Policy & Socio-Economics
Cost and Competitiveness of Green Hydrogen and the Effects of the European Union Regulatory Framework
May 2024
By passing the delegated acts supplementing the revised Renewable Energy Directive the European Commission has recently set a regulatory benchmark for the classifcation of green hydrogen in the European Union. Controversial reactions to the restricted power purchase for electrolyser operation refect the need for more clarity about the efects of the delegated acts on the cost and the renewable characteristics of green hydrogen. To resolve this controversy we compare diferent power purchase scenarios considering major uncertainty factors such as electricity prices and the availability of renewables in various European locations. We show that the permission for unrestricted electricity mix usage does not necessarily lead to an emission intensity increase partially debilitating concerns by the European Commission and could notably decrease green hydrogen production cost. Furthermore our results indicate that the transitional regulations adopted to support a green hydrogen production ramp-up can result in similar cost reductions and ensure high renewable electricity usage.
Water Electrolysis and Hydrogen in the European Union - Status Report on Technology Development, Trends, Value Chains & Markets
Jan 2024
This report is an output of the Clean Energy Technology Observatory (CETO) and is an update of the “Water electrolysis and hydrogen in the European Union” 2023 CETO report. CETO’s objective is to provide an evidencebased analysis feeding the policy making process and hence increasing the effectiveness of R&I policies for clean energy technologies and solutions. It monitors EU research and innovation activities on clean energy technologies needed for the delivery of the European Green Deal; and assesses the competitiveness of the EU clean energy sector and its positioning in the global energy market. CETO is being implemented by the Joint Research Centre for DG Research and Innovation Energy in coordination with DG Energy.
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