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Hydrogen Trapping and Embrittlement in Metals - A Review


Hydrogen embrittlement in metals (HE) is a serious challenge for the use of high strength materials in engineering practice and a major barrier to the use of hydrogen for global decarbonization. Here we describe the factors and variables that determine HE susceptibility and provide an overview of the latest understanding of HE mechanisms. We discuss hydrogen uptake and how it can be managed. We summarize hydrogen trapping and the techniques used for its characterization. We also review literature that argues that hydrogen trapping can be used to decrease HE susceptibility. We discuss the future research that is required to advance the understanding of HE and hydrogen trapping and to develop HE-resistant alloys.

Funding source: M.-P. acknowledges financial support from the EPSRC (grants EP/V04902X/1 and EP/V009680/1) and the UKRI Future Leaders Fellows program (grant MR/V024124/1).

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