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Operation of Metal Hydride Hydrogen Storage Systems for Hydrogen Compression Using Solar Thermal Energy
Mar 2016
By using a newly constructed bench-scale hydrogen energy system with renewable energy ‘Pure Hydrogen Energy System’ the present study demonstrates the operations of a metal hydride (MH) tank for hydrogen compression as implemented through the use solar thermal energy. Solar thermal energy is used to generate hot water as a heat source of the MH tank. Thus 70 kg of LaNi5 one of the most typical alloys used for hydrogen storage was placed in the MH tank. We present low and high hydrogen flow rate operations. Then the operations under winter conditions are discussed along with numerical simulations conducted from the thermal point of view. Results show that a large amount of heat (>100 MJ) is generated and the MH hydrogen compression is available.
Quantitative Monitoring of the Environmental Hydrogen Embrittlement of Al-Zn-Mg-based Aluminum Alloys via Dnyamic Hydrogen Detection and Digital Image Correlation
Mar 2021
In this study a novel analytical system was developed to monitor the environmental hydrogen embrittlement of Al-Zn-Mg-based aluminum alloys dynamically and quantitatively under atmospheric air pressure. The system involves gas chromatography using a SnO2-based semiconductor hydrogen sensor a digital image correlation step and the use of a slow strain rate testing machine. Use of this system revealed that hydrogen atoms are generated during the plastic deformation of Al-Zn-Mg alloys caused by the chemical reaction between the water vapor in air and the alloy surface without oxide films. Digital image correlation also clarified that the generated hydrogen atoms caused numerous localized grain boundary cracks on the specimen surface resulting in a localized grain boundary fracture. The amount of hydrogen atoms evolved from the embrittled fracture surface was 2.7 times as high as that from the surface without embrittlement.
Morphological, Structural and Hydrogen Storage Properties of LaCrO3 Perovskite-Type Oxides
Feb 2022
Recently perovskite-type oxides have attracted researchers as new materials for solid hydrogen storage. This paper presents the performances of perovskite-type oxide LaCrO3 dedicated for hydrogen solid storage using both numerical and experimental methods. Ab initio calculations have been used here with the aim to investigate the electronic mechanical and elastic properties of LaCrO3Hx (x = 0 6) for hydrogen storage applications. Cell parameters crystal structures and mechanical properties are determined. Additionally the cohesive energy indicates the stability of the hydride. Furthermore the mechanical properties showed that both compounds (before and after hydrogenation) are stable. The microstructure and storage capacity at different temperatures of these compounds have been studied. We have shown that storage capacities are around 4 wt%. The properties obtained from this type of hydride showed that it can be used for future applications. XRD analysis was conducted in order to study the structural properties of the compound. Besides morphological thermogravimetric analysis was also conducted on the perovskite-type oxide. Finally a comparison of these materials with other hydrides used for hydrogen storage was carried out.
Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers - A Technology to Overcome Common Risks of Hydrogen Storage
Sep 2021
In transport and storage of hydrogen the risks are mainly seen in its volatile nature its ability to form explosive mixtures with air and the harsh conditions (high pressure or low temperature) for efficient storage. The concept of Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers (LOHC) offers a technology to overcome the above mentioned threats. The present submission describes the basics of the LOHC technology. It contains a comparison of a selection of common LOHC materials with a view on physical properties. The advantages of a low viscosity at low temperatures and a high flash point are expressed. LOHCs are also discussed as a concept to import large amounts of energy/hydrogen. A closer look is taken on the environmental and safety aspects of hydrogen storage in LOHCs since here the main differences to pressurized and cryo-storage of hydrogen can be found. The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of the principles of the LOHC technology the different LOHC materials and their risks and opportunities and an impression of a large scale scenario on the basis of the LOHC technology.
