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Catalytic Hydrogen Production, Storage and Application
Jul 2021
Hydrogen is a clean fuel for transportation and energy storage. It has several attractive features including a higher energy content by weight use in fuel cells that produces only water as a by-product storage in small and large quantities by various methods and established transportation and infrastructures. A hydrogen economy consists of three steps i.e. hydrogen production storage and applications. All three steps involved in a hydrogen economy can be divided into catalytic and non-catalytic approaches. For catalytic processes the efficiency highly depends on the type and physico-chemical characteristics of the catalysts. Therefore for the improvement of these catalytic processes the development of highly efficient and stable catalysts is highly required.
Performance of Hydrogen Storage Tanks of Type IV in a Fire: Effect of the State of Charge
Sep 2021
The use of hydrogen storage tanks at 100% of nominal working pressure (NWP) is expected only after refuelling. Driving between refuellings is characterised by the state of charge SoC <100%. There is experimental evidence that Type IV tanks tested in a fire at initial pressures below 1/3 NWP leaked without rupture. This paper aims at understanding this phenomenon. The numerical research has demonstrated that the heat transfer from fire through the composite overwrap at storage pressures below NWP/3 is sufficient to melt the polymer liner. This melting initiates hydrogen microleaks through the composite before it loses the load-bearing ability. The fire-resistance rating (FRR) is defined as the time to rupture in a fire of a tank without or with blocked thermally activated pressure relief device. The dependence of a FRR on the SoC is demonstrated for the tanks with defined material properties and volumes in the range of 36–244 L. A composite wall thickness variation is shown to cause a safety issue by reducing the tank’s FRR and is suggested to be addressed by tank manufacturers and OEMs. The effect of a tank’s burst pressure ratio on the FRR is investigated. Thermal parameters of the composite wall i.e. decomposition heat and temperatures are shown in simulations of a tank failure in a fire to play an important role in its FRR.
High Performance of Biohydrogen Production in Packed-Filter Bioreactor via Optimizing Packed-Filter Position
Jul 2021
In this present investigation a packed-filter bioreactor was employed to produce hydrogen utilizing an expired soft drink as a substrate. The effects of feeding substrate concentrations ranging from 19.51 10.19 5.34 3.48 to 2.51 g total sugar/L were examined and the position of the packed filter installed in the bioreactor at dimensionless heights (h/H) of 1/4 2/4 3/4 and 4/4 was studied. The results revealed that with a substrate concentration of 20 g total sugar/L and a hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 1 h a packed filter placed at the half-height position of the bioreactor (h/H 2/4) has the optimal hydrogen production rate hydrogen yield and average biomass concentration in the bioreactor resulting in 55.70 ± 2.42 L/L/d 0.90 ± 0.06 mol H2/mol hexose and 17.86 ± 1.09 g VSS/L. When feeding substrate concentrations varied from 20 10 to 5 g total sugar/L with the packed-filter position at h/H 2/4 Clostridium sp. Clostridium tyrobutyricum and Bifidobacterium crudilactis were the predominant bacteria community. Finally it was discovered that the packed-filter bioreactor can produce stable hydrogen in high-strength organic effluent.
Effects of Hydrogen Addition on Design, Maintenance and Surveillance of Gas Networks
Jul 2021
Hydrogen when is blended with natural gas over time degrades the materials used for pipe transport. Degradation is dependent on the proportion of hydrogen added to the natural gas. The assessment is made according to hydrogen permeation risk to the integrity of structures adaptation of surveillance and maintenance of equipment. The paper gives a survey of HE and its consequence on the design and maintenance. It is presented in a logical sequence: the design before use; the hydrogen embrittlement (HE) effects on Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure (MAOP); maintenance and surveillance during use of smooth and damaged pipes; and particularly for crack-like defects corrosion defects and dents.
Microfluidics-based Analysis of Dynamic Contact Angles Relevant for Underground Hydrogen Storage
May 2022
Underground Hydrogen Storage (UHS) is an attractive technology for large-scale (TWh) renewable energy storage. To ensure the safety and efficiency of the UHS it is crucial to quantify the H2 interactions with the reservoir fluids and rocks across scales including the micro scale. This paper reports the experimental measurements of advancing and receding contact angles for different channel widths for a H2 /water system at P = 10 bar and T = 20 ◦C using a microfluidic chip. To analyse the characteristics of the H2 flow in straight pore throats the network is designed such that it holds several straight channels. More specifically the width of the microchannels range between 50 μm and 130 μm. For the drainage experiments H2 is injected into a fully water saturated system while for the imbibition tests water is injected into a fully H2 -saturated system. For both scenarios high-resolution images are captured starting the introduction of the new phase into the system allowing for fully-dynamic transport analyses. For better insights N2 /water and CO2 /water flows were also analysed and compared with H2 /water. Results indicate strong water-wet conditions with H2 /water advancing and receding contact angles of respectively 13◦–39◦ and 6◦–23◦ . It was found that the contact angles decrease with increasing channel widths. The receding contact angle measured in the 50 μm channel agrees well with the results presented in the literature by conducting a core-flood test for a sandstone rock. Furthermore the N2 /water and CO2 /water systems showed similar characteristics as the H2 /water system. In addition to the important characterization of the dynamic wettability the results are also crucially important for accurate construction of pore-scale simulators.
