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Solid-State Hydrogen Fuel by PSII–Chitin Composite and Application to Biofuel Cell
Dec 2021
Biomaterials attract a lot of attention as next-generation materials. Especially in the energy field fuel cells based on biomaterials can further develop clean next-generation energy and are focused on with great interest. In this study solid-state hydrogen fuel (PSII–chitin composite) composed of the photosystem II (PSII) and hydrated chitin composite was successfully created. Moreover a biofuel cell consisting of the electrolyte of chitin and the hydrogen fuel using the PSII– chitin composite was fabricated and its characteristic feature was investigated. We found that proton conductivity in the PSII–chitin composite increases by light irradiation. This result indicates that protons generate in the PSII–chitin composite by light irradiation. It was also found that the biofuel cell using the PSII–chitin composite hydrogen fuel and the chitin electrolyte exhibits the maximum power density of 0.19 mW/cm2 . In addition this biofuel cell can drive an LED lamp. These results indicate that the solid-state biofuel cell based on the bioelectrolyte “chitin” and biofuel “the PSII–chitin composite” can be realized. This novel solid-state fuel cell will be helpful to the fabrication of next-generation energy.
Everything About Hydrogen Podcast: ITM Power
Sep 2019
On this weeks show we discuss with Graham Cooley the CEO of ITM Power how his company has expanded from a research company on AIM in the early 2000’s to one of the largest electrolyser manufacturers in the world. On the show we also ask Graham to talk about how the hydrogen market has evolved where he sees the potential growth trajectory for the industry and how ITM sees its role within this space.
The podcast can be found on their website
The podcast can be found on their website
Impact Assessment of Hydrogen on Transmission Pipeline BPDs in IGEM/TD/1
Jul 2021
As part of the LTS Futures HyTechnical project IGEM requested that DNV GL undertake an assessment of the possible impact of hydrogen transmission on BPDs to support the development of supplements to the existing suite of natural gas standards to accommodate the possible future use of hydrogen. The current state of knowledge of the behaviour of large scale high pressure hydrogen releases is limited in comparison with the considerable body of data from research and operational experience of natural gas but is adequate to undertake an impact assessment to take account of the different gas outflow and fire characteristics of 100% hydrogen vs. natural gas.<br/>Calculations of the BPDs for 100% hydrogen pipeline fires on an equivalent basis to those in IGEM/TD/1 for natural gas have been performed with a degree of confidence in the results and demonstrated that the equivalent BPDs for 100% hydrogen are approximately 10% smaller than for natural gas. The results are presented graphically in this report.<br/>However hydrogen introduces the potential for substantially higher overpressures than natural gas due to the higher flame speed and wider flammable limits if delayed ignition is a credible event. The overpressure estimates presented in this report are intended to be scoping calculations to put the likely overpressures into context. The results suggest that significant overpressures are possible at the BPDs but there is a lack of evidence to support the estimation of the overpressures following delayed ignition of a large turbulent hydrogen release in the open (in contrast to explosions in confined or congested regions) and there is a high degree of uncertainty in the predictions presented here. It is therefore recommended that large scale pipeline rupture experiments are performed similar to those undertaken previously for hydrogen natural gas and natural gas/hydrogen mixtures but with ignition engineered to take place after a short delay in order to measure the overpressures and provide the means to validate or refine the predictions made.<br/>The analysis has highlighted limitations in the original method of calculating BPDs in IGEM/TD/1 which reflects the techniques available at the time approximately 40 years ago. Since then understanding of the hazards from pipeline failures and the ability to model the consequences and predict the associated risks to people in the surrounding area have advanced very considerably facilitated by software tools and documented in standards such as IGEM/TD/2. These methods allow the highly transient nature of a high pressure gas pipeline rupture release to be modelled more accurately and for the thermal effects of fires on people and buildings to be calculated taking account of the time-varying thermal dose.<br/>For these reasons a simple comparison of the possible overpressure effects of delayed ignition of a 100% hydrogen release at the BPDs can be misleading and implies that the overpressure hazards could be more severe than those for fires which may not be the case. Example calculations have been performed for a representative pipeline case which indicate that using current methods the predicted thermal hazard distances for 100% hydrogen pipeline fires (house burning and escape for people) are substantially greater than those estimated for overpressures following delayed ignition for similar levels of vulnerability. This report addresses buried pipelines only – the potential for more severe explosion overpressure effects for hydrogen releases may be more significant for Above Ground Installations (AGIs) especially where congestion or confinement may be present. It is recommended that similar studies are conducted to quantify the effect of hydrogen conversion on the consequences and risks associated with hydrogen releases at AGIs.<br/>Finally it is stressed that the analysis in this report does not consider the relative risks for 100% hydrogen and the equivalent natural gas pipelines. There remain uncertainties in the failure frequencies for steel pipelines transporting hydrogen and particularly the probability of immediate and delayed ignition. The likelihood of delayed ignition of a large turbulent high pressure hydrogen gas pipeline rupture release may be very low due to the wider flammability limits and lower minimum ignition energy for hydrogen compared with natural gas. Additional research is currently ongoing or planned to address the gaps in knowledge for 100% hydrogen which should allow more robust comparisons of the relative risks to be made in the future.