Application of Hydrogen and Hydrogen-containing Gases in Internal Combustion Engines
Nov 2019
The results of studies of the influence of hydrogen and hydrogen-containing gas additives on the parameters of various types of internal combustion engines are analyzed and summarized. It made possible to identify the features of the effect on the combustion of fuel during internal combustion engine operation at partial loads. The dependences of reducing the toxicity and fuel consumption of internal combustion engine on the amount of addition of hydrogen and a hydrogen-containing gas to the air-fuel mixture were obtained. It allowed to establish quantitative effects of free hydrogen in particular to quantify the region of small hydrogen additives and the conditions under which hydrogen exhibits the qualities of a chemically active component of the mixture.
CO2 Emissions Reduction Measures for RO-RO Vessels on Non-Profitable Coastal Liner Passenger Transport
Jun 2021
Reducing CO2 emissions from ships in unprofitable coastline transport using electricity and hydrogen has potential for island development to improve transport and protect biodiversity and nature. New technologies are a challenge for shipping companies and their introduction should be accompanied by a system of state aid for alternative energy sources. The energy requirements of an electric ferry for a route of up to 6 km were considered as well as the amount of hydrogen needed to generate the electricity required to charge the ferry batteries to enable a state aid scheme. For a daily ferry operation a specific fuel consumption of 60.6 g/kWh of liquid hydrogen is required in the system fuel cell with a total of 342.69 kg of hydrogen. Compared to marine diesel the use of electric ferries leads to a reduction of CO2 emissions by up to 90% including significantly lower NOx Sox and particulate matter (PM) emissions and operating costs by up to 80%.
Modeling and Economic Operation of Energy Hub Considering Energy Market Price and Demand
Feb 2022
This paper discusses the economic operation strategy of the energy hub which is being established in South Korea. The energy hub has five energy conversion devices: a turbo expander generator a normal fuel cell a fuel cell with a hydrogen outlet a small-scale combined heat and power device and a photovoltaic device. We are developing the most economically beneficial operation strategy for the operators who own the hub without making any systematic improvements to the energy market. First sixteen conversion efficiency matrices can be achieved by turning each device (except the PV) on or off. Next even the same energy must be divided into different energy flows according to price. The energy flow is controlled to obtain the maximum profit considering the internal load of the energy hub and the price fluctuations of the energy market. Using our operating strategy the return on investment period is approximately 9.9 years which is three years shorter than that without the operating strategy.
Implementation of Transition Metal Phosphides as Pt-Free Catalysts for PEM Water Electrolysis
Mar 2022
Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) water electrolysis (WE) produces H2 with a high degree of purity requiring only water and energy. If the energy is provided from renewable energy sources it releases “Green H2” a CO2 -free H2 . PEMWE uses expensive and rare noble metal catalysts which hinder their use at a large industrial scale. In this work the electrocatalytic properties of Transition Metal Phosphides (TMP) catalysts supported on Carbon Black (CB) for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction (HER) were investigated as an alternative to Platinum Group Metals. The physico-chemical properties and catalytic performance of the synthesized catalysts were characterized. In the ex situ experiments the 25% FeP/CB 50% FeP/CB and 50% CoP/CB with overpotentials of −156.0 −165.9 and −158.5 mV for a current density of 100 mA cm−2 showed the best catalytic properties thereby progressing to the PEMWE tests. In those tests the 50% FeP/CB required an overpotential of 252 mV for a current density of 10 mA cm−2 quite close to the 220 mV of the Pt catalyst. This work provides a proper approach to the synthesis and characterization of TMP supported on carbon materials for the HER paving the way for further research in order to replace the currently used PGM in PEMWE.
