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Performance of Common Rail Direct Injection (CRDi) Engine Using Ceiba Pentandra Biodiesel and Hydrogen Fuel Combination


An existing diesel engine was fitted with a common rail direct injection (CRDi) facility to inject fuel at higher pressure in CRDi mode. In the current work, rotating blades were incorporated in the piston cavity to enhance turbulence. Pilot fuels used are diesel and biodiesel of Ceiba pentandra oil (BCPO) with hydrogen supply during the suction stroke. Performance evaluation and emission tests for CRDi mode were carried out under different loading conditions. In the first part of the work, maximum possible hydrogen substitution without knocking was reported at an injection timing of 15◦ before top dead center (bTDC). In the second part of the work, fuel injection pressure (IP) was varied with maximum hydrogen fuel substitution. Then, in the third part of the work, exhaust gas recirculation (EGR), was varied to study the nitrogen oxides (NOx) generated. At 900 bar, HC emissions in the CRDi engine were reduced by 18.5% and CO emissions were reduced by 17% relative to the CI mode. NOx emissions from the CRDi engine were decreased by 28% relative to the CI engine mode. At 20%, EGR lowered the BTE by 14.2% and reduced hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxide and carbon monoxide by 6.3%, 30.5% and 9%, respectively, compared to the CI mode of operation.

Funding source: This work was funded by at King Khalid University under grant number R.G.P 2/107/41 and Taif University Researchers Supporting Project Number TURSP-2020/117, Taif University, Taif, Saudi Arabia
Related subjects: Applications & Pathways
Countries: India ; Saudi Arabia

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