Hydrogen Supply Chain Scenarios for the Decarbonisation of a German Multi-modal Energy System
Sep 2021
Analysing hydrogen supply chains is of utmost importance to adequately understand future energy systems with a high degree of sector coupling. Here a multi-modal energy system model is set up as linear programme incorporating electricity natural gas as well as hydrogen transportation options for Germany in 2050. Further different hydrogen import routes and optimised inland electrolysis are included. In a sensitivity analysis hydrogen demands are varied to cover uncertainties and to provide scenarios for future requirements of a hydrogen supply and transportation infrastructure. 80% of the overall hydrogen demand of 150 TWh/a emerge in Northern Germany due to optimised electrolyser locations and imports which subsequently need to be transported southwards. Therefore a central hydrogen pipeline connection from Schleswig-Holstein to the region of Darmstadt evolves already for moderate demands and appears to be a no-regret investment. Furthermore a natural gas pipeline reassignment potential of 46% is identified.
IGEM/SR/23 Review of Thermal Radiation and Noise for Hydrogen Venting
Nov 2021
IGEM/SR/23 (“Venting of natural gas”) provides recommendations for the conceptual design operation and safety aspects of permanent temporary and emergency venting of natural gas. The document was originally developed many years ago and the current edition dates to 1995. The document is due to be reviewed and updated for application to natural gas but the aim of this study is not to review the applicability of the document for natural gas but to assess the possible impact of 100% hydrogen on specific aspects of the existing guidance.<br/>A key element of the guidance concerns the safe dispersion distances for natural gas as vents are intended to provide a means of safely dispersing gas in the atmosphere without ignition. Guidance on safe dispersion distances for venting are provided in Section 6.6 accompanied by graphs showing the relationship between the mass flow rate through the vent and the safe (horizontal) dispersion distance. Details of the model used to predict the dispersion distances are given in Appendix 1. However for dispersion the guidance in IGEM/SR/23 has been superseded by similar guidance on hazard distances for unignited releases in IGEM/SR/25 (“Hazardous area classification of natural gas installations”) [2]. A comprehensive review of the applicability of IGEM/SR/25 to hydrogen is already underway for the LTS Futures project and is not duplicated here.<br/>However IGEM/SR/23 contains guidance on other important aspects relevant to the safe design and operation of vents which are not addressed elsewhere in the IGEM suite of standards; in particular guidance on hazard ranges for thermal radiation (in the event of an unplanned ignition of the venting gas) and noise.<br/>The main aim of this report is to assess the potential impact of replacing natural gas with 100% hydrogen on the guidance in IGEM/SR/23 concerned with thermal hazards with a secondary objective of assessing the available information to comment on the possible influence of hydrogen on noise.
SimSES: A Holistic Simulation Framework for Modeling and Analyzing Stationary Energy Storage Systems
Feb 2022
The increasing feed-in of intermittent renewable energy sources into the electricity grids worldwide is currently leading to technical challenges. Stationary energy storage systems provide a cost-effective and efficient solution in order to facilitate the growing penetration of renewable energy sources. Major technical and economical challenges for energy storage systems are related to lifetime efficiency and monetary returns. Holistic simulation tools are needed in order to address these challenges before investing in energy storage systems. One of these tools is SimSES a holistic simulation framework specialized in evaluating energy storage technologies technically and economically. With a modular approach SimSES covers various topologies system components and storage technologies embedded in an energy storage application. This contribution shows the capabilities and benefits of SimSES by providing in-depth knowledge of the implementations and models. Selected functionalities are demonstrated with two use cases showing the easy-to-use simulation framework while providing detailed technical analysis for expert users. Hybrid energy storage systems consisting of lithium-ion and redox-flow batteries are investigated in a peak shaving application while various system topologies are analyzed in a frequency containment reserve application. The results for the peak shaving case study show a benefit in favor of the hybrid system in terms of overall cost and degradation behavior in applications that have a comparatively low energy throughput during lifetime. In terms of system topology a cascaded converter approach shows significant improvements in efficiency for the frequency containment reserve application.