Technology Roadmaps for Transition Management: The Case of Hydrogen Energy
Oct 2011
Technology roadmaps are increasingly used by governments to inform and promote technological transitions such as a transition to a hydrogen energy system. This paper develops a framework for understanding how current roadmapping practice relates to emerging theories of the governance of systems innovation. In applying this framework to a case study of hydrogen roadmaps the paper finds that roadmapping for transitions needs to place greater emphasis on ensuring good quality and transparent analytic and participatory procedures. To be most useful roadmaps should be embedded within institutional structures that enable the incorporation of learning and re-evaluation but in practice most transition roadmaps are one-off exercises
The Route from Green H2 Production through Bioethanol Reforming to CO2 Catalytic Conversion: A Review
Mar 2022
Currently a progressively different approach to the generation of power and the production of fuels for the automotive sector as well as for domestic applications is being taken. As a result research on the feasibility of applying renewable energy sources to the present energy scenario has been progressively growing aiming to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Following more than one approach the integration of renewables mainly involves the utilization of biomass-derived raw material and the combination of power generated via clean sources with conventional power generation systems. The aim of this review article is to provide a satisfactory overview of the most recent progress in the catalysis of hydrogen production through sustainable reforming and CO2 utilization. In particular attention is focused on the route that starting from bioethanol reforming for H2 production leads to the use of the produced CO2 for different purposes and by means of different catalytic processes passing through the water–gas shift stage. The newest approaches reported in the literature are reviewed showing that it is possible to successfully produce “green” and sustainable hydrogen which can represent a power storage technology and its utilization is a strategy for the integration of renewables into the power generation scenario. Moreover this hydrogen may be used for CO2 catalytic conversion to hydrocarbons thus giving CO2 added value.
Climate Action: Prospects of Green Hydrogen in Africa
Feb 2022
Africa is rich with an abundance of renewable energy sources that can help meeting the continent’s demand for electricity to promote economic growth and meet global targets for CO2 reduction. Green Hydrogen is considered one of the most promising technologies for energy generation transportation and storage. In this paper the prospects of green hydrogen production potential in Africa are investigated along with its usage for future implementation. Moreover an overview of the benefits of shifting to green Hydrogen technology is presented. The current African infrastructure and policies are tested against future targets and goals. Furthermore the study embraces a detailed theoretical environmental technological and economic assessment putting the local energy demands into consideration.
Optimal Day-ahead Dispatch of an Alkaline Electrolyser System Concerning Thermal–electric Properties and State-transitional Dynamics
Oct 2021
Green hydrogen is viewed as a promising energy carrier for sustainable development goals. However it has suffered from high costs hindering its implementation. For a stakeholder who considers both renewable energy and electrolysis units it is important to exploit the flexibility of such portfolios to maximize system operational revenues. To this end an electrolyser model that can characterize its dynamic behavior is required in both electric and thermal aspects. In this paper we develop a comprehensive alkaline electrolyser model that is capable of describing its hydrogen production properties temperature variations and state transitions (among production stand-by and off states). This model is further used to study the optimal dispatch of an electrolyser based on a real-world hybrid wind/electrolyser system. The results show the model can effectively capture the coupling between thermal–electric dynamics and on–off performance of an electrolyser. The flexible operation strategy based on this model is proven to significantly increase daily revenues under different spot price conditions for electricity. Comparing the model with the ones derived from conventional modeling methods reveals this model offers more operating details and highlights several operational features such as the preference for working at partial load conditions although at the expense of more computing resources. It is suggested to use this model in studies related to energy integration operation planning and control scheme development in which the multi-domain dynamic properties of electrolysers in electricity/gas/heat need to be properly characterized. A sensitivity analysis on key parameters of such electrolyser system is also introduced to connect the daily operation with long-term planning.
Linking the Power and Transport Sectors—Part 2: Modelling a Sector Coupling Scenario for Germany
Jul 2017
“Linking the power and transport sectors—Part 1” describes the general principle of “sector coupling” (SC) develops a working definition intended of the concept to be of utility to the international scientific community contains a literature review that provides an overview of relevant scientific papers on this topic and conducts a rudimentary analysis of the linking of the power and transport sectors on a worldwide EU and German level. The aim of this follow-on paper is to outline an approach to the modelling of SC. Therefore a study of Germany as a case study was conducted. This study assumes a high share of renewable energy sources (RES) contributing to the grid and significant proportion of fuel cell vehicles (FCVs) in the year 2050 along with a dedicated hydrogen pipeline grid to meet hydrogen demand. To construct a model of this nature the model environment “METIS” (models for energy transformation and integration systems) we developed will be described in more detail in this paper. Within this framework a detailed model of the power and transport sector in Germany will be presented in this paper and the rationale behind its assumptions described. Furthermore an intensive result analysis for the power surplus utilization of electrolysis hydrogen pipeline and economic considerations has been conducted to show the potential outcomes of modelling SC. It is hoped that this will serve as a basis for researchers to apply this framework in future to models and analysis with an international focus.
