Integral Jet Model
Sep 2017
Integral type models to describe stationary plumes and jets in cross-flows (wind) have been developed since about 1970. These models are widely used for risk analysis to describe the consequences of many different scenarios. Alternatively CFD codes are being applied but computational requirements still limit the number of scenarios that can be dealt with using CFD only. The integral models however are not suited to handle transient releases such as releases from pressurized equipment where the initially high release rate decreases rapidly with time. Further on gas ignition a second model is needed to describe the rapid combustion of the flammable part of the plume (flash fire) and a third model has to be applied for the remaining jet fire. The objective of this paper is to describe the first steps of the development of an integral-type model describing the transient development and decay of a jet of flammable gas after a release from a pressure container. The intention is to transfer the stationary models to a fully transient model capable to predict the maximum extension of short-duration high pressure jets. The model development is supported by conducting a set of transient ignited and unignited spontaneous releases at initial pressures between 25bar and 400bar. These data forms the basis for the presented model development approach.
Numerical Modelling of Flame Acceleration and Transition to Detonation in Hydrogen & Air Mixtures with Concentration Gradient
Sep 2017
Hydrogen gas explosions in homogeneous reactive mixtures have been widely studied both experimentally and numerically. However in practice combustible mixtures are usually inhomogeneous and subject to both vertical and horizontal concentration gradients. There is still very limited understanding of the hydrogen explosion characteristics in such situations. The present numerical investigation aims to study the effect of mixture concentration gradient on the process of Deflagration to Detonation Transition and the effect of different hydrogen concentration gradient in the obstructed channel of hydrogen/air mixtures. An obstructed channel with 30% blockage ratio (BR=30) and three different average hydrogen concentrations of 20 % 30% and 35% have been considered using a specially developed density-based solver within the OpenFOAM toolbox. A high-resolution grid was built with the using adaptive mesh refinement technique providing 10 grid points in half reaction length. The numerical results are in reasonably good agreement with the experimental observations [1]. These studies show that the concentration gradient has a considerable effect on the accelerated flame tip speed and the location of transition to detonation in the obstructed channel. In all the three cases the first localised explosion occurred near the bottom wall where the shock and flame interacted and the mixture was most lean; and the second localised explosion occurred at the top wall due to the reflection of shock and flame front and later develops to form the leading detonation wave. The increase in the fuel concentration was found to increase the flame acceleration (FA) and having a faster transition to detonation.
Numerical Prediction of Forced-ignition Limit in High-pressurized Hydrogen Jet Flow Through a Pinhole
Sep 2017
The numerical simulations on the high-pressure hydrogen jet are performed by using the unsteady three-dimensional compressible Navier-Stokes equations with multi-species conservation equations. The present numerical results show that the highly expanded hydrogen free jet observes and the distance between the Mach disc and the nozzle exit agrees well with the empirical equation. The time-averaged H2 concentration of the numerical simulations agrees well with the experimental data and the empirical equation. The numerical simulation of ignition in a hydrogen jet is performed to show the flame behaviour from the calculated OH iso surface. We predicted the ignition and no-ignition region from the present numerical results about the forced ignition in the high-pressurized hydrogen jet.
Safety Issues of the Liquefaction, Storage and Transportation of Liquid Hydrogen
Sep 2013
The objectives of the IDEALHY project which receives funding from the European Union’s 7th Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) for the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Technology Initiative under grant agreement No. 278177 are to design a novel process that will significantly increase the efficiency of hydrogen liquefaction and be capable of delivering liquid hydrogen at a rate that is an order of magnitude greater than current plants. The liquid hydrogen could then be delivered to refueling stations in road tankers. As part of the project the safety management of the new large scale process and the transportation of liquid hydrogen by road tanker into urban areas are being considered. Effective safety management requires that the hazards are identified and well understood. This paper describes the scope of the safety work within IDEALHY and presents the output of the work completed so far. Initially a review of available experimental data on the hazards posed by releases of liquid hydrogen was undertaken which identified that generally there is a dearth of data relevant to liquid hydrogen releases. Subsequently HAZIDs have been completed for the new liquefaction process storage of liquid hydrogen and its transportation by road. This included a review of incidents relevant to these activities. The principal causes of the incidents have been analysed. Finally the remaining safety work for the IDEALHY project is outlined.
