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Green Hydrogen Integration in Aluminium Recycling: Techno-economic Analysis Towards Sustainability Transition in the Expanding Aluminium Market


The use of aluminum-based products is widespread and growing, particularly in industries such as automotive, food packaging, and construction. Obtaining aluminum is expensive and energy-intensive, making the recycling of existing products essential for economic and environmental viability. This work explores the potential of using green hydrogen as a replacement for natural gas in the smelting and refining furnaces in aluminum recycling facilities. The adoption of green hydrogen has the potential to curtail approximately 4.54 Ktons/year of CO2 emissions, rendering it a sustainable and economically advantageous solution. The work evaluates the economic viability of a case study through assessing the Net Present Value (NPV) and the Internal Rate of Return (IRR). Furthermore, it is employed single- and multi-parameter sensitivity analyses to obtain insight on the most relevant conditions to achieve economic viability. Results demonstrate that integrating on-site green hydrogen generation yields a favorable NPV of €57,370, an IRR of 9.83%, and a 19.63-year payback period. The primary factors influencing NPV are the initial electricity consumption stack and the H2 price.

Funding source: Grants to Dr. Lorenzo. Reyes-Bozo from Universidad Autonoma ´ de Chile (“Apoyo a Eventos Científicos Nacionales o Internacionales” and Table 5 Analysis of the sensitivity to net present value. Assumptions Contribution to Variance (%) Rank Correlation Initial Electricity consumption stack (kWh/Nm3 ) 53.54 − 0.72 H2 price industry (€/kg) 23.73 0.48 H2 price trailer (€/kg) 6.88 0.26 O2 price (€/t) 6.86 0.26 Electrolyzer plant size (kW) 6.25 0.24 2.5 alkaline electrolyzer system (€) 1.47 − 0.12 L. Reyes-Bozo et al. Energy Conversion and Management: X 22 (2024) 100548 11 “Apoyo para Estadías de Investigacion ´ en el Extranjero para Acad´emicos Jerarquizados Asociados y Titulares ano ˜ 2023” both from Vice-Rector’s Office of Research and Doctorate). Further, the authors gratefully acknowledge funding from Agencia Nacional de Investigacion ´ y Desarrollo, Chile (ANID, ING 2030 Etapa 2, ING222010005 Project). Grants to Dr. Jos´e Luis Salazar from Universidad de Santiago de Chile from DICYT/USACH project No. 051611SN.
Related subjects: Applications & Pathways
Countries: Chile ; Ireland ; Spain

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