Control of a Three-Phase Current Source Rectifier for H2 Storage Applications in AC Microgrids
Mar 2022
The share of electrical energy from renewable sources has increased considerably in recent years in an attempt to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. To mitigate the uncertainties of these sources and to balance energy production with consumption an energy storage system (ESS) based on water electrolysis to produce hydrogen is studied. It can be applied to AC microgrids where several renewable energy sources and several loads may be connected which is the focus of the study. When excess electricity production is converted into hydrogen via water electrolysis low DC voltages and high currents are applied which needs specific power converters. The use of a three-phase buck-type current source converter in a single conversion stage allows for an adjustable DC voltage to be obtained at the terminals of the electrolyzer from a three-phase AC microgrid. The voltage control is preferred to the current control in order to improve the durability of the system. The classical control of the buck-type rectifier is generally done using two loops that correspond only to the control of its output variables. The lack of control of the input variables may generate oscillations of the grid current. Our contribution in this article is to propose a new control for the buck-type rectifier that controls both the input and output variables of the converter to avoid these grid current oscillations without the use of active damping methods. The suggested control method is based on an approach using the flatness properties of differential systems: it ensures the large-signal stability of the converter. The proposed control shows better results than the classical control especially in oscillation mitigation and dynamic performances with respect to the rejection of disturbances caused by a load step.
Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Alternative Fuels and Powertrains for Medium-duty Trucks: A Singapore Case Study
Mar 2022
Alternatives to conventional diesel engines in medium/heavy-duty commercial trucks offer promising solutions to decarbonize road freight. We compare the life cycle greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from diesel battery electric (BEV) and hydrogen fuel cell (FCV) medium-duty urban delivery trucks (gross vehicle weight 3.5 – 7 metric tonnes) in Singapore including the vehicle and fuel production use phase and end-of-life stages. Use phase energy demand was estimated by simulating energy consumption on local real-world driving cycles. BEVs powered by the 2019 electricity mix had up to 11% lower GHG emissions than conventional diesel but doubling battery capacity to meet travel range requirements resulted in up to 12% higher emissions. FCVs using gaseous hydrogen via steam methane reforming achieved 23 – 30% GHG reductions while satisfying range requirements. Efforts in obtaining updated and reliable data on vehicle production remain critical for assessments of emerging technologies and enacting evidence-based policies to decarbonize road freight.
Experimental Investigation of the Effect of Hydrogen Addition on Combustion Performance and Emissions Characteristics of a Spark Ignition High Speed Gasoline Engine
Sep 2014
Considering energy crises and pollution problems today much work has been done for alternative fuels for fossil fuels and lowering the toxic components in the combustion products. Expert studies proved that hydrogen one of the prominent alternative energy source which has many excellent combustion properties that can be used for improving combustion and emissions performance of gasoline-fuelled spark ignition (SI) engines. This article experimentally investigated the performance and emission characteristics of a high speed single cylinder SI engine operating with different hydrogen gasoline blends. For this purpose the conventional carburetted high speed SI engine was modified into an electronically controllable engine with help of electronic control unit (ECU) which dedicatedly used to control the injection timings and injection durations of gasoline. Various hydrogen enrichment levels were selected to investigate the effect of hydrogen addition on engine brake mean effective pressure (Bmep) brake thermal efficiency volumetric efficiency and emission characteristics. The test results demonstrated that combustion performances fuel consumption and brake mean effective pressure were eased with hydrogen enrichment. The experimental results also showed that the brake thermal efficiency was higher than that for the pure gasoline operation. Moreover HC and CO emissions were all reduced after hydrogen enrichment.