Prevention of Hydrogen Accumulation Inside the Vacuum Vessel Pressure Suppression System of the ITER Facility by Means of Passive Auto-catalytic Recombiners
Sep 2017
Hydrogen safety is a relevant topic for both nuclear fission and fusion power plants. Hydrogen generated in the course of a severe accident may endanger the integrity of safety barriers and may result in radioactive releases. In the case of the ITER fusion facility accident scenarios with water ingress consider the release of hydrogen into the suppression tank (ST) of the vacuum vessel pressure suppression system (VVPSS). Under the assumption of additional air ingress the formation of flammable gas mixtures may lead to explosions and safety component failure.<br/>The installation of passive auto-catalytic recombiners (PARs) inside the ST which are presently used as safety devices inside the containments of nuclear fission reactors is one option under consideration to mitigate such a scenario. PARs convert hydrogen into water vapor by means of passive mechanisms and have been qualified for operation under the conditions of a nuclear power plant accident since the 1990s.<br/>In order to support on-going hydrogen safety considerations simulations of accident scenarios using the CFD code ANSYS-CFX are foreseen. In this context the in-house code REKO-DIREKT is coupled to CFX to simulate PAR operation. However the operational boundary conditions for hydrogen recombination (e.g. temperature pressure gas mixture) of a fusion reactor scenario differ significantly from those of a fission reactor. In order to enhance the code towards realistic PAR operation a series of experiments has been performed in the REKO-4 facility with specific focus on ITER conditions. These specifically include operation under sub-atmospheric pressure (0.2–1.0 bar) gas compositions ranging from lean to rich H2/O2 mixtures and superposed flow conditions.<br/>The paper gives an overview of the experimental program presents results achieved and gives an outlook on the modelling approach towards accident scenario simulation.
Ultrasonic-assisted Catalytic Transfer Hydrogenation for Upgrading Pyrolysis-oil
Feb 2021
Recent interest in biomass-based fuel blendstocks and chemical compounds has stimulated research efforts on conversion and upgrading pathways which are considered as critical commercialization drivers. Existing pre-/post-conversion pathways are energy intense (e.g. pyrolysis and hydrogenation) and economically unsustainable thus more efficient process solutions can result in supporting the renewable fuels and green chemicals industry. This study proposes a process including biomass conversion and bio-oil upgrading using mixed fast and slow pyrolysis conversion pathway as well as sono-catalytic transfer hydrogenation (SCTH) treatment process. The proposed SCTH treatment employs ammonium formate as a hydrogen transfer additive and palladium supported on carbon as the catalyst. Utilizing SCTH bio-oil molecular bonds were broken and restructured via the phenomena of cavitation rarefaction and hydrogenation with the resulting product composition investigated using ultimate analysis and spectroscopy. Additionally an in-line characterization approach is proposed using near-infrared spectroscopy calibrated by multivariate analysis and modelling. The results indicate the potentiality of ultrasonic cavitation catalytic transfer hydrogenation and SCTH for incorporating hydrogen into the organic phase of bio-oil. It is concluded that the integration of pyrolysis with SCTH can improve bio-oil for enabling the production of fuel blendstocks and chemical compounds from lignocellulosic biomass.
