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A Review for Consistent Analysis of Hydrogen Permeability through Dense Metallic Membranes


The hydrogen permeation coefficient (ϕ) is generally used as a measure to show hydrogen permeation ability through dense metallic membranes, which is the product of the Fick’s diffusion coefficient (D) and the Sieverts’ solubility constant (K). However, the hydrogen permeability of metal membranes cannot be analyzed consistently with this conventional description. In this paper, various methods for consistent analysis of hydrogen permeability are reviewed. The derivations of the descriptions are explained in detail and four applications of the consistent descriptions of hydrogen permeability are introduced: (1) prediction of hydrogen flux under given conditions, (2) comparability of hydrogen permeability, (3) understanding of the anomalous temperature dependence of hydrogen permeability of Pd-Ag alloy membrane, and (4) design of alloy composition of non-Pd-based alloy membranes to satisfy both high hydrogen permeability together with strong resistance to hydrogen embrittlement.

Funding source: CREST project (No. JPMJCR1443) Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST); KAKENHI (No. JP19H02454) Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
Countries: Japan

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