Crack Management of Hydrogen Pipelines
Sep 2021
The climate emergency is one of the biggest challenges humanity must face in the 21st century. The global energy transition faces many challenges when it comes to ensuring a sustainable reliable and affordable energy supply. A likely outcome is decarbonizing the existing gas infrastructure. This will inevitably lead to greater penetration of hydrogen. While the introduction of hydrogen into natural gas transmission and distribution networks creates challenges there is nothing new or inherently impossible about the concept. Indeed more than 4000 kilometers of hydrogen pipelines are currently in operation. These pipelines however were (almost) all built and operated exclusively in accordance with specific hydrogen codes which tend to be much more restrictive than their natural gas equivalents. This means that the conversion of natural gas pipelines which have often been in service for decades and have accumulated damage and been subject to cracking threats (e.g. fatigue or stress corrosion cracking (SCC)) throughout their lifetime can be challenging. This paper will investigate the impact of transporting hydrogen on the crack management of existing natural gas pipelines from an overall integrity perspective. Different cracking threats will be described including recent industry experience of those which are generic to all steel pipelines but exacerbated by hydrogen and those which are hydrogen specific. The application of a Hydrogen Framework to identify characterise and manage credible cracking threats to pipelines in order to help enable the safe economic and successful introduction of hydrogen into the natural gas network will be discussed.
Waste Aluminum Application as Energy Valorization for Hydrogen Fuel Cells for Mobile Low Power Machines Applications
Nov 2021
This article proposes a new model of power supply for mobile low power machines applications between 10 W and 30 W such as radio-controlled (RC) electric cars. This power supply is based on general hydrogen from residual aluminum and water with NaOH so it is proposed energy valorization of aluminum waste. In the present research a theoretical model allows us to predict the requested aluminum surface and the required flow of hydrogen has been developed also considering in addition to the geometry and purity of the material two key variables as the temperature and the molarity of the alkaline solution used in the hydrogen production process. Focusing on hydrogen production isopropyl alcohol plays a key role in the reactor’s fuel cell vehicle as it filters out NaOH particles and maintains a constant flow of hydrogen for the operation of the machine keeping the reactor temperature controlled. Finally a comparison of the theoretical and experimental data has been used to validate the developed model using aluminum sheets from ring cans to generate hydrogen which will be used as a source of hydrogen in a power fuel cell of an RC car. Finally the manuscript shows the parts of the vehicle’s powertrain its behavior and mode of operation.
Scenario Modeling of Sustainable Development of Energy Supply in the Arctic
Dec 2021
The 21st century is characterized not only by large-scale transformations but also by the speed with which they occur. Transformations—political economic social technological environmental and legal-in synergy have always been a catalyst for reactions in society. The field of energy supply like many others is extremely susceptible to the external influence of such factors. To a large extent this applies to remote (especially from the position of energy supply) regions. The authors outline an approach to justifying the development of the Arctic energy infrastructure through an analysis of the demand for the amount of energy consumed and energy sources taking into account global trends. The methodology is based on scenario modeling of technological demand. It is based on a study of the specific needs of consumers available technologies and identified risks. The paper proposes development scenarios and presents a model that takes them into account. Modeling results show that in all scenarios up to 50% of the energy balance in 2035 will take gas but the role of carbon-free energy sources will increase. The mathematical model allowed forecasting the demand for energy types by certain types of consumers which makes it possible to determine the vector of development and stimulation of certain types of resources for energy production in the Arctic. The model enables considering not only the growth but also the decline in demand for certain types of consumers under different scenarios. In addition authors’ forecasts through further modernization of the energy sector in the Arctic region can contribute to the creation of prerequisites that will be stimulating and profitable for the growth of investment in sustainable energy sources to supply consumers. The scientific significance of the work lies in the application of a consistent hybrid modeling approach to forecasting demand for energy resources in the Arctic region. The results of the study are useful in drafting a scenario of regional development taking into account the Sustainable Development Goals as well as identifying areas of technology and energy infrastructure stimulation.
