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Recent Progress on Rational Design of Catalysts for Fermentative Hydrogen Production


The increasingly severe energy crisis has strengthened the determination todevelop environmentally friendly energy. And hydrogen has emerged as a candi-date for clean energy. Among many hydrogen generation methods, biohydrogenstands out due to its environmental sustainability, simple operating environ-ment, and cost advantages. This review focuses on the rational design of catalystsfor fermentative hydrogen production. The principles of microbial dark fermen-tation and photo-fermentation are elucidated exhaustively. Various strategiesto increase the efficiency of fermentative hydrogen production are summa-rized, and some recent representative works from microbial dark fermentationand photo-fermentation are described. Meanwhile, perspectives and discussionson the rational design of catalysts for fermentative hydrogen production areprovided.

Funding source: W. Z. would like to acknowledge the support from NationalNatural Science Foundation of China (grant number:22176086), Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province(grant number: BK20210189), State Key laboratory ofPollution Control and Resource Reuse (grant number:PCRR-ZZ-202106), the Fundamental Research Funds forthe Central Universities (grant number: 021114380183 and021114380189), the Research Funds from Frontiers ScienceCenter for Critical Earth Material Cycling of Nanjing Uni-versity, and Research Funds for Jiangsu DistinguishedProfessor. Y. L. would like to acknowledge the start-up fundfrom Washington State University.
Related subjects: Production & Supply Chain

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