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Government Strategy on Hydrogen - The Netherlands


Low-carbon gases are indispensable to any energy system that is reliable, clean, affordable, safe and is suited to spatial integration, and zero-carbon hydrogen is a crucial link in that chain1. The most common element in the universe seems to have a highly bonding effect in the Netherlands – particularly as a result of the unique starting position of our country. This is made clear in the agreements of the National Climate Agreement, which includes an ambitious target for hydrogen, supported by a large and broad group of stakeholders. Industrial clusters and ports regard hydrogen as an indispensable part of their future and sustainability strategy. For the transport sector, hydrogen (in combination with fuel cells) is crucial to achieving zero emissions transport. The agricultural sector has identified opportunities for the production of hydrogen and for its use. Cities, regions and provinces are keen to get started on implementing hydrogen.
The government embraces these targets and recognises the power of the framework for action demonstrated by so many parties. The focus on clean hydrogen in the Netherlands will lead to the creation of new jobs, improvements to air quality and, moreover, is crucial to the energy transition.

Related subjects: Policy & Socio-Economics
Countries: Netherlands

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