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ASSET Study on Geolocation of Hydrogen Production in the EU


The modelling underpinning the scenarios for the EU long-term strategy did not include hydrogen trade. The assumption was that each Member State (MS) supplies its own needs for hydrogen and synthetic fuels. The goal of this study is to develop a model to undertake optimal geolocation of hydrogen production between MS, including the possibility to trade hydrogen and therefore use the RES potential more optimally and decrease energy system costs at EU level. Specifically, the new model helps to identify the geo-location of: 1. Renewable energy production (PV, wind, biomass, hydro) 2. Location of RES and hydrogen production facilities 3. Storage infrastructure, also for natural gas, and storage technologies, i.e., batteries, pumping etc. 4. Infrastructure by road and pipeline

Funding source: EU Funded
Related subjects: Policy & Socio-Economics
Countries: Luxembourg

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