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Evaluation of a Hydrogen Powered Scooter Toy Prototype


Electric scooters are used as alternative ways of transport because they easily make travel faster. However, the batteries can take around 5 h to charge and have an autonomy of 30 km. With the presence of the hydrogen cell, a hybrid system reduces the charging times and increases the autonomy of the vehicle by using two types of fuel. An increase of up to 80% in maximum distance and of 34% in operating times is obtained with a 1:10 scale prototype with the hydrogen cell; although more energy is withdrawn, the combined fuel efficiency increases, too. This suggests the cell that is used has the same behavior as some official reported vehicles, which have a long range but low power. This allows concluding that use of the cell is functional for load tests and that the comparison factor obtained works as input for real-scale scooter prototypes to compete with the traditional electric scooters.

Related subjects: Applications & Pathways
Countries: Chile ; Colombia

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