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Impact of Depth on Underground Hydrogen Storage Operations in Deep Aquifers


Underground hydrogen storage in geological structures is considered appropriate for storing large amounts of hydrogen. Using the geological Konary structure in the deep saline aquifers, an analysis of the influence of depth on hydrogen storage was carried out. Hydrogen injection and withdrawal modeling was performed using TOUGH2 software, assuming different structure depths. Changes in the relevant parameters for the operation of an underground hydrogen storage facility, including the amount of H2 injected in the initial filling period, cushion gas, working gas, and average amount of extracted water, are presented. The results showed that increasing the depth to approximately 1500 m positively affects hydrogen storage (flow rate of injected hydrogen, total capacity, and working gas). Below this depth, the trend was reversed. The cushion gas-to-working gas ratio did not significantly change with increasing depth. Its magnitude depends on the length of the initial hydrogen filling period. An increase in the depth of hydrogen storage is associated with a greater amount of extracted water. Increasing the duration of the initial hydrogen filling period will reduce the water production but increase the cushion gas volume.

Funding source: This research was funded by the “Excellent Science” program of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Poland (grant no. DNK/SP/547981/2022).
Countries: Poland

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