Heat Pumps for Space Heating and Domestic Hot Water Production in Residential Buildings, an Environmental Comparison in a Present and Future Scenario
Nov 2022
The hydrogen vector stands as a potentially important tool to achieve the decarbonization of the energy sector. It represents an option to store the periodic excesses of energy generation from renewable electrical sources to be used as it is as a substitute for fossil fuels in some applications or reconverted into electricity when needed. In this context hydrogen can significantly decarbonize the building sector as an alternative fuel for gas-driven devices. Along with hydrogen the European strategic vision indicates the electrification of heat among the main energy transition pathways. The potential environmental benefits achievable from renewable hydrogen in thermally-driven appliances and the electrification of residential heat through electric heat pumps were evaluated and compared in this work. The novelty of the research consists of a consequential comparative life cycle assessment (16 impact categories) evaluation for three buildings (old old retrofitted and new) supplied by three different appliances (condensing boiler gas absorption heat pump and electric heat pump) never investigated before. The energy transition was evaluated for 2020 and 2030 scenarios considering the impact of gaseous fuels (natural gas and European green hydrogen) and electricity based on the pathway of the European electricity grid (27 European member states plus the United Kingdom). The results allowed to compare the environmental profile in deterministic and stochastic approaches and confirm if the increase of renewables reduces the impact in the operational phase of the appliances. The results demonstrate that despite the increased renewable share the use phase remains the most significant for both temporal scenarios contributing to 91% of the environmental profile. Despite the higher footprint in 2020 compared to the electric heat pump (198–200 vs. 170–196 gCO2eq/kWhth) the gas absorption heat pump offered a lower environmental profile than the others in all the scenarios analyzed.
Comparative Assessment of Blue Hydrogen from Steam Methane Reforming, Autothermal Reforming, and Natural Gas Decomposition Technologies for Natural Gas-producing Regions
Jan 2022
Interest in blue hydrogen production technologies is growing. Some researchers have evaluated the environmental and/or economic feasibility of producing blue hydrogen but a holistic assessment is still needed. Many aspects of hydrogen production have not been investigated. There is very limited information in the literature on the impact of plant size on production and the extent of carbon capture on the cost and life cycle greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of blue hydrogen production through various production pathways. Detailed uncertainty and sensitivity analyses have not been included in most of the earlier studies. This study conducts a holistic comparative cost and life cycle GHG emissions’ footprint assessment of three natural gas-based blue hydrogen production technologies – steam methane reforming (SMR) autothermal reforming (ATR) and natural gas decomposition (NGD) to address these research gaps. A hydrogen production plant capacity of 607 tonnes per day was considered. For SMR based on the percentage of carbon capture and capture points we considered two scenarios SMR-52% (indicates 52% carbon capture) and SMR-85% (indicates 85% carbon capture). A scale factor was developed for each technology to understand the hydrogen production cost with a change in production plant size. Hydrogen cost is 1.22 1.23 2.12 1.69 2.36 1.66 and 2.55 $/kg H2 for SMR ATR NGD SMR-52% SMR-85% ATR with carbon capture and sequestration (ATR-CCS) and NGD with carbon capture and sequestration (NGD-CCS) respectively. The results indicate that when uncertainty is considered SMR-52% and ATR are economically preferable to NGD and SMR-85%. SMR-52% could outperform ATR-CCS when the natural gas price decreases and the rate of return increases. SMR-85% is the least attractive pathway; however it could outperform NGD economically when CO2 transportation cost and natural gas price decrease. Hydrogen storage cost significantly impacts the hydrogen production cost. SMR-52% SMR-85% ATR-CCS and NGD-CCS have scale factors of 0.67 0.68 0.54 and 0.65 respectively. The hydrogen cost variation with capacity shows that operating SMR-52% and ATR-CCS above hydrogen capacity of 200 tonnes/day is economically attractive. Blue hydrogen from autothermal reforming has the lowest life cycle GHG emissions of 3.91 kgCO2eq/kg H2 followed by blue hydrogen from NGD (4.54 kgCO2eq/kg H2) SMR-85% (6.66 kgCO2eq/kg H2) and SMR-52% (8.20 kgCO2eq/kg H2). The findings of this study are useful for decision-making at various levels.