Solid-State Hydrogen Storage Systems and the Relevance of a Gender Perspective
Sep 2021
This paper aims at addressing the exploitation of solid-state carriers for hydrogen storage with attention paid both to the technical aspects through a wide review of the available integrated systems and to the social aspects through a preliminary overview of the connected impacts from a gender perspective. As for the technical perspective carriers to be used for solid-state hydrogen storage for various applications can be classified into two classes: metal and complex hydrides. Related crystal structures and corresponding hydrogen sorption properties are reviewed and discussed. Fundamentals of thermodynamics of hydrogen sorption evidence the key role of the enthalpy of reaction which determines the operating conditions (i.e. temperatures and pressures). In addition it rules the heat to be removed from the tank during hydrogen absorption and to be delivered to the tank during hydrogen desorption. Suitable values for the enthalpy of hydrogen sorption reaction for operating conditions close to ambient (i.e. room temperature and 1–10 bar of hydrogen) are close to 30 kJ·molH2 −1 . The kinetics of the hydrogen sorption reaction is strongly related to the microstructure and to the morphology (i.e. loose powder or pellets) of the carriers. Usually the kinetics of the hydrogen sorption reaction is rather fast and the thermal management of the tank is the rate-determining step of the processes. As for the social perspective the paper arguments that as it occurs with the exploitation of other renewable innovative technologies a wide consideration of the social factors connected to these processes is needed to reach a twofold objective: To assess the extent to which a specific innovation might produce positive or negative impacts in the recipient socioeconomic system and from a sociotechnical perspective to explore the potential role of the social components and dynamics in fostering the diffusion of the innovation itself. Within the social domain attention has been paid to address the underexplored relationship between the gender perspective and the enhancement of hydrogen-related energy storage systems. This relationship is taken into account both in terms of the role of women in triggering the exploitation of hydrogen-based storage playing as experimenter and promoter and in terms of the intertwined impact of this innovation in their current conditions at work and in daily life.
Hydrogen-electricity Hybrid Energy Pipelines for Railway Transportation: Design and Economic Evaluation
Mar 2024
With the decarbonization and electrification of modern railway transportation the demand for both the highcapacity electrical energy and hydrogen fuel energy is increasingly high. A novel scheme was proposed from liquid hydrogen production by surplus wind and solar energy to liquid hydrogen-electricity hybrid energy transmission for railway transportation. The 100 MW hybrid energy transmission pipeline was designed with the 10 kA/1.5 kV superconducting DC cable for electricity and cryogenic layers for liquid hydrogen and liquid nitrogen showing strong capability in transmitting “electricity + cold energy + chemical energy” simultaneously. Economic evaluation was performed with respect to the energy equipment capacity and costs with sensitivity and profitability analysis. With the discount rate 8% the dynamic payback period of the hybrid energy pipeline was 7.1 years. Results indicated that the shortest dynamic payback period of the hybrid energy pipeline was 4.8 years with the maximum transmission distance 93 km. Overall this article shows the novel concept and design of liquid hydrogen-electricity hybrid energy pipelines and proves the technical and economic feasibilities for future bulk hybrid energy transmission for railway transportation.
