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The Future of Clean Hydrogen in the United States: Views from Industry, Market Innovators, and Investors


This report, The Future of Clean Hydrogen in the United States: Views from Industry, Market Innovators, and Investors, sheds light on the rapidly evolving hydrogen market based on 72 exploratory interviews with organizations across the current and emerging hydrogen value chain. This report is part of a series, From Kilograms to Gigatons: Pathways for Hydrogen Market Formation in the United States, which will build on this study to evaluate policy opportunities for further hydrogen development in the United States. The goal of the interviews was to provide a snapshot of the clean hydrogen investment environment and better understand organizations’ market outlook, investment rationale, and areas of interest. This interview approach was supported by traditional research methods to contextualize and enrich the qualitative findings. This report should be understood as input to a more extensive EFI analysis of hydrogen market formation in the United States; the directions that companies are pursuing in hydrogen production, transport and storage, and end use at this early stage of value chain development will inform subsequent analysis in important ways.

Related subjects: Policy & Socio-Economics
Countries: United States

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