Autonomous Hydrogen Production for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells PEMFC
Apr 2020
This paper focuses on hydrogen production for green mobility applications (other applications are currently under investigation). Firstly a brief state of the art of hydrogen generation by hydrolysis with magnesium is shown. The hydrolysis performance of Magnesium powder ball–milled along with different additives (graphite and transition metals TM = Ni Fe and Al) is taken for comparison. The best performance was observed with Mg–10 wt.% g mixtures (95% of theoretical hydrogen generation yield in about 3 min). An efficient solution to control this hydrolysis reaction is proposed to produce hydrogen on demand and to feed a PEM fuel cell. Tests on a bench fitted with a 100 W Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) fuel cell have demonstrated the technological potential of this solution for electric assistance applications in the field of light mobility.
Calibration of Hydrogen Coriolis Flow Meters Using Nitrogen and Air and Investigation of the Influence of Temperature on Measurement Accuracy
Feb 2021
The performance of four Coriolis flow meters designed for use in hydrogen refuelling stations was evaluated with air and nitrogen by three members of the MetroHyVe JRP consortium; NEL METAS and CESAME EXADEBIT.<br/>A wide range of conditions were tested overall with gas flow rates ranging from (0.05–2) kg/min and pressures ranging from (20–86) bar. The majority of tests were conducted at nominal pressures of either 20 bar or 40 bar in order to match the density of hydrogen at 350 bar and 20 °C or 700 bar and −40 °C. For the conditions tested pressure did not have a noticeable influence on meter performance.<br/>When the flow meters were operated at ambient temperatures and within the manufacturer's recommended flow rate ranges errors were generally within ±1%. Errors within ±0.5% were achievable for the medium to high flow rates.<br/>The influence of temperature on meter performance was also studied with testing under both stable and transient conditions and temperatures as low as −40 °C.<br/>When the tested flow meters were allowed sufficient time to reach thermal equilibrium with the incoming gas temperature effects were limited. The magnitude and spread of errors increased but errors within ±2% were achievable at moderate to high flow rates. Conversely errors as high as 15% were observed in tests where logging began before temperatures stabilised and there was a large difference in temperature between the flow meter and the incoming gas.<br/>One of the flow meters tested with nitrogen was later installed in a hydrogen refuelling station and tested against the METAS Hydrogen Field Test Standard (HFTS). Under these conditions errors ranged from 0.47% to 0.91%. Testing with nitrogen at the same flow rates yielded errors of −0.61% to −0.82%.
Numerical Analysis of the Effects of Ship Motion on Hydrogen Release and Dispersion in an Enclosed Area
Jan 2022
Hydrogen is an alternative to conventional heavy marine fuel oil following the initial strategy of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Although hydrogen energy has many advantages (zero-emission high efficiency and low noise) it has considerable fire and explosion risks due to its thermal and chemical characteristics (wide flammable concentration range and low ignition energy). Thus safety is a key concern related to the use of hydrogen. Whereas most previous studies focused on the terrestrial environment we aim to analyze the effects of the ship’s motion on hydrogen dispersion (using commercial FLUENT code) in an enclosed area. When compared to the steady state our results revealed that hydrogen reached specific sensors in 63% and 52% less time depending on vessel motion type and direction. Since ships carry and use a large amount of hydrogen as a power source the risk of hydrogen leakage from collision or damage necessitates studying the correspondence between leakage diffusion and motion characteristics of the ship to position the sensor correctly.
Hydrogen vs. Battery-Based Propulsion Systems in Unipersonal Vehicles—Developing Solutions to Improve the Sustainability of Urban Mobility
May 2021
The percentage of the population in urban areas has increased by ten points from 2000 (46%) to 2020 (56%); it is expected to reach up to 70% by 2050. This undoubtedly will encourage society to use alternative transports. On the other hand the widespread fear of pandemics seems to be here to stay and it is causing most people to leave public transport to use private cars and a few have chosen unipersonal electric vehicles. As a consequence the decision of using private cars negatively affects the air quality and consequently urban population health. This paper aims to demonstrate a sustainable solution for urban mobility based on a hydrogen powered unipersonal electric vehicle which as shown provides great advantages over the conventional battery powered unipersonal electric vehicle. To show this the authors have developed both vehicles in comparable versions using the same platform and ensuring that the total weight of the unipersonal electric vehicle was the same in both cases. They have been subjected to experimental tests that support the features of the hydrogen-based configuration versus the battery-based one including higher specific energy more autonomy and shorter recharge time.
