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Two-Dimensional Photocatalysts for Energy and Environmental Applications


The depletion of fossil fuels and onset of global warming dictate the achievement of efficient technologies for clean and renewable energy sources. The conversion of solar energy into chemical energy plays a vital role both in energy production and environmental protection. A photocatalytic approach for H2 production and CO2 reduction has been identified as a promising alternative for clean energy production and CO2 conversion. In this process, the most critical parameter that controls efficiency is the development of a photocatalyst. Two-dimensional nanomaterials have gained considerable attention due to the unique properties that arise from their morphology. In this paper, examples on the development of different 2D structures as photocatalysts in H2 production and CO2 reduction are discussed and a perspective on the challenges and required improvements is given.

Funding source: This work benefited from state aid managed by the French National Research Agency (ANR) under the Investments for the Future (program “Make Our Planet Great Again”) with reference ANR-18-MOPGA-0014. The research was partially funded by Democritus University of Thrace (project 82268).
Related subjects: Production & Supply Chain
Countries: Finland ; Greece

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