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CO2 Emissions Reduction Measures for RO-RO Vessels on Non-Profitable Coastal Liner Passenger Transport


Reducing CO2 emissions from ships in unprofitable coastline transport using electricity and hydrogen has potential for island development to improve transport and protect biodiversity and nature. New technologies are a challenge for shipping companies and their introduction should be accompanied by a system of state aid for alternative energy sources. The energy requirements of an electric ferry for a route of up to 6 km were considered, as well as the amount of hydrogen needed to generate the electricity required to charge the ferry batteries to enable a state aid scheme. For a daily ferry operation, a specific fuel consumption of 60.6 g/kWh of liquid hydrogen is required in the system fuel cell with a total of 342.69 kg of hydrogen. Compared to marine diesel, the use of electric ferries leads to a reduction of CO2 emissions by up to 90%, including significantly lower NOx, Sox, and particulate matter (PM) emissions, and operating costs by up to 80%.

Funding source: ICARUS—Intermodal Connections in Adriatic-Ionian Region to Upgrowth Seamless solutions for passenger (funded under the 2014—2020 Interreg V-A Italy—Croatia CBC Programme) and by Intermodal Transport Cluster.
Related subjects: Applications & Pathways
Countries: Croatia

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