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Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Observatory Hydrogen Molecule Market Report


The purpose of the hydrogen molecule market analysis is to track changes in the structure of hydrogen supply and demand in Europe. This report is mainly focused on presenting the current landscape - that will allow for future year-on-year comparisons, in order to assess the progress Europe is making with regards to deployment of clean hydrogen production capacities as well as development of demand for clean hydrogen from emerging new hydrogen applications in the mobility sector or in industry. The following report summarizes the hydrogen molecule market landscape and contains data about hydrogen production and consumption in the EEA countries (EU countries, together with Switzerland, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein). Hydrogen production capacity is presented by country and by technology, whereas the hydrogen consumption data is presented by country and by end-use sector. The analysis undertaken for this report was completed using data available at the end of 2019. Hydrogen market (on both the demand and supply side) is dominated by ammonia and refining industries with three countries (DE, NL, PL) responsible for almost half hydrogen consumption. Today hydrogen is overwhelmingly produced by reforming of fossil fuels (mostly natural gas). Clean hydrogen production capacities are insignificant with blue hydrogen capacities at below 1% and green hydrogen production capacity below 0.1% of total.

Funding source: The Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Observatory has been prepared for the FCH 2 JU under a public procurement contract/EU
Related subjects: Production & Supply Chain
Countries: Belgium

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