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Boosting Photocatalytic Hydrogen Production from Water by Photothermally Induced Biphase Systems
Feb 2021
Solar-driven hydrogen production from water using particulate photocatalysts is considered the most economical and effective approach to produce hydrogen fuel with little environmental concern. However the efficiency of hydrogen production from water in particulate photocatalysis systems is still low. Here we propose an efficient biphase photocatalytic system composed of integrated photothermal–photocatalytic materials that use charred wood substrates to convert liquid water to water steam simultaneously splitting hydrogen under light illumination without additional energy. The photothermal–photocatalytic system exhibits biphase interfaces of photothermally-generated steam/photocatalyst/hydrogen which significantly reduce the interface barrier and drastically lower the transport resistance of the hydrogen gas by nearly two orders of magnitude. In this work an impressive hydrogen production rate up to 220.74 μmol h−1 cm−2 in the particulate photocatalytic systems has been achieved based on the wood/CoO system demonstrating that the photothermal–photocatalytic biphase system is cost-effective and greatly advantageous for practical applications.
Engineering Thoughts on Hydrogen Embrittlement
Jul 2018
Hydrogen Embrittlement (HE) is a topical issue for pipelines transporting sour products. Engineers need a simple and effective approach in materials selection at design stage. In other words they must know if a material is susceptible to cracking to be able of:
As an example material selection for sour service pipeline is the object of well-known standards e.g. by Nace International and EFC: they pose some limits in the sour service of steels with reference to surface hardness. These standards have shown some weak points namely:
- selecting the right material
- and apply correct operational measures during the service life.
As an example material selection for sour service pipeline is the object of well-known standards e.g. by Nace International and EFC: they pose some limits in the sour service of steels with reference to surface hardness. These standards have shown some weak points namely:
- In the definition of sour service;
- In defining the role of crack initiation and propagation considering that in Hydrogen embrittlement stress state and stress variations are very important.
Design and Performance of a Compact Air-Breathing Jet Hybrid-Electric Engine Coupled With Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
Feb 2021
A compact air-breathing jet hybrid-electric engine coupled with solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) is proposed to develop the propulsion system with high power-weight ratios and specific thrust. The heat exchanger for preheating air is integrated with nozzles. Therefore the exhaust in the nozzle expands during the heat exchange with compressed air. The nozzle inlet temperature is obviously improved. SOFCs can directly utilize the fuel of liquid natural gas after being heated. The performance parameters of the engine are acquired according to the built thermodynamic and mass models. The main conclusions are as follows. 1) The specific thrust of the engine is improved by 20.25% compared with that of the traditional jet engine. As pressure ratios rise the specific thrust increases up to 1.7 kN/(kg·s−1). Meanwhile the nozzle inlet temperature decreases. However the temperature increases for the traditional combustion engine. 2) The power-weight ratio of the engine is superior to that of internal combustion engines and inferior to that of turbine engines when the power density of SOFC would be assumed to be that predicted for 2030. 3) The total pressure recovery coefficients of SOFCs combustors and preheaters have an obvious influence on the specific thrust of the engine and the power-weight ratio of the engine is strongly affected by the power density of SOFCs.
Hydrogen Impacts on Downstream Installation and Appliances
Nov 2019
The report analyses the technical impacts to end-users of natural gas in Australian distribution networks when up to 10% hydrogen (by volume) is mixed with natural gas.
The full report can be found at this link.
The full report can be found at this link.
Tees Valley Multi-modal Hydrogen Transport Hub Masterplan
Mar 2021
Study setting out a vision and plan for a multi-modal hydrogen transport hub within the UK. The study considers the:
- size of operational trials
- quantity of green hydrogen required
- research and development facilities which will support a living lab
- green hydrogen infrastructure required including:
- production
- storage
- distribution
- The study uses Tees Valley as an example region although the blueprint may be applied to other areas.