Pathway to Net Zero Emissions
Oct 2021
A feasible path to limit planetary warming to 1.5°C requires certain countries and sectors to go below net zero and to do so well before the middle of the century according to new analysis from the authors of the Energy Transition Outlook. DNV’s pathway to net zero says North America and Europe must be carbon neutral by 2042 whereas Indian Subcontinent is set to be a net emitter by 2050 Net zero report says carbon capture storage and use is required as energy production will not be carbon neutral by 2050 Aim to halve emissions by 2030 is out of reach but massive early action is needed if we are to have any chance of reaching a 1.5°C future DNV’s new report “Pathway to Net Zero Emissions” describes a feasible way to limit global warming to 1.5°C Policy makers are set to meet in Glasgow for the COP 26 summit with an eye on achieving zero emissions by 2050. For this to happen North America and Europe must be carbon neutral by 2042 and then carbon negative thereafter according to DNV’s pathway to net zero. The pathway also finds that Greater China must reduce emissions by 98% from 2019 levels by 2050. There are regions that cannot realistically transition completely away from fossil fuels in the same timeframe such as the Indian Subcontinent which will reduce emissions by 64%. Pathway to Net Zero Emissions also lays out the pace at which different industry sectors need to decarbonize. The so-called hard-to-abate sectors will take longer to decarbonize and even if sectors like maritime (-90% CO2 emissions in 2050) and iron and steel production (-82%) scale up the introduction of greener technologies they will still be net emitters by 2050.
A Hot Syngas Purification System Integrated with Downdraft Gasification of Municipal Solid Waste
Jan 2019
Gasification of municipal solid waste (MSW) with subsequent utilization of syngas in gas engines/turbines and solid oxide fuel cells can substantially increase the power generation of waste-to-energy facilities and optimize the utilization of wastes as a sustainable energy resources. However purification of syngas to remove multiple impurities such as particulates tar HCl alkali chlorides and sulfur species is required. This study investigates the feasibility of high temperature purification of syngas from MSW gasification with the focus on catalytic tar reforming and desulfurization. Syngas produced from a downdraft fixed-bed gasifier is purified by a multi-stage system. The system comprises of a fluidized-bed catalytic tar reformer a filter for particulates and a fixed-bed reactor for dechlorination and then desulfurization with overall downward cascading of the operating temperatures throughout the system. Novel nano-structured nickel catalyst supported on alumina and regenerable Ni-Zn desulfurization sorbent loaded on honeycomb are synthesized. Complementary sampling and analysis methods are applied to quantify the impurities and determine their distribution at different stages. Experimental and thermodynamic modeling results are compared to determine the kinetic constraints in the integrated system. The hot purification system demonstrates up to 90% of tar and sulfur removal efficiency increased total syngas yield (14%) and improved cold gas efficiency (12%). The treated syngas is potentially applicable in gas engines/turbines and solid oxide fuel cells based on the dew points and concentration limits of the remaining tar compounds. Reforming of raw syngas by nickel catalyst for over 20 h on stream shows strong resistance to deactivation. Desulfurization of syngas from MSW gasification containing significantly higher proportion of carbonyl sulfide than hydrogen sulfide traces of tar and hydrogen chloride demonstrates high performance of Ni-Zn sorbents.
Flexible Power & Biomass-to-Methanol Plants: Design Optimization and Economic Viability of the Electrolysis Integration
Nov 2021
This paper assesses the optimal design criteria of a flexible power and biomass to methanol (PBtM) plant conceived to operate both without green hydrogen addition (baseline mode) and with hydrogen addition (enhanced mode) following an intermittent use of the electrolysis system which is turned on when the electricity price allows an economically viable hydrogen production. The assessed plant includes a gasification section syngas cleaning and compression methanol synthesis and purification and heat recovery steam cycle to be flexibly operated. A sorption-enhanced gasification technology allows to produce a tailored syngas for the downstream synthesis in both the baseline and enhanced operating conditions by controlling the in-situ CO2 separation rate. Two designs are assessed for the methanol synthesis unit with two different reactor sizes: (i) a larger reactor designed on the enhanced operation mode (enhanced reactor design – ERD) and (ii) a smaller reactor designed on the baseline operation mode (baseline reactor design – BRD). The ERD design resulted to be preferable from the techno economic perspectives resulting in 20% lower cost of the e-MeOH (30.80 vs. 37.76 €/ GJLHV) with the baseline assumptions (i.e. 80% of electrolyzer capacity factor and 2019 Denmark day-ahead market electricity price). Other important outcomes are: (i) high electrolysis capacity factor is needed to obtain competitive cost of e-MeOH and (ii) advantages of flexibly operated PBtM plants with respect to inflexible PBtM plants are significant in scenarios with high penetration of intermittent renewables leading to low average prices of electricity but also longer periods of high peak prices.
