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Numerical Analysis of Detonation Propensity of Hydrogen-air Mixtures with Addition of Methane, Ethane or Propane
Oct 2015
The detonation propensity of hydrogen-air mixtures with addition of methane ethane or propane in wide range of compositions is analyzed. The analysis concerned the detonation cell width ignition delay time RSB and parameters. Results are presented as a function of hydrogen molar fraction. Computations were performed with the use of three Cantera 2.1.1. scripts in the Matlab R2010b environment. The validated mechanisms of chemical reactions based on data available in the literature were used. Six mechanisms were assessed: GRI-Mech 3.0 LLNL SanDiego Wang POLIMI and AramcoMech. In conclusion the relation between detonation propensity parameters is discussed.
Blast Wave from Bursting Enclosure with Internal Hydrogen-air Deflagration
Oct 2015
Most studies on blast waves generated by gas explosions have focused on gas explosions occurring in open spaces. However accidental gas explosions often occur in confined spaces and the blast wave generates from a bursting vessel as a result of an increase in pressure caused by the gas explosion. In this study blast waves from bursting plastic vessels in which gas explosions occurred are investigated. The flammable mixtures used in the experiments were hydrogen-air mixtures at several equivalence ratios and a stoichiometric methane-air mixture. The overpressures of the blast waves were generated by venting high-pressure gas in the enclosure and volumetric expansion with a combustion reaction. The measured intensities of the blast waves were greater than the calculated values resulting from high-pressure bursting without a combustion reaction. The intensities of the blast waves resulting from the explosions of hydrogen-air mixtures were much greater than those of the methane-air mixture.
Numerical Simulation of Deflagration-to-detonation Transition in Hydrogen-air Mixtures with Concentration Gradients
Oct 2015
Flame acceleration in inhomogeneous combustible gas mixture has largely been overlooked despite being relevant to many accidental scenarios. The present study aims to validate our newly developed density-based solver ExplosionFoam for flame acceleration and deflagration-to-detonation transition. The solver is based on the open source computational fluid dynamics (CFD) platform OpenFOAM®. For combustion it uses the hydrogen-air single-step chemistry and the corresponding transport coefficients developed by the authors. Numerical simulations have been conducted for the experimental set up of Ettner et al. [1] which involves flame acceleration and DDT in both homogeneous hydrogen-air mixture as well as an inhomogeneous mixture with concentration gradients in an obstucted channel. The predictions demonstrate good quantitative agreement with the experimental measurements in flame tip position speed and pressure profiles. Qualitatively the numerical simulations reproduce well the flame acceleration and DDT phenomena observed in the experiment. The results have shown that in the computed cases DDT is induced by the interaction of the precursor inert shock wave with the wall close to high hydrogen concentration rather than with the obstacle. Some vortex pairs appear ahead of the flame due to the interaction between the obstacles and the gas flow caused by combustion-induced expansion but they soon disappear after the flame passes through them. Hydrogen cannot be completely consumed especially in the fuel rich region. This is of additional safety concern as the unburned hydrogen can potentially re-ignite once more fresh air is available in an accidental scenario causing subsequent explosions. The results demonstrate the potential of the newly developed density based solver for modelling flame acceleration and DDT in both homogeneous/inhomogeneous hydrogen-air mixture. Further validation needs to be carried out for other mixtures and large-scale cases.
A Study on the Continuous Spill with Limited Period of Release
Sep 2013
In this study the spread of cryogenic liquid due to a limited period of release is investigated for the first time to clarify the unclear conventional concept regarding two release types continuous and instantaneous release. In describing instantaneous release a discharge time has been assumed to be infinitesimally small; however such an assumption is unreal because there exists a finite period of release no matter how rapid it is. If the discharge time is less than the entire time domain the instantaneous release model should be added to the continuous model from the end of the time. This combined release that consists of the initial continuous model and subsequent instantaneous model is more realistic than the instantaneous release. The physical phenomenon is governed by three parameters: the evaporation rate per unit area release time and spill quantity. Third-order perturbation solutions are obtained and compared with a numerical solution to verify the perturbation solution. For the same spill quantity the combined model that consists of continuous and subsequent instantaneous model is necessary for small release times whereas the continuous model is only required for large release times. Additionally the combined release model is necessary for a small spill quantity at a fixed release time. These two release models are clearly distinguished using the perturbation solution.
