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Spatiotemporal Analysis of Hydrogen Requirement to Minimize Seasonal Variability in Future Solar and Wind Energy in South Korea


Renewable energy supply is essential for carbon neutrality; however, technologies aiming to optimally utilize renewable energy sources remain insufficient. Seasonal variability in renewable energy is a key issue, which many studies have attempted to overcome through operating systems and energy storage. Currently, hydrogen is the only technology that can solve this seasonal storage problem. In this study, the amount of hydrogen required to circumvent the seasonal variability in renewable energy supply in Korea was quantified. Spatiotemporal analysis was conducted using renewable energy resource maps and power loads. It was predicted that 50% of the total power demand in the future will be met using solar and wind power, and a scenario was established based on the solar-to-wind ratio. It was found that the required hydrogen production differed by approximately four-times, depending on the scenarios, highlighting the importance of supplying renewable energy at an appropriate ratio. Spatially, wind power was observed to be unsuitable for the physical transport of hydrogen because it has a high potential at mountain peaks and islands. The results of this study are expected to aid future hydrogen research and solve renewable energy variability problems.

Funding source: This work was supported by the Korea Institute of Energy Technology Evaluation and Planning (KETEP), grant funded by the Korean Government (MOTIE) (No. 20223030010090 / KIER C2-4334, “Development of 100m × 100m grid photovoltaic market potential analysis model in Korea and data platform”).
Related subjects: Policy & Socio-Economics
Countries: Korea, Republic of

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