Shipping the Sunshine: An Open-source Model for Costing Renewable Hydrogen Transport from Australia
Apr 2022
Green hydrogen (H2) is emerging as a future clean energy carrier. While there exists significant analysis on global renewable (and non-renewable) hydrogen generation costs analysis of its transportation costs irrespective of production method is still limited. Complexities include the different forms in which hydrogen can be transported the limited experience to date in shipping some of these carrier forms the trade routes potentially involved and the possible use of different shipping fuels. Herein we present an open-source model developed to assist stakeholders in assessing the costs of shipping various forms of hydrogen over different routes. It includes hydrogen transport in the forms of liquid hydrogen (LH2) ammonia liquified natural gas (LNG) methanol and liquid organic hydrogen carriers (LOHCs). It considers both fixed and variable costs including port fees possible canal usage charges fuel costs ship capital and operating costs boil-off losses and possible environmental taxes among many others. The model is applied to the Rotterdam-Australia route as a case study revealing ammonia ($0.56/kgH2) and methanol ($0.68/kgH2) as the least expensive hydrogen derivatives to transport followed by liquified natural gas ($1.07/kgH2) liquid organic hydrogen carriers ($1.37/kgH2) and liquid hydrogen ($2.09/kgH2). While reducing the transportation distance led to lower shipping costs we note that the merit order of assumed underlying shipping costs remain unchanged. We also explore the impact of using hydrogen (or the hydrogen carrier) as a low/zero carbon emission fuel for the ships which led to lowering of costs for liquified natural gas ($0.88/kgH2) a similar cost for liquid hydrogen ($2.19/kgH2) and significant increases for the remainder. Given our model is open-sourced it can be adapted globally and updated to match the changing cost dynamics of the emerging green hydrogen market.
Finding Synergy Between Renewables and Coal: Flexible Power and Hydrogen Production from Advanced IGCC Plants with Integrated CO2 Capture
Feb 2021
Variable renewable energy (VRE) has seen rapid growth in recent years. However VRE deployment requires a fleet of dispatchable power plants to supply electricity during periods with limited wind and sunlight. These plants will operate at reduced utilization rates that pose serious economic challenges. To address this challenge this paper presents the techno-economic assessment of flexible power and hydrogen production from integrated gasification combined cycles (IGCC) employing the gas switching combustion (GSC) technology for CO2 capture and membrane assisted water gas shift (MAWGS) reactors for hydrogen production. Three GSC-MAWGS-IGCC plants are evaluated based on different gasification technologies: Shell High Temperature Winkler and GE. These advanced plants are compared to two benchmark IGCC plants one without and one with CO2 capture. All plants utilize state-of-the-art H-class gas turbines and hot gas clean-up for maximum efficiency. Under baseload operation the GSC plants returned CO2 avoidance costs in the range of 24.9–36.9 €/ton compared to 44.3 €/ton for the benchmark. However the major advantage of these plants is evident in the more realistic mid-load scenario. Due to the ability to keep operating and sell hydrogen to the market during times of abundant wind and sun the best GSC plants offer a 6–11%-point higher annual rate of return than the benchmark plant with CO2 capture. This large economic advantage shows that the flexible GSC plants are a promising option for balancing VRE provided a market for the generated clean hydrogen exists.
Dynamic Emulation of a PEM Electrolyzer by Time Constant Based Exponential Model
Feb 2019
The main objective of this paper is to develop a dynamic emulator of a proton exchange membrane (PEM) electrolyzer (EL) through an equivalent electrical model. Experimental investigations have highlighted the capacitive effect of EL when subjecting to dynamic current profiles which so far has not been reported in the literature. Thanks to a thorough experimental study the electrical domain of a PEM EL composed of 3 cells has been modeled under dynamic operating conditions. The dynamic emulator is based on an equivalent electrical scheme that takes into consideration the dynamic behavior of the EL in cases of sudden variation in the supply current. The model parameters were identified for a suitable current interval to consider them as constant and then tested with experimental data. The obtained results through the developed dynamic emulator have demonstrated its ability to accurately replicate the dynamic behavior of a PEM EL.
Everything About Hydrogen Podcast: Hydrogen in the E-Mobility Sector
Oct 2021
Quantron AG was created in 2019 as a high-tech spin-off of the well-known Haller GmbH & Co. KG with the vision of paving the way for e-mobility in inner-city and regional passenger and cargo transportation. Quantron AG combines innovative ability and expertise in e-vans e-trucks and e-buses with the long-standing knowledge and experience of Haller GmbH & Co. KG in the commercial vehicle sector. The company's approach to e-Mobility is defined by its commitment to leveraging the most effective zero-emission vehicle technology for the use case which means Quantron is building both hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) and battery electric vehicles (BEVs) for its clients.
