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Intensification of Hydrogen Production: Pd–Ag Membrane on Tailored Hastelloy-X Filter for Membrane-Assisted Steam Methane Reforming


H2 production via membrane-assisted steam methane reforming (MA-SMR) can ensure higher energy efficiency and lower emissions compared to conventional reforming processes (SMR). Ceramic-supported Pd–Ag membranes have been extensively investigated for membrane-assisted steam methane reforming applications, with outstanding performance. However, costs, sealings for integration in the reactor structure, and resistance to solicitations remain challenging issues. In this work, the surface quality of a low-cost, porous Hastelloy-X filter is improved by asymmetric filling with α-Al2O3 of decreasing size and deposition of γ-Al2O3 as an interdiffusion barrier. On the modified support, a thin Pd–Ag layer was deposited via electroless plating (ELP), resulting in a membrane with H2/N2 selectivity >10,000. The permeation characteristics of the membrane were studied, followed by testing for membrane-assisted methane steam reforming. The results showed the ability of the membrane reactor to overcome thermodynamic conversion of the conventional process for all explored operating conditions, as well as ensuring 99.3% H2 purity in the permeate stream at 500 ◦C and 4 bar.

Funding source: This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement No. 869896 (MACBETH)
Related subjects: Production & Supply Chain
Countries: Netherlands ; Spain

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