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Requirements for Hydrogen Resistance of Materials in CI Engine Toxic Substances Powered by Biofuels


It has been described the conception of using platinum catalytic layer in multi hole fuel injector atomizer. The catalytic layer has been placed on not working part of atomizer needle. The aim of modification was activation of dehydrogenation reaction paraffin to olefin hydrocarbons with escape hydrogen molecule in CI engine bio fuel. The modification of atomizer with catalytic layer and reaction process leads to the presence of hydrogen and its influence on structural materials properties after the catalysis which requires the high hydrogen and crack resistance of used materials. There is used high speed steel as material. Article describes how hydrogen and combustion gases influence on thermal friction processes on this material. First of all, the investigations were conduct 359 engine with biodiesel. During test had been observed nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide and particles emission. The obtained results show that there is possibility to lower toxic substances emission in exhaust gases CI engine powered by biodiesel. On the second it has been described the influence of biodiesel (including hydrogen) on fuel injector components and their influence on structural materials characteristics. There has been presented how biodiesel with hydrogen influences on precision elements and injection and return discharges. The investigation has been made by using engine test bench and fuel injector and pumps test equipment.

Countries: Poland ; Ukraine

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