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High-Entropy Alloys: Innovative Materials with Unique Properties for Hydrogen Storage and Technologies for Their Production


This paper presents a review of a number of works devoted to the studies of high-entropy alloys (HEAs). As is known, HEAs represent a new class of materials that have attracted the attention of scientists due to their unique properties and prospects of application in hydrogen power engineering. The peculiarity of HEAs is their high entropy of mixing, which provides phase stability and flexibility in developing materials with given characteristics. The main focus of this paper is on the application of HEAs for solid-state hydrogen storage, their physicochemical and mechanical properties, and synthesis technologies. Recent advances in the hydrogen absorption properties of HEAs are analyzed, including their ability to efficiently absorb and desorb hydrogen at moderate temperatures and pressures. Prospects for their use in the development of environmentally safe and efficient hydrogen storage systems are considered. The work also includes a review of synthesis methods aimed at optimizing the properties of HEAs for hydrogen energy applications.

Funding source: This research is funded by the Science Committee of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Grant No.BR24992854).
Countries: Kazakhstan

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