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Exploring Future Promising Technologies in Hydrogen Fuel Cell Transportation


The purpose of this research was to derive promising technologies for the transport of hydrogen fuel cells, thereby supporting the development of research and development policy and presenting directions for investment. We also provide researchers with information about technology that will lead the technology field in the future. Hydrogen energy, as the core of carbon neutral and green energy, is a major issue in changing the future industrial structure and national competitive advantage. In this study, we derived promising technology at the core of future hydrogen fuel cell transportation using the published US patent and paper databases (DB). We first performed text mining and data preprocessing and then discovered promising technologies through generative topographic mapping analysis. We analyzed both the patent DB and treatise DB in parallel and compared the results. As a result, two promising technologies were derived from the patent DB analysis, and five were derived from the paper DB analysis.

Funding source: This research was supported by “Development of liquid hydrogen based locomotive technology” of the Korea Railroad Research Institute, Korea
Related subjects: Policy & Socio-Economics
Countries: Korea, Republic of

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