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Assessing the Feasibility of a Green Hydrogen Economy in Selected African Regions with Composite Indicators


This study offers a comprehensive analysis of the feasibility of green hydrogen economies in Western and Southern African regions, focusing on the ECOWAS and SADC countries. Utilizing a novel approach based on composite indicators, the research evaluates the potential, readiness, and overall feasibility of green hydrogen production and export across these regions. The study incorporates various factors, including the technical potential of renewable energy sources, water resource availability, energy security, and existing infrastructure for transport and export. Country-specific analyses reveal unique insights into the diverse potential of nations like South Africa, Lesotho, Ghana, Nigeria, Angola, and Namibia, each with its unique strengths and challenges in the context of green hydrogen. The research findings underscore the complexity of developing green hydrogen economies, highlighting the need for nuanced, region-specific approaches that consider technical, socioeconomic, geopolitical, and environmental factors. The paper concludes that cooperation and integration between countries in the regions may be crucial for the success of a future green hydrogen economy

Funding source: This work has been possible thanks to the funding of the H2AtlasAfrica project by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and JUST-GREEN AFRH2ICA project by the EU Horizon Europe.
Related subjects: Policy & Socio-Economics
Countries: Germany ; Italy

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