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Techno-economic Analysis for Advanced Methods of Green Hydrogen Production


In the ongoing effort to reduce carbon emissions on a worldwide scale, green hydrogen, which is generated through environmentally responsible processes, has emerged as a significant driving force. As the demand for clean energy continues to rise, it is becoming increasingly important to have a solid understanding of the technological and economic elements of modern techniques of producing green hydrogen. In the context of green hydrogen generation understanding green hydrogen production's techno-economic features is necessary to reduce carbon emissions and transition to a low-carbon economy. associated with breakthroughs in technology, the present study examines the most fascinating and relevant aspects of techno-economic analysis. Despite challenges, green hydrogen can help the world move to a cleaner, more sustainable energy future with solid analytical frameworks and legislation.

Funding source: The corresponding author would like to acknowledge the Knowledge Foundation of Sweden (KKS) through project grant number 20210057.
Related subjects: Production & Supply Chain

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