Hot Surface Ignition of Hydrogen-air Mixtures
Oct 2015
Hot surface ignition is relevant in the context of industrial safety. In the present work two-dimensional simulations with detailed chemistry and study of the reaction pathways of the buoyancy-driven flow and ignition of a stoichiometric hydrogen-air mixture by a rapidly heated surface (glowplug) are reported. Experimentally ignition is observed to occur regularly at the top of the glowplug; numerical results for hydrogen-air reproduce this trend and shed light on this behaviour. The simulations show the importance of flow separation in creating zones where convective losses are minimized and heat diffusion is maximized resulting in the critical conditions for ignition to take place.
An Experimental Study on Mechanism of Self-ignition of High-pressure Hydrogen
Oct 2015
In the present study the self-ignition of high-pressure hydrogen released in atmospheric air through a diaphragm is visualized under various test conditions. The experimental results indicate that the hydrogen that jets through the rupturing diaphragm is mixed with the heated air near the tube wall. The self-ignition event originated from this mixing. The self-ignition was strongly dependent on the strength of an incident shock wave generated at the diaphragm rupture. As a result a cylindrical flame that formed after the self-ignition shows a tendency to become longer as it propagates in the downstream direction. The head velocities of the hydrogen-air mixture and the cylindrical flame are consistent with that of a contact surface calculated from the measured shock speed. A modified self-ignition mechanism is proposed based on the experimental observations.
Experimental Determination of Critical Conditions for Hydrogen-air Detonation Propagation in Partially Confined Geometry
Oct 2015
An experimental investigation was performed to determine critical semi-open channel height (h*) and two-sided open channel width (w*) in which hydrogen-air detonation may propagate. Three types of gaseous mixture composition were used: 25% 29.6% and 40% of hydrogen in air. Experimental setup was based on rectangular (0.11 × 0.11 × 2 m) test channel equipped with acceleration section (0.11 × 0.11 × 1 m). Different channel heights h in range of 15–40 mm and widths w in range of 30–50 mm were used in the test channel. The critical height h* and width w* were defined for each investigated configuration. To determine representative detonation cell sizes λ and to calculate their relationship to h* and w* the sooted plate technique was used. The results showed that detonation in stoichiometric H2-air mixture may propagate in semi-open channel only when the channel height is very close to or higher than approximately 3λ. For less reactive mixtures critical relation h*/λ reaches 3.1 or 3.6 for mixtures with 25% and 40% of hydrogen in air respectively. For two-sided open channel similar relations w*/λ were close to 4.9 and 5.5 for 29.6%H2 and 40%H2 in air respectively.
On The Kinetics of Alh3 Decomposition and the Subsequent Al Oxidation
Sep 2011
Metal hydrides are used for hydrogen storage. AlH3 shows a capacity to store about 10 wt% hydrogen. Its hydrogen is split-off in the temperature interval of 400–500 K. On dehydrogenation a nano-structured Al material emerges with specific surfaces up to 15–20 m2/g. The surface areas depend on the heating rate because of a temperature dependent crystallite growth. The resulting Al oxidizes up to 20–25% weight on air access forming an alumina passivation layer of 3–4 nm thickness on all exposed surfaces. The heat released from this Al oxidation induces a high risk to this type of hydrogen storage if the containment might be destroyed accidentally. The kinetics of the dehydrogenation and the subsequent oxidation is investigated by methods of thermal analysis. A reaction scheme is confirmed which consists of a starting Avrami-Erofeev mechanism followed by formal 1st order oxidation on unlimited air access. The kinetic parameters activation energies and pre-exponentials are evaluated and can be used to calculate the reaction progress. Together with the heat of the Al oxidation the overall heat release and the related rate can be estimated.
Modelling and Simulation of High-pressure Hydrogen Jets Using H2FC European Cyber-laboratory
Oct 2015
The Hydrogen and Fuel Cell (H2FC) European research infrastructure cyber-laboratory is a software suite containing ‘modelling’ and ‘engineering’ tools encompassing a wide range of H2FC processes and systems. One of the core aims of the H2FC Cyber-laboratory has been the creation of a state-of-the-art hydrogen CFD modelling toolbox. This paper describes the implementation and validation of this new CFD modelling toolbox in conjunction with a selection of the available ‘Safety’ engineering tools to analyse a high pressure hydrogen release and dispersion scenario. The experimental work used for this validation was undertaken by Shell and the Health and Safety Laboratory (UK). The overall goal of this work is to provide and make readily available a Cyber-laboratory that will be worth maintaining after the end of the H2FC project for the benefit of both the FCH scientific community and industry. This paper therefore highlights how the H2FC Cyber-laboratory which is offered as an open access platform can be used to replicate and analyse real-world scenarios using both numerical engineering tools and through the implementation of CFD modelling techniques.
