Hydrogen Supply Chain Scenarios for the Decarbonisation of a German Multi-modal Energy System
Analysing hydrogen supply chains is of utmost importance to adequately understand future energy systems with a high degree of sector coupling. Here, a multi-modal energy system model is set up as linear programme incorporating electricity, natural gas as well as hydrogen transportation options for Germany in 2050. Further, different hydrogen import routes and optimised inland electrolysis are included. In a sensitivity analysis, hydrogen demands are varied to cover uncertainties and to provide scenarios for future requirements of a hydrogen supply and transportation infrastructure. 80% of the overall hydrogen demand of 150 TWh/a emerge in Northern Germany due to optimised electrolyser locations and imports, which subsequently need to be transported southwards. Therefore, a central hydrogen pipeline connection from Schleswig-Holstein to the region of Darmstadt evolves already for moderate demands and appears to be a no-regret investment. Furthermore, a natural gas pipeline reassignment potential of 46% is identified.