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Exploring the Capability of Mayenite (12CaO·7Al2O3) as Hydrogen Storage Material


We utilized nanoporous mayenite (12CaO·7Al2O3), a cost-effective material, in the hydride state (H) to explore the possibility of its use for hydrogen storage and transportation. Hydrogen desorption occurs by a simple reaction of mayenite with water, and the nanocage structure transforms into a calcium aluminate hydrate. This reaction enables easy desorption of H ions trapped in the structure, which could allow the use of this material in future portable applications. Additionally, this material is 100% recyclable because the cage structure can be recovered by heat treatment after hydrogen desorption. The presence of hydrogen molecules as H ions was confirmed by 1H-NMR, gas chromatography, and neutron diffraction analyses. We confirmed the hydrogen state stability inside the mayenite cage by the first-principles calculations to understand the adsorption mechanism and storage capacity and to provide a key for the use of mayenite as a portable hydrogen storage material. Further, we succeeded in introducing H directly from OH by a simple process compared with previous studies that used long treatment durations and required careful control of humidity and oxygen gas to form O2 species before the introduction of H.

Funding source: Regional Innovation Strategy Support Program of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
Related subjects: Production & Supply Chain
Countries: Japan

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