Hydrogen Fuel-Cell Forklift Vehicle Releases In Enclosed Spaces
Sep 2011
Sandia National Laboratories has worked with stakeholders and original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) to develop scientific data that can be used to create risk-informed hydrogen codes and standards for the safe operation of indoor hydrogen fuel-cell forklifts. An important issue is the possibility of an accident inside a warehouse or other enclosed space where a release of hydrogen from the high-pressure gaseous storage tank could occur. For such scenarios computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations have been used to model the release and dispersion of gaseous hydrogen from the vehicle and to study the behavior of the ignitable hydrogen cloud inside the warehouse or enclosure. The overpressure arising as a result of ignition and subsequent deflagration of the hydrogen cloud within the warehouse has been studied for different ignition delay times and ignition locations. Both ventilated and unventilated warehouses have been considered in the analysis. Experiments have been performed in a scaled warehouse test facility and compared with simulations to validate the results of the computational analysis.
Hydrogen Refuelling Stations for Public Transport Quality and Safety in the User-interface
Sep 2007
Hydrogen stations and supply systems for public transport have been demonstrated in a number of European cities during the last four years. The first refuelling facility was put into operation in Reykjavik in April 2003. Experience from the four years of operation shows that safety related incidents are more frequent in the user interface than in the other parts of the hydrogen refuelling station (HRS). This might be expected taking into account the fact that the refuelling is manually operated and that according to industrial statistics human failures normally stand for more than 80% of all safety related incidents. On the other hand the HRS experience needs special attention since the refuelling at the existing stations is carried out by well trained personnel and that procedures and systems are followed closely. So far the quality and safety approach to hydrogen refuelling stations has been based on industrial experience. This paper addresses the challenge related to the development of safe robust and easy to operate refuelling systems. Such systems require well adapted components and system solutions as well as user procedures. The challenge to adapt the industrial based quality and safety philosophy and methodologies to new hydrogen applications and customers in the public sector is addressed. Risk based safety management and risk acceptance criteria relevant to users and third party are discussed in this context. Human factors and the use of incident reporting as a tool for continuous improvement are also addressed. The paper is based on internal development programmes for hydrogen refuelling stations in Hydro and on participation in international EU and IPHE projects such as CUTE HyFLEET:CUTE HySafe and HyApproval.
Safe Operation of Combined Cycle Gas Turbine and Gas Engine Systems Using Hydrogen Rich Fuels
Oct 2015
This paper describes work performed by a consortium led by the UK Health and Safety Laboratory(HSL)to identify the safe operating conditions for combined cycle power generating systems running on high hydrogen fuels. The work focuses on hydrogen and high hydrogen syngas and biogas waste-stream fuel mixtures which may prove hazardous in the event of a turbine or engine flame out resulting in a flammable fuel mixture entering the hot exhaust system and igniting. The paper describes the project presenting some initial results from this work including the development of large scale experimental facilities on the550 acre HSL site near Buxton Derbyshire UK. It describes the large scale experimental facility which utilises the exhaust gas from a Rolls-Royce Viper jet-engine (converted to run on butane) feeding into a 12 m long 0.60 m diameter instrumented tube at a pre-combustion velocity of 22 m/s. A variable geometry simulated heat exchanger with a 40 %2blockage ratio is present in the tube. Flammable mixtures injected into the tube close to the Viper outlet together with make-up oxygen are then ignited. Extensive optical ionisation temperature and pressure sensors are employed along the length of the tube to measure the pressures and flame speeds resulting from the combustion event. Some preliminary results from the test programme are discussed including deflagration to detonation transitions at high equivalence ratios.