Catalytic and Photocatalytic Electrospun Nanofibers for Hydrogen Generation from Ammonia Borane Complex: A Review
Jul 2021
Hydrogen (H2) is a promising renewable energy source that can replace fossil fuels since it can solve several environmental and economic issues. However the widespread usage of H2 is constrained by its storage and safety issues. Many researchers consider solid materials with an excellent capacity for H2 storage and generation as the solution for most H2-related issues. Among solid materials ammonia borane (abbreviated hereafter as AB) is considered one of the best hydrogen storage materials due to its extraordinary H2 content and small density. However the process must be conducted in the presence of efficient catalysts to obtain a reasonable amount of generated H2. Electrospun nanofibrous catalysts are a new class of efficient catalysts that involves the usage of polymers. Here a comprehensive review of the ceramic-supported electrospun NF catalysts for AB hydrolysis is presented with a special focus on catalytic and photolytic performance and preparation steps. Photocatalytic AB hydrolysis was discussed in detail due to its importance and promising results. AB photocatalytic hydrolysis mechanisms under light were also explained. Electrospun catalysts show excellent activity for AB hydrolysis with good recyclability. Kinetics studies show that the AB hydrolysis reaction is independent of AB concentration and the first-order reaction of NF catalysts.
A Hydrogen Fuelled LH2 Tanker Ship Design
May 2021
This study provides a detailed philosophical view and evaluation of a viable design for a large liquid hydrogen tanker fuelled by liquid hydrogen. Established methods for determining tank sizing ship stability and ship characteristics were used to evaluate the preliminary design and performance of the liquefied hydrogen tanker named ‘JAMILA’ designed specifically to transport liquid hydrogen. JAMILA is designed around four large liquid hydrogen tanks with a total capacity of ∼280000 m3 and uses the boil-off gas for propulsion for the loaded leg of the journey. The ship is 370 m long 75 m wide and draws 10.012 m at full load. It has a fully loaded displacement tonnage of 232000 tonnes to carry 20000 tonnes of hydrogen. Its propulsion system contains a combined-cycle gas turbine of approximately 50 MW. The volume of the hydrogen cargo pressurised to 0.5 MPa primarily determines the size and displacement of the ship.
Optimization of Hydrogen Cost and Transport Technology in France and Germany for Various Production and Demand Scenarios
Jan 2021
Green hydrogen for mobility represents an alternative to conventional fuel to decarbonize the transportation sector. Nevertheless the thermodynamic properties make the transport and the storage of this energy carrier at standard conditions inefficient. Therefore this study deploys a georeferenced optimal transport infrastructure for four base case scenarios in France and Germany that differs by production distribution based on wind power potential and demand capacities for the mobility sector at different penetration shares for 2030 and 2050. The restrained transport network to the road infrastructure allows focusing on the optimum combination of trucks operating at different states of aggregations and storage technologies and its impact on the annual cost and hydrogen flow using linear programming. Furthermore four other scenarios with production cost investigate the impact of upstream supply chain cost and eight scenarios with daily transport and storage optimization analyse the modeling method sensitivity. The results show that compressed hydrogen gas at a high presser level around 500 bar was on average a better option. However at an early stage of hydrogen fuel penetration substituting compressed gas at low to medium pressure levels by liquid organic hydrogen carrier minimizes the transport and storage costs. Finally in France hydrogen production matches population distribution in contrast to Germany which suffers from supply and demand disparity.
THyGA - Review on Other Projects Related to Mitigation and Identification of Useable Sensors in Existing Appliances
Jun 2022
The main goal of THyGA’s WP5 is to investigate ways to adapt residential or commercial appliances that have safety or performance issues to different levels of H2 concentrations in natural gas. This first deliverable presents some possible mitigation measures based on a literature study and some calculations.<br/>Acting on gas quality to avoid that hydrogen addition enhance current gas properties variations was explored several times in the past. Designing new appliances that could operate with variable gas composition including hydrogen. Dealing with existing appliances in order to guaranty safety for users and appliances.
Everything About Hydrogen Podcast: The Oracle of Hydrogen
Oct 2019
Nel Hydrogen is one of the largest electrolysis companies in the world with an array of Alkaline and PEM solutions that have been used in an array of energy and industrial applications. On the show we ask Bjørn Simonsen Vice President of Investor Relations and Corporate Communication at Nel Hydrogen to talk through how Nel has seen the green hydrogen market evolve and where Nel fits into this sector transition.
The podcast can be found on their website
The podcast can be found on their website
Everything About Hydrogen Podcast: Rethinking Hydrogen Storage with H2GOPOWER
Sep 2019
For this episode we speak to Enass Abo-Hamed the CEO of H2GOPower about their cutting edge hydrogen storage technology. Below we have attached a few links to the content discussed on the show and some further background reading.
The podcast can be found on their website
The podcast can be found on their website
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