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Green Hydrogen Potential Assessment in Ghana: Application of PEM Electrolysis Process and Geospatial-multi-criteria Approach


With green hydrogen gaining traction as a viable sustainable energyoption, the present study explores the potential of producing greenhydrogen from wind and solar energy in Ghana. The study combinedthe use of geospatial multi-criteria approach and PEM electrolysisprocess to estimate the geographical and technical potential of theselected two renewable resources. The study also included anassessment of potential areas for grid integration. Technologyspecifications of a monocrystalline solar PV module and 1 MW windturbine module were applied. Results of the assessment show thatabout 85% of the total land area in the country is available for greenhydrogen projects. Technically, capacities of ∼14,196.21 Mt of greenhydrogen using solar and ∼10,123.36 Mt/year from wind energy can beproduced annually in the country. It was also observed that someregions, especially regions in the northern part of the country eventhough showed the most favourable locations for solar-based greenhydrogen projects with technical potential of over 1500 Mt/year, theseregions may not qualify for a grid connected system based on thecurrent electrification policy of the country due to the regions’ lowpopulation density and distance from the power grid network threshold.

Funding source: The authors acknowledge financial support by Land Schleswig-Holstein within the funding programme OpenAccess-Publikationsfonds.Figure 11. Potential for utility-scale wind-based green hydrogen.1222 M. ASARE-ADDO
Related subjects: Production & Supply Chain
Countries: Germany

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