The podcast can be found on the website
The podcast can be found on the website
From Renewable Energy to Sustainable Protein Sources: Advancement, Challenges, and Future Roadmaps
Jan 2022
The concerns over food security and protein scarcity driven by population increase and higher standards of living have pushed scientists toward finding new protein sources. A considerable proportion of resources and agricultural lands are currently dedicated to proteinaceous feed production to raise livestock and poultry for human consumption. The 1st generation of microbial protein (MP) came into the market as land-independent proteinaceous feed for livestock and aquaculture. However MP may be a less sustainable alternative to conventional feeds such as soybean meal and fishmeal because this technology currently requires natural gas and synthetic chemicals. These challenges have directed researchers toward the production of 2nd generation MP by integrating renewable energies anaerobic digestion nutrient recovery biogas cleaning and upgrading carbon-capture technologies and fermentation. The fermentation of methane-oxidizing bacteria (MOB) and hydrogen-oxidizing bacteria (HOB) i.e. two protein rich microorganisms has shown a great potential on the one hand to upcycle effluents from anaerobic digestion into protein rich biomass and on the other hand to be coupled to renewable energy systems under the concept of Power-to-X. This work compares various production routes for 2nd generation MP by reviewing the latest studies conducted in this context and introducing the state-of-the-art technologies hoping that the findings can accelerate and facilitate upscaling of MP production. The results show that 2nd generation MP depends on the expansion of renewable energies. In countries with high penetration of renewable electricity such as Nordic countries off-peak surplus electricity can be used within MP-industry by supplying electrolytic H2 which is the driving factor for both MOB and HOB-based MP production. However nutrient recovery technologies are the heart of the 2nd generation MP industry as they determine the process costs and quality of the final product. Although huge attempts have been made to date in this context some bottlenecks such as immature nutrient recovery technologies less efficient fermenters with insufficient gas-to-liquid transfer and costly electrolytic hydrogen production and storage have hindered the scale up of MP production. Furthermore further research into techno-economic feasibility and life cycle assessment (LCA) of coupled technologies is still needed to identify key points for improvement and thereby secure a sustainable production system.
Everything About Hydrogen Podcast: Hydrogen, Net Zero and Circularity a Perfect Syzygy!
Jul 2020
On this week's show we speak with Trevor Best CEO of Syzygy Plasmonics a Houston area startup who is a pioneer in the field of photocatalytic based hydrogen production. The company has recently closed its series A funding round. We discuss with Trevor the potential applications of the Syzygy approach and where they are aiming to engage the market first as well as his view of the evolution of the hydrogen market today. All this and more on the show!
The podcast can be found on their website
The podcast can be found on their website
Analysis of Standard and Innovative Methods for Allocating Upstream and Refinery GHG Emissions to Oil Products
Sep 2017
Alternative fuel policies need accurate and transparent methods to find the embedded carbon intensity of individual refinery products. This study investigates different ways of allocating greenhouse gases emissions deriving from refining and upstream crude oil supply. Allocation methods based on mass energy content economic value and innovatively added-value are compared with the marginal refining emissions calculated by CONCAWE’s linear-programming model to the average EU refinery which has been adopted as reference in EU legislation. Beside the most important transportation fuels (gasoline diesel kerosene/jet fuel and heavy fuel oil) the analysis extends to petroleum coke and refinery hydrogen. Moreover novel criteria based on the implications due to hydrogen usage by each fuel pathway have been introduced to test the consistency of the analyzed approaches. It is found that only two economic-based allocation methods are consistent with the introduced criteria. These two methods also give negative refinery emissions for heavy products which is coherent with the marginal emissions calculated through the CONCAWE refinery model. The recommended allocation methods are transparent and use only publicly available statistical data so they may be useful not only for future EU legislation but also in jurisdictions where a representative refinery model is not available.
