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Notes on the Development of the Hydrogen Supplement to IGEM/TD13 > 7 bar


IGEM/TD/13 Standard applies to the safe design, construction, inspection, testing, operation and maintenance of pressure regulating installations (PRIs) in accordance with current knowledge and operational experience.
This Supplement provides additional requirements for new PRIs to be used for the transmission of Hydrogen, including Natural Gas/Hydrogen blended mixtures (subsequently referred to as NG/H blends), and for the repurposing of Natural Gas (NG) PRIs for Hydrogen service.
NG/H blends are considered to be equivalent to 100 mol % Hydrogen with respect to limits on design stresses, the potential effect on the material properties, and damage and defect categories and acceptance levels, unless an additional technical evaluation is carried out to qualify the materials.
NG/H blends containing in excess of 10 mol % Hydrogen are considered to be equivalent to 100 mol.% Hydrogen with respect to all other requirements except for hazardous areas.
This Supplement gives additional recommendations for PRIs and installations:

  • with an upstream maximum operating pressure (MOP) not greater than 100 bar
  • with an outlet pressure greater than or equal to 7 bar
  • for use with Hydrogen or NG/H blends with a Hydrogen content greater than 10 %
  • operating with a temperature range between -20°C and 120°C.
The supplement can be purchased on the IGEM website

Countries: United Kingdom

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