Hydrogen and Decarbonisation of Gas- False Dawn or Silver Bullet?
Mar 2020
This Insight continues the OIES series considering the future of gas. The clear message from previous papers is that on the (increasingly certain) assumption that governments in major European gas markets remain committed to decarbonisation targets the existing natural gas industry is under threat. It is therefore important to develop a decarbonisation narrative leading to a low- or zero-carbon gas implementation plan.
Previous papers have considered potential pathways for gas to decarbonise specifically considering biogas and biomethane and power-to-gas (electrolysis) . This paper goes on to consider the potential for production transport and use of hydrogen in the decarbonising energy system. Previous papers predominately focused on Europe which has been leading the way in decarbonisation. Hydrogen is now being considered more widely in various countries around the world so this paper reflects that wider geographical coverage.
Since the term ‘hydrogen economy’ was first used in 1970 there have been a number of ‘false dawns’ with bold claims for the speed of transition to hydrogen. This Insight argues that this time for some applications at least there are grounds for optimism about a future role for decarbonised hydrogen but the lesson from history is that bold claims need to be examined carefully and treated with some caution. There are no easy or low-cost solutions to decarbonisation of the energy system and this is certainly the case for possible deployment of low-carbon hydrogen. A key challenge is to demonstrate the technical commercial economic and social acceptability of various possibilities at scale. Hydrogen will certainly play a role in decarbonisation of the energy system although the size of the role may be more limited than envisaged in some more optimistic projections.
Open document on OIES website
Previous papers have considered potential pathways for gas to decarbonise specifically considering biogas and biomethane and power-to-gas (electrolysis) . This paper goes on to consider the potential for production transport and use of hydrogen in the decarbonising energy system. Previous papers predominately focused on Europe which has been leading the way in decarbonisation. Hydrogen is now being considered more widely in various countries around the world so this paper reflects that wider geographical coverage.
Since the term ‘hydrogen economy’ was first used in 1970 there have been a number of ‘false dawns’ with bold claims for the speed of transition to hydrogen. This Insight argues that this time for some applications at least there are grounds for optimism about a future role for decarbonised hydrogen but the lesson from history is that bold claims need to be examined carefully and treated with some caution. There are no easy or low-cost solutions to decarbonisation of the energy system and this is certainly the case for possible deployment of low-carbon hydrogen. A key challenge is to demonstrate the technical commercial economic and social acceptability of various possibilities at scale. Hydrogen will certainly play a role in decarbonisation of the energy system although the size of the role may be more limited than envisaged in some more optimistic projections.
Open document on OIES website
Assessing the Environmental Impacts of Wind-based Hydrogen Production in the Netherlands Using Ex-ante LCA and Scenarios Analysis
Mar 2021
Two electrolysis technologies fed with renewable energy sources are promising for the production of CO2-free hydrogen and enabling the transition to a hydrogen society: Alkaline Electrolyte (AE) and Polymer Electrolyte Membrane (PEM). However limited information exists on the potential environmental impacts of these promising sustainable innovations when operating on a large-scale. To fill this gap the performance of AE and PEM systems is compared using ex-ante Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) technology analysis and exploratory scenarios for which a refined methodology has been developed to study the effects of implementing large-scale sustainable hydrogen production systems. Ex-ante LCA allows modelling the environmental impacts of hydrogen production exploratory scenario analysis allows modelling possible upscaling effects at potential future states of hydrogen production and use in vehicles in the Netherlands in 2050. A bridging tool for mapping the technological field has been created enabling the combination of quantitative LCAs with qualitative scenarios. This tool also enables diversity for exploring multiple sets of visions. The main results from the paper show with an exception for the “ozone depletion” impact category (1) that large-scale AE and PEM systems have similar environmental impacts with variations lower than 7% in all impact categories (2) that the contribution of the electrolyser is limited to 10% of all impact categories results and (3) that the origin of the electricity is the largest contributor to the environmental impact contributing to more than 90% in all impact categories even when renewable energy sources are used. It is concluded that the methodology was applied successfully and provides a solid basis for an ex-ante assessment framework that can be applied to emerging technological systems.
