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Research on the Concept of Hydrogen Supply Chains and Power Grids Powered by Renewable Energy Sources: A Scoping Review with the Use of Text Mining


The key direction of political actions in the field of sustainable development of the energy sector and economy is the process of energy transformation (decarbonization) and increasing the share of renewable energy sources (RES) in the supply of primary energy. Regardless of the indisputable advantages, RES are referred to as unstable energy sources. A possible solution might be the development of the concept of hydrogen supply chains, especially the so-called green hydrogen obtained in the process of electrolysis from electricity produced from RES. The aim of the research undertaken in the article is to identify the scope of research carried out in the area of hydrogen supply chains and to link this research with the issues of the operation of electricity distribution networks powered by RES. As a result of the scoping review, and the application of the text-mining method using the IRaMuTeQ tool, which includes the analysis of the content of 12 review articles presenting the current research achievements in this field over the last three years (2016–2020), it was established that the issues related to hydrogen supply chains, including green hydrogen, are still not significantly associated with the problem of the operation of power grids. The results of the conducted research allow formulating recommendations for further research areas.

Funding source: This research was partially funded by the National Center for Research and Development (Poland) in the framework of the H2eBuffer project. Grant Nr POIR.04.01.04-00-0040/20 (2021–2023).
Countries: Poland

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