Modeling Hydrogen Refueling Infrastructure to Support Passenger Vehicles
May 2018
The year 2014 marked hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) first becoming commercially available in California where significant investments are being made to promote the adoption of alternative transportation fuels. A refueling infrastructure network that guarantees adequate coverage and expands in line with vehicle sales is required for FCEVs to be successfully adopted by private customers. In this paper we provide an overview of modelling methodologies used to project hydrogen refueling infrastructure requirements to support FCEV adoption and we describe in detail the National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s scenario evaluation and regionalization analysis (SERA) model. As an example we use SERA to explore two alternative scenarios of FCEV adoption: one in which FCEV deployment is limited to California and several major cities in the United States; and one in which FCEVs reach widespread adoption becoming a major option as passenger vehicles across the entire country. Such scenarios can provide guidance and insights for efforts required to deploy the infrastructure supporting transition toward different levels of hydrogen use as a transportation fuel for passenger vehicles in the United States.
Everything About Hydrogen Podcast: Storage for the Future!
Jan 2022
For our first episode of 2022 we invited Jørn Helge Dahl Global Director of Sales&Marketing at Hexagon Purus to talk about hydrogen storage with the EAH podcast and to explain the types of solutions available today Hexagon's history and plans for the future alongside some commentary on US hydrogen strategy from the gang.
The podcast can be found on their website
The podcast can be found on their website
A New Energy System Based on Biomass Gasification for Hydrogen and Power Production
Apr 2020
In this paper a new gasification system is developed for the three useful outputs of electricity heat and hydrogen and reported for practical energy applications. The study also investigates the composition of syngas leaving biomass gasifier. The composition of syngas is represented by the fractions of hydrogen carbon dioxide carbon monoxide and water. The integrated energy system comprises of an entrained flow gasifier a Cryogenic Air Separation (CAS) unit a double-stage Rankine cycle Water Gas Shift Reactor (WGSR) a combined gas–steam power cycle and a Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) electrolyzer. The whole integrated system is modeled in the Aspen plus 9.0 excluding the PEM electrolyzer which is modeled in Engineering Equation Solver (EES). A comprehensive parametric investigation is conducted by varying numerous parameters like biomass flow rate steam flow rate air input flow rate combustion reactor temperature and power supplied to the electrolyzer. The system is designed in a way to supply the power produced by the steam Rankine cycle to the PEM electrolyzer for hydrogen production. The overall energy efficiency is obtained to be 53.7% where the exergy efficiency is found to be 45.5%. Furthermore the effect of the biomass flow rate is investigated on the various system operational parameters.
Demonstration of a kW-scale Solid Oxide Fuel Cell-calciner for Power Generation and Production of Calcined Materials
Aug 2019
Carbonate looping (CaL) has been shown to be less energy-intensive when compared to mature carbon capture technologies. Further reduction in the efficiency penalties can be achieved by employing a more efficient source of heat for the calcination process instead of oxy-fuel combustion. In this study a kW-scale solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC)-integrated calciner was designed and developed to evaluate the technical feasibility of simultaneously generating power and driving the calcination process using the high-grade heat of the anode off-gas. Such a system can be integrated with CaL systems or employed as a negative-emission technology where the calcines are used to capture CO2 from the atmosphere. The demonstration unit consisted of a planar SOFC stack operating at 750 °C and a combined afterburner/calciner to combust hydrogen slip from the anode off-gas and thermally decompose magnesite dolomite and limestone. The demonstrator generated up to 2 kWelDC power achieved a temperature in the range of 530–550 °C at the inlet of the afterburner and up to 678 °C in the calciner which was sufficient to demonstrate full calcination of magnesite and partial calcination of dolomite. However in order to achieve the temperature required for calcination of limestone further scale-up and heat integration are needed. These results confirmed technical feasibility of the SOFC-calciner concept for production of calcined materials either for the market or for direct air capture (DAC).