HyDeploy Report: Gas Characteristics (Leakage, Dispersion and Flammability)
Sep 2018
The Health and Safety Laboratory (HSL) has carried out an investigation into the gas characteristics that may influence the leakage dispersion and flammability hazards associated with blended natural gas-hydrogen mixtures containing up to 20 % mol/mol hydrogen. The work was carried out under contract to Cadent & Northern Gas Networks as part of the HyDeploy project which was commissioned to investigate the feasibility of using blended hydrogen-natural gas mixtures in UK mains gas distribution networks.
Under the HyDeploy project a demonstration scheme is being carried out at Keele University in which it is planned to inject up to 20 % mol/mol hydrogen. Keele is Britain’s largest campus university and an ideal test site for a demonstration scheme as its gas distribution network is largely independent of the national gas network but still subject to UK gas industry procedural controls. It is anticipated that a successful demonstration scheme will facilitate the use of blended natural gas-hydrogen mixtures throughout the UK leading to significant reductions in carbon dioxide emissions. The project is being led by Cadent & Northern Gas Networks and also involves ITM Power Progressive Energy Keele University and HSL in consortium.
Click the supplements tab to view the other documents in this report
Under the HyDeploy project a demonstration scheme is being carried out at Keele University in which it is planned to inject up to 20 % mol/mol hydrogen. Keele is Britain’s largest campus university and an ideal test site for a demonstration scheme as its gas distribution network is largely independent of the national gas network but still subject to UK gas industry procedural controls. It is anticipated that a successful demonstration scheme will facilitate the use of blended natural gas-hydrogen mixtures throughout the UK leading to significant reductions in carbon dioxide emissions. The project is being led by Cadent & Northern Gas Networks and also involves ITM Power Progressive Energy Keele University and HSL in consortium.
Click the supplements tab to view the other documents in this report
Assessment of a Fuel Cell Based-hybrid Energy System to Generate and Store Electrical Energy
Jan 2022
Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) have significant applications and performance and their integration into coupled and cascading energy systems can improve the overall performance of the process. Furthermore due to the constant time performance of the fuel cell the problem of fuel starvation may arise by changing the amount of load which can adversely affect the overall performance of the process. In the present study the excess heat of the SOFC is converted into electrical energy in two stages using different heat generators. The coupled energy system in the present article has a new configuration in which the relationship of its components is different from the systems reported in the literature. Furthermore since the use of an energy storage system can improve the overall reliability the energy produced by the coupled energy cycle is stored by a storage technology for peak consumption times. The introduced system can generate approximately 580 W of electrical power with an efficiency of 80%. The highest and lowest share in power generation is related to fuel cell with 82% and thermoelectric generator with 5%. The rest of the system power (i.e. 13%) is produced by thermionic generator. In addition the system requires 0.025 kg per hour of hydrogen fuel. It was also found that to operate the system for 5 h a day requires a storage system with a size of 3.3 m3 . Moreover two key issues to enhance the storage system performance are: adjusting the initial pressure of the system to values close to the peak (optimal) value and using turbines and/or pumps with higher efficiencies. With the aim of supplying 5 kWh of electrical energy five different scenarios based on the design of various effective parameters have been presented.