The Norwegian Government’s Hydrogen Strategy - Towards a Low Emission Society
Jun 2020
On Wednesday 3rd of June 2020 Norwegian Minister for Petroleum and Energy Tina Bru and Minister for Climate and Environment Sveinung Rotevatn presented the Norwegian government's hydrogen strategy.<br/>The strategy sets the course for the government's efforts to stimulate development of hydrogen-related technologies. Hydrogen as an energy carrier can contribute to reduction of greenhouse gases and create value for the Norwegian business sector. The government wishes to prioritise efforts in areas where Norway Norwegian enterprises and technology clusters may influence the development of hydrogen related technologies and where there are opportunites for increased value creation and green growth. For hydrogen to be a low-carbon or emission-free energy carrier it must be produced with no or low emissions such as through water electrolysis with renewable electricity or from natural gas with carbon capture and storage.<br/>Today technology maturity and high costs represent barriers for increased use of hydrogen especially in the transport sector and as feedstock in parts of industry. If hydrogen and hydrogen-based solutions such as ammonia are to be used in new areas both the technology and the solutions must become more mature. In this respect further technology development will be vital.
Low-carbon Energy Transition With the Sun and Forest: Solar-driven Hydrogen Production from Biomass
Nov 2021
There is a need to derive hydrogen from renewable sources and the innovative stewardship of two natural resources namely the Sun and forest could provide a new pathway. This paper provides the first comparative analysis of solar-driven hydrogen production from environmental angles. A novel hydrogen production process proposed in this paper named Solar-Driven Advanced Biomass Indirect-Gasification (SABI-Hydrogen) shows promise toward achieving continuous operation and scalability the two key challenges to meet future energy needs. The calculated Global Warming Potential for 1 kg of solar-driven hydrogen production is 1.04 kg CO2-eq/kg H2 less than half of the current biomass gasification process which emits 2.67 kg CO2-eq/kg H2. Further SABI-Hydrogen demonstrates the least-carbon intensive pathway among all current hydrogen production methods. Thus solar-driven hydrogen production from biomass could lead to a sustainable supply essential for a low-carbon energy transition.
Hydrogen for Renewable Energy Export: Broadening the Concept of Hydrogen Safety
Sep 2019
Recently we have seen hydrogen (re)emerge as an important component of widespread decarbonisation of energy sectors. From an Australian perspective this brings with it an opportunity to store transport and export renewable energy—either as liquefied hydrogen or in a carrier such as ammonia. The growth of the hydrogen industry to now include the power and transport sectors as well as the notion of hydrogen export has broadened the range of safety considerations required and seen them extend into the realm of the consumer for the first time.<br/>Hydrogen as well as ammonia and other carriers such as methanol are existing industrial chemicals which have established protocols for their handling and use in the chemicals sector. As their use in energy and transport increases especially in the context of widespread domestic use their handling and use by inexperienced people in less-controlled environments expands shifting the risk profiles and management systems required. There is also the potential for novel hydrogen carriers such as methylcyclohexane/toluene to reach commercial viability at industrial scale.<br/>This paper will discuss some of these emerging applications of hydrogen and its carriers and discuss some of the technological innovations under development that may accompany a new energy industry— with some consideration given to their potential risks and the required safety considerations. In addition we will also provide an overview of global activity in this area and how new standards and regulations would need to be developed for the adaption of these technologies in an Australian context.
Self-ignition and Flame Propagation of Pressurized Hydrogen Released Through Tubes
Sep 2019
The spontaneous ignition of hydrogen released from the high pressure tank into the downstream pipes with different lengths varied from 0.3m to 2.2m has been investigated experimentally. In this study the development of shock wave was recorded by pressure sensors and photoelectric sensors were used to confirm the presence of a flame in the pipe. In addition the development of jet flame was recorded by high-speed camera and IR camera. The results show that the minimal release pressure in different tube when self-ignition of hydrogen occurred could decrease first and then increase with the increase of the aspect of pipe. And the minimum release pressure of hydrogen self-ignition was 3.87MPa. When the flame of self-ignition hydrogen spouted out of the tube Mach disk was observed. The method of CFD was adopted. The development of shock wave at the tube exit was reproduced and structures as barrel shock the reflected shock and the Mach disk are presented. Because of these special structures the flame at the nozzle is briefly extinguished and re-ignited. At the same time the complete development process of the jet flame was recorded including the formation and separation of the spherical flame. The flame structure exhibits three typical levels before the hemispherical flame separation.