The Deltah Lab, a New Multidisciplinary European Facility to Support the H2 Distribution & Storage Economy
Apr 2021
The target for European decarburization encourages the use of renewable energy sources and H2 is considered the link in the global energy system transformation. So research studies are numerous but only few facilities can test materials and components for H2 storage. This work offers a brief review of H2 storage methods and presents the preliminary results obtained in a new facility. Slow strain rate and fatigue life tests were performed in H2 at 80 MPa on specimens and a tank of AISI 4145 respectively. Besides the storage capacity at 30 MPa of a solid-state system they were evaluated on kg scale by adsorption test. The results have shown the H2 influence on mechanical properties of the steel. The adsorption test showed a gain of 26% at 12 MPa in H2 storage with respect to the empty condition. All samples have been characterized by complementary techniques in order to connect the H2 effect with material properties.
The BioSCWG Project: Understanding the Trade-Offs in the Process and Thermal Design of Hydrogen and Synthetic Natural Gas Production
Oct 2016
This article presents a summary of the main findings from a collaborative research project between Aalto University in Finland and partner universities. A comparative process synthesis modelling and thermal assessment was conducted for the production of Bio-synthetic natural gas (SNG) and hydrogen from supercritical water refining of a lipid extracted algae feedstock integrated with onsite heat and power generation. The developed reactor models for product gas composition yield and thermal demand were validated and showed conformity with reported experimental results and the balance of plant units were designed based on established technologies or state-of-the-art pilot operations. The poly-generative cases illustrated the thermo-chemical constraints and design trade-offs presented by key process parameters such as plant organic throughput supercritical water refining temperature nature of desirable coproducts downstream indirect production and heat recovery scenarios. The evaluated cases favoring hydrogen production at 5 wt. % solid content and 600 ◦C conversion temperature allowed higher gross syngas and CHP production. However mainly due to the higher utility demands the net syngas production remained lower compared to the cases favoring BioSNG production. The latter case at 450 ◦C reactor temperature 18 wt. % solid content and presence of downstream indirect production recorded 66.5% 66.2% and 57.2% energetic fuel-equivalent and exergetic efficiencies respectively
Large-eddy Simulation of Tri-fuel Combustion: Diesel Spray Assisted Ignition of Methanol-hydrogen Blends
May 2021
Development of marine engines could largely benefit from the broader usage of methanol and hydrogen which are both potential energy carriers. Here numerical results are presented on tri-fuel (TF) ignition using large-eddy simulation (LES) and finite-rate chemistry. Zero-dimensional (0D) and three-dimensional (3D) simulations for n-dodecane spray ignition of methanol/hydrogen blends are performed. 0D results reveal the beneficial role of hydrogen addition in facilitating methanol ignition. Based on LES the following findings are reported: 1) Hydrogen promotes TF ignition significantly for molar blending ratios βX = [H2]/([H2]+[CH3OH]) ≥0.8. 2) For βX = 0 unfavorable heat generation in ambient methanol is noted. We provide evidence that excessive hydrogen enrichment (βX ≥ 0.94) potentially avoids this behavior consistent with 0D results. 3) Ignition delay time is advanced by 23–26% with shorter spray vapor penetrations (10–15%) through hydrogen mass blending ratios 0.25/0.5/1.0. 4) Last adding hydrogen increases shares of lower and higher temperature chemistry modes to total heat release.
World Energy Issues Monitor 2021: Humanising Energy
Mar 2021
Based on data collection carried out between October and December 2020 and the testing of emerging findings with the Council’s regional communities during a series of digital workshops held during February 2021 the report has shown
- Energy leaders’ perceptions of areas of risk opportunity and priorities for action have radically changed over the last 12 months. While economic turbulence stemming from the ongoing reverberations of COVID-19 is the biggest area of uncertainty with uncertainty around economic trends increasing by a third over the previous year there is also a growing focus on the social agenda associated with a faster paced energy transition.
- There is an increased awareness of the societal and human impact of both recovery and the wider energy transition. The issue of energy affordability has rapidly risen up the industry’s priority list with its impact and uncertainty perceived 20% larger than a year ago. Energy affordability affects society across all geographies ranging from city dwellers in developed countries to the rural poor in developing ones.
- The emergence of a new generation of digital energy services and energy entrepreneurs. Increasingly agile disruptive technologies have taken advantage of the social upheaval to gain market share at the expense of supply-centric energy solutions. There is a growing focus on customer-centric demand-driven solutions and fast changing patterns of global and local demand.