Stress Corrosion Cracking of Gas Pipeline Steels of Different Strength
Jul 2016
With the development of the natural gas industry gas transmission pipelines have been developed rapidly in terms of safety economy and efficiency. Our recent studies have shown that an important factor of main pipelines serviceability loss under their long-term service is the in-bulk metal degradation of the pipe wall. This leads to the loss of the initial mechanical properties primarily resistance to brittle fracture which were set in engineering calculations at the pipeline design stage. At the same time stress corrosion cracking has been identified as one of the predominant failures in pipeline steels in humid environments which causes rupture of high-pressure gas transmission pipes as well as serious economic losses and disasters.
In the present work the low-carbon pipeline steels with different strength levels from the point of view of their susceptibility to stress corrosion cracking in the as-received state and after in-laboratory accelerated degradation under environmental conditions similar to those of an acidic soil were investigated. The main objectives of this study were to determine whether the development of higher strength materials led to greater susceptibility to stress corrosion cracking and whether degraded pipeline steels became more susceptible to stress corrosion cracking than in the as-received state. The procedure of accelerated degradation of pipeline steels was developed and introduced in laboratory under the combined action of axial loading and hydrogen charging. It proved to be reliable and useful to performed laboratory simulation of in-service degradation of pipeline steels with different strength. The in-laboratory degraded 17H1S and X60 pipeline steels tested in the NS4 solution saturated with CO2 under open circuit potential revealed the susceptibility to stress corrosion cracking reflected in the degradation of mechanical properties and at the same time the degraded X60 steel showed higher resistance to stress corrosion cracking than the degraded 17H1S steel. Fractographic observation confirmed the pipeline steels hydrogen embrittlement caused by the permeated hydrogen.
In the present work the low-carbon pipeline steels with different strength levels from the point of view of their susceptibility to stress corrosion cracking in the as-received state and after in-laboratory accelerated degradation under environmental conditions similar to those of an acidic soil were investigated. The main objectives of this study were to determine whether the development of higher strength materials led to greater susceptibility to stress corrosion cracking and whether degraded pipeline steels became more susceptible to stress corrosion cracking than in the as-received state. The procedure of accelerated degradation of pipeline steels was developed and introduced in laboratory under the combined action of axial loading and hydrogen charging. It proved to be reliable and useful to performed laboratory simulation of in-service degradation of pipeline steels with different strength. The in-laboratory degraded 17H1S and X60 pipeline steels tested in the NS4 solution saturated with CO2 under open circuit potential revealed the susceptibility to stress corrosion cracking reflected in the degradation of mechanical properties and at the same time the degraded X60 steel showed higher resistance to stress corrosion cracking than the degraded 17H1S steel. Fractographic observation confirmed the pipeline steels hydrogen embrittlement caused by the permeated hydrogen.
HyDeploy Report: Quantitative Risk Assessment of the Field Trial of Hydrogen Injection into the Keele University Gas Distribution System
Oct 2018
A consortium comprising Cadent Northern Gas Networks Keele University Health and Safety Laboratory ITM Power and Progressive Energy is undertaking the research project HyDeploy. The project funded under the UK Network Innovation Competition scheme aims to demonstrate that natural gas containing levels of hydrogen beyond the upper limit set out in Schedule 3 of in the Gas Safety (Management) Regulations (GSMR) can be distributed and utilised safely and efficiently in a section of the UK distribution network. It will conclude with a field trial in which hydrogen will be injected into part of a private gas distribution system owned and operated by Keele University. Dave Lander Consulting Limited and Kiwa Ltd are providing technical support to the HyDeploy project and this report presents the results of Quantified Risk Assessment (QRA) for the proposed field trial. The QRA is intended to support an application by Keele University for exemption from the legal requirement to only convey gas that is compliant with the requirements of Schedule 3 of the GSMR. The QRA is aimed at demonstrating that the field trial will not result in a material increase in risk to persons within Keele University affected by the proposed field trial.<br/>Check the supplements tab for the other documents from this report
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