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Techno-economic Analysis on Renewable Energy Via Hydrogen, Views from Macro and Micro Scopes


This paper addresses from both macro- and micro- areal coverage in introducing hydrogen system in terms of cost and performance, where the produced hydrogen from surplus photovoltaic (PV) power is stored. Feed-in tariff in Japan had successful achievement for great expansion of renewable energy systems (RES), causing problematic operation due to excess power by overcapacity of RES. One of the candidate approaches to overcome this surplus energy by RES is Power to gas (P2G) system, using electrolysis cells (ECs), fuel cells (FCs) or co-firing in gas turbines, both for energy conversion as well as power balancing. Numerous studies had been investigated on P2G however, within our knowledge no study had been addressed the system from both coverages with different capacity and scales. We investigate micro level (zero emission building in our university) and macro level (Kyushu, one of big regions in Japan). We describe for macro side preliminary result on economic analysis of using surplus power of RES via production and storage of hydrogen while for micro side research design.

Related subjects: Production & Supply Chain
Countries: Japan

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