Ab Initio Study of the Combined Effects of Alloying Elements and H on Grain Boundary Cohesion in Ferritic Steels
Mar 2019
Hydrogen enhanced decohesion is expected to play a major role in ferritic steels especially at grain boundaries. Here we address the effects of some common alloying elements C V Cr and Mn on the H segregation behaviour and the decohesion mechanism at a Σ5(310)[001] 36.9∘ grain boundary in bcc Fe using spin polarized density functional theory calculations. We find that V Cr and Mn enhance grain boundary cohesion. Furthermore all elements have an influence on the segregation energies of the interstitial elements as well as on these elements’ impact on grain boundary cohesion. V slightly promotes segregation of the cohesion enhancing element C. However none of the elements increase the cohesion enhancing effect of C and reduce the detrimental effect of H on interfacial cohesion at the same time. At an interface which is co-segregated with C H and a substitutional element C and H show only weak interaction and the highest work of separation is obtained when the substitute is Mn.
Development of a Turnkey Hydrogen Fuelling Station
Jul 2010
The transition to hydrogen as a fuel source presents several challenges. One of the major hurdles is the cost-effective production of hydrogen in small quantities (less than 1MMscf/month). In the early demonstration phase hydrogen can be provided by bulk distribution of liquid or compressed gas from central production plants; however the next phase to fostering the hydrogen economy will likely include onsite generation and extensive pipeline networks to help effect a pervasive infrastructure. Providing inexpensive hydrogen at a fleet operator’s garage or local fuelling station is a key enabling technology for direct hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles (FCVs). The objective of this project was to develop a comprehensive turnkey stand-alone commercial hydrogen fuelling station for FCVs with state-of-the-art technology that is cost-competitive with current hydrocarbon fuels. Such a station would promote the advent of the hydrogen fuel economy for buses fleet vehicles and ultimately personal vehicles. Air Products partnering with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) The Pennsylvania State University Harvest Energy Technology and QuestAir developed a turnkey hydrogen fuelling station on the Penn State campus. Air Products aimed at designing a station that would have 65% overall station efficiency 82% PSA (pressure swing adsorption) efficiency and the capability of producing hydrogen at $3.00/kg (gge) H2 at mass production rates. Air Products designed a fuelling station at Penn State from the ground up. This project was implemented in three phases. The first phase evaluated the various technologies available in hydrogen generation compression storage and gas dispensing. In the second phase Air Products designed the components chosen from the technologies examined. Finally phase three entailed a several-month period of data collection full-scale operation maintenance of the station and optimization of system reliability and performance. Based on field data analysis it was determined by a proprietary hydrogen-analysis model that hydrogen produced from the station at a rate of 1500 kg/day and when produced at 1000 stations per year would be able to deliver hydrogen at a price of $3.03/kg (gge) H2. The station’s efficiency was measured to be 65.1% and the PSA was tested and ran at an efficiency of 82.1% thus meeting the project targets. From the study it was determined that more research was needed in the area of hydrogen fuelling. The overall cost of the hydrogen energy station when combined with the required plot size for scaled-up hydrogen demands demonstrated that a station using steam methane reforming technology as a means to produce on–site hydrogen would have limited utility in the marketplace. Alternative hydrogen supplies such as liquid or pipeline delivery to a refuelling station need to be included in the exploration of alternative energy site layouts. These avenues need to be explored before a definitive refuelling station configuration and commercialization pathway can be determined.
Magnesium Gasar as a Potential Monolithic Hydrogen Absorbent
Feb 2021
The study focuses on the aspect of using the structure of gasars i.e. materials with directed open porosity as a potential hydrogen storage. The structure of the tested gasar is composed of a large number of thin open tubular pores running through the entire longitudinal section of the sample. This allows hydrogen to easily penetrate into the entire sample volume. The analysis of pore distribution showed that the longest diffusion path needed for full penetration of the metal structure with hydrogen is about L = 50–70 μm regardless of the external dimensions of the sample. Attempts to hydrogenate the magnesium gasar structure have shown its ability to accumulate hydrogen at a level of 1 wt%. The obtained results were compared with the best result was obtained for the ZK60 alloy after equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) and crushed to a powder form. The result obtained exceeded 4 wt% of hydrogen accumulated in the metal structure at theoretical 6.9 wt% maximum capacity. A model analysis of the theoretic absorption capacity of pure magnesium was also carried out based on the concentration of vacancies in the metal structure. The theoretical results obtained correlate well with experimental data.
