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Experimental Characterization and Energy Performance Assessment of a Sorption-Enhanced Steam–Methane Reforming System


The production of blue hydrogen through sorption-enhanced processes has emerged as a suitable option to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Sorption-enhanced steam–methane reforming (SESMR) is a process intensification of highly endothermic steam–methane reforming (SMR), ensured by in situ carbon capture through a solid sorbent, making hydrogen production efficient and more environmentally sustainable. In this study, a comprehensive energy model of SESMR was developed to carry out a detailed energy characterization of the process, with the aim of filling a current knowledge gap in the literature. The model was applied to a bench-scale multicycle SESMR/sorbent regeneration test to provide an energy insight into the process. Besides the experimental advantages of higher hydrogen concentration (90 mol% dry basis, 70 mol% wet basis) and performance of CO2 capture, the developed energy model demonstrated that SESMR allows for substantially complete energy self-sufficiency through the process. In comparison to SMR with the same process conditions (650 ◦C, 1 atm) performed in the same experimental rig, SESMR improved the energy efficiency by about 10%, further reducing energy needs.

Funding source: The research was developed in the framework of the National Operating Program (PON) for Attraction and International Mobility (AIM)-AIM1829299, a project of the Italian Ministry of University (MIUR) to favor the international research collaboration.
Related subjects: Production & Supply Chain
Countries: Italy

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