Statistical Analysis of Electrostatic Spark Ignition of Lean H2-O2-Ar Mixtures
Sep 2009
Determining the risk of accidental ignition of flammable mixtures is a topic of tremendous importance in industry and aviation safety. The concept of minimum ignition energy (MIE) has traditionally formed the basis for studying ignition hazards of fuels. In recent years however the viewpoint of ignition as a statistical phenomenon has formed the basis for studying ignition as this approach appears to be more consistent with the inherent variability in engineering test data. We have developed a very low energy capacitive spark ignition system to produce short sparks with fixed lengths of 1 to 2 mm. The ignition system is used to perform spark ignition tests in lean hydrogen oxygen-argon test mixtures over a range of spark energies. The test results are analyzed using statistical tools to obtain probability distributions for ignition versus spark energy demonstrating the statistical nature of ignition. The results also show that small changes in the hydrogen concentration lead to large changes in the ignition energy and dramatically different flame characteristics. A second low-energy spark ignition system is also developed to generate longer sparks with varying lengths up to 10 mm. A second set of ignition tests is performed in one of the test mixtures using a large range of park energies and lengths. The results are analyzed to obtain a probability distribution for ignition versus the spark energy per unit spark length. Preliminary results show that a single threshold MIE value does not exist and that the energy per unit length may be a more appropriate parameter for quantifying the risk of ignition.
Implementation of hydrogen plasma activation of Mg powder in two steps hydrogenation
Oct 2017
Development of technologically and economically feasible solutions for hydrogen storage stimulates progress in hydrogen economy. High gravimetric and volumetric capacities of magnesium hydride makes it promising material capable to accelerate implementation of hydrogen-based technologies in our daily life. However widely discussed limitations of sorption kinetics and thermodynamic properties must be managed in MgH2. This work investigates two steps hydrogenation when process of hydrogen absorption is followed after hydrogen plasma activation. Such technique initiates creation of new channels for enhanced hydrogen sorption. Moreover synthesis of negligible amount of hydride acts as positive factor for further hydrogenation.
From Research Results to Published Codes And Standards - Establishing Code Requirements For NFPA 55 Bulk Hydrogen Systems Separation Distances
Sep 2009
Performing research in the interest of providing relevant safety requirements is a valuable and essential endeavor but translating research results into enforceable requirements adopted into codes and standards a process sometimes referred to as codification can be a separate and challenging task. This paper discusses the process utilized to successfully translate research results related to bulk gaseous hydrogen storage separation (or stand-off) distances into code requirements in NFPA 55:Storage Use and Handling of Compressed Gases and Cryogenic Fluids in Portable and StationaryContainers Cylinders and Tanks and NFPA 2: Hydrogen Technologies. The process utilized can besummarized as follows: First the technical committees for the documents to be revised were engaged to confirm that the codification process was endorsed by the committee. Then a sub-committee referred to as a task group was formed. A chair must be elected or appointed. The chair should be a generalist with code enforcement or application experience. The task group was populated with several voting members of each technical committee. By having voting members as part of the task group the group becomes empowered and uniquely different from any other code proposal generating body. The task group was also populated with technical experts as needed but primarily the experts needed are the researchers involved. Once properly populated and empowered the task group must actively engage its members. The researchers must educate the code makers on the methods and limitations of their work and the code makers must take the research results and fill the gaps as needed to build consensus and create enforceable code language and generate a code change proposal that will be accepted. While this process seems simple there are pitfalls along the way that can impede or nullify the desired end result – changes to codes and standards. A few of these pitfalls include: wrong task group membership task group not empowered task group not supported in-person meetings not possible consensus not achieved. This paper focuses on the process used and how pitfalls can be avoided for future efforts.
Numerical Investigation of a Vertical Surface on the Flammable Extent of Hydrogen and Methane Vertical Jets
Sep 2011
The effect of vertical surface on the extent of high pressure unignited jets of both hydrogen and methane is studied using computer fluid dynamics simulations performed with FLACS Hydrogen. Results for constant flow rate through a 6.35 mm round leak orifice from 100 barg 250 barg 400 barg 550 barg and 700 barg compressed gas systems are presented for vertical jets. To quantify the effect of the surface on the jet the jet exit is positioned at various distances from the surface ranging from 0.029 m to 12 m. Free jets simulations are performed for comparison purposes.
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