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Effect of Gasoline Pool Fire on Liquid Hydrogen Storage Tank in Hybrid Hydrogen-gasoline Fueling Station


Multiple-energy-fuelling stations, which can supply several types of energy such as gasoline, CNG, and hydrogen, could guarantee the efficient use of space. To guide the safety management of hybrid hydrogen–gasoline fuelling stations, which utilize liquid hydrogen as an energy carrier, the scale of gasoline pool fires was estimated using the hazard assessment tool Toxic Release Analysis of Chemical Emissions (TRACE). Subsequently, the temperature and the stress due to temperature distribution were estimated using ANSYS. Based on the results, the safety of liquid hydrogen storage tanks was discussed. It was inferred that the emissivity of the outer material of the tank and the safety distance between liquid hydrogen storage tanks and gasoline dispensers should be less than 0.2 and more than 8.5 m, respectively, to protect the liquid hydrogen storage tank from the gasoline pool fire. To reduce the safety distance, several measures are required, e.g. additional thermal shields such as protective intumescent paint and water sprinkler systems and an increased slope to lead gasoline off to a safe domain away from the liquid hydrogen storage tank

Countries: Japan

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