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Hydrogen Powered Aviation: A Fact-based Study of Hydrogen Technology, Economics, and Climate Impact by 2050


This report assesses the potential of hydrogen (H2) propulsion to reduce aviation’s climate impact. To reduce climate impact, the industry will have to introduce further levers such as radically new technology, significantly scale sustainable aviation fuels (SAF) such as synthetic fuel (synfuel), temporarily rely on offsets in large quantities, or rely on a combination thereof. H2 propulsion is one such technology, and this report assesses its potential in aviation. Developed with input from leading companies and research institutes, it projects the technological development of H2 combustion and fuel cell-powered propulsion, evaluates their technical and economic feasibility, compares them to synfuel, and considers implications on aircraft design, airport infrastructure, and fuel supply chains.

Funding source: Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking
Related subjects: Applications & Pathways
Countries: Luxembourg

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