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MELCOR Analysis of a SPARC Experiment for Spray-PAR Interaction During a Hydrogen Release


A series of experiments were performed in the SPARC (spray-aerosol-recombiner-combustion) test facility to simulate a hydrogen mitigation system with the actuation of a PAR (passive auto-catalytic re-combiner) and spray system. In this study, the SPARC-SPRAY-PAR (SSP1) experiment is chosen to benchmark the MELCOR (a lumped-parameter code for severe accident analysis) predictions against test data. For this purpose, firstly we prepared the base input model of the SPARC test vessel, and tested it by a simple verification problem with well-defined boundary conditions. The implementation of a currently used PAR correlation in MELCOR is shown to be appropriate for the simulation of a PAR actuation experiment. In an SSP1 experiment, the PAR is reacting with hydrogen, and the spray actuation starts as soon as hydrogen injection is complete. The MELCOR simulation well predicts the pressure behavior and the gas flow affected by operating both a PAR and spray system. However, the local hydrogen concentration measurement near the inlet nozzle is much higher than the volume average-value by MELCOR, since high jet flow from the nozzle is dispersed in the corresponding cell volume. The experimental reproduction of the phenomena we expect, or, conversely, the identification of phenomena we do not understand, will continue to support the verification of analytical models using experimental data and to analyze the impact of spray on PAR operations in severe accident conditions.

Funding source: National Research Foundation of Korea
Related subjects: Production & Supply Chain
Countries: Korea, Republic of

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