Modulating Electronic Structure of Metal-organic Frameworks by Introducing Atomically Dispersed Ru for Efficient Hydrogen Evolution
Mar 2021
Developing high-performance electrocatalysts toward hydrogen evolution reaction is important for clean and sustainable hydrogen energy yet still challenging. Herein we report a single-atom strategy to construct excellent metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) hydrogen evolution reaction electrocatalyst (NiRu0.13-BDC) by introducing atomically dispersed Ru. Significantly the obtained NiRu0.13-BDC exhibits outstanding hydrogen evolution activity in all pH especially with a low overpotential of 36 mV at a current density of 10 mA cm−2 in 1 M phosphate buffered saline solution which is comparable to commercial Pt/C. X-ray absorption fine structures and the density functional theory calculations reveal that introducing Ru single-atom can modulate electronic structure of metal center in the MOF leading to the optimization of binding strength for H2O and H* and the enhancement of HER performance. This work establishes single-atom strategy as an efficient approach to modulate electronic structure of MOFs for catalyst design.
Uncovering the True Cost of Hydrogen Production Routes Using Life Cycle Monetisation
Oct 2020
Hydrogen has been identified as a potential energy vector to decarbonise the transport and chemical sectors and achieve global greenhouse gas reduction targets. Despite ongoing efforts hydrogen technologies are often assessed focusing on their global warming potential while overlooking other impacts or at most including additional metrics that are not easily interpretable. Herein a wide range of alternative technologies have been assessed to determine the total cost of hydrogen production by coupling life-cycle assessments with an economic evaluation of the environmental externalities of production. By including monetised values of environmental impacts on human health ecosystem quality and resources on top of the levelised cost of hydrogen production an estimation of the “real” total cost of hydrogen was obtained to transparently rank the alternative technologies. The study herein covers steam methane reforming (SMR) coal and biomass gasification methane pyrolysis and electrolysis from renewable and nuclear technologies. Monetised externalities are found to represent a significant percentage of the total cost ultimately altering the standard ranking of technologies. SMR coupled with carbon capture and storage emerges as the cheapest option followed by methane pyrolysis and water electrolysis from wind and nuclear. The obtained results identify the “real” ranges for the cost of hydrogen compared to SMR (business as usual) by including environmental externalities thereby helping to pinpoint critical barriers for emerging and competing technologies to SMR.
An Intelligent Site Selection Model for Hydrogen Refueling Stations Based on Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation and Artificial Neural Network—A Case Study of Shanghai
Feb 2022
With the gradual popularization of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles (HFCVs) the construction and planning of hydrogen refueling stations (HRSs) are increasingly important. Taking operational HRSs in China’s coastal and major cities as examples we consider the main factors affecting the site selection of HRSs in China from the three aspects of economy technology and society to establish a site selection evaluation system for hydrogen refueling stations and determine the weight of each index through the analytic hierarchy process (AHP). Then combined with fuzzy comprehensive evaluation (FCE) method and artificial neural network model (ANN) FCE method is used to evaluate HRS in operation in China's coastal areas and major cities and we used the resulting data obtained from the comprehensive evaluation as the training data to train the neural network. So an intelligent site selection model for HRSs based on fuzzy comprehensive evaluation and artificial neural network model (FCE-ANN) is proposed. The planned HRSs in Shanghai are evaluated and an optimal site selection of the HRS is obtained. The results show that the optimal HRSs site selected by the FCE-ANN model is consistent with the site selection obtained by the FCE method and the accuracy of the FCE-ANN model is verified. The findings of this study may provide some guidelines for policy makers in planning the hydrogen refueling stations
Removing the Bottleneck on Wind Power Potential to Create Liquid Fuels from Locally Available Biomass
Jun 2021
In order to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions renewable energy technologies such as wind power and solar photovoltaic power systems have recently become more widespread. However Japan as a nation faces high reliance on imported fossil fuels for electricity generation despite having great potential for further renewable energy development. The focus of this study examines untapped geographical locations in Japan’s northern most prefecture Hokkaido that possess large wind power potential. The possibility of exploiting this potential for the purpose of producing green hydrogen is explored. In particular its integration with a year-round conversion of Kraft lignin into bio-oil from nearby paper pulp mills through a near critical water depolymerization process is examined. The proposed bio-oil and aromatic chemical production as well as the process’ economics are calculated based upon the total available Kraft lignin in Hokkaido including the magnitude of wind power capacity that would be required for producing the necessary hydrogen for such a large-scale process. Green hydrogen integration with other processes in Japan and in other regions is also discussed. Finally the potential benefits and challenges are outlined from an energy policy point-of-view.
