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Economic Evaluation and Technoeconomic Resilience Analysis of Two Routes for Hydrogen Production via Indirect Gasification in North Colombia


Hydrogen has become a prospective energy carrier for a cleaner, more sustainable economy, offering carbon-free energy to reduce reliance on fossil fuels and address climate change challenges. However, hydrogen production faces significant technological and economic hurdles that must be overcome to reveal its highest potential. This study focused on evaluating the economics and technoeconomic resilience of two large-scale hydrogen production routes from African palm empty fruit bunches (EFB) by indirect gasification. Computer-aided process engineering (CAPE) assessed multiple scenarios to identify bottlenecks and optimize economic performance indicators like gross profits, including depreciation, after-tax profitability, payback period, and net present value. Resilience for each route was also assessed, considering raw material costs and the market price of hydrogen in relation to gross profits and after-tax profitability. Route 1 achieved a gross profit (DGP) of USD 47.12 million and a profit after taxes (PAT) of USD 28.74 million, while Route 2 achieved a DGP of USD 46.53 million and a PAT of USD 28.38 million. The results indicated that Route 2, involving hydrogen production through an indirect gasification reactor with a Selexol solvent unit for carbon dioxide removal, demonstrated greater resilience in terms of raw material costs and product selling price.

Funding source: This research was funded by the Universidad de Cartagena throughout commitment act No. 121 of 2019.
Related subjects: Production & Supply Chain
Countries: Colombia

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