Electric Mobility in Portugal: Current Situation and Forecasts for Fuel Cell Vehicles
Nov 2021
In recent years the growing concern for air quality has led to the development of sustainable vehicles to replace conventional internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles. Currently the most widespread technology in Europe and Portugal is that of Battery Electric Vehicles (BEV) or plug‐in HEV (PHEV) electric cars but hydrogen‐based transport has also shown significant growth in the commercialization of Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEV) and in the development of new infrastructural schemes. In the current panorama of EV particular attention should be paid to hydrogen technology i.e. FCEVs which is potentially a valid alternative to BEVs and can also be hybrid (FCHEV) and plug‐in hybrid (FCPHEV). Several sources cited show a positive trend of hydrogen in the transport sector identifying a growing trend in the expansion of hydrogen infrastructure although at this time it is still at an early stage of development. At the moment the cost of building the infrastructure is still high but on the basis of medium/long‐term scenarios it is clear that investments in hydrogen refueling stations will be profitable if the number of Fuel Cell vehicles increases. Conversely the Fuel Cell vehicle market is hampered if there is no adequate infrastructure for hydrogen development. The opportunity to use Fuel Cells to store electrical energy is quite fascinating and bypasses some obstacles encountered with BEVs. The advantages are clear since the charging times are reduced compared to charging from an electric charging post and the long‐distance voyage is made easier as the autonomy is much larger i.e. the psycho‐ sociological anxiety is avoided. Therefore the first part of the paper provides an overview of the current state of electric mobility in Portugal and the strategies adopted by the country. This is necessary to have a clear vision of how a new technology is accepted by the population and develops on the territory that is the propensity of citizens to technological change. Subsequently using current data on EV development and comparing information from recent years this work aims to investigate the future prospects of FCEVs in Portugal by adopting a dynamic model called SERA (Scenario Evaluation and Regionalization Analysis) with which it is possible to identify the Portuguese districts and cities where an FC charging infrastructure is expected to be most beneficial. From the results obtained the districts of Lisbon Porto and Aveiro seem to be the most interested in adopting FC technology. This analysis aims to ensure a measured view of the credible development of this market segment.
Everything About Hydrogen Podcast: Electron Stewardship in the Orkney Islands
Nov 2019
On this weeks episode the team are talking all things hydrogen in the Orkneys with Adele Lidderdale (Hydrogen Officer for Orkney Island Council) and Jon Clipsham (Hydrogen Manager EMEC). While the islands are best known for their exceptional wildlife whisky and cruise ships the Orkney islands have also emerged as a hub for the green hydrogen economy. Working alongside local government community groups research agencies and private sector partners the islands have deployed hydrogen solutions to heat a school power ferries in port move local council workers from A to B and in the future perhaps make Gin?! All this and more on the show.
The podcast can be found on their website
The podcast can be found on their website
Gasification of Solid Fuels (Coal, Biomass and MSW): Overview, Challenges and Mitigation Strategies
Jun 2022
Currently hydrogen energy is the most promising energy vector while gasification is one of the major routes for its production. However gasification suffers from various issues including slower carbon conversion poor syngas quality lower heating value and higher emissions. Multiple factors affect gasification performance such as the selection of gasifiers feedstock’s physicochemical properties and operating conditions. In this review the status of gasification key gasifier technologies and the effect of solid-fuel (i.e. coal biomass and MSW) properties on gasification performance are reviewed critically. Based on the current review the co-gasification of coal biomass and solid waste along with a partial utilisation of CO2 as a reactant are suggested. Furthermore a technological breakthrough in carbon capture and sequestration is needed to make it industrially viable
Integrating a Top-Gas Recycling and CO2 Electrolysis Process for H2-Rich Gas Injection and Reduce CO2 Emissions from an Ironmaking Blast Furnace
Mar 2022
Introducing CO2 electrochemical conversion technology to the iron-making blast furnace not only reduces CO2 emissions but also produces H2 as a byproduct that can be used as an auxiliary reductant to further decrease carbon consumption and emissions. With adequate H2 supply to the blast furnace the injection of H2 is limited because of the disadvantageous thermodynamic characteristics of the H2 reduction reaction in the blast furnace. This paper presents thermodynamic analysis of H2 behaviour at different stages with the thermal requirement consideration of an iron-making blast furnace. The effect of injecting CO2 lean top gas and CO2 conversion products H2–CO gas through the raceway and/or shaft tuyeres are investigated under different operating conditions. H2 utilisation efficiency and corresponding injection volume are studied by considering different reduction stages. The relationship between H2 injection and coke rate is established. Injecting 7.9–10.9 m3/tHM of H2 saved 1 kg/tHM coke rate depending on injection position. Compared with the traditional blast furnace injecting 80 m3/tHM of H2 with a medium oxygen enrichment rate (9%) and integrating CO2 capture and conversion reduces CO2 emissions from 534 to 278 m3/tHM. However increasing the hydrogen injection amount causes this iron-making process to consume more energy than a traditional blast furnace does.
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