Self-sustainable Protonic Ceramic Electrochemical cells Using a Triple Conducting Electrode for Hydrogen and Power Production
Apr 2020
The protonic ceramic electrochemical cell (PCEC) is an emerging and attractive technology that converts energy between power and hydrogen using solid oxide proton conductors at intermediate temperatures. To achieve efficient electrochemical hydrogen and power production with stable operation highly robust and durable electrodes are urgently desired to facilitate water oxidation and oxygen reduction reactions which are the critical steps for both electrolysis and fuel cell operation especially at reduced temperatures. In this study a triple conducting oxide of PrNi0.5Co0.5O3-δ perovskite is developed as an oxygen electrode presenting superior electrochemical performance at 400~600 °C. More importantly the self-sustainable and reversible operation is successfully demonstrated by converting the generated hydrogen in electrolysis mode to electricity without any hydrogen addition. The excellent electrocatalytic activity is attributed to the considerable proton conduction as confirmed by hydrogen permeation experiment remarkable hydration behavior and computations.
Hydrogen Implications for Gas Network Operators
Jan 2021
Europe has built up one of the best gas distribution infrastructures in the world. There’s one problem though. It distributes natural gas a fuel that we will hardly be able to use if we’re to reach our net zero targets. Can we use the infrastructure instead for clean hydrogen – either blended with natural gas as a stepping stone or with pure hydrogen in the future? In this episode we put aside discussion on the extent to which we should do this – and focus on whether or not we can do this and what’s involved in doing so.
Jon Slowe is joined by Eva Hennig Head of Department for EU Energy Policy at Thüga an alliance of German municipal energy companies (as well as chair of Eurogas’s distribution committee); Keith Owen Head of Systems Development and Energy Strategy at Northern Gas Networks in the UK; and Delta-EE expert Rob Castek.
Jon Slowe is joined by Eva Hennig Head of Department for EU Energy Policy at Thüga an alliance of German municipal energy companies (as well as chair of Eurogas’s distribution committee); Keith Owen Head of Systems Development and Energy Strategy at Northern Gas Networks in the UK; and Delta-EE expert Rob Castek.
Hydrogen Refuelling Reference Station Lot Size Analysis for Urban Sites
Mar 2020
Hydrogen Fuelling Infrastructure Research and Station Technology (H2FIRST) is a project initiated by the DOE in 2015 and executed by Sandia National Laboratories and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory to address R&D barriers to the deployment of hydrogen fuelling infrastructure. One key barrier to the deployment of fuelling stations is the land area they require (i.e. ""footprint""). Space is particularly a constraint in dense urban areas where hydrogen demand is high but space for fuelling stations is limited. This work presents current fire code requirements that inform station footprint then identifies and quantifies opportunities to reduce footprint without altering the safety profile of fuelling stations. Opportunities analyzed include potential new methods of hydrogen delivery as well as alternative placements of station technologies (i.e. rooftop/underground fuel storage). As interest in heavy-duty fuelling stations and other markets for hydrogen grows this study can inform techniques to reduce the footprint of heavy-duty stations as well.
This work characterizes generic designs for stations with a capacity of 600 kg/day hydrogen dispensed and 4 dispenser hoses. Three base case designs (delivered gas delivered liquid and on-site electrolysis production) have been modified in 5 different ways to study the impacts of recently released fire code changes colocation with gasoline refuelling alternate delivery assumptions underground storage of hydrogen and rooftop storage of hydrogen resulting in a total of 32 different station designs. The footprints of the base case stations range from 13000 to 21000 ft2.