Two Generations of Hydrogen Powertrain—An Analysis of the Operational Indicators in Real Driving Conditions (RDC)
Jun 2022
Hydrogen fuel cells are systems that can be successfully used to partially replace internal combustion propulsion systems. For this reason the article presents an operational analysis of energy flow along with an analysis of individual energy transmission systems. Two generations of the Toyota Mirai vehicle were used for the tests. The operational analyses were carried out on the same route (compliant with RDE test requirements) assessing the system’s operation in three driving sections (urban rural and motorway). Both generations of the drive system with fuel cells are quite different which affects the obtained individual systems operation results as well as the overall energy flow. Research was carried out on the energy flow in the fuel cells FC converter battery and electric motor using a dedicated data acquisition system. The analyses were carried out in relation to the energy of fuel cells battery energy and recovered braking energy. It was found that in the urban drive section of the second-generation system (due to its much larger mass) a slightly higher energy consumption value was obtained (by about 2%). However in the remaining phases of the test consumption was lower (the maximum difference was 18% in the rural phase). Total energy consumption in the research test was 19.64 kWh/100 km for the first-generation system compared to 18.53 kWh/100 km for the second-generation system. Taking into account the increased mass of the second-generation vehicle resulted in significantly greater benefits in the second-generation drive (up to 37% in individual drive sections and about 28% in the entire drive test).
Everything About Hydrogen Podcast: The year-end Round Up! 2020 in Review
Dec 2020
2020 has been a year for the history books! Some good most of it not so good; but 2020 has been a boom year for the future of hydrogen technologies. Patrick Chris and Andrew do their level best on this episode to talk about all the stories and the highlights of 2020 in under 50 minutes. Have a listen and let us know if we missed anything in our penultimate episode of 2020!
The podcast can be found on their website
The podcast can be found on their website
CFD Modeling on Natural and Forced Ventilation During Hydrogen Leaks in a Pressure Regulator Process of a Residential Area
Mar 2022
Hydrogen fuel cells have been installed in more than 100 facilities and numerous homes in Ulsan hydrogen town in the Republic of Korea. Despite the advantages of hydrogen accidents can still occur near residential areas. Thus appropriate risk mitigation plans should be established. In this study a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model of natural and forced ventilation is presented as an emergency response to hydrogen leakages in pressure regulator equipment housing. The CFD model is developed and investigated using three vent configurations: UP CROSS and UP-DOWN. The simulation results indicate that the UPDOWN configuration achieves the lowest internal hydrogen concentration out of the three. In addition the relationship between the total vent size and internal hydrogen concentration is determined. A vent size of 12% of the floor area has the lowest hydrogen concentration. The use of nitrogen for forced ventilation during emergencies is proposed to ensure that the hydrogen concentration of the released gas is less than one-fourth of the lower flammability 2 / 25 limit of hydrogen. Compared to natural ventilation the time required to reach safe conditions is decreased when nitrogen forced ventilation is used.
Proton Exchange Membrane Hydrogen Fuel Cell as the Grid Connected Power Generator
Dec 2020
In this paper a proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) is implemented as a grid-connected electrical generator that uses hydrogen gas as fuel and air as an oxidant to produce electricity through electrochemical reactions. Analysis demonstrated that the performance of the PEMFC greatly depends on the rate of fuel supply and air supply pressure. Critical fuel and air supply pressures of the PEMFC are analysed to test its feasibility for the grid connection. Air and fuel supply pressures are varied to observe the effects on the PEMFC characteristics efficiency fuel supply and air consumption over time. The PEMFC model is then implemented into an electrical power system with the aid of power electronics applications. Detailed mathematical modelling of the PEMFC is discussed with justification. The PEMFC functions as an electrical generator that is connected to the local grid through a power converter and a transformer. Modulation of the converter is controlled by means of a proportional-integral controller. The two-axis control methodology is applied to the current control of the system. The output voltage waveform and control actions of the controller on the current and frequency of the proposed system are plotted as well. Simulation results show that the PEMFC performs efficiently under certain air and fuel pressures and it can effectively supply electrical power to the grid.
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