A significant focus of this study is the NFPA 2 requirements especially the prescribed setback distances for bulk gaseous or liquid hydrogen storage. While the prescribed distances are large in some cases these setback distances are found to have a nuanced impact on station lot size; considerations of the delivery truck path traffic flow parking and convenience store location are also important. Station designs that utilize underground and rooftop storage can reduce footprint but may not be practical or economical. For example burying hydrogen storage tanks underground can reduce footprint but the cost savings they enable depend on the cost of burial and the cost land. Siting and economic analysis of station lot sizes illustrate the benefit of smaller station footprints in the flexibility and cost savings they can provide. This study can be used as a reference that provides examples of the key design differences that fuelling stations can incorporate the approximate sizes of generic station lots and considerations that might be unique to particular designs.
This work characterizes generic designs for stations with a capacity of 600 kg/day hydrogen dispensed and 4 dispenser hoses. Three base case designs (delivered gas delivered liquid and on-site electrolysis production) have been modified in 5 different ways to study the impacts of recently released fire code changes colocation with gasoline refuelling alternate delivery assumptions underground storage of hydrogen and rooftop storage of hydrogen resulting in a total of 32 different station designs. The footprints of the base case stations range from 13000 to 21000 ft2.
A significant focus of this study is the NFPA 2 requirements especially the prescribed setback distances for bulk gaseous or liquid hydrogen storage. While the prescribed distances are large in some cases these setback distances are found to have a nuanced impact on station lot size; considerations of the delivery truck path traffic flow parking and convenience store location are also important. Station designs that utilize underground and rooftop storage can reduce footprint but may not be practical or economical. For example burying hydrogen storage tanks underground can reduce footprint but the cost savings they enable depend on the cost of burial and the cost land. Siting and economic analysis of station lot sizes illustrate the benefit of smaller station footprints in the flexibility and cost savings they can provide. This study can be used as a reference that provides examples of the key design differences that fuelling stations can incorporate the approximate sizes of generic station lots and considerations that might be unique to particular designs.
The Technical and Economic Potential of the H2@Scale Concept within the United States
Oct 2020
The U.S. energy system is evolving as society and technologies change. Renewable electricity generation—especially from wind and solar—is growing rapidly and alternative energy sources are being developed and implemented across the residential commercial transportation and industrial sectors to take advantage of their cost security and health benefits. Systemic changes present numerous challenges to grid resiliency and energy affordability creating a need for synergistic solutions that satisfy multiple applications while yielding system-wide cost and emissions benefits. One such solution is an integrated hydrogen energy system (Figure ES-1). This is the focus of H2@Scale—a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) initiative led by the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy’s Hydrogen and Fuel Technologies Office. H2@Scale brings together stakeholders to advance affordable hydrogen production transport storage and utilization in multiple energy sectors. The H2@Scale concept involves hydrogen as an energy intermediate. Hydrogen can be produced from various conventional and renewable energy sources including as a responsive load on the electric grid. Hydrogen has many current applications and many more potential applications such as energy for transportation—used directly in fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) as a feedstock for synthetic fuels and to upgrade oil and biomass—feedstock for industry (e.g. for ammonia production metals refining and other end uses) heat for industry and buildings and electricity storage. Owing to its flexibility and fungibility a hydrogen intermediate could link energy sources that have surplus availability to markets that require energy or chemical feedstocks benefiting both. This document builds upon a growing body of analyses of hydrogen as an energy intermediate by reporting the results from our initial analysis of the potential impacts of the H2@Scale vision by the mid-21st century for the 48 contiguous U.S. states. Previous estimates have been based on expert elicitation and focused on hydrogen demands. We build upon them first by estimating hydrogen’s serviceable consumption potential for possible hydrogen applications and the technical potential for producing hydrogen from various resources. We define the serviceable consumption potential as the quantity of hydrogen that would be consumed to serve the portion of the market that could be captured without considering economics (i.e. if the price of hydrogen were $0/kg over an extended period); thus it can be considered an upper bound for the size of the market. We define the technical potential as the resource potential constrained by real-world geography and system performance but not by economics. We then compare the cumulative serviceable consumption potential with the technical potential of a number of possible sources. Second we estimate economic potential: the quantity of hydrogen at an equilibrium price at which suppliers are willing to sell and consumers are willing to buy the same quantity of hydrogen. We believe this method provides a deeper understanding than was available in the previous analyses. We develop economic potentials for multiple scenarios